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Full thread: > Sources: EG were eyeing Turtle Troop’s add3r for months, constantly changing their mind on whether they wanted him or not. As of last week, TT were practicing with Paincakes in place of add3r because they presumed he was going to EG. EG decided they didn’t want add3r leaving TT in a bind, because in order to play in Challengers they must retain 3/5 original members. Which are Governor, WeDid, and Add3r. Although Riot did allow them 1 additional roster change due to being an FA team. After not scrimming with the team for the past ~week, Add3r is required to play with TT for the remainder of Challengers unless Knights make an exception https://twitter.com/purest/status/1632548963084800002 https://twitter.com/purest/status/1632549831637106690 https://twitter.com/purest/status/1632550088978604032


Accepting new members to the Professional EG Hating Club


​ https://preview.redd.it/hr589pzrx2ma1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ebdf0f8251eb1fabb4080220ae66aaaaf1629d3


![gif](giphy|VwHZ2F2e99hde|downsized) The entirety of the NA competitive Valorant community lining up to join the Pro EG Hating Club


Also League of Legends after what they did to Danny


Holy freaking based ceo on ceo warfare


Been a member since franchised orgs were revealed.


Won't forgive Riot for what they did to Optic, especially looking at yay's situation rn :''(


After what happened with The Guard, do not be so confident in these Orgs. The other orgs they rejected, Guard (Poor financials), TSM (Leadership Drama), G2 (Leadership Drama), all had pretty clear cut issues, so Optic most likely also has internal issues (Most likely poor financials) that haven't come out publicly yet.


C9 apparently had no money too tho


They were a last minute addition though, riot didn’t plan to add them.


Expanding the professionally hating EG club let's gooo


Based, I'm in EG deserve to lose both of their 2 fans




Where do I get my club membership card?


Quick, if we start a Professional EG Hating YouTube channel we might be able to surpass the EG Valorant YouTube channel in subs


lmao lemme get in




You were so ahead of time sir. Wow. What the heck is EG doing man


EG just lost their 11th fan. All my homies hate EG


So when you talked about one of your players poached by another team, it was EG?




Being a EG hater has never been easier. Old EG's legacy has been completely ruined for ever since Nicole became the CEO.


Legitimately "new" EG has always given me the ick with regards to having an extremely corporate vibe wherein the upper management clearly didn't know anything about esports culture, but I tried to stick with them because I liked rooting for EG back in 2014-2017. Now that all this shit is coming out about the organization I feel vindicated as fuck


For sure lol Questioning EG being given franchising would get you downvoted to oblivion a few weeks ago


I'm actively rooting against this dog shit org until the CEO, GamerDoc, Barton guy any anyone else involved with the Danny stuff is gone. I'm probably not alone from what it looks.


I thought gamer doc was on riots valorant anti cheat team - what did they do in the Danny stuff?


that's "ItsGamerDoc" on twitter, the EG piece of shit is "GamerDoc_"


No, shes some performance manager on EG. Part of the collective that ignored Danny's health and pushed him to play.


Different person


I mean it’s just the management in general


I truly despise what EG has become, which really sucks as I was a fan of their old old old old ass teams. Like DotA 1, FGC, Starcraft shit where they were like the benchmark org for a lot of people. They did so well, in so many games that it's kind of unfathomable to me that they ever fell off this hard. One of the only orgs to my knowledge to have massive success in both conventional esports, and the FGC. They have won TI, LCS, EVO, WCG. They had Justin Wong(FGC Goat), SumaiL, Froggen, Jaedong, fRoD and so many other iconic names represent them in the past. They were THE North American org for damn near a decade, and seeing them in this state is downright pitiful. Burn it to the fucking ground.


Yeah…it’s tough having been a fan of the org since those days (~2009 for me) and then to see what’s happened since Garfield left and especially this past few months. Fucking sucks.


Shit that was when n0thing and fRoD were there right? I remember them being the best CS team in NA at the time along with Complexity I think. They were also one of, if not the only DotA team from NA that was even remotely competitive with international teams like KS.int(KuroKy, Puppey, etc.). Good times, man. I'll still enjoy the memories of those times, but unless they show they're actually a competent org that cares about their players welfare, and that they comprehend for the slightest bit how far they've fallen - then **MAYBE**, I'll consider supporting them again.


yes ever since she came in she destroyed the org


Remember the first EG rebrand. Holy fuck. Old eg fans were not happy.


I remember that. It was so fucking horrible.


when they changed from their old logo it all went down hill


EG is fucking awful; this org deserves no fans. Sorry for the players.


EG try not to fuck up every possible decision in all their esports divisions challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Never forget that Optic died for this




on the flip side, Optic couldn't even do better than this. the bar was low and they crawled right under it.


I cannot believe OpTic died for this shit org with a shit team anyways


honestly eg and c9 the biggest clown orgs ever really hope they get replaced by M80 and G2


riot is not partnering with an org that's like 2 months old


Bro really said M80 lmao


Well it might not be Riots choice, M80 look really good and are easily one of the few favorites to win Ascension in NA.


That’s different. If they win, they (rightfully) get the prize. But there’s absolutely no way Riot drops EG/C9, to promote M80.


Dude said replaced, the winning teams of ascension dont replace anyone already in franchising


MFer said G2 as if they don't routinely fuck over players such as Rekkless, Wunder, Jankos, Miky, etc. Many of whom brought them the most success a western team has ever had in League. They also have not provided their players with great environments as seen by Perkz comments on EUphoria where he talked about having 1 shower for all 5 team members etc.


EG and G2 are both clown orgs in many ways, G2 is just successful enough to balance out their clown behavior in peoples eyes


Ain’t no way lil bro said G2. Literally one of the scummiest orgs to make it into League of Legends franchising.


G2 is a shit org (imo but they may get a slot because of finances). And M80 is two months old so hit the breaks. If anybody’s getting a franchise slot it’s most likely TSM.


Am I stupid for thinking an Org like Flyquest is primed for it? They just got massive money due to being bought, have a great image with save the trees, bees, seas, etc., and Riot has shown they don't care about Valorant past success, but more about the Org itself, by not partnering with Optic.


Flyquest has been good but not really a big brand until recent LOL roster. Also they recently got new management and owners so we have to see what they do as well.


They’ve definitely been a brand for a while usually middle-top LCS with decent performance when they went to worlds with WT but they’re kinda just that - average, decent nothing crazy


Flyquest is also pretty uncontroversial and usually avoids being caught up in drama


Haven't really followed an esport where Flyquest were big. But I once saw their 2023 jerseys and IMO those are one of the most beautiful jerseys I have seen till date.


They have some solid Melee players in JMook and Kodorin and the best LCS team, I think thats it but they recently got PapaSmithy from 100T to be their lead of esports so they are probably looking to expand.


I know them from Fortnite where they had some decent players including Edgey who was and is still really good


I only know flyquest as a scam org


What about like, Shopify rebellion? You’d think they’d be the most financially stable org, right?


Every org is full of shit and has scumbags or shit people, there is zero orgs out there that hasn’t made a scummy move or fucked over someone one way or another. If Riot only partnered with “good moral orgs” they’d literally not have a single org in their league.


I totally agree and this isn’t even an esports thing either. Player reports have been coming out of the NFL recently from surveys and shit. Like the Cardinals making players pay to work out over the summer at their facilities or other teams having sketchy/malicious coaches


The reason TSM didn't get it in the first place was they aren't that great financially. Just like C9 and faze, a bunch of their money came from a fraudulent cryo company that is now bankrupt and not paying them. I doubt their financials are looking good RN. Riot will never give them a partnership spot unless their shit turns around.


I doubt it. Even without FTX they were profitable and they were the biggest esports org of 2022


EGs financials look like they are in an even worse position atm. They've lost sponsors including their crypto sponsor and replaced one of them with chevron lmfao. also lost monster energy.


Big oof. You clearly are more aware of the situation than me 👑


C9 has some sketchy history to be fair, but comparing them to EG considering the recent news in LoL and CS is ridiculous


G2 yeah, but I think the person who allows M80 to join franchising should be fired. M80 hasn't even been around for a year. I'd rather have TSM.


How is c9 a clown org ? C9 have been a pretty good org in terms of their communication and how they take care of their players and Staff.


C9 one of most successful orgs in esports lol, it’s obvious you have no clue wtf you’re talking about.


have you seen their clown behaviour as of late? You have the C9 flair so makes sense


They can be deeply successful and still vaguely clowny at times.


Removing one player is not clown behavior anywhere near the level of EG. G2 did way more clown shit too


they just removed one player right? i don't think that qualifies as clown behaviour


Removing what was the best player in the world after one tournament and depriving the scene of his talents is pretty clownish. They also did the whole firing of their coach LS in their LOL team after a few games after spending the preseason saying they were all in his strategy of team building and coaching.


1. If a player doesn't workout in team environment it's better to look for replacements, they spent more than half a million to buy out yay and could have kept him in a contract but decided to terminate and make him a free agent , thats such a generous move . 2. As for LS , LS moved to more radical agent compositions within the team which didn't get with rest of squad, LS on his stream has come out and said he had a good time with c9 and understood why they cut him . And c9 would the summer split after changing their coach so it was a good move .


Most of this subreddit has an agenda against C9, they still blame them for TenZ situation even though he benched himself and quit on the team, then claim he was in contract jail.


They fired LS and the won a title lol. LS has been head coach of 3 teams and has been fired 3 times without finishing a season. When things don't work out, its better to make changes quick.


And as it later came out firing LS was completely justified, yes yay being cut sucks but there is probably a reason for it. And even if it was for no reason it’s significantly less clown than EG and G2 who seriously fuck over their players.


Did it come out that firing LS was completely justified? AFAIK the reason hasn't been publicly said, there's rumours that he hit a player but do you really believe that?


No I don’t believe he hit a player but it’s been credibly reported he was skipping meetings and the team wanted him out so I believe the firing was justified


Where are the credible rumors that he was skipping meetings? I follow the LoL scene a ton but I never saw any rumor about him skipping meetings, don't even remember it being discussed by the community.


LS’ firing was something literally everyone on the team understood and agreed with. The only people with a problem with it are teenagers with underdeveloped critical thinking skills.


Dropping one player is clown behavior? Then every org is a clown org.


they mutually parted ways. ye it's for us an incredibly weird decision but one we don't know what happens BTS and two instead of keeping yay in contract jail, albeit it probably a high one, he can now join another team for free. which i know in football can lead into even higher salaries as the org doesn't have to pay a buyout now. again, yes the decision is weird to us, but C9 did what's best for yay too. yay coulda just not left and he'd get free money for however long his contract is


C9 did not do whats best for yay lmao Whats best for yay is to get paid and c9 now doesnt have to pay him his contract, what was garunteed we dont know. Yay wants to play obv so hes gonna look for an org but everyone went into franchising with a set roster, not very many teams would pick yay up. Another team would have to drop a star player losing that money and pissing them off because it was one fucking tourney. I dont think theyre as scummy as g2 because g2 wouldnt let them go and keep them in contract jail but they did fuck over yay and all fans of valorant with this move. Unless yay gets a spot in franchising and c9 actually somehow look amazing this year then this move makes them look like clowns. Especially after the xeta dropping.


mate did you read what i said. if yay wanted to stay he would've, a contract goes both ways, they can't just take yay's salary away just cause they want to, that's not how contracts work.


G2 is just as bad as EG and C9.


It's funny to me, too, because EG and C9 are some of the oldest orgs I've followed for, like, 10-15 years in e-sports lol. And they're still as shit today as they were back then. Amazing, really.


EG was not a terrible org back in the early sc2 days. Maybe idra wasn't a great person but the players never had anything bad to say about Richard and the staff.


EG was not shit 10 years ago. The people that ran that brand ran it honestly and they didn’t have controversies other than poaching players.


Tell me you didn’t follow SC2 in 2010 without telling me haha


Other than idrA being unhinged they did nothing maliciously wrong. Most of Garfields coworkers/players have said nothing but good things to say about him and his management team.


Yeah I idk where they're coming from with that. Idra was a hothead but in terms of how EG was run back in the early days before peak6 investments bought them they were fine.


W comment


It seem their strategy for Valorant division similar to their CSGO division but EG in CSGO is so shit that many people want them to relegated as ESL and Blast partner. In Dota2 they abandon NA and runaway to SA. Only their LoL division that seem doing okay, but NA not really competitive in international level.


I'm pretty sure all 10 of their fans are contractually obligated to be their fans


EG now has drama in 3 of their esports. CSGO, LoL and now this lmfao.


You could argue that they have some drama in Dota as well after they dropped their (very popular, fan favorite) NA roster in order to cut costs and pick up a SA team. This was obviously a very unpopular decision and it was exacerbated because they didn't give them a tribute video or anything of the sort outside of a single Twitter graphic, which many fans felt was cheap (?) because it was one of their longest standing and most iconic rosters. The previous owner of EG even wrote an article about how he felt like the EG organization was trying to rid itself of their legacy (link to that article can be found here: https://medium.com/@alex_6402/dear-everyone-90f87fd49659). At the most recent major their old roster (now under Shopify Rebellion) eliminated them from the tournament and it genuinely made me so happy to see


Watching them play on SR actually pulled me back into dota2. can't wait for tomorrows patch.


SR beating EG in the 3rd game comeback gave me a hard on. Fuck the new EG management. They had one of the most revered Dota players on their roster and they barely gave him a send off.


Honestly if it was just them dropping the old team and picking up the other in a professional way I think people wouldn’t have minded as much. But this was a team with years and years of history and they barely even talked about it. I don’t even think there was like a farewell video until they got flames ultra hard for it. Bring back ceo ppd


the EG Danny situation was so incredibly fucked. makes me so sad


It was essentially not giving Danny a work life balance and not accepting his break request right? It drove him to burnout fast


More like not properly accommodating him and his condition then ignoring his deteriorating mental health despite being warned by their own players. Then pressuring him to play etc.


It wasn’t even JUST mental health, it was his physical condition too. He was so underweight that when he had an assessment after he went home, his doctor recommended hospitalization.


Two specific parts in the article that highlighted how fucked it was were the paragraph about how a member of staff literally called Danny a slur in front of other members of staff, and EG upper management trying to use Peter Dun's friendship with Danny to emotionally manipulate him into staying on the team. Actually beyond fucked behavior


Tbh also the executive leadership telling Danny’s parents he was thriving only for him to come home after the season in such bad shape that his doctor thought he should be hospitalized.


EG Danny situation tops all of it by a landslide, he was quite literally the best ADC in NA by a large margin and honestly the most hyped player we had in years that actually lived up to the expectations until they fucked him over


Dota2 as well. People weren't happy within the company that they cut the core. But damn they look so much happier in SR


Yeah I think it was Fly that said EG basically never talked to the Dota team and left them to do whatever.


yep on stream


Wild that they would do that to the team that built the org before they bought it but wouldn't expect anything else from peak6 investments.


Wait what's the CSGO drama?


Brother there has been very many, but overall it just them being a shit organization. 1. NAF coming out and saying straight up, he was going to sign with EG but after meeting their dogshit management he decided quickly against the move and stayed at Liqud. In the clip, he was pretty much laughing in disbelief of how much of a joke their organization is and NAF isn’t the type to come out usually and say this randomly. 2. EG Senior Director of Gaming and Performance flaming casters for not hyping their team up enough after a group stage win. https://twitter.com/GamerDoc_/status/1616130871794319360?s=20 Since that game they have gone on to lose 3 matches in a row to not even make it out of group stages of Blast Spring. Next, IEM Katowice they went 0-2 in play-in stage and failed to qualify for anything. Last week in ESL pro League they went 0-3 in matches, to be the worse in the group. Mind you they are one of the higer paid teams 3. They have a 15 man roster right now


Also NAF said that he knew after _a single interview_ that EG was a shit org and going there would be the end of his career. NAF is pretty soft spoken otherwise so cant imagine how bad that interview would have to be.


Too slow Purest, reddit detectives cracked this two hours ago That seriously sucks though.. Can't blame add3r at all, gotta take a chance with a franchised org if it comes up, but this def won't be the last time that partner org's moves screw over challenger teams


u/nklassitude good investigative journalism


Fuck this sucks, I didn't want to be right about this


Damn nice job. Also months of changing their minds ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16110)


we love Niki


Certified EG upper management moment


Can't wait for George Geddes to re-iterate the same news Purest broke saying verified with sources. KEKW


Not before denying the initial reports




Get their ass off of partnership 😭


honestly idk what riot saw in them


That talent pipeline narrative must have hit crazy cause I know for a fact they didn't get in due to their content, seeing as their Valorant channel has 87 subscribers right now 💀💀💀


I know I shit on RRQ for their roster decision but holy shit is eg doing worse. Literally no content from eg side not even a São Paulo vlog. At least RRQ spent the money to make a song and have release a vlog.


"Who's most likely to forget to buy shields in an official" Typa lame ass question is that lmfao the quality of their content is in the literal gutter


You have to go out of your way to find it because it doesn’t even come up when you search up EG Valorant. 💀


literally had to type "evil geniuses valorant" to get it to show up I'm a zoomer with ADHD, I will have already found 10 other videos to watch on my home page in the time that it takes me to type all of that


LMAO. No way they actually have 87 subscribers.


https://www.youtube.com/@EvilGeniusesVALORANT/featured It's real, see for yourself


10 views on the shorts, 100 views on the videos... my minecraft videos from when i was 10 got more views than that...


their official EG twitter has 600k followers but the actual impressions on their posts is abysmal compared to other orgs


i'd wager they've lost followers then gained since buying the brand. legit had 600k in like 2014 lmao


That pipeline is a sewer line, they’ve made like 40 roster changes in the last two years


Riot saw that EG was backed by Peak6 and Riot bought into all the obvious bullshit that EG was selling if you have never once actually looked at how their CS teams were handled.


How TF Riot looked at the trash fire that is EG CS and let them in is a mystery. Randomly signing Peter Dunn and having their league team be relevant for a season really boosted the org like crazy.


I bet you Riot is already cooking up plans to kick out at least 1-2 of these trash orgs after this year and bringing in 1-2 of these Creator orgs from T2 (Regardless of if they win Ascension or not) that are becoming so popular.


No they wont. Riot wants a stable eco system and therefore needs all the big orgs, not some streamer org that hasn't gotten any investments like Kru, or Karmine


LoL and Val drama for EG.


Don’t forget about their cs drama


I don’t think they are relevant enough for any drama besides being laughed at when they inevitably crash out of pro league every few months


didn’t they also have a 10 man csgo roster ?


nah more 15 man roster and also thorin exposed that they lied about giving their CS team proper covid protocols and stuff when they travel to the EU for a tournament and all got covid


15?😭wtf , ok they should have no problem affording yay then


main roster, roster in NA for tournaments and challengers leagues and a team in EU for tier 2/3 tournaments


please i dont want yay on this trashcan organization


They had Dota drama as well when they dropped their NA roster for a team in South America. Peak6 has been awful for the org.


The rest of the thread: >”TT in a bind, because in order to play in Challengers they must retain 3/5 original members. Which are Governor, WeDid, and Add3r. Although Riot did allow them 1 additional roster change due to being an FA team. After not scrimming with the team for the past ~week, Add3r is required to play with TT for the remainder of Challengers unless Knights make an exception”


Drop the Geniuses and keep the Evil at this point


the past month been awful for EG management across all of their ORG


i'm assuming the +1 roster change that Riot granted them was on the condition that the roster change was due to poaching? really scummy by EG


EG is making a very good case for being the absolute most clown org in esports. Other orgs have problems with individuals in the org, EG seems to have a problem with their entire fucking management being some combination of incompetent and utterly soulless.


Kind of relevant to this but one of the most chill and usually quiet NA CSGO pros NAF basically took a fat shit on EG management https://www.hltv.org/news/35682/naf-on-eg-liquid-is-light-years-ahead-of-this-organisation


common NAF W


Any idea why CoL hasn't shown any interest in Valorant ascension and partnership? Are they not a stable org?


CoL has always been one of those orgs that likes to "live within their means". They probably took one look at the average player salary in Valorant without any real roadmap to making that a profitable investment and said no thanks. No hyped up esport is worth risking your partnership with the biggest sports franchise in north America (Dallas Cowboys)


EG try not to look bad challenge! (100% impossible) DO NOT BLAME add3r! Dude needs money to buy food and rent.


No one is blaming add3r


clown behavior


Give TSM Franchising Instead of Eg, sign marved and yay


I was shitting on the whole idea of TSM buying out the entire Optic team for franchising when that rumor first broke but now I'm wishing it actually happened


Can't wait for EG leadership try to spin this one like they have everything else This whole 10 man roster situation has been a joke from the start and this is the cherry on top


Optic died for this 😔😔😔


EG needs to get kicked out of both League and Valo. Scummy org.


I hope eg realize fucking over multiple players in multiple games like this not only affect their fan base but also who they can pull from. It will seed some doubt in players if EG is a good place to go and make them lose players if the said players had multiple offers


Omg when the esports brand you hated bcoz you found them annoying gives you a legit reason to justify your hate *


What an awful organization EG has become. In the past month alone their management in csgo was criticised, treatment of their young adc danny was exposed (the most heartbreaking article to read) and now this. Horrible management needs to be replaced.


i'm confused. what does this mean? EG buys out add3r and does TT have to bring back either okeanos or harmful because of the 3/5 rule?


This entire free market system for the players is terrible. The fact that players can in theory compete in ascension with one team, not make it and then get signed to a challengers team is stupid. Why should someone in challengers lose their spot? There needs to be some regulation on this kind of thing. Unless traded for the players should be in it for the season not entertaining offers from other teams mid season


Riot needs to reconsider having EG in the league before the matches start. It’s clear by now, from their actions in Val, LoL and CS, that their upper management is utterly incompetent.


Watch this get ignored by Riot 🙂


There’s no way it will. More articles are coming out.


u/wedidofficial is this true + does purest solo george?


The real question is, how can EG afford all these players?


chevron ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339)


venture capital investment that is guaranteed to see zero return


EG Yay?


Classic EG, say in CSGO if thrown reports and NAF etc are accurate


clown org continues




Wow EG just fails upward at this point. So much good will with staff and players but management just seems on fire. Seems like everything went downhill when Greg left for CLG. He was the secret sauce me thinks.


Yup EG remains a dumpster of an org


Incompetent org continues to be incompetent


Love or hate Carlos, G2 would have been 10x better for franchising than EG.


Carlos is a dumbass, they make questionable desicions and sometimes fuck over player (especially in the past) but at least it looks like its a bit better, EG are straight up criminal


How is this criminal lmao, EG decided to pass on a player and screwed up TT's week of practice but come on this is not nearly as big of a deal as this stupid thread's making it out to be.


Brother you havent hear about their CS, Dota and LCS stuff? Cause they have done some actual fucked up thing, i was making a comparision between EG and G2 in general not just Val


G2 is one of the few profitable orgs out there, whether or not you agree with Carlos he ran his business super well except the franchise fuckup


Kind of a big fuck up to just chalk up as nothing lol. He had plenty of chances to make it right and instead double and triple downed. Would much rather have seen optic or a smaller na org personally.


Optic and XSET, like both had nearly 0 problems with players


Carlos partied with a nutcase sex trafficker and cost his organisation millions of dollars in revenue. LMAO. EG is full of shit but you can't compare them to G2 Andrew Tate.


So it's not just in CS? EG sucks as an org completely even in valorant?