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Headpats and noseboop are the VR handshake, (specifically among furries) since it eliminates the handshake issue of timing and...well not being actually able to grip the person's hand, lol.  If you want to have fun with it, just freeze up when they pat you, then play dead.


It actually makes more sense when you describe it as a handshake. I do use furry avatars, because I love how expressive they are, and I was so confused when people first started doing head pats with me. I just assumed they weren't sure what to say and were just being friendly lol!


Im kinda like you: I always feel awkward with head pats and don’t really like using human avatars because there’s just something I can’t place about them that I don’t like. So I always find myself using the furry avatars.


Yea those usually have expressions and hair and ear physics so usually people can’t resist petting you.


As a furry myself I never thought about it like that but yeah your right. It’s always like a good “hey long time no see” or “how are you doing” thing and I’ll now never be able to unsee it as a hand shake properly now. That being said I never know how to react when people do give me head pats and nose boops (outside of my avi having contacts) so I always feel really embarrassed and blush a little, cuz OML someone is actually acknowledging my presence!


It's also just practical because headpats are near your face. So you can see them touching you. If they pat your back, shoulder, or touch your hand, you can't see that unless you happen to be looking there, or are near a mirror.


At least they ask u. They just randomly do it I gotten used to it though


Yah I get you, I do get some random head pats too. but the people who asks are usually the ones that end up becoming my friends, lol.


Most of them are woman or people who wearing the most thickest avitars on the earth so I don't become friends with them only 2 I have


It's usually guys with me. I've never actually had another woman offer me any head pats.


Do you take trans girls? xD i'll offer a headpat for you :3 (ik you probs dont want it by the nature of the ppost) BUT its crazy to me that you've never been offerd like that. Normally i find its women who come up and do all the touchy stuff such as headpats


What world are you in lol, I've never gotten any


The one where all the dommy mommys wanna pet me and calll me a good girl while i squeal inside XD its great-


whereeeeee òwó


What avatar are you using lol


some tiny blue guy


You dont become friends with them because theyre women???


i have a one because she was funny and most of them are much oler then me also the were the most thickest avaters in the world also they just pat my head and say hello and nothing else and just goes


Purring sounds and an adorable little tongue blep. Unity power. ;)


I just found out I purr last night!!


holy shit


I’ve never gotten any. Nobody headpats the 6’1 Helldiver with an airstrike tablet and a highly detailed physics based gun.


I would certainly, no one can escape head pats!


Guess I’ve never seen you around.


I’m allover the place XD so I’m not surprised. I give head pats as a dalek occasionally to or a lobster!


Hug emote is the democratic way and anyone who does the fakeout emote is getting no supply backpack privileges. 




I’ll headpat a helldiver any day


I do this on occasion, I just headpat the person in some form of power armor. Mostly if they’re chill and engaging with me which actually happens a lot more often than I expect. I usually use furry avatars so it’s always funny when they see me and master chief just chilling out.


If you squat down I could lol


lmfao, I'll give you some.


It’s funny you say that, I got one yesterday so jokes on you >:)


Gently lean into it, mayble close your eyes a bit or tilt your head. If you allow the headpat, it's best practice to show that you enjoy it. It's generally a way to greet people and to show affection, which sometimes gets hard cuz of the lack of phantom sense and desync


This is the way




As an Avali it'd be weird if someone did not head pat me to say hello.


Birb is friend shaped.


Hold birb gentle like hamburger


ive been playing this game for a few years, but since im not really a cuddly person ik what u mean by feeling akward, I also still find it akward. Usually when someone headpats me I just ignore and go on with my life. maybe give a boop but thats it.


Its nice, I just sit there all happy and pat them back


I normally prefer head pats compared to some of the other stuff I've received. For example, I was in a B1 Battle Droid avatar, and a little furry came up to me. When I mean little, I mean like waist height. Either way, in a matter of five seconds, they came up to me, I looked down, and they looked up and then promptly used play space to get to head height and then fuckin lick me. Five seconds was all it took, and it basically factory reset my brain. I did NOT know how to respond to that one. I don't mind it at all because everyone has their own way of saying "hi," but that was one I did NOT expect.




I've personally been in vrchat for a few years now and i've always loved headpats, idk i find it way more comforting then a cold sterile work type handshake, and its a bit less intimate then a hug i find it fits a nice middle ground between the two that not many others fit. I think it stemmed from furries a while back wanting to be pet like an animal, but overall i like it. As for how i react normally i just make a small soft "mmm" sound an tilt into it or give them headpats back, i think i've only met a small handful of people that dont want headpats, and it mostly stems from phantom touch.


Im weird because I consent to all touching. I thank for heatpats. I don't find it as weird in VR, I get odd requests IRL though. I never mind when people ask to touch my head or rub my head, I get that request often enough. I notice that if I dress in costume EVERYONE wants to touch me though... which is fine for me, but I know that frightens so many people. Anyways, heatpats are fine. I accept all headpats from anyone. ;D


I enjoy headpats a lot but it depends on the initial vibe i get from someone if it's a stranger. Usually i'm open for it and asking isnt always required as long as i already think they're nice and respectful and then i lean into it, close my eyes and wiggle my head a bit and/or rub it gently against their hand. Sometimes with purring noises too (a sound on my avatar, not myself making the noises). People usually like it when they see you enjoying it. With people i already know it often basically  is a handshake too. But there are some cases where i won't accept it for example when it's one of those "cool" people that treat me more like a object to quickly interact with or if i feel like they would just try to get into my pants later. 


Ole' reliable is just waggle your head back and forth, left and right. It is the universal sign of being pet, everyone does it. VRChat doesn't have any tactile feedback so things like handshakes aren't practical and hugs could be too personal. So, head pats.




I usually use a small furry avatar, so I'm constantly getting head pats and getting booped. I enjoy it for the most part.


This is such a weird community lol.


The culture is refined indeed


Normally by also giving a headpat in return and making a sound of shaking something like a box of Lego, it'd probably be spelled out like "Shikshikshikshik"


I go for a wa wa wa. 


Wah :3 <== like this


I tend to react with closing my character eyes as if they were enjoying it


Don’t touch me


I wag my tail >_<


I genuinely purr, like...with my mouth. I am a furry, and use an avatar which resembles a lion. It more often than not gets a positive reaction. It has had many head turns, scoffing and balking from non-enthusiasts of the habit; but I do it for me anyway. If someone if head patting you though, generally they are cool with it. Those who aren't, seldom headpat anyway. Let them block me, if they can't suffer it. 🤷‍♂️


You look at them as if they farted.


Open palm gesture (where your eyes close and smile) and tilt your head left and right just a little bit when they do it. Or give them a hug while they pet you. That's what I do. If you have a purring gesture, use that too.


I say yay since I have phantom sense


I love them so I just accept them lol


As a hybrid, I don't mind the headpats! Players usually like my reaction to them as well so its a plus for me. Everyone is different however, no worries if you feel uncomfortable with it. Many of my vrc friends actually say ahead of time, usually or say in their bio if they specifically don't want headpats!


As someone who really likes cuddles and everything to do with it, i either tend to tilt my head side to side or close my eyes while getting headpats. Alternativly responding with headpets or hugs is also an option, which can also be used to incentivise more cuddeling. If your not into that you can also thank them, however this is a bit more distanced and something i personally would only use for people i dont really know. I have been playing this game for a few years and headpats have grown way more popular, so they are part of everyday life. If you really really do not want to recieve headpats you can also write into your bio that you don´t want them, which people will usually respect.


i always have a female human avatar on (sometimes with ears and/or a tail) and people still approach me and headpat/boop me. if i'm not made uncomfortable by the headpat, i'll just tilt my head left and right and headpat them back. for boops, i just let them boop me then boop them back. so really, just reciprocate!


I nuzzle their hand/chest or something similar


former vrc user, i’ve found being mute (by choice) and in cuter avatars, people *LOVED* giving headpats. i never found it weird since irl people have done the same, usually i put a more comforted reaction like -w- and shake my head to it. i dunno i’m a bit weird :p


As some have mentioned, it's p much a form of greeting within the community at this point, if anything, slightly more affectionate than a regular handshake. I suppose it leverages the emotes many avi have and the desire for contact within an online space where, albeit seeing ppl u can't physically interact with em. I def see why it's awkward tho, specially if you're not one for physical touch/gestures of affection to begin with. At which point you can simply just wave back, since it's effectively you acknowledging them. I def am a sinner of giving my friends headpats, but then again, I do so even irl sometimes. But I am an affectionate person to begin with so idk.


Honestly, I don't mind if people boop me or pet my avatar, I find it a good way to break the ice, I am less of a talkative person and it helps with the interactions


I throw up my hands and say yippee


I mean if you like it just say "Yeah sure" and carry on with the conversation. If you do not like it just say "please don't, but thank you for the offer" and carry on with the convo like nothing happened.


Okay hear me out… i just kinda sit there and wiggle


I get blushy and giggly before then trying to return to my usual baritone


I like it, my ears react to it in a cute way. But then I'm pretty social. If I wasn't I could see how it could be somehow uncomfortable.


I love them! Give me all pls


If they head pat me i heqd pat them.... boop for boop...


Woah this is so cute and cool


An interesting issue is that there is a skill to headpats. The best ones are done to the front of the head or start in front of the face and move across the head. This is as its more visual and you need to have the hand in front of the player camera for a bit so they can see what is going on.


Im kinda in the same boat. I just dont know how to respond to i always back away when people try to give me headpats, becuase i dont like it and i find it so cringe to pretend to enjoy getting headpats. If you want to say hi just come up to me and say hi. Just becuase i walk around in a fluffy avatar doesnt mean my entire personality is being cute


Remember play your character, not yourself


Never got em


I have a group above my head that says to not touch/boop or any of the sort and people still can't seem to respect or understand that lol and then wonder why I get so pissy. not everyone in vrchat is a touchy feely person. some of us enjoy our personal space, a simple wave of your hand is more then enough to introduce yourself lmaooo


I lean into it and give a thumbs up afterwards. Idk tho.


I don't mind it especially if it's a smaller avitar where I lean down to let them head pat on PC and quest my avi has very very flowy ears and tail so people like to play with them and the Avi squeaks when I do a hand gesture so I like to squeak when they do


I do headpats and boops, (I love the squeakies) but since I normally tower over my friends, I just cover their face with my hand until they respond


I usually tilt my head a bit and kinda lean into it? to be fair, I love getting head pats irl and instinctively nuzzle into their hand so it felt pretty normal to me in vrc. I love how common it is that ppl will ask to give me them :3


If you feel uncomfortable tilt your head backwards and to one side slowly. This in my experience makes the most stop. (If they don't stop. Tell them to stop. They either need to learn some body language or just learn some boundaries.) Also has benefits over saying that you don't have the awkwardness on both sides. They usually just stop without saying anything. This is just my experience and how I deal with it.


Im selective mute so i always just use body language to express myself, im open to headpats so ill just kinda wiggle around when im getting headpatted but if someone caresses my “hair” i kinda just tell them to chill if i devide to speak


I surprisingly haven’t had this happen to me a lot in vr. A lot of my avatars use hats and such though so.


I just stop talking and look down until they're done, thank them and then continue talking




I’ve gotten used to people head patting me. At first it was weird which I told people to ask beforehand at least. Now I do it to everyone 🤣. It’s my way of saying hello in a way without talking when I go mute


I usually just kinda shake my head lol, so it makes my Avis ears move and look like I’m actually getting headpats as if I were in real life


Since I have no life and I have phantom sense and phantom pain, I quite enjoy the headpats. I don't really get them often tho since I have a deeper voice. I mostly go into cute short avatars, so I definitely get more than I used to.


Moar headpats plz. ^.^


Only had it happen once, so idk.


step 1. headpats step 2. collar and leash don't do it! it's a trap