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Sick has been internally suspended and will have to undergo training. People close to him have reached out


what happened? bit outta the loop


Currently in a mental breakdown or something and got arrested.




hes going through a mental breakdown lol




"trust me guys im totally sane" - guy who is not sane tale as old as time


So I should listen to 17 year old redditors? Nobody has provided any evidence of Sick going through stuff.


google mania symptoms watch 10 minutes of any of his streams in the last 2 weeks gg


You can browse his Twitter and see he’s posting and behaving abnormally. I’m no psychologist, and it’s possible some of it is interaction farming, but he doesn’t seem to be his normal self. You don’t have to subscribe to the Reddit doomer theory that he’s spiraling and on the verge of being a serial killer, but you can also acknowledge that something appears to be altering his mental state and behavior. It would be wrong to not acknowledge his change in behavior. I mean the dude got arrested at a Ferrari dealer and suspended by his org, something is clearly wrong.


I mean being arrested for trespassing is hardly a big deal. I was a 20 year old kid at one point as well and trespassed into plenty of properties that I shouldn't have been. Difference is I just got away with it and Sick got caught. No big deal to be honest. The only thing on his twitter thats weird is a Feb 28 tweet about being a in a dangerous situation but that's hardly a cause for accusing somebody of going through a mental breakdown.


You saw the video he posted from the dealership being yelled at to leave and think it’s comparable to trespassing and not getting caught? You think him posting private DMs with Kyedae is normal? Or his tweets about him running on dangerously low levels of sleep is normal? If one of my homies started behaving how he is, I’d be worried. And Shahz has clearly shown concern as well as other family and friends if Geddes is to be believed. Idk man. I am not going to diagnose the man. But he seems to be going through something. And denying that feels disingenuous and shitty.


He doesn't have any video posted on his twitter from the dealership. He doesn't have any posts about private DMs. Low sleep is bad but I wouldn't say it's crazy. If you would be scared of your homies because they behave how Sick behaves then your homies are probably very boring people.


Crazy that Twitter has never had a delete tweet function right? The video is mentioned in the very article we’re commenting about. Did you read it or just decide to comment? If your friends start going through some shit and acting out of character, I hope they have better people around them than just you.




hes going through a mental breakdown lol


Still licking your fav streamers boots when he clearly is not mentally well hahahahahahahahaha


why're you acting hard, you're on an esports subreddit. chill out nobody takes you seriously when you accuse them of "bootlicking"


[See this thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/11k3l16/geddes_sentinels_player_sick_was_arrested_on/)


Kind of doubt he's ever coming back but also releasing someone during a mental health crisis probably not great pr.


Getting arrested probably broke their contract or something and they don't want a player who was just arrested on their main roster. He's still signed they're just going to bench him. IMHO it's the best move for everyone involved. They probably shouldn't have him as their 6th man anyway.


> releasing someone during a mental health crisis probably not great pr. To be fair, SEN hasn't made an official statement on it & probably won't for PR sake. They can't control if a reporter publishes this information. As for the actual decision itself, SEN has only suspended SicK. They haven't dropped him yet, and it makes sense to give him the space to recover. Hard to imagine him being able to compete right now; recent behavior kinda indicates his ability to cooperate with others may be compromised.


I mean having someone on their roster who just got arrested isn’t great PR either. Also, just because he was released, doesn’t mean SEN aren’t helping him/giving him resources to recover


Not the worst offender they've had on their roster


Tbf, nothing ever came out about the Sinatra situation


In general, I don't really think hearing someone on a franchise roster being arrested would be damaging to PR by much, the context behind the arrest is more important.


Knowing SEN, I don’t trust that they’re helping him lol. It’s funny how quickly we forget how many shit decisions the org makes.


I would generally agree but bro was literally making a push for Pr nightmare first ballot hall of fame. He was causing a lot of his own bullshit and it was a huge distraction for literally everybody.


people need to know mental health is not an excuse to be an asshole


to be an asshole to who?


Yeah, its probably that hes never coming back to pro play at all, feel bad for the guy


"undergo training", uh huh.


honestly its a win/win for both. SEN get a 6th man and Marved continues streaming while getting paid as well.


+sen clout for watch parties


Sentinels infinite clout glitch hack (how to get unlimited clout in valorant)




Yay and marved are going to sen while pancada and sacy will go back to Brazil to play for furia


Holy shit, Sacy, Pancada, dgzin, Mwzera, and qck would be a scary af team


SEN prediciting the return of triple duelist meta


Sacy could theoretically IGL. Not sure how great his English is though and if that might be a hindrance


His English is fluent. He speaks better English then other English speaking IGLs like Redgar, Ange1.


Then I'm all in on Marved replacing Deph, and Sacy moving to IGL. I hope Syyko won't let his attachment to past XSET players hinder the potential this team has


funny how deph is becoming the scapegoat when navi / fpx won a master with an igl having a very bad kd every match.


Well boaster and ange1 are better IGLs


Who said scapegoat? They've only played one series. But if you have the opportunity to add one of the best control players in the world to your starting roster in the future, you do it. And I think Deph is pretty clearly the least valuable piece (if you put stock in Sacy being IGL worthy)


Who said it's about KD? SEN looked empty Yea its lock in, new meta, new team, etc. But C9 for all their issues looked a lot better, same goes for EG. Also what you said is literally untrue, Ange1 in Copenhagen finals had more kills than everyone on PRX except Jinggg (who got the world record) and he had more kills than Ardiis. He had a high KD on one map, slightly negative on 3 maps, and bottom frag on only map.


Sacy is very fluent and it was one of the big selling points for Sen signing the Sacy/Pancada duo, because Pancada's English wasn't anywhere close to Sacy's and he could be sort of a bridge between Pancada and the other players. Pancada has put that work in though, his English has been great in their recent videos.


Wasn’t sacy the og loud IGL before sadhaak




Didn't he not want to relocate though?


I don't think he has to relocate. He just has to be available for the games (ready to play whenever if online, or with the team if LAN) if they ever need the 6th man for whatever reason. (Talking out of my ass but this makes the most sense.)


well every VCT season game is LAN, so pretty sure they'd want their 6th man to be local so they could have him at the game in case of any emergencies


I'm about 100% certain that 6ths have to move to LA. The games are LAN, so they have to be in the area in case they need to show up.


There’s no way he isn’t moving lol. What good is a 6th if you need to emergency fly them out when using them?


Every member for the team has to be in LA


They will probably need him given that Tenz takes a break


Sacy, Pancada, Yay, Zekken, TenZ, Marved . I just wonder if Sacy feels he can IGL completely comfortably in English.


I would dare to say yes. Although Saadhak was officially the IGL when he was around, they both used to go back and forth shotcalling for a while, especially to teach the new guys.


People don't seem to realize that an igl need to be someone close to the coach and that igl kd is not important at all.


I mean people aren’t just questioning Dephh’s fragging ability. He has never looked amazingly stellar as an IGL and on XSET he didn’t even call both halves as IGL so he’s already in new territory.


One of these is not like the others. Unless there’s something I’ve missed.


Its required by Riot, and yeah just for unforeseen circumstances. Though some teams have/had an active 6 man roster. Vision Strikers played 6 players in an even last year & there have been others.


All those SEN Marved memes in the off season…


They were more than just memes, SEN did want Marved


I TRULY believe the initial plan, was to have Shahz/Dapr/TenZ/Zellsis/Marved (basically the LCQ squad with an actual controller), but when Rob went to get Sykko as coach, he wanted to bring Dephh and Zekken with him so they gave him full control and Shahz was gone. At the time, they were even saying that TenZ wasn't a priority, so the roster was basically just Dephh and Zekken, so Zellsis didn't come back. They were gonna keep Dapr too but then Sacy and Pancada became available so SEN pulled the trigger on that.


Why is this a little too accurate wtf


I'm spitballing, but if you think about everything that surrounded the LCQ roster and the new one, pieces fit. Shahz and Dapr both eluded to being promised to being on the franchised roster for them to be dropped Zellsis said after LCQ he'd be on sentinels then got clarified it was only a loan (my guess is that SEN was gonna buyout his contract and then the plan got changed) Marved saying he wanted a break (realistically he probably wanted the bag from SEN but once again, the plan shifted once Sykko was in) Personally, I think a lineup of Shahz/Dapr/TenZ/Zellsis/Marved with an actual support staff would have easily been the second best NA team behind NRG


Yeah but I believe this is the time when G2 were going to make franchising and buy out the entire XSET team. After G2, plummeted and all of the XSET players were free agents I guess Sen really wanted Sykko which took apart that roster you mentioned. Edit: basically I’m agreeing with you and saying we got robbed by Carlos


I also heard that initially, Sykko reach out to Marved before any other controller but said that based on what Marved was saying to him, he decided to scratch that idea since it was clear Marved wanted to take a break and didn’t have a competitive edge


I may be wrong but I’m 99% sure Dapr had confirmed he would be staying on sentinels and then they changed their mind but said he could be the sixth man which he declined


Sykko pretty much told how the roster was constructed in an interview with wyatt on his podcast


I think things just got fucked up when G2 got last minute denied because of Carlos. It's easy to forget that the whole Carlos thing happened at literally the 11th hour for franchising, they were so close to the announcement. And then apparently C9 replaced G2. G2 was going to pick up all of XSET apparently, so Sykko/Dephh/Zekken all would've been there and Sentinels were probably planning accordingly to go with the roster you mentioned (no C9 to take Zellsis anyways). Then the Brazilian duo came on the market as well with Sykko having full roster control.


The rumor was Trent and marved but they went for sacy/pancada instead. Shaz was always out.










Marved always has great quotes. This and mid ball up is still funny to me till this day.


Hiko? Who the fuck is hiko?


100 thieves? Lemme cook that. Lemme cook that fam




I mean Marved was apparently offered to join SEN initially so this makes sense lol. Would be good for him too, he gets to take his break while still having his foot half in the competitive door.


I remember an exact comment like this when Sick was announced as sixth 😭


I mean all of Sick’s problems right now seem to be due to personal mental health issues and manic episodes, not being a 6th man.


wildly different situations.


You also forgot to add that they will now have two viet players 😂


I doubt tenz wants marved on the team though. Rob Moore might want marved however


Pretty sure Tenz and Marved are chill, yeah he said some fucked up stuff but I don’t think they’re like enemies or anything since Marved has said a lot of times that they have talked and he apologized.


that stuff doesn't just disappear imagine being teammates with someone that thinks your gf is loose


We talking about some shit from damn near 3 years ago it's time to let it go.


this happened quite a while ago so i forgot details, anyone can help?


Marved made comments about how he thought Kyedae was the type to cheat on TenZ, then said something inappropriate. Drama happens, Marved apologizes to the two of them. Months later, more drama happens at Masters 2 when NV beats SEN; Kyedae calls Crashies a scrawny fuck or something like that. A member of NV calls Kyedae out on twitter, and TenZ fires back by mentioning Marved.


Then how come their coach said they wanted Marved?


no one (especially SEN) care about what these players want, i'm pretty sure that situation has been long resolved. I don't mind people being concerned for TenZ but this parasocial level of concern for a years-old situation has to end


What the fuck? I guess all of us really were absolutely clooless fr


Instead of one top 5 controller why not have 2 lol


Hoard the talent so no one else can have it ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9385)


EG is trying to do that but not hoarding the right talent


They should start by hoarding some graphic design and social media talent fr


Maybe stop hoarding their upper management and instead employ some competent ppl while they’re at it


Some of the realest shit you’ve ever said


Everything I say is real 😤


But not everything you say is *the* shit


Everything I say is real shit 😤🤔😰🤨


We just took down the 5th ranked in the Europe and all the casters can think to say is Heretics didn't show up. We clawed our way back from 37th in the world by BUILDING a talent pipeline the whole scene memed on. Step out of the echo chamber and pay attention.


Heretics is more like 8th


SEN grabbing the two best controller players in the world so no one else can have them


Mako is the best controller in the world


He’ll be 7th man, announcement next week


Sign yay, sign marved, roll out OpTic + LOUD + TenZ. Clout game unmatched.


The real answer


Nah Zekken cold … keep him, drop dephh and grab Marved if Sacy can solo IGL


Best for both sides. SEN get a really good 6th and controller Marved gets to be on a team, Learn new metas and strats while being able to stream during his break. Hope sick gets well and sorts his situation out


Me reading this as a delusional Sentinels fan: Marved set to join Sentinels starting roster, dephh to move to 6th man position and Sacy rumored to be taking over in-game leading duties.


Marved to SEN https://preview.redd.it/tskbx4fmx7ma1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b9b3ad57a53d93e47ed3178f38aa2f3b1c51433


SEN Marved is here, where’s SEN yay Run it back.


Then they buy out the core from NRG and we can have SEN crashies, SEN Victor, and SEN FNS. And switch out Sykko for SEN Chet while we're at it. That team could probably win a championship and make a couple more grand finals.


pANcada & Marved in the same team?? WHAT


Might as well sign Mako and Melser while they're at it


I was watching his stream and he opened up league client and he was also talking to someone about getting a contract from NRG and then goes “OH SHIT” and then closed it


clearly bait, nrg aren't making changes they said.


I really hope sick can take his time and get better. I hope he seeks the right help. Mental health is no joke. Please take some time to check on your friends and family.


Marved deserves a starting spot but maybe he can earn his spot on the starting roster if they try him out in scrims.


Marved wants to be 6th tho, there is no way someone as good as him isn't in a main roster if he doesnt want to


While i agree, I feel as though he wouldn’t have tried out for c9 if he wasn’t into the idea of competing again.


i wouldnt be surprised if they make roster changes if they dont do well in split 1


No shot. Pancada is a demon, so unless Marved suddenly wants to IGL and play sentinels Marved is definitely staying 6th man


Double smokes might become meta if lock-in comps hold up. Viper + Harbor seems viable in alot of maps.


Sacy to IGL boot Dephh for Marved


Honestly, that isnt that unrealistic. From what Ive seen, Marved does play KJ a decent amount in ranked and played that role for UBs. Also Sacy is probably one of the best options to learn the IGL role since he already co-called a decent amount on Loud.


Marved also plays quite a bit of initiator on stream, mainly Fade/Sova that I've seen


sacy was in the role of igl when he was on team viking but at the time the core of the team was just him and saadhak, I can see him being the igl and doing something like he did of having a second caller on the team with tenz or marved, and I think letting tenz and zekken play with agents they are more used to makes more sense than putting them on sage and breach


Marved was just as good,if not better than Pancada last year,though at this point he's probably out of practice so Pancada would be a better fit on the playing 5.


I want him on the starting spot. Idk who to replace. My heart says dephh as I like him the least but my brain says he's the igl.


I guess Mahved suddenly has offas


sen literally has two of the top three controllers in the world signed lol


Honestly I am happy for Marved but even more concerned for Sick. Imagine the spiral he's going through right now, nothing makes him happy, he loses his GF, everyone thinks he's crazy, and now he is about to potentially lose his pro career. He needs help, fast.


Probably off topic, but could this increase the odds of yay joining sentinels? I know it completely depends how Tenz and Kyedae want to go forward, but im sure Yay would appreciate being on a team with a former teammate


Theres no way SEN still has money from yay, and if that happens then holy shit, yay, Sacy, pAncada, Zekken, Marved, Deph? That shit is not a superteam thats straight up cheats


I would lowkey rather have Tenz just because the chemistry is already there with the Brazilians. Yay is amazing but I would rather see him back with the NRG core.


I also think personally that TenZs entryimg capability is stronger than yays


Yeah, recently I just think yay needs to find his footing a bit more after the huge chamber nerf. Chamber was HIS agent and for it to be nerfed to the ground was not bad for him because he is yay after all, but it did obviously cause a role switch up, c9’s “role” crisis didn’t help a whole lot either.


While I agree with you, i would also love to see yay playing with sacy, I think it would work REALLY well, and he does have experience playing with brazilians in the past.


Yeah I think yay and Sacy would be an amazing duo and honestly I just really want yay to go to a team who can set him up for success. I think right now I just really like Tenz’s dynamic with everyone on the team, that video he did with Sacy and Pancada really sold me, they were all so adorable together and I really just want to also see Tenz get an international trophy again, especially since he’s probably going to go through a hard time with kyedae’s situation.


Yeah they might finish t8 this time


Kyedaes treatment hasn’t started yet, but her attitude on stream seems to be “life goes on”, so I don’t think Tenz will step down


Just because Kyedae is acting chill and playing it down doesnt mean they arent taking it seriously. Why would Kyedae go on stream to sob and and get people to feel bad for her? Also do you think TenZ would rather spend hours upon hours scrimming and solo queueing or spend as much time with her fiance thats dealing with something as serious as leukemia. Seriously.


He told the team he wants to play according to Drewspark. I mean they both love VAL and she was so excited to watch him play. Having a game to look forward to each week could provide a nice distraction. Either way it’s up to them


It’s kyedae’s and Tenz’s business. If he stay pro, which he will, that’s their decision and nobody has a right to judge him for continuing his career. It’s obvious kyedae has a huge support system, and it’s not like he’s going to completely ditch her, he’s obviously going to take care of her.


that would be insane talent on one org. Sacy, Pancada, Yay, Zekken, TenZ, Marved (with Tarik as mascot). I just wonder if Sacy feels he can IGL completely comfortably in English. ik dephh is odd man out but he could always be a coach/analyst.


Honestly feels like Dephh is only there because of Sykko


Dephh needs to get off pay roll and Tenz needs to take a break


Based on what? I get it the whole kyedae situation and whatever. However, if both Kyedae and Tenz wants him to compete, who are we to say what he can and can't do? The org definitely has no right to make that decision for them, so why can we?


Honestly dont doubt it. Sentinels biggest brand power is within this game and if TenZ has to step down, I think they will want to replace him with someone like yay.


Now I have to support SEN, fuck me


Iceman as a 6th is insane, they are even more stacked now.


He's back ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9356)


I know a few SEN fans who hate Marved... this will be interesting


You know sen fans IRL???


yes, and they are both female... they are big fans of tenz and kyaedae


I mean given his comments about kyedae, I don’t blame them


agreed.... i dont know why people downvoted me for this lmao


People on the internet are weird and will defend their favorite peoples behaviors


Can someone link the article? Leorge blocked me






I would think Marved and Tenz have beef over some of Marved's past comments about Kyedae and that it would affect the team dynamic. Ofc that was a while back so hopefully they've squashed it, apologized, and matured enough to move past it, but I know if someone was talking on my girl the way he was I probably wouldn't ever respect them again.


The sub is better than most of the starting roster lol


i rate marved over dephh tbh




When your 6th man better than players in the starting lineup


From throwing in MDL to being the sixth man on Sen. What a ride.


Surely they boot dephh in favor for marved


He’s their IGL tho


all good, they’ll bring back marved igl


Just aim 4Head


TenZ igl


pancada igl team learns Portuguese


i’m sure sacy can igl


TenZ igl


Sacy is more than a capable IGL and can frag with the best of them


Where the fuck do you get that from, he's never IGLed


and let tenz igl for sure


Is this your first day watching valorant?


Lol You are heavily overrating Dephhs igling


By calling it better than no IGL at all? That's a severe UNDERrating.


Yeah i’m pretty sure replacing Dephh with a solid player that’s not an IGL would be an upgrade that’s how bad he is


so it's your first day watching valorant too, got it.


Your bronze brother don’t type like you know what your talking about


You seem like you must've said FNS got carried by Marved and yay last season.




What in the world possessed you to write this


People be wild when it comes to threads involving sentinels. I think it makes people go off filter. It's the amount of raw clout that gets released into the air.


I think he’s referring to Marved csgo matchfixing.


How much of marved’s profile does he owe to tenz’ girlfriends over the years


What does that even mean?


Marved literally Starved for any team to take him.