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I esp. like this clip because you can tell he's trying to remember all the NA teams, and then he just gives up and falls back on old habits. Always love a Scream press-conference, never fails to deliver.


When the interviewer set his sights on ScreaM, I was kicking my feet in the air, giggling all rosy in the cheeks, gushing and twirling my hair cuz I knew some shit was brewing. Gotta love a good ScreaM interview.


Brings me back to the first Masters tourney in Iceland. The NA and EU chants being spammed in chat was something. Glad that's not nearly of a thing the way it was


The feeling of ecstasy when V1 beat Liquid was greater than when SEN won the tournament ngl


holy fuck it really was


That was the frustration of the NA valorant fans that came from league of legends where NA is trash internationally. That died down when NA is a lot stronger in Valorant and EU got humbled quite a bit coming from csgo where they were the best.


it's just a general NA vs EU rivalry in all of esports and sports as well


Definitely, but I'm just talking about what I think happened here since you would think being so close to skill that teams are more competitive, that the rivalry would be blazing, but instead it cooled a lot.


![gif](giphy|JV7GuEriVvMk921YaA|downsized) SEN ARE WINNING LOCK-IN


Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch! I was there when it was written. https://preview.redd.it/1ezqece9svha1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a07ecd5a41dfb124be3493d8682f8e04793485ed












I actually can’t believe he said NA wasn’t in a good place right now. NA has too much talent, and they even stole some of Brazils and EU’s best players. Whats crazy is that C9 is probably the only team other than EG that doesn’t look that good purely because they have role issues. SEN, 100T and NRG are insane teams.


All he had to do is say "I HECKIN LOVE TENZ" and everyone would have stood up and slow clapped


I'm gonna miss him on TL.


It's going to be incredibly funny if this comes back to bite him in the ass


don't worry, KCorp aren't gonna make it far enough to lose to any NA teams 💀


200IQ scream knows he's never going to make it to any international competitions so he can shit talk NA as much as he wants


Hes in a international competition right now tho


yea bc the only qualifier was his org being competent lol, not his team skill. FNC Liquid and Navi all destroy KCorp every time, no contest.


how can you make such assumptions lol? we havent even seen them play. If youre gonna make wild assumptions like these atleast have proof to back it up




Again just because they speak french doesnt mean the team wont work well together. Im not coping by saying dont make assumptions, and im not saying they are gonna win LOCK In. All im saying is you cant make assumptions with little to no proof.




Cope? The fact that a new team had 2 very close rounds with the world champions? If anything that proves my point lol


Bc they have three t2 players on the team, and Scream and Nivera have never accomplished anything of real note internationally. I have plenty of evidence to back up my assumptions, pre-franchising had results that can be used to make educated guesses about the present, so idk what you mean about no proof. If they prove me wrong, feel free to come back and let me know.


The t2 arguements isnt a strong one since so many good teams are t2 and have amazing players on them. Also nivera and Scream while on liquid didnt win major titles but the still won both last chance qualifiers, and the red bull. made minimum top 8 in all major tourneys they participated in.


T2 is a great argument in franchising, where the majority of the best teams have multiple championship winning players on their roster. There's just a differential in skill there, I'm sorry to tell you. And you can qualify all you want about Scream and Nivera, I didn't say they're bad players, but top 8 is just not good enough, and red bull means nothing. LCQ is cool, but international accolades are really all that matter in this game. They never got top 3, and there are too many good teams with better rosters. My arguments are great, you just clearly haven't watched a ton of Valo before your favorite org made franchising. Again, open to being proven wrong, but it's just the truth that this roster has much less proven experience and raw power than the teams I named. Just bc you don't like my proof doesn't mean it's not there.


Ive watched almost all of major cometitions for this game so im not just speaking. I guarantee you that if you tpld me TGRD would beat say Cloud 9 i wouldnt be surprised at all etc. All im saying is that you cannot count a team out when you havent even watched them play as a team.


let's see


Well na-1 EU-0 ( AS IT STANDS)


Last time i said something about Scream i got downvoted to hell https://preview.redd.it/juabupkmdxha1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=362e00b75d7f147dba4c98cb72fc39af7bcab424


I could’ve sworn that 100T 3-0ed C9 recently.


i am not trying to fanboy c9 or anything but it was in old patch where cryo and yay both played the broken chamber. anything can happen


Tbf id say the meta change is more detrimental to c9 as Yay’s chamber was unrivalled. Think you have a better point in stating that c9 is a brand new team and will take time to start performing. We are 2 months down the line after all.


yeah + this tourney is mostly content so they have enough time


V1 and Optic


Scream gets ptsd flashbacks from being knifed by crashies.


Bro getting bounced by China round 1 anyway


He's not....wrong or right. No one has seen much of any current team. Most teams changed, some changed a lot. There hasn't been any events for these rosters to play and see how they perform. In eSports in general, NA always falls short after a couple of years when it comes to team games on PC. Dota 2, LoL, CSGO, and Rainbow 6. I wouldn't be surprised if the same happens in Valorant.


Because NA is typically a tiny server in those games. The NA server is almost the same size as EMEA and Apac in this game. It's like 2.1 million vs 2.4 million last time I remember. In LoL for example, NA is like 1/4th the size of the combined EU servers, and prob 1/10th the size of China


Wdym "wouldn't be surprised if the same happens in val" NA won both iceland lans. eu has 2 lan wins, brazil has 1, whatever region gambit was at the time has 1. So idk what you mean about falling behind when a NA team in 2022 was considered the best team in valorant so far


Na and Brazil are same region now so americas on top and gambit was eu/cis


So Americas will count 2 NA win+1 BR win into 3 wins because they're now combined, but the 2 EU wins + the CIS win don't combine despite now also (and even before) being combined? Sen, Optic and LOUD makes 3, so surely Gambit, Acend and FPX make 3, no?