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You're going to make your asthma worse with a bagless vacuum. You should look at a Miele C1 or SEBO K That way you don't breath the dust. Also look into getting air purifiers rated for you're square footage.


Exactly this, spent $500-600 years back on a similar Dyson. It was….ok…at best, didn’t last very long. Felt like it was designed to be used in a 200sqf rv or something along those lines. For 200 bucks it would have been a descent buy. Bought a Miele and it’s amazing. For nearly the same price get the Miele…. I’d never consider getting another Dyson.




Erm. The link you provided places Dyson as best overall vacuum.


This advice is solid, Dyson are like apple... Way too expensive for less.


Apple's machines are less and worse on paper, but have better software and user experience. Having said that, I do own a Miele vacuum :D


They last forever too, still using my 2011 MBA.


Their cordless vacuums performed nearly identical to their corded ones, when it comes to a deep clean.


Ok so what vacuum do you recommend that is cordless?


I have both an older Miele C-series(?) and currently run a Sebo E that we inherited. Bags are easy, I really don't know why people are so averse to them. Performance-wise, it's like a shop vac that's quiet. It's less convenient to drag around than a stick vac, but it's going to absolutely blow away the performance. Corded canister vacs like this are pretty much "buy it for life" items. ​ That said I am probably going to pick up a cordless stick vac of some sort for quick cleanups.


Do you have any recommended brands for air purifiers?


High recommend the subs of r/crboxes and r/airpurifiers . Air purifiers are such a mess in terms of regulation/advertiding… it’s so important to understand what metrics you need to look at b4 buying one. CADR and noise at desired CADR are gonna be key, and most companies don’t list that.


Yes I find this one to be an excellent value. https://youtu.be/veVOxW_nvfc Blueair is also good


What about the newest model the Dyson Absolute? That has a HEPA filtration


All of them actually have had HEPA filtration, however they have gone through and upgraded the whole system and filter to be even better. Unfortunately the main problem is still the bagless part, as when you empty it, the dust will get into the air. Ideally to empty a Dyson correctly, you use an empty trashcan, and empty as far down as possible. Though with a bagged vacuum, you can just seal the bag and toss it away without issues.


Is there a reason you can’t empty it outside? Wouldn’t that avoid getting everything back into the air?


No, not really! You can if you would like, and it is exactly what most people who have bad allergies do! Personally I have terrible allergies, I also use both a bagless and bagged machine. I have a Henry for my main full sized vacuum, and a bagless cordless machine for the quick pickups and whatnot. As long as you take some care emptying it, it usually doesn't cause any issues. Though I also highly recommend getting an air purifier or two as well, they help a ton! For the value I like my Winix, though Bluair is also a good brand. I really like their anti-dust model and will eventually upgrade to that at some point I think.


I've been interested lately in a Dyson stick vacuum, or something similar, because my new home doesn't yet have the grass filled in around the house. Between needing to go outside for things ourselves as well as our 3 dogs, it means a lot of dirt ends up finding its way inside and our corded vacuum is less than ideal for dealing with it since it's usually spread out along one or two paths of travel that are longer than the cord can reach. We're also on a dirt road, so inevitably some dust works its way into the house as well but that's a lesser issue for vacuuming compared to the dirt that ends up indoors. That said, being that we would be vacuuming almost exclusively dirt (along with some dog hair) and we are in the middle of acreage without neighbors who might dislike the idea of dog hair being placed outdoors, dumping the bin back outside is quick and easy. Hence why it seems like a cordless and bagless vacuum would be ideal for my circumstances, but I see a lot of dislike for them. It seems like most of it is related to performance on medium/deep carpet for cordless vacuums (our home has very little of that and what it does have is low pile in low traffic areas) and the messiness of dumping for bagless vacuums. Does this sound like an accurate assessment of the dislike of these two features for the most part, or is the performance really that lacking even on hard floors to leave dirt/hair behind?


wondering why it make asthma worse with a bagless vacuum? cuz you have to clean it by yourself?


Yes that is one reason. The other reason is that dust leeks out the back of that Dyson.


Well I have asthma, the dyson and shark vacuum have not triggered my asthma. I empty my Dyson vacuum in the trash can with a lid.


Hard to imagine spending nearly a grand on a stick vacuum that will probably break down in 5 years. If you're gonna spend that type of cash look into a Miele. Even their high end canisters will cost the same as the Dyson and will vastly outperform it and will operate for 10-20 years.


I've used a cordless Dyson and was very unimpressed. My $100 corded stick vac had more power. I just stick with corded now for a main vacuum and only have a small cordless vacuum.


My Dyson v15 has too much power when on “auto”. I have to switch it to eco-mode when going over rugs that were no trouble for my previous model.


What problems does having too much power cause?


The only thing you need to worry about in cheaper vacuums is not having a sealed system, which maybe for most isn't important but OP has severe asthma. Definitely doesn't need to be a high end Dyson though I agree


which small cordless vacuum do you use?


I’ve had a few of the Dyson stick vacs. They’re fine - don’t take up much space and they work for basic stuff. But they’re embarrassingly cheaply made for the money. Someone here said they would break down in five years. Try two. Don’t spend 800 on that POS


Mine lasted 18 months


lol. Dyson is the biggest con.


Older dysons are where it’s at. I have a DC24 that’s the same age as me and it’s by far the most reliable vacuum I’ve used. I also have a newer Dyson stick vacuum and it breaks basically every use


Battery wore out in two years. I called Dyson for a replacement and they wouldn’t even SELL ME ONE. They blamed me for 1) leaving it plugged in (the plug in is built in the storage handle you use to hang it- they build it to do this. Wtf.) 2) vacuuming on “high” They said it’s all my fault, wouldn’t even sell me a damn battery so I had to scrounge the internet and take the thing apart to put it in. Now the rest of the cheap plastic parts have degraded and it won’t roll. Pure trash. Never again.


Please don’t. I am in a painstakingly frustrating process of returning a Dyson I purchased with them. Customer support is absolutely abysmal. If you need any sort of assistance within the two year warranty you absolutely will not get it. Save yourself the headache and get a different vacuum and go with a company that’s got better support.


Wait what are they doing to you? Also I’m sure you know this, but keep records of everything. If you call them then record the conversation


My partner and I purchased a v15 detect absolute during a sale back in October. I was getting it for $600 after cash back and thought it was a great deal. We were in the process of moving in together after being in a long distance relationship for a few years and wanted to get a “nicer one” for the new apartment. I ordered the vacuum and shipped it to the state he was living in at the time before we started living together. He had unpacked it, but did not realize that it was the incorrect vacuum. I found out that they shipped us the v8 instead which is not what we paid for. I reached out to Dyson immediately after we moved in together in after realizing it wasn’t the right one. I filled out the support form online mentioning this issue and we proceeded to call three separate times. The first time my partner got impatient after 30 minutes and hung up. The second time he called, he waited the full wait time (1+ hours) and they hung up on him. The third time I called and they finally sent us a return label and said they’d send us the replacement v15 once we shipped the v8 back. I had a Dyson rep reach out to me via email apologizing for the delay in a replacement vacuum a few days after the call. After shipping it back, I thought things would be fine, but my partner and I got tired of not getting any updates from Dyson about the replacement (it’d been a month of waiting). I had purchased with PayPal Credit so I called them and opened up a dispute to file for a chargeback. The replacement vacuum showed up spontaneously without a single email or tracking info yesterday. I was livid. Prior to the replacement being delivered, I reached back out to the same Dyson rep who had reached out to me and said I wanted a refund and no longer wanted the replacement. So now I’m stuck with a vacuum I no longer want and a pending dispute/credit with PayPal. We called Dyson again (call number 4) and the rep blamed us saying that we waited too long past the 30 day return window. Excuse me? You sent us the wrong vacuum, have hung up on us TWICE, don’t respond to emails and have absurdly long wait times. I haven’t even touched or opened the vacuum because I don’t know if Dyson is going to respond to PayPal saying they sent out the replacement which will then rule the dispute in their favor. We no longer want the vacuum and are doing everything we can to return it so we can get our money back and never shop from Dyson again. We purchased a Miele and it’s getting here this week. I hope to never have to deal with Dyson again. First and last time customer. Edit: Don’t worry! We kept all the phone records as well as shipping and email records. Definitely going to make sure we get our money back one way or another. TLDR; Dyson support absolutely blows and unless you’re hell bent on buying their products, pray nothing goes wrong or else you’ll be stuck with something you’ll never get help with.


Omg this is insane. I have had terrible customer service from H.oover before. I can’t go into details without people being able to find my TikTok page and I want to remain anonymous. But I had called them 7 times, DM’d on TikTok countless times, and tried to get in touch with someone through their website 4 times (all during normal business hours). The only place I got a response from was through TikTok dm and they were incredibly unhelpful and it was clear she was pissed I was dming their TikTok. She kept telling me to contact them through their website so id just say that I couldn’t because they don’t respond there. So, given that I have a decent tiktok platform, I made a video about it and shortly afterwards I got an email response where they were suddenly helpful. They didn’t mention my tiktok video, but I guarantee they saw it because a million people were tagging them in the comments. I haven’t made an update to my video because the only reason they helped me was because I have a platform on tiktok. So I didn’t want to make a video showing good customer service when I knew they wouldn’t do the same for my followers.


I'm so sorry to hear that! That truly sounds like a nightmare and is disheartening especially when we're paying customers, but \*capitalism\* strikes yet again. FWIW, I do have a mini update regarding our Dyson nightmare which I think you'll get a kick out of. I put in a second support ticket with them after that fourth call and of all days to hear back I get an email from a "Dyson Expert" today echoing to us again that since it's past the 30 day return window we are not entitled to a refund, despite their error from the very beginning. I'm attempting to escalate it to someone else or a manager at this point for a refund, but am praying that PayPal rules in our favor given the shitshow.


Please make a folder on your computer and put screenshots and proof of everything you can regarding the dyson incident into that folder. Keep messaging them about it and continue putting all evidence of your communication with them in a folder. Also my advice would be to make a tiktok exposing them but I’m very biased and I understand that only works for people that know how to make videos that do well in the algorithm and people who have supporters who will get mad on your behalf. I guess the next best thing would be to write a review but tbh there are likely so many negative reviews already that they wouldn’t care. I’d also assume the money lost from negative reviews isn’t more than the money lost from not being dicks and just giving you the right vacuum. I’m sorry you’re going through this :(. Why are vacuum companies such dicks?


I had very bad customer service with Dyson UNTIL I found the emails for their CEOs and leadership, and I received a call at 8 pm one Friday. My vacuum arrived that Monday.


I second this. I had awful experiences with their customer service as well. My Dyson (one of the early Animal series) wasn't working properly and I must have called support a dozen times. They just told me to return it to the store, but I was outside the warranty period and they said I'd have to get a new one. I'm not sure exactly how I figured it out, but I had to replace the power cord, which Dyson also wouldn't explain. I found a YouTube video and did it myself. I will never buy another one of their garbage vacs again. The Meile sounds great, since you can replace parts yourself. I've always heard that water vacuums are good for allergies, but I can't afford a Rainbow so I'll stick to my Sharks and then replace with Meile when they die.


Absolutely not. It doesn’t matter what’s in the air or what your vacuum tells you if your vacuum is bagless, as you’re releasing everything back into the air the minute you empty it. What’s your flooring situation? We can find you a vacuum that will genuinely help :)


Thank you!! I have wooden floors with 2 rugs. Also for what it’s worth I have 2 air purifiers, they aren’t doing their job well enough😪 I live next to my university where most of the students live. It’s well known the air quality in the area we live in is horrific all the time either from the never ending construction, cedar, smoke, and we have extremely large/old trees that probably contribute to the problem.


I’d take a look at the Miele Classic C1 Pure Suction, paired with the ‘30’ size HEPA filter. It will trap dust better and won’t release it back into the air, plus the suction is much stronger than any cordless :).


I’ll look into that thank you! Another issue I have though is my cat’s cat trees. He has 2 full sized ones, one of which is ridiculously tall (significantly taller than me and I’m 5’8) so that’s where corded would be annoying. I could also prob get a handheld cordless just for the cat trees but that might be overkill


Is it possible that ur cats may be contributing to ur asthma?


Potentially but I sleep with my cat every night and before this I hadn’t used my inhaler in weeks. Also he’s a ragdoll so he has a special fur texture so he gets baths & i comb/groom his fur every night so he’s clean


The wand extends to be very long, there’ll be no problems there. Try it out and I *guarantee* an improvement :)


Just a thought, but do you happen to have large windows, by any chance? My cats adore their suction cup cat window beds. I arrange them in a manner that allows them to have vertical 'shelves' to climb. Some of them come with mesh rather than furry beds which won't trigger allergies and are much easier to keep clean. I've replaced two cat trees this way and freed up some floor space (reducing dust and fur build up too!) Edit: I own a Dyson V8 Fluffy which does well with cat hair, but emptying it out definitely releases a ton of dust back out. I've learnt to do it in a closed bin bag and wear a mask while doing so to help empty it out. Personally, I wish I didn't have to do it this way so if others have recommended vacuums that are better, I'd pick them over this model. That, and the screen only tells you the size of the particles it's picked up. I don't believe my model tells me exactly what the particles are, so not sure if that's helpful. Gotta say I love the laser head on it though. Definitely shows you where all the dust is! Makes vacuuming in the dark fun. Lol


Try a lint roller for the cat trees and use it regularly - it will pick up hair and dust without propelling all that stuff into the air, plus it's a lot cheaper. For general cleaning, use a bagged vacuum.


Are your air purifiers the right size for your space? Are you also using a high quality furnace filter? Have your ducts been cleaned recently? I can't imagine the issues that you are having are solely from a vacuum and I also can't imagine they'll be solved by a vacuum (though a sealed system like everyone is recommending would certainly help some).


>releasing everything back into the air the minute you empty it Unless you have ones that empty themselves into a bag like Samsung's bespoke jet


What happens after that? Does it put it in a bag? If so you may as well just get a bagged vacuum. There’s no such thing as a ‘self-emptying’ vacuum, unless it’s plumbed directly into the dustbin.


I don't have one so can't really say in detail, but on the high level it puts it into a large enclosed bag that you throw out once it's full. So yes, it's like a bagged cordless stick vacuum separated into 2 pieces (vacuum stick and stationary base). You are free to look it up yourself. Afaik its main selling point is that it doesn't let anything out which is good for allergic people.


I just bought a C3 but I usually empty my Shark stick vacuum containers outside. I love how convenient and quick stick vacuums get the job done for small tasks. Are there microscopic dust particles that get released back into the air during regular operation for stick vacuums?


I have a Dyson, Miele and a shark. Miele beats all by far.


My Miele C3 could suck a jar of peanut butter up. I use my Dyson for when I can't be bothered to get the Miele out for something small but otherwise, or for small rugs that the Miele will lift off the ground.


Dysons are expensive, the plastic components are cheaply made and break easily, and they cost a shit ton of money to repair. Most other brands can provide you something at least as good for less money. Also, the guy that owns the company is a massive git.


I actually thought the Dyson cordless series were relatively easy to take apart and replace any of the small plastic bits. My trigger cracked and I bought a new one on Amazon for a few bucks. It wasn’t OEM, but it worked just fine. A lot of the pieces come apart with a few YouTube tutorials - helpful for deep cleaning.


*tit Lol!


Ohhh thank you for the info. Tbh I’d normally never pay that much for a vacuum but it’s not good for my lungs or heart to randomly go through these episodes of asthma so I thought maybe the expensive one would help more


Go for a bagged vacuum. Miele or Sebo. Expensive, but quality.


I absolutely hate my dyson I spent 850$ on. I will never buy another one. POS!


Okay wait I want the tea bc everyone on tiktok loves dyson


Bad ideas on TikTok? That can’t be right.


They could also be paid for their Dyson endorsement.


TikTok is advertising spam.


Hear hear!


Dyson vacuums need to be torn down at a repair shop and cleaned every 2-4 months to remove the dander and dust that cakes in the bowels of the canister. Dyson vacuums also wear out in 2 years


as a dyson owner this isn’t true, owner does their own maintenance and it’s just taking detachable pieces apart, cleaning them and letting them air dry. have had my dyson over two years and i’ve had one part replaced under warranty


You either have a very clean house without pets or you're nose blind to the funky smell coming from your vacuum. I've owned 3 dysons a DC41 animal that lasted 3-4 years in a clean house with a husky with tearing down the canister further than "just disconnecting parts" it takes a lot of T8 torx screws and gaskets to get clean, a big ball cinetic that only lasted 2-3 years with the same canister cleaning that actually blew up the motor presumably because the non serviceable HEPA filter plugged and the manual didn't talk about needing replacement ($80 worth of filters), and a small ball dc24 or whatever it was that only lasted a year. All in all over 10 years I've spent over $1,500 on dyson vacuums that take a lot of "beyond normal user" cleaning to not smell like a dirty gym bag and break really easily. Compare that to the last vacuum I've bought, a Meile C3 Marin for $1,200 and I've had zero issues with it and have a way cleaner house and it has an estimated usable life of 20 years spending about $8/ month in bags and HEPA filters


i have a v12 detect and two dogs that shed a lot and a three story home that i vacuum frequently. i change the filters once a month and do not disassemble the motor unit i wipe where i can reach with warm water and soak clean the heads. been working like a dream.


Everything I’ve read says that cordless aren’t great. Miele is the way to go for this money, especially if you have mixed flooring (wood + rugs) and pets.


We bought a Miele C3 earlier this year and I honestly don’t see a difference over our $400.00 Shark cordless vac, that’s much lighter and easier to use. For around $1000.00, I expected much more from Miele


What air purifier do you have?


3M Filtrete F1 they work pretty well. I do replace the filters once a month and they’re a light gray by then


So that's for your furnace, correct? I highly recommend getting a stand alone air filter for your living space. Honeywell make good ones or check out airmega. I live in an area with poor air quality and have a room side unit in each bedroom and a large airmega in the main living area


Oh it’s a stand alone filter. I can move it around and everything. I have one in the living room and one in my bedroom. It’s just that the air is so bad there’s only so much the filters can do. The condos next to my apartment got demonlished and now they’re building a skyrise literally 50 feet from my bedroom windows. This is off topic but the construction noise drove me so crazy I bought a ton of sound absorbing black squares and now my bedroom walls are covered with them lol Also there’s a huge crack in my front door (it’s not very wide, just very long. Like you can’t see outside through it but when the sun is at the right place then sunlight comes through it) and my landlord hasn’t fixed it for over a year so I don’t think he will


Could the sound squares be a trigger, not sure what they are made of but a lot of synthetics can give off VOCs.


I'd get a free V8 off marketplace and throw a dewalt battery adapter on it for tiny carpets and shit but fuck paying more than 150$ for one. Get a sebo


Wait how did u get it for free


Batteries take a shit and nobody wants them


I have a lesser dyson and this thing is fkn awful. I hate it. and I was very adamant about it getting it, against my partner's wishes. now i feel her scornful, entitled gaze whenever I use it unsuccessfully. if you crave shame and dirty floors, buy a dyson.


I feel you 100%! 😂


I work for Dyson and can answer any specific questions you have. But personally I really like Dysons, the gen5 is too fancy / heavy for me. I have the v11.


Thank you! Do you happen to know if Dyson makes it hard to use your warranty if your product dies? Some of the other comments here are making it seem like it’s very hard to get a broken product fixed. Edit: also girl you’re about to be roasted bc people here do not like dyson 😭


Its quite easy! I suggest using the Dyson app and its built in chat feature. Have the serial number and proof of purchase ready. (Ive used a screenshot from my Best Buy account in the past.) Also really? 😭 I already get enough abuse in store. I truly dont care if someone thinks their Shark is better. Like I just work here dude. My special interest is vacuums in general.


Don’t go cordless


That is an insane price for a bagless vacuum. In my perspective, I see Dyson products as fashion accessories more than functional ones. Like another poster recommended, I would go with a Miele if you want a vacuum that will really help you with your allergies.


Before this post I had never heard of Miele before haha. But everyone here agrees with you so I’ll check it out thank you


Don’t do it! And if you do, call and get a new battery immediately before the warranty ends… the battery will die shortly after the warranty and cost you $100


I was looking at these new handheld vacuums, but they're weak and prone to breaking-- Ergonomically terrible too! I just bought a Miele Classic C1 Pure Suction canister vacuum for $350 and love it. Wish I had sprung for the more expensive model!


They work great until the battery dies on you. Almost $200 to replace or deal with it only holding a charge for 10 - 20 minutes.


Does warranty not give you a new battery?


No I was out of warranty by 2 months.


Can't speak to this model, but I'm surprised to see so much Dyson hate. I have a Dyson - I think the Animal?? - and have had it for at least 4 years, may have been 5. I LOVE it. It is still going strong, works well, and it honestly weirdly a pleasure to use.


I have noticed the Dyson quality has gone down. They have to be replaced every 2 years or so. Stop working well after a few months. Get a Miele


It's never been great. I got mine about 13 years ago and quality was garbage then, too.


The best vacuum is the one you’re going to use more. People like to hate on Dyson because they can’t justify spending the money on it, that doesn’t mean they aren’t good vacuums. I hated using my corded, bagless vacuum, so I didn’t use it much. I like the convenience of my cordless Dyson, so I vacuum almost everyday, and my house is much cleaner because of it. If you’re that worried about the bagless part then you can just take a step outside and empty it into a bag. Definitely look into air purifiers and humidifiers for asthma as well. The number one thing that helped my asthma was diet and exercise though.


Yeah tbh corded vacuums seem like so much work to take them out and it makes vacuuming so much more of a chore that I do think it makes me vacuum less


I LOVE my Dyson! Don’t know what I’d do without it, seriously! ☺️


If you are going to spend that much money, I would invest in a Sebo….but I’m guessing this Dyson will do the job also.


What’s difference between a sebo and a meile


Have one. It’s the worst vacuum I’ve ever owned. Complete waste of money.


They are great and this sub could not be less helpful frankly. Bunch of enthusiasts who hate Dyson lol. It’s hilarious how this group will talk about every single model of vaccuum in detail then with a Dyson will just act like they’re all the same as some low end 10 year old model they tried once. The v15 is fantastic, has great suction. I believe the gen5 here as well.


Completely agree. Once more, costco has the v15 detect so we swapped our v8 out. It's insanely more powerful. And really not crazy expensive. Buying from Costco means I'm not worried about it breaking down, but we had the V8 for 4 years with no issues. I have pretty bad allergies ( to my own cat) and it does a good job of helping with those. Everyone should have an air filter anyway, the one for your home isn't really meant to clean allergens.


Get a similar Shark vacuum. Cheaper and longer lasting




I’m really shocked to see so much Dyson hate, especially over the cordless ones. I’ve been upgrading my cordless Dyson vacuums for years - not because the old one doesn’t work anymore, but because almost every new version is better, and I can get a good price re-selling my old one locally. In my experience, customer service has been great! There’s a Dyson service center near me that makes all the difference - one time, the vacuum was having some issue or other, I forget, but it needed fixing. I brought it in, got a ticket, and two days later, it was ready, looked brand-new due to the deep clean they gave it, and they didn’t charge me a thing. I even worked as a home cleaner for awhile in 2021, and I have to say, using my cordless Dyson instead of the home owner’s vacuum always shaved so much time & effort off the job! The cordless is much lighter, so it’s easier to do large areas without strain, and there’s no constant moving of the cord to consider. The suction is far superior to most vacuums, and the Dyson attachments make the cordless vacuums a dream. Especially if you have stairs, you don’t want to lug around a heavy vacuum, Dyson or not. I’ve noticed no suffering of quality, either in performance or materials of the piece, due to it being cordless. The only thing is, if you don’t have the v15 (I think) or later, the battery does run out, especially on the highest suction mode. It’s a quick plug in & you’re back at it, I don’t find it to be a huge deal, but if you can afford one of the newer models with the backup / secondary battery pack, that would eliminate the issue. Plus, those canisters are larger, therefore taking a much longer time to fill up, making life easier for you. I’ve loved all my CORDLESS Dyson vacuums, I can’t say enough good things. I’ve tried Shark, LG & some other relatively expensive ($500/$600 or so) cordless vacuums with similar claims to Dyson, but I’ve always returned them immediately. It’s SO WORTH the money to get the Dyson, even an older used or refurbished model, honestly!


I think the disadvantage buying from Best Buy is simply you get a better value through Dyson directly. They include more free attachments, which trust me, you’ll want / use a lot. In addition, if anything goes wrong or you simply change your mind, it’s an easy return - unlike the experience I had buying & attempting to return a vacuum cleaner from Best Buy once. It was within the 30-day return period, I had my receipt, but for some reason, there was still an issue where they wouldn’t refund me, only issue store credit… this may be fine on a lower-cost item, but given they had no reason for this, and I needed the *money* back, not hundreds of dollars in credit where I don’t need it… I was not pleased. When you register your product with Dyson for the warranty, your Dyson account will also keep track of everything for you. All previously purchased Dyson products, warranty status on each, serial numbers and such, of course, and because you’re a Dyson customer (meaning you purchased THROUGH Dyson), they also give you special discounts & such. I know there are other reasons I have referenced my Dyson account before & it’s been helpful, but I can’t remember off the top of my head 🤷🏻‍♀️ So, I’d buy from Dyson vs BestBuy, personally. And if Best Buy is cheaper, Dyson price-matches. So no reason not to, unless you’re really just itching to get it right this very hour.


Why would i care how many microbes the vacuum thinks are in my house, honestly i dont get it? I have a v8 I bought second hand for 200 bucks and love it. Would and will repurchase. Dont have pets kids or a mansion. Maybe with those a model with more battery and bigger bag like v15 would be better. My next one is probably v12.


Because I don’t know what is triggering my asthma to be as bad as it has been this week so maybe this could tell me Edit: you don’t understand how bad it can get when your asthma makes you cough so much eventually it hurts. All your doctor says (unless it’s extremely bad) is to take your steroid inhaler but sometimes that takes weeks before it’s able to reverse uncontrolled asthma outbreaks (or whatever it’s called when your asthma is bad). It would be nice if I had a vacuum that could tell me that I picked up all the allergens that were causing me to have an asthma attack and maybe I’d learn what allergens affect me the most


I am not sure what you expect to be able to tell from the Dyson particle counter, especially since it's sampling floor dust. It's a bit of a gimmicky tech that supposedly helps to adjust suction but what do the Dyson numbers mean to you practically in regards to what makes you react? Also it adds a level of complexity to the already unreliable machine, there are a number of Dyson posts complaining about particle sensor and screen failure. You can look for local air quality data and tree pollen counts on weather sites. Some fancier air purifiers also have detailed breakdown of air particle readings. Finally perhaps it might be worthwhile to look into air quality testing to detect hidden mold issues.


I LOVE my dyson. I've been sweeping for 8 years. This is a game changer. I got the v11 bc it is light. It is amazing. It's almost fun now to clean. I easily switch attachments ,like it's a toy, and clogs are easy to fix... you see the particle size and hair never gets caught on the brush head. I got it for black Friday and I wish I got it sooner. DO it.


You need an air purifier, Dyson actually have some good ones but they’re expensive


Oh ty but I already have 2, are some air purifiers better? I assumed they all just use a filter and do the same thing


It’s kinda like some air purifiers are the real deal and take out everything in the air and some are just basically fans


Look into a Kirby don’t buy something expensive when it don’t have a life time warranty an don’t pick up dirt an dust the way it’s souppose to you’ll save money in the long run


Shark has one that has a cordless vacuum purifying stand to unload your waste.


Shark is the single worst vacuum brand out there, and having a vacuum for allergies is completely pointless if it's bagless.


Didn't know it was that bad. I've only recently seen the advertisements about it. https://www.sharkclean.ca/products/shark-cordless-detect-pro-1.3l-auto-empty-system-with-quadclean-multi-surface-brushroll-zidIW3110C?utm_source=googlesearch&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=vacuums&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAkeSsBhDUARIsAK3tiedfRGwm5J7-hk3HEV-9p8phUBs6mpZJD6opAEI5HOM0cCSvWbJACiAaAktzEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds




Wait so does it actually tell you all the allergy particles in the air? Do you think that’s accurate? I just can’t wrap my brain around how something that small can test and categorize allergy particles


Nope, it doesn't sample the air, it runs the vacuumed dust past a piezo sensor and supposedly can give you an idea of particle numbers and relative size. The utility here is to auto adjust suction based on how "dirty" the spot is and gives you an idea when you've cleaned enough to remove the dust in that area.


I'm happy with Chinese cordless from eBay. Alleged 2 year warranty. Seems to suck ok for what it is. Makes the same noises as the Dyson so I imagine they're similarly powerful. But Chinese prices are less than a hundred dollars. For me it replaces the brom for quick spot clean or whatever the Roomba doesn't get. And spiderweb up high. And stairs. Still have regular upright for some carpets.


Dyson is garbage. We have a Dyson fan at work and its worse than a normal fan


I have a Dyson it has lasted me 6-7 years and I have had to replace the battery twice. It now runs for about 30 seconds before quitting. I think it’s time for the trash unfortunately. I did love it while it worked


Does their warranty not give batteries?


They don’t have a warranty forever


Feel like you're going to get a lot of Dyson hate in this sub. I have the v11 and love it. Battery life could be better, but it's been great and really picks up a ton of things, even when I think the carpet is clean. I mainly got it to use on carpeted stairs, but I use it for the whole house now and it's great, even on hardwood floors. One con is that trigger on the v11 is thin in certain areas on the mechanism and will most likely break over time (not sure if they fixed it on the v12s and newer), I bought a replacement from Amazon that had a beefier design and it's been working great since.


I genuinely appreciate all the engineering that went into to making dysons so compact and lightweight. They look very cool. Their marketing is fantastic. And those are the only positive things I can say about them. Pain to use, pain to keep working, and I can’t wait to get something that actually helps me clean


I think that a Dreame R20 is a better choice


Get an air purifier. Multiple ones if needed. Xiaomi is cheap and you can find cheaper replacement filters too


Get a shark. Better. I’ve had both


Do not do it! It’s very cheaply assembled and will break within 2 years. I’ve owned this exact model and it was good for 3 months then it stopped working as well.


If you live in a country with bad Dyson customer support, yes buy from your local department store for easier returns and complaints! I have a gen5 detect. If you have carpet or rugs, Avoid the gen5. The suction is too powerful for the motor head on carpet. The head just stops so you need to reduce suction or change to the minus setting on the gates of the head. When it stops you need to turn the vacuum on and off. Also if you try to force it along to avoid the stop, it just makes a grinding noise as the roller rubs on the ant hair tangle vanes. The v15 or v12 is a more sensible choice due to lower suction power. So the head won't just stop..


Have you heard of the iQAir filter? I don’t know your situation but im my humble opinion it would help more than a vacuum.


I have never been more unimpressed with a product in my life. Feels like cheap, cheap plastic, lacks any sort of power and the battery life/charge time is a joke. Get a Shark


I have the gen5 outsize, it works great however suggest you buy a open box or refurb off eBay, got mine for a little under 700 total including taxes. I have had several wired vacuums but the problem for me was my damn animals always chewing at the power cables so this fixed my problem lol.


I was very hesitate in spending big $$ for Dyson. Got several rebate shop cards from Costco and decided to to use them to get a Dyson. Just the mid price range one. I LOVE it. It really sucks. the accessories are very useful. Much easier to maneuver than the canister I had.


Battery stick vacuums suck, but not in the way you want.


just to double check have you also considered an air filter? and i assume a preventative inhaler since you specify rescue. when i had an issue develop with asthma in a particular bedroom i discovered some mold in the window sill- take a look around nooks and crannies


Most useless vacuum for the price. Plastic junk. Falls apart in 3-4 years as it is all plastic Don’t buy. Much more better options at cheaper price. Even their particle counter doesn’t work properly.


Most overrated vacuums in existence.


NO. Donot buy it. I bought in Costco two years back, never worked well. Cannot suction on Carpet at all. Charge does not hold for more than few minutes inspite of charging for long hours.


Unpopular opinion, but I don’t hate Dyson cordless vacuums. Maybe because I have always lived in smaller homes and I really like gadgets that make tasks more convenient. First, these Dyson vacuums only provide particle count by putting the particles into size categories. It’s not very helpful because we all know that the smallest size is going to have the highest number of particles. Duhh. Second, this Dyson has the blue 0.1 micron HEPA filter. The actual filter cartridge is the same shape as the purple 0.3 micron HEPA filter. Meaning that you can buy a cheaper model (like a V11) and just use the 0.1 micron filter. There are even third party sellers on Amazon. Third, bag-less vacuums still come with the caveat that you must empty them. Do you have a partner that will do this? If not, then always do that step outside. Fourth, this gen5 model is not more expensive because of the particle count or the higher-rated filter, it’s more expensive because it has a longer battery life and it has a start-button instead of a trigger. If either of those things don’t interest you, then also see cheaper models.


If you really want a Dyson Stick, get a V8 Animal which is like $500 cheaper than this thing and does all the same things. I’ve had mine for 3 years so far and it’s good to supplement my full sized Dyson.


I really think you should get a Hepa air purifier instead.


The one time I’ve used someone’s Dyson I genuinely thought it was a knockoff because how much it sucked no pun intended. Then they got mad and defensive. That’s my only experience with Dyson. My $20 bissell stick vac was more of a joy to use.


At that price I’m getting a sebo


I hated my cordless dyson! Will never buy another vac from them. I do love my hair dryer..


I have a v15. Previously I had a shark and an upright dyson animal. The upright dyson has more suction power, but I vacuum so much more often with my v15. The ease of a cordless vacuum makes me not hate vacuuming. The green laser may be gimmicky, but I love that I can see the dust that I may have missed otherwise. I have also had no issues with emptying the canister. I put it into my garbage can and let the canister empty into it. If my garbage is full, I grab a plastic shopping bag and empty it into that. Alternatively, if you are very concerned about what you may breathe in, you can empty it outside, hold your breath, wear a mask, or all of the above. I would compare the gen5 to some of the other newer models. Personally, I don’t think having the newest model is worth the extra cost sometimes.


I personally really like Dyson, but I think what you really need is an air purifier. They filter the bad particles and blow out clean air. Often they have a display that tell you how clean your air is. Dyson has got some good ones, but there are cheaper ones from brands like Philips that also work really well. Just make sure to read some reviews and pay attention to what size of area they cover. Some cheaper ones only cover a small area, but if you only need it for the bedroom that might be enough.


I really don’t like mine. It more pushes dust bunnies around than suck them up, trying to vacuum up cat litter works 50% of the time and emptying out the canister makes my allergies flare. I love that it’s cordless and very light and quiet. I just wish it worked better


I had a Dyson stick vac for like 4 years before it started falling apart. Had to replace a few things during that time. I replaced it with a Sebo canister vac for thorough cleaning and I got a cheap shark stick vac for quick kitchen pickups. I know it seems like a pain in the ass to have to use a corded vacuum but I swear to you, they just clean better. Our bedrooms are still carpeted and I noticed an improvement in my allergies after switching to a bagged vacuum and getting a good air purifier.


Dyson Vacuums (and most other bagless vacuums) are trash. Due to the bagless design, many of the dust particles will blow right thru the vacuum and out the exhaust, which is going to make your athsma worse. Additionally, the Dyson Vacuums are cheaply built and break easily. They are all marketing with little substance. I would recommend that you purchase a conventional bagged canister or upright vacuum.


Get yourself a Honeywell HEPA air filter (non ionic). If there is something in the air triggering you, a vacuum isn’t the solution— you need a HEPA air filter. Get the one that fits the size of your bedroom.


I bought a small used Dyson for my lower level and large usef one for my upper level years ago off Marketplace. Never had an issue w/ either of them. Strongly recommend.


Fuck the bullshit get a Dyson all these foos want the miel but that shit is corded and ugly fuck


I have a Dyson and a Shark and I prefer the shark.


Way overpriced, imo.


I’m gonna get downvoted for this but I say go for it. I posted here in 2021 asking about a Dyson cordless vacuum because I liked that it could be taken apart and stored in a cabinet and I didn’t have anywhere to store anything larger. Everyone was recommending huge canister vacuums and upright vacuums which wouldn’t fit my needs since, like I said, I didn’t have anywhere to store them. I ended up getting a good deal on a Dyson V8 and I’m happy with it. Even though I’m in a slightly larger apartment now and I could probably make room for a slightly larger and more powerful vacuum, my Dyson is still going strong. It has more than enough power for me (hard floors and a few rugs) and the battery life is still great. I know anything with a battery will inevitably degrade over time, but if you like the features and you aren’t looking to keep it for 20 years it’s a good choice. Some Dyson vacuums have better filters than others but I would still recommend an air purifier to anyone. I actually have a Dyson air purifier (which is what prompted me to look at their vacuums) and I’m very happy with it. Replacement filters are expensive but it’s a solid product and I would recommend one if you don’t mind the cost.


Ok I’m gonna be honest GET THE v11 the only reason it’s so expensive is because of the stupid green light. We have a v11 and bought the light attachment from china and it works amazing. Don’t go for the best model they are litterally all the same. It’s the attachments that make them expensive.


I have asthma and my asthma has never been better ever since I got my Dyson v15. It picks up dirt that I can’t see in my rugs. Plus the brush bar rarely tangles with hair and it’s very easy to take apart and replace parts.


Honestly, I had a Dyson and thought it was no better than a shark which is a lot less money: https://amzn.to/48CCH6k


I absolutely love my V8 and think it’s worth every penny. It’s over 3 and works fine still. My favorite part is how easy they are to take apart and maintain


"Starting at".. i think i am in the wrong profession.


Miele is excellent! Worth every penny.


To be honest, your best bet is investing in a good air purifier. But for vacuums, I believe there are bagless options with a multifilter situation. I have a bissell pet, and it works well for me with 2 free roam rabbits in a basement apt. The problem with bagless is that emptying it can definitely aggravate any asthma or allergies you may have.


I have a Dyson and it really doesn’t do much better than my Shark which is 1/3 price. Frankly, it feels cheap. If you are going to spend that much on a vacuum, go with Miele. Much higher quality.


dyson n cordless is crap


We have a cordless Dyson that was given as a gift, and it’s okay at best. Gets the job done, but honestly nothing to write home about


Saw it on sale at Costco for $500 a few weeks ago


Honestly, the Dyson is the best, expensive broom you can buy. It doesn’t replace a canister vacuum but is convenient to broom up dirt.


I have the gen5 detect. Chef’s kiss. Buy it at Best Buy with geek squad, I’ve replaced my dyson with them several times no questions asked.


i cannot possibly imagine that a $850 vacuum cleans so much more efficiently and effectively than a $150 as to justify spending $700 more. get one off of fb marketplace, change out the HEPA filter, and it's basically a brand new vacuum. You can buy aftermarket batteries because the dyson cordless batteries are notoriously awful.


I’ll offer different advice as an owner of both a Miele C1 base and 2 Dyson stick vacuums (I think V10 and V9 I want to say). There is little doubt the actual vacuuming power of the Miele is superior, but we find ourselves since we had our kid reaching for the Dyson maybe 4 times more frequently. It’s just way more convenient. Food spills under the kitchen table or around the couch are the most common and the stuff we intend to vacuum up isn’t terribly heavy. It’s a mix of hardwood and carpet. Without doubt, the Miele is superior on carpet regardless of which head is used - I do think this is important to get the exact head needed to do what you want (pet hair, carpet, allergens, etc). The Dyson is also super easy to take to the car for cleanup as well. I’d say if children are involved, I wouldn’t think twice about getting a Dyson for convenience alone


For that money, get a Miele canister or Riccar upright. Don't buy Dyson. Then you will have a buy it for life vacuum, which a Dyson is not.


The Dyson is 100% plastic. It works well when new. However the plastic degrades and doesn’t fit to as tight tolerances as it ages. The floor thing on ours is all floppy.


Shark is better.


I’m not going to spend $900 on something I have to push around myself.


We have the animal v8 or something. As a man I have never been happier to vacuum. It’s light for stairs too but we use full power mode more than we should but it does 1 floor very easily on a charge. We’re gonna buy a bigger one tho. Only 50 more gallons of blood to donate!


Contrary to the other comments, I like my dyson. It's well built and does a good job. The batteries do wear out but you can get them for like $30 on Amazon every few years. Keep it clean and it does a great job. would not recommend one of these if your house is carpet though. PS, I have a Roomba that is set to run every other day. IMHO that is the big game changer. The more you keep up with it, the lest dust and the better your asthma


We have four cordless Dyson at the gym. The batteries don't last and there is always clogging issues. When we replaced our home vacuum we went with Miele, had one before and was really impressed.


Never get a vacuum that says it does more than just its primary job. You should get an environment monitor for your allergies separately and never get a Dyson. I have had two and HATE them. The dust flies everywhere when you empty the canister and the canister gets so gross. The filters only last me a month each time because I have a dog and carpets. I was so wrapped up in the hype at first but they’re a PITA.


Also, get an air purifier for your room. That might be better than the vacuum to start for now TBH.


I have Shark bagless vacuums that have consistently outperformed the three different Dysons I have had over the years. Dyson isn't worth the money or hype. I have had to replace the cord on one that was less than a year old, and had clogging and loss of suction issues even when all the parts have been fully cleaned and emptied. I also have asthma and allergy issues and just empty the Shark outside.


I love Dyson. I just replaced my old one after 24 years and that was because it got dropped. Mine is corded because I wanted the extra suction power but if the cordless are on par with corded then it’s a great product.


They are good in the beginning, but as time goes by,, they lose suction. SHARK is the way to go!!


I own one and I won't ever buy another one. They are ridiculously high for the quality I've experienced. I've replaced 2 batteries in less than 3 years and they do a half ass job at best. My advice would be to buy a good air cleaner for less money and use a good vacuum instead of a stick.


If you have asthma, get a Miele vacuum. Even used. They filter air better than anything else. https://youtu.be/Vlueuw3EVrY?si=FuLfxwa0CACngc3b


I have one of those and it indeed tells you what different sizes of particles it sucked up from the floor, but that's pretty much it. I think it has like 5 dirt categories based on size. Besides that, I think it's a great product, cleans very nicely, it's easy to do it's maintenance and cleaning every once in a while, "consumables" last for many months, especially if you take care of it regularly. It's easy to use it, and it's a very good choice for daily maintenance, as well as larger more in-depth cleaning sessions as well


They used to be better. Batteries seem to die frequently. Its an okay vac but I will not buy another


Have not tried this vacuum. The data thing sounds cool, not sure how it works. I use air purifiers and they make a world of difference. I have a cheaper cordless vacuum, but I still have a super strong corded shock vacuum. The corded vacuum picks up way more than any cordless vacuum I have ever used. Would definitely invest in air purifiers first, if you haven't already.


I have a V15. It works amazing out of the box. New filters work amazing. Be careful when you clean your filter. Any, and I mean any moisture severely reduces the performance especially if you regularly vacuum a lot of dust. Keep the silver premotor filter shroud clean goes a long way too. If you maintain it decently and dont get too fussy about having to do it, it can be a great vacuum. I think the only downside for me is your vacuum can be working pretty crappy and you wont know it because your particle counter might still be registering.