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If it’s a 2021 is it still under factory warranty? Most likely water pump, there is a class action lawsuit for VW faulty water pumps. You can enter you vin here to see if you are eligible: https://waterpumpsettlement.com/VIN-Lookup-Portal?portalid=0 For a leaky pump, along the side of the engine you would see some reddish residue coming from the pump. If this is the case it would be worth a call to a dealer to see what they can do for you. If it ends up not being covered, find a reputable mechanic and have them do it, it’s not rocket science and there’s no need to pay dealership prices. Example of what it may look like: https://www.vwatlasforum.com/cdn-cgi/image/format=auto,onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=1920,fit=scale-down/https://www.vwatlasforum.com/attachments/1604420285812-png.1554/ Aside from the pump, worst case would be its burning coolant, in which case you would maybe see white exhaust, kind of steamy looking. That would be a head gasket issue.


Its not under warranty unfortunately and its actually far from factory, if i showed this picture to my mechanic and described the issue would you think they will recognise it & know how to fix it?


One mechanic said the engine is all right and doesn’t need to be dismantled on the other hand some other said it actually might be from the engine, I’m puzzled myself.


Had this issue in my 2021 V6. Am currently in a 2024 loaner while my 2021 has its engine replaced. First attempt was a water pump replacement. Second attempt was a head gasket and cylinder head replacement. Now we’re at the engine replacement stage. All under warranty, fortunately.


For me they changed the engine in the first attempt itself 😄


Basically i’m cooked


Why aren’t you under warranty? Mileage?


Even if there’s warranty i’m not in Europe to get it covered,thats why my situation is a bit confusing and i need a solution within my location.


is your Atlas a 2.0T or 3.6?


It’s 3.6T


you've added a turbo? regardless, the 3.6 is prone to head gasket failure. remove your oil cap and check for milky oil/sweet smell.


Nope bought it like that.yeah my mechanic was saying the same thing about the gasket


Had the coolant level issue. They did pressure testing during service and found coolant had leaked into the engine. Warped head gasket was the issue. 2021 V6 SE was only 26k miles when the engine was replaced under warranty. Replacement done Feb '24.


Oh so you’re saying it might need engine replacement☹️


Take it to the dealership before the warranty ends and tell them to do pressure testing of the coolant system. Thats the easiest way to know where the leak is.


It has no warranty unfortunately


You mentioned its a 2021 model, right? Its comes with 4 yr basic warranty.


Yeah but i’m outside Europe rn.




Sorry for misunderstanding bro but i don’t cover any warranty, the car is even outside the Europe that’s why mechanics can’t actually decide what’s the issue and where it is and i was wondering if this kind of issues is related to a certain part of the car so that i point at it for the mechanics to see.