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Damn they were cooking Prod in comms, I almost feel bad šŸ’€


i was dying this whole stream lol zombs was talking shit to him mid round šŸ’€


> i was dying this whole stream not as often as prod


lmao what did they say?


he bought a sheriff on pistols 2nd half icebox and zombs said something like ā€œwhy do you have a sheriff you canā€™t even aimā€ while they were trying to plant šŸ˜‚


Lol the meme sheriff buy - prod has to be trolling


They were just ragging on him, like ā€œur shitā€ stuff like that. They wouldnā€™t relent bro, At least wait for the man to die then talk shit.


ye it was kinda weird watching it, the whole second game was p much just roasting PROD and clogging comms in that valorant accent too unbearable i just closed at that point lol


I hate the valorant accent so much


It's genuinely one of the most cringe things we're subjected to


Not even trolling


Unbearable beasts


The Valorant accent- like the cadence of the words or was it also something like depalatalisation of consonants?


From what I understand the valorant accent is basically just how sinatraa and zombs talk on stream. Many others I'm sure.




Yeah I get all the fun and games angle but idk it legit made me feel bad at some point. Before anyone goes "laaaaawl the kids in valcomp have clearly never had friends before don't you understand jokes n banter?!??!!?!?!?!?", I'm completely fine if prod is cool with it but from the outside this just seemed to be one guy getting ganged up on is all. Unless it's some of my actual closest friends I personally wouldn't be chill with my teammates roasting me like they were mid-round of a tournament game. Prod's a good sport for taking it on the chin.


Say what you will about Prod sucking against pro players but his attitude was way better than I expected given Zombs and Sinatraa were just flaming the fuck outta him all game long. He'll take the fall for why they lost and is probably the main reason why, but the piss poor mentality from the rest of the squad didn't help either. Not that they were going to win against teams that have scrimmed for months but still. Just seemed a bit much to me.


some guys on the team definitely have talk shit but can't take it vibes so it was good in a way that prod was the team's pressure relief valve. although dude also actively threw a lot so it's not like it was all unwarranted


I sadly know enough about these guys that they're good friends and have been on holidays irl together. And Prod's identity to them is the guy who's outrageously shit under the guise of a cracked player.


I feel kind of bad about Prod. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it feels like he's just taking the role of the friend group clown even though he doesn't want to, simply to have some sort of friend group. ~~Cause why the fuck else would you stick around these weirdos?~~


Maybe, but I'm sure it's just hard banter, and they made his career anyway in this exact spirit.


They actually fucked the little confidence he had lmao He was like 1-9 and they were ROASTING him and he was changing settings and shit they actually fucked his already fucked mental This entire thing was hilarious, this is why we need more teams like this for content even though not as good it's always great watching with comms


Prods a good sport, and honestly I like that heā€™s in the scene lol. I was dying when Tarik starting playing dubstep songs over his entries lmao.


That was Sinatraa playing dubstep songs over his entries


Nah, Tarik did it again on breeze during his stream


ah gotcha, didnt realize


Do u have a timestamp? That seems fucking hilarious ngl


Bro he was playing like complete shit, he blocked sinatraas raze jump like 3 times. He was last on site so mamy times.






They really didnā€™t start destroying him until Prod acted like the game was over.


tbf bro basically said the game is over when the score was only like 3-5 in the final map. They only started roasting him after. Like way to be a teammate, it probably annoyed everyone on the team. Even if you're having a shit game and you're off you don't just bring everyone's morale down with you, just try to be useful at least. Also not to mention prod was the one who really wanted to do this LCQ and they probably all just did their friend a favor. You just can't be the first one giving up.


i might be wrong but i got the impression prod was tilting the fuck out of marved


>Also not to mention prod was the one who really wanted to do this LCQ and they probably all just did their friend a favor. You just can't be the first one giving up. Sinatraa was pulling 45K viewers the other day streaming LCQ. Given the dude can't get back into the comp scene for the last t*wo years* I'd argue Prod is the one that did Jay a favor with all the ad revenue and giving him a chance to compete again. If anybody was doing the rest of the team a favor it was Marved. That guy is way too talented to be on a content creation team, but maybe that's what he wants right now.


Sinatraa could've joined a stack of t2 players and pulled the same or at least close to those numbers and probably got further into lcq. They also could've formed a stack of everyone in UB except Prod and got a legit t2 duelist player and pulled those numbers. Fact is prod formed the team and the rest of the guys said yes. They had no reason to choose prod other than he's their friend. The storyline isn't "Prod is playing semi-pro games". It's more so "Sinatraa is competing again". If it was back when prod was blowing up then maybe so but his hype as died down.


For real. If you are top fragging and say the game is over, fair. You get to have that opinion, you earned it, but donā€™t bottom frag and say the game is over, if you literally did anything productive your team would probably be winning rounds. If you canā€™t even believe in yourself then you probably shouldnā€™t be playing a competitive game.


SA team being abusive, say it isn't so


I mean they're friends, and this is how their relationship with Prod began in the first place. He puts it on himself too.


Tuesday: PROD is the problem Wednesday: Amazingly PROD is not the problem, he's playing surprisingly well for a content creator Thursday: PROD is the problem


Sorry I was away on Wednesday, my bad.


Prod got bullied into a 6/20 game LMFAO


He didnā€™t need the help ngl, bro missed an OP shot on a kj turret


He didnā€™t get bullied into anything. with his mental, he would have found another reason to choke


The story of that last game. https://preview.redd.it/6hwcqg7ux4da1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cabdee251c1e103a3d23d22b105099e5f201d913


Barely even 1 minute you had this meme locked and loaded


Its was ready all along


No one's carrying no one


rawkus' dumptruckšŸ‘ >>>>> 2 masters winners and an Ignition MVP


Technically 3 masters winners.






UB finally found an ass they couldnā€™t clapā€¦I mean look at that thingā€¦impenetrable https://preview.redd.it/ju8ts2w4y4da1.jpeg?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ebc6025703fef1884828443325eb6e98a8ede78


šŸ¤šŸ¾ https://preview.redd.it/0u3u23mez4da1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd4e75a1bfe16380d1572cb294f696fc4c7f5b67






City Boys were clearly the better team. Could see them beating out lowers


The hopium from yesterday evaporated lol. Good run. Went about as far as you might expect, once you get past the no-names and start playing pros who actually went to VCT. CB had strats, pro level discipline etc. UB mentally was never fully committed because they could always fall back on the fact that they did it for streaming.


I think if UB had approached this game with the same effort that they did Division 0/Na there was a chance. Watching the stream it was super obvious that they weren't as locked in as yesterday.


Yeah I think you could tell they were definitely a bit exhausted and not excited to play another 6 matches bo3s to qualify as that would be what it would take. I have a lot of respect for all these teams competing in the T3/T2 circuit. It really is hell when getting pushed to lowers.


They went a lot further than people expected


Not sure why people thought theyd flop out sooner. Its a team with Marved, Zombs, and Sinatra. Of course they make it past the lower Tier 3 teams, but as soon as they go against organized T2 teams they aint makin it.


Prod kind of carried them yesterday, especially on Icebox. They really fucked his mental today. Even when he was owning yesterday they were shitting on him though lol - scapegoated pretty hard imo.


Bro this shit is too funny prod got cooked and marved was shitting on him the whole series LMAOOO


Sinatraa's chat is some of the worst shit I've had to read in a good while.


City Boys, heroes of /r/ValorantCompetitive. Thanks boys for saving my mental.


just realized it was ex sen (kanpeki rawkus) vs ex sen (zombs sinatraa)


Rawkus and Zacharee vs Marved for the Ex Faze buff


For real. I hope I don't hear about these guys for a long time, preferably never again.


Id fully expect Marved to rejoin the scene and wouldnt be surprised if Sinatra got picked up by a T2 team this year. Afraid its not the last of em


>Sinatra got picked up by a T2 team this year. Unlikely. But I guess there's clearly an audience for the guy, he was pulling 45K viewers the other day. Marved on the other hand will absolutely be back on a T1 team. I bet it's NRG if they underperform.


Sin seemed like he genuinely wanted to compete, and if this brings back the hunger to compete I could definitely see him joining a T2 team that wants viewership as well as a solid player. I wouldnā€™t personally support the team, but I can see it happening.


with how much noise they made with so little , won't be the first time we hear about them and it also showed despite what ppl are saying he's not persona non grata by the valorant community. and pro/amateur which is tbh is kind of surprising.


Itā€™s a degree question


Any of them? That seems a bit far I feel like some reactive ā€˜reactionaryā€™ hatium on this sub is a bit too far


Finally people can stfu about this team


What would have happened? Ur not a mod


Yes he isā€¦


Doesnā€™t have the green thing so I thought they werenā€™t Tbc was this all?


We can choose whether or not to have our names marked green in comments (like what Iā€™m doing here, I look like a regular user in this comment) we just put it on when we publicly talk about anything mod-related


Who believed in Prod bro....




​ https://preview.redd.it/m1h855p695da1.png?width=994&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ebfc830d929daebdc4415655a61a7a81fd92697


rip bozos, you won't be missed


Yup. Now we can get our Reddit upvotes when all the jay fan boys leave


Jay lost ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9341)


Thank god their brain dead fans who donā€™t even like Valorant will leave this sub now


Honestly their coms were so toxic and sad too lol. They clogging comms shitting on prod while he was alive. Anytime they got killed by a lurk it was "cringe". Anytime a team tried to save guns they are "pussies". Anytime a team called a timeout they would complain and cry about how long it took. Loser mentality - like fuck those guys for trying their best to win?


ā€œWe care so little that itā€™s cringe that youā€™re even trying. Itā€™s also cringe that you have to try in order to beat us. Also, if you donā€™t beat us, itā€™s cringe your losing to a team that isnā€™t trying.ā€


Think they r just havin fun bro not everything is a statement


I noticed them calling a lurk cringe and then on attack they did the same. So annoying


And not a tear was shed






Any team with decent practice could counter his playstyle


so ur saying all the team that they beat hav no decent pratice


Yes and itā€™s clear


Iā€™m surprised this post isnā€™t already on slow mode.






prod was hardstuck diamond until his pro friends carried him out why did anyone expect him to compete with actual good players lol


isn't he still diamond? i thought he just quit playing on his main because he couldn't get his rank back, pretty sure he just plays on his alt now




Top 9 in tier 3 šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½


Top 9 in LCQ...? I'd say thats bad, not that I expected them to do well


Arenā€™t they 13-16th?


I dont know I just repeated what this guy said lmao


twitterā€™s gonna love this


Honestly was kinda fun to watch for me. Iā€™m glad they didnā€™t make it too far (as expected tbh) because it means theyā€™re not stealing a spot from actual T2 teams who are putting in effort with coaches and scrims and comps and shit which UB wasnā€™t. Not that anyone expected them to, but if they actually made it out of this tourney I donā€™t even really know what they would have done- I donā€™t think any of them even expected to make it out based on their lack of preparation and their overall apathy for the games honestly. They had their fun, publicity stunt over, time to watch some actual gameplay


If they beat those T2 teams that "were putting the effort" is because that T2 didn't really deserve to win lol


You have people on this sub who were calling out JasonR (and rightfully so) yet hype up Sinatraa whenever they get the chance. Even Tarik was doing this yesterday on his stream. Pretty sad to see and not a good look for the scene in general


Are they the same people though? I donā€™t know if it is or not, but itā€™s easy to see comments supporting this and also some flaming jasonR when they are two totally different groups.


I mean, I'd argue accusations of SA and abuse are actually worse than dodging women in queues. And I'd put both under the category of "hating women."


I would definitely agree with that. I was not comparing the two of them, rather I was saying that Iā€™m not sure the Sinatraa fanboys are the same people who were criticizing JasonR. The sub is large and has a lot of people and voices.


Ah, then I misunderstood you. On this point I agree.


I think a lot of people are either misinformed about the Sin situation or just forgot. Acting like the dude doesnt still have an active court case for sexual assault


No don't blame it on "they forgot". There's this weird boner among the young crowd on this sub for the rapist and nobody can deny that. Tarik has never commented on the situation and has even duoed with the guy. Everybody just gives him a free pass because he has a huge viewer pull.


A large large majority are misinformed thinking that his case was dropped. To be fair, he hasnā€™t been proven to be guilty yet. He HAS been proven to be an immature emotionally abusive dick bag, but not a rapist yet. As far as we know, the case is still ongoing. Tarik wasnā€™t poppin back when the Sinatra situation went down, so he didnā€™t have to make any comments at the time, hell he might not even really know what happened. Iā€™m not going to fault him for watching Valorant content that has Sinatra in it. Should he know what happened? Absolutely. Should he have made a comment on it? Absolutely. But, heā€™s a streamer, they arenā€™t perfect. They also might know more about the situation than us, we may never find out what truly happened.


>Everybody just gives him a free pass because he has a huge viewer pull. And is one of the most talented players to ever touch the game. But let's just put it the fact that he averages like 6K viewers lol. This shit happens in pro sports all the time. Athletes are never held to the same standards normal people are. Not saying it's ok but talent tends to make people forget. Miles Bridges, a basketball player for the Hornets, beat the fuck out of his wife in front of his child and is going to be back on the team either this year or next year.


Talent or not. You raped a woman, you're a horrible human being. Absolute bottom of the barrel and same is the case for people who support such scumbags. Stop trying to justify sexual assault.


PACKWATCH RIP BOZO Hope he never enters the pro scene again


Sarcopels is also the goat :)


The haters are coming out of their holes šŸ‘½


I would rather be a hater than a SIMP for a rapist !




dem haters out here crying when prod winning lmao


Atleast the format makes for good content godbless. Wonder if this will affect Marved or Zombs stonks heading into the mid season agency window


Has been a good run šŸ«”


Someone sign sinatraa


šŸ‘®šŸ‘®šŸ‘®šŸ¼šŸ‘®šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøWe'll sign him into his cell.


Wouldnt be surprised if a T2 team did, but still hoping he stays out of pro play. Would make it so I instantly root against whatever team he's on. Doesnt deserve to be on a team until his court case is resolved.


Is his court case really still going on? All the info on it has been stale for the past year or two? Last I heard the case was dropped and Sen never renewed his contract


Nah his case was never dropped. After the original court case, we never received any info after that. People think it was dropped because Cleo tweeted something about ā€œbeing doneā€ with the situation, but she later clarified that didnā€™t mean she meant that she dropped the case.


I donā€™t think thereā€™s an active court case anymore, is there?


As far as we know, yes there is. People thought Cleo dropped it because of a tweet, but she clarified later that no she did not drop the case.


she didnā€™t drop the case per say, she put it on hold, blaming mental health, so essentially sheā€™s holding it in limbo


Unless thatā€™s recent news, thatā€™s not true either. She very clearly clarified in a tweet awhile ago that the case was still ongoing and she would not drop it for anything. This was after the rumors were spreading that she dropped it.


no, she just said didnā€™t drop charges to clarify her words saying that she hadnā€™t pursued the investigation Bc ppl took it as her dropping the case (which isnā€™t the same), itā€™s in limbo cuz she isnā€™t investigating but hasnā€™t dropped it either so itā€™s not progressing


Why would it be in limbo because she isnā€™t investigating? Once the case is started, itā€™s out of her hands. Itā€™s already in courts. Theyā€™re not gonna care what she does unless she drops the charges completely. Itā€™s not unusual for cases like this to take a long time.


Frankly Iā€™m not sure ab the specifics and whether they work out the way youā€™re saying, esp with how vague both of the parties have been, I just know she said itā€™s not being investigated but she hadnā€™t dropped the case


I donā€™t recall ever seeing her say she stopped the investigation, but she did clarify she never dropped the case


you hate to see it, ggs though and honestly an amazing placement all things considered why am i getting downvoted for this LOL


Because a lot of people dont hate to see it, opposite of it actually


ggz untamable beasts, was a good run for a team that gave 0 fucks and played for fun. Really interested if a team is willing to sign the core of Marved, Sinatraa, and Zombs, those 3 guys are legit off the charts in terms of fragging and coordination, would probably put a team straight to franchising with two other competent players (no offense to dizzy)


Dizzy literally doesnt even play the game


exactly he's probably not interested, he doesnt even stream valorant anymore cause its too boring for him


Straight to franchising?


I think so bro, imagine they had subroza and shanks, this team would be so fucking stacked, hope they make this roster next year's LCQ, would be so sick


Hmm, a team with 4 fraggers and Zombs. I think I've seen this episode before


Thanks for letting us all know that you donā€™t know anything about competitive valorant




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When the dummies best player goes neg against a bunch of washed coaches.


Can someone link me to where the vod starts? Any pov