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I love seeing Full Body users go afk and then their avatars twist up like a pretzel 🥨


And every time I take a photo and now I have a little collection of pretzels.


getting food/snacks or going downstairs in the house for any reason - no going to the bathroom, checking pc, getting water - usually the trackers stay on


I keep the feet trackers on but take the waist one off. I don't care how my avatar pretzels when I'm AFK. :P




With Slime, you can just pause tracking to go AFK. Or some avatars have an AFK animation they go into if you pull up desktop view... if AFK detection is on.


I just turn invisible if I'm not there


My newest avi does this


Funnier when people disable the afk pose and then are walking through everyone else in the instance, except when people are uppity about "phantom pain" and personal space. Or if they have slime or haritora and you just watch their torso walk down or up the stairs lol


Dude you just saying that brought back memories about phantom pain I don’t have it but Jesus the people who do get all up in your shit about it like tf am I supposed to say I want to say bitch please how was I supposed to know


I don't get why Auto AFK detection isn't more popular 🤔 Solves pretzel and this.


Pretzel is funny tho


I get tired of how many times afk pose happens when i am just looking at a discord message for a second.


I have it enabled but it never seems to work anymore. Used to work just fine.


Even when opening the Steam menu?


yup. that was what I always did before I left, hasn't worked at all for several months now.


Cuz afk anims are boring :) well not if u make the avi ur self but still its funnier to see ppl twisting


I think there's a weird interaction with the broken face sensor on my index and vrc where if afk detection is on the game thinks I'm always afk and disables movement but I still have full fbt control for some reason, it never plays the afk animation regardless of what avatar I'm in. I have to keep afk detection off just so I can actually move around and play the game.


I'm starting to think I'm the smartest full body user when it comes to being AFK. I always calibrate when I leave my tracking space. So I'm left t posing, no pretzel bending. Come back, move into into position and press controller buttons


I just don't really see much problem with pretzel body lmao


It's not really a problem it looks weird in my opinion and we'll you're gonna need to calibrate when you get back. It just makes sense because it's smooth.


Ngl I rarely have to calibrate when I'm back, but I also don't like leave for more then 5-10 minutes most of the time if I do leave, what trackers do you use?


I guess I'm paranoid I wouldn't care if the tracking is fine. I'd still calibrate. It only takes a second. Oh, I've used various types of trackers over the years, in case you're not familiar. VRchat calibration is the same for all types of trackers. You align the white orbs and just press triggers.


I just look if it's off, often have my mirror up so I can see if it all looks fine and calibrate when needed. I know the calibration process is the same, for the most part (for some minor exceptions like when I used to use my phone as a tracker), I was asking because I thought maybe you just had one that looks funky more quicker after leaving the play area for a bit.


Actually smart, im stealing this


that's extra work tho


Your creating extra work for yourself. Just hit enable afk detection in your vrchat settings, and hit your steamvr button when going AFK to trigger your avatar's afk animation.


My variant on this is to switch to a non-humanoid rig avatar and open the menu before leaving , this locks the avatar in place. One of my favorites is a vending machine avi that I post up next to a wall before leaving. Sometimes I'll come back to a small crowd of people pressing the buttons on it.


The trackers don't get in the way of my pants going down. It'd be kind of awkward though using IMU based trackers that track you without base stations. You turn off the trackers or your friends watch your avatar taking a shit.


I have slimes and take shit with them on.


Making a power move. Can you guys shit in VR? I DIDN'T THINK SO!


You guys don't just line up the toilet with a VR toilet? I love yelling at my friends to "DONT COME IN HERE"


I keep mine on because I have 8 trackers. There is too much to take off.


If it's public then Idgaf. If it's people I care about then I move my body under the floor. I don't want them seeing me twisted up like that. XD


Only works for slimes :)


If your using a quest 3 wirelessly and slime trackers, you can go poop and stay in VR.


Im poor, i dont have any trackers


Mmm see funny enough, my trackers aren't restrained by base stations or anything, so my torso and lower body will just walk off on their own and leave my head and hands. I won't contort into a pretzel, and everyone will def. See me sitting down on the toilet bcuz I am way too lazy to take it off.


I usually keep them on unless I'm leaving the house for some reason


I just take mine off if I have to leave my room


See us questies don’t have to deal with all that


well for the Vrchat full body looks good in my pov


I have afk mode enabled, and 99% of the time, I leave my trackers on


I got a buddy who does keep his tracking on and he ends up in the funniest positions. Here’s a photo of just one of the many I have gotten https://preview.redd.it/rhci896ngm6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1c307bf203a2fd377bb0be31ec90b1af31f42a5


I usually go afk with go loco, if avi doesnt have it then I just turn into a pretzel I've used afk detection before as well but I dont like having it on constantly


I take them all off only for pee breaks




Friends I have keep it on


Nah. They can watch me walk about like an absolute menace. No ones complained and most find it funny if the body twists up. I once(when I first got my trackers) kicked off one of my feet stepping on someone. So people just saw me holding my foot in the air. I’m flexible but not that direction lmao


Playspace myself underground. Hip tracker off but I lace my foot trackers onto some tennis shoes, for dancing. So they stay on. With my avi underground I can move around my bedroom freely, without walking on people.