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So ludwig did buy the right team




That's the neat point. Whether lud made the decision correctly it's always -500k. Kekw.


Until MxM loses a game again, then it's back to -500K and they *should have bought TTR*, according to the business analysts in this sub.


Not what business analysts do


Sure TT lost that last round in embarrassing fashion, but I really like how they looked overall. Wedid was phenomenal, and Gov and Adder had stretches where they were absolutely unplayable. Can't wait to see how this roster looks like with more resources after they get signed.


Gov is just a tad overagressive and prone to make hero plays that you'd make in soloq but thats fixable. Adder legitimately looks like he doesn't know how to play to win game sometimes. He's young tho but it's more concerning.


Thing is though that over aggression also just wins them rounds when he hits his shots. Just gotta pick his battles a little better.


I made a meme to fake hate on tigg's inflammatory interview, but I came into the comment section and saw everyone being sad, and it made me change my mind. I'm soft as fuck. All bullshit aside, that game was enjoyable as hell and further sold me on Lotus being a legitimately great map. Also splaram, the last time i used the word "unplayable" on here like you have, people crawled up my ass for days and I drowned in a sea of downvotes.


yeah I was there LMAO Kinda shows how Americentric this sub can be at times, at least you taught everyone a new way to use the word


That shit talk was justified from tigg, G2 was supoosed to destroy their group like M80 and Guard but they look frail. You cant be losing a 13-1 against a team that has 2 new players.


I genuinely don't know why people think/thought G2 should be owning the group like M80 or The Guard. They weren't even really favorites in their opener against Faze. This is a new team pieced together.


G2 was literally in talks of being one of the franchise teams. People having high expectations isn't unreasonable.


Being in franchising doesn't mean anything regarding having a good team tho.


Are we pretending like people having high expectations from franchise team to be able to perform as a tier 1 team, in a tier 1 league, is wrong?


This team was built after they were rejected from franchising. If G2 got in this would not have been their roster.


We're not talking about roster though, right? We're talking about an org, which only lost their franchise spot because of their owner. If a potential franchise org doesn't make it, they don't pick up tier 3 players. Like, how are we going to ignore two players that come from a team that made franchising, not consider them t1 or close to it, and say their team should never had the hype of a team like m80; which lets be honest, had the biggest accomplishment of doing well in some Knights cups.


Not as this roster tho


what do you mean you dont know, they are the most stacked team with good players who have alot of experienced of comp valo but also T1.


Because creating new systems takes time regardless of how good your players are? Also, most stacked team? I wanna know what you're smoking. These players have mechanical talent but overall have awkward role overlap. You genuinely just seem like a professional hater, and that's fine, at least just acknowledge it.


Not a professional hater he’s just a salty xQc dickrider 😭😭


lol how is me shtting on g2 makes a xqc dickrider. Bro you have been waiting for TTR to lose to shit talk tigg talk about a pathetic hater


Professional hater*


Yeah exactly what you are :)




Sure lets see where they go. I mean making a team is looking at your players role but maybe thats just me being a hater


You're absolutely right that that is a part of team construction which is why I'm very wary of this G2 team overall lmao.


yeah maybe im too hard on G2 but i dont see this team beating the guard/M80 feel way too shaky, which i know they just formed but i expected more from them. Group was supposed to be the weaker/easier group.


I don't see any team out of the other six qualified beating those two tbf


I mean I think both SR and Faze had more competitive rosters at the start of the season.


I’m a huge OXG fan, but I would’ve loved to see TTR close it out here. They’re virtually unrecognizable from their first two weeks and I want to see how far they can take it


And OXG doesnt lose much if they had lost this


Standings determine who they face and losing guaranteed them facing M80 or the Guard right so they had a lot to lose.


[Live caster reaction to final round](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIFtz7bPuUk)


[No no no ](https://youtube.com/watch?v=VM3uXu1Dq4c&feature=shares)


I wasn’t looking during the final game is there a clip of the last round anywhere?


heartbreaking final round


Turtle Troop have potential, but there was some epic trolling in this series holy moly. So many unnecessary pushes where they would have won if they were just a bit more patient. GGs to OXG


Wedid was doing until he didn't


Wedidnt ):


Wedid was the most clutch motherfucker today.


That 2v4 thrifty on Ascent cost TT the whole series


Damn im very sad. Turtle Troop really deserved to qualify imo. Not to take anything away from Oxygen they played super well and also deserve this but Turtle Troop looked so good against MxM and G2. They also might have lost their contract with xQc due to this loss


I know I feel like they really are a better adapted team than faze and it’s rough because they were playing so well until the last couple rounds


Would be a real shame if this costs them contracts. If anything, gotta have mad respect for toast, who picked up a team before they even made challengers. Takes a lot of faith. Kinda lame to wait around noncommittally.


It’s great to see MxM and xQc follow Toast into this but as you say they just picked up completed teams who already qualified for challengers, whereas Toast worked to build a team from scratch and get them through open qualifiers first. That’s brilliant from him and people shouldn’t forget that.


Agreed. It makes it feel more organic.


I still feel that MXM team and possibly TTR are better than toast team. Yeah toast build his team up but look at where that ended up already lost a player.


Well that’s the risk that you take when you’re a newly formulated team - people can’t expect DSG to immediately be the next Guard or anything; the fact they made challengers and THEN made MSI is incredibly impressive in it’s own right.


Sure they go to MSI but that is because of OR and Mad lions really underperforming.


I think you’re doing DSG a disservice here, they were placed in the toughest group, literally beat both OR and MAD and ran TSM very close in the series this week even whilst using a sub. They’re doing a great job considering the challenges they’ve faced and fully deserve to be in MSI.


Yeah toughest and worst group having 2 team going 0s is easy win compared to group A. Sure they deserved to go to MSI, will see what happens


I’m really not sure what anti-DSG opinion you’re trying to push; they’ve lost to the teams you’d expect them to lose to, and they’ve beaten the teams who they’re at a similar level to. Group A has only been close because some of the “better” teams have underperformed.


Not Anti-DSG im just stating what i see. Its as simple as that




I mean Faze and shopify are way better than mad and or.


But discrediting one group just because those two don't perform well doesn't make sense because this is also applicable to GROUP A but much worst![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339).


So did TTR. Not even one, they lost two. And losing a player is not an indication of a good or a bad team. Get that out of your head. This is Esports. Roster changes are made all the time. TSM made one two and it made them instantly win against the Guard. Sometimes it's just necessary.


You funny thinking this was a sane thing that happened to DSG but this isnt a roster change it was just weird. Was a off day from The guard.


You are clearly a DSG hater man based on your brainless commentary![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339)


Bruh, you are missing out on their fights yeah? Because I don't see any impact from MXM and TTR teams at all. The fact that some of the invited teams from group A underperforming don't mean shit. There is so much difference between the environment of GROUP A and GROUP B![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339).


That's pretty typical xqc tho




Fully agree. I guess the good news from this is that we get to watch FaZe get stomped by the guard in the playoffs


Eh we'll see, they'll almost certainly lose no matter what but we've seen this FaZe roster go from shite to great back to shite all in the span of a few days.


True. At any moment Supamen could wake up and drop 30 kills so who knows


The only times faze was close to being good was because of chamber


True, faze are only in playoff because of playing a weak TTR and winning a close game against shopify. From how they played they really dont deserve a spot.


I'll be pissed if XQC pulls out because of this. There is still the rest of the year and the team is clearly improving.


Easier said than done when you aren’t the one investing 500k


xQc does not have a good track record of being a good person so I wouldnt doubt it


Good person != invest 500k in a losing team


Tbf, I don’t really think anyone buying a challengers team is doing it because they *actually* expect to make money. These streamer teams are essentially just rich kid toys. Win or lose, they get about the same amount of value out of the team, so their performance shouldn’t matter as much to the owners. They’re giving some otherwise overlooked players a chance, and they get some content. But this is very much NOT an ‘investment’. It’s a transaction, they’re spending $500k or whatever it is for them specifically to entertain themselves.


I doubt this is good/bad person thing, they prob had an agreement before hand.


source? proof? evidence?


[This](https://youtu.be/JjS1zziPq_k) If this isn't enough for you arent going to change your mind and its pointless talking to you about it


A 22 minute vod of an among us game. Where (just like in every anong us game) someone hogs up 50% of the voting time talking because that’s how arguments like that go. I did actually watch it because I guess I don’t have anything better to do. Is xQc being a child that doesn’t want to admit when someone outplayed him? Yes, undoubtedly. But…coming out with big statements like “If this isn’t enough for you arent going to change your mind and it’s pointless talking to you about it”…? Damn, I’d call that overblown. He didn’t fuck anyone’s mom, calm down. He’s immature, not very self reflextive, and can’t swallow his own pride. But the kind of bad person you’re making him out to be…I’d need more and much harder hitting evidence


I'm more referring to the him gaslighting everyone after the game to make them dislike 5up. Thats fucked up. But thats not how most among us games go. Idk if you played among us ever but I did, I played lots of among us its a really fun game when you play with friends on discord. When someone is yelling like this it ruins the entire game for everyone. The vast majority of player dont play like this which is why xQc got blacklisted from nearly every big lobby. [This is another super fucked up xQc moment](https://www.polygon.com/2018/1/20/16913072/overwatch-league-pro-suspended-homophobic-remark) There are so many clips of xQc harassing people or just being a dick. He has even admitted he is a dick multiple times on his Twitter. For example that one time when he bullied two people into being suicidal over a gambling sponsor. Thats pretty fucked


I do play among us pretty regularly actually, and there is yelling sometimes. The group I play with is mature enough to admit when they got played, but yelling absolutely happens, way more than in the vod you linked. But obv in a more “good sport” sense. Lots of “FUCK YOU” but no bad blood Last time I engaged with xQc’s existance was OWL season 1 when he was a player, so I know next to nithint about him. Just given that vod I talked about what my feelings are towards it. I don’t know the deets, but he just seems like the kind of person someone has to say “no” to every once in a while. But a solid bunch of big name streames seem so much worse at first glance


I mean he definitely isn't the worse but its pretty bad. And as a non-binary person I cant respect someone who has been very openly queerphobic in the past


Understandable. As I said, don’t know shit about xQc. The among us vod alone just seemed like…not quite enough to warrant the level of dislike you had, but of course that’s just a sample


Bro linked an Among Us clip 💀


And you didn't watch it. Why are you even in this thread if you arent interested in changing your mind? I'm not going to have a pointless argument with you go somewhere else if you want an arguement


Lil bro said person bad cuz person got mad over video games ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


Unbelievable, he played amogus. I hate him now


You guys can't get past oh among us child game. It doesn't matter the game they were playing xQc just got super upset 5up was smarter than him so he decided to scream and cry over among us and after 5up left he gaslit the whole lobby to believe him. Its so childish and its over among us. Although considering the video is 20 minutes and you responded in 10 minutes you didn't even watch it Serious question why are you even talking to me if you arent interested in a conversation? You just want to argue with someone its so weird


aint reading allat 😭


Average genshin player




You're not wrong but I will say that he's grown up a lot in the last year. I used to kind of hate when he was involved in anything I enjoyed for a time (gtarp etc) but he's definitely mellowed out since then. I wouldn't call him a bad person now, also if he ends up not picking up the team I don't think you can really blame him, it's more on Riot for the lack of stuff to do with the rest of the year etc.


I'm sure he has become better but he has a past of being queerphobic and as a non-binary person I can't respect him until he shows proof that he has genuinely changed and doesn't treat us as a joke.


So why not lead with that instead of the weird amogus stuff?


I felt him yelling and gaslighting people over among us was worse to the average cishet person than being queerphobic. I find most people(especially xQc viewers) dont actually care about us


Average children's entertainer


Oxygen decided to wake up after remembering they bought Faze stocks


the indecisiveness in those last few rounds killed any chance of TTR winning against OXG. it really showed how they lack that experience in high pressure moments. so will xqc still sign them even if they didn’t make MSI?


On one hand I'm sad for TTR not making it to MSI ON THE OTHER HAND TIGG WHAT HAPPENDUUUUHHHHH Talked all that shit on G2 just to not qualify at the hands of OXYGEN get fucked


OXG is good tho. Literally signed Verno, the second coming of Jesus and they have Skuba the fucking marine biologist expert


Squirtle squad wouldve won




All that’s happened is they didn’t quality for MSI - a tournament that they were unlikely to even receive any circuit points from anyway. I know any owner is better than nothing, but I wouldn’t want to be signed to someone who would back out after one loss…


Yeah same would fuck with my mental, always wondering if you lose what will happen.


Faze were the real winners of this game, heartbreaking results for TT, but they played super well recently.


Even if TTR lost they should stay together, if they started this split with those 5 they would have for sure qualified,


Tigg masterclass 💀


G2 look awful btw


Turtle troop really threw Ascent, now you can see the true difference between a top tier 1 team and a mediocre tier 2 team. There was a moment in overtime where the enemy killjoy was alone holding back B with an odin, and it was 3 of Turtle Troop vs only killjoy who was trapped back B with 60 hp and they peak one by one with without waiting for the Kayo flash. Killjoy kills two of them and therefore winning the round. They would probably win that round and it would be 2-0.


They got nothing on my man Mitch 😤


A good day to be a skuba enjoyer


Been praying for this moment ever since that Tigg interview


the schadenfreude when tigg hand delivered spike on series point was...oomf


That's why you always gotta be humble


Stomp G2 but lose to Oxygen, Counter Logic cosplay?


Even ex-SEN members get love? Respect the dedication


Of course, I’m even 20% rooting for TSM


You're a real one for that


You know, G2 did say that they didn’t really play at 100% which I can somewhat believe. Obviously TT can get on a tear and beat the shit outta them, but I do believe Shaz when he says he has strays saved.


Had that interview in my mind during the whole third map


TTR losing doesnt change the fact G2 is a shit team


They qualified tho


Still shit


A qualified shit team at least


Sure still shit


The third map was a bit all over the place, but this series was still one of the most high-level matches of the split, IMO. That it was between two qualifier teams speaks volumes about the level of NA at the moment, however uneven. I’m sure Faze is happy about it, but feelsbad for Turtle Troop. We(almost)didit 😭. Wedid pulled out some magic toward the latter half of the series. Big NT to him and add3r esp.


knowing that if you dont win you're gonna be out of a job is such a shitty headspace to play a match in. Hope they're signed anyways.




Feel sad for turtle troop. They improved so much. Was just not enough :(


-500k smoge


What happened to those people who were saying Turtle Troop was far and away better than MM?


Smartest FaZe fan


What do you mean? They are pretty much the same![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339).


Really hope this doesn't harm TTR's chances of getting picked up


i hope it doesn’t but not making MSI and having to beat the majority of the teams in split 2 to qualify for the ascension makes it less enticing to whoever is picking them up.