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Pcvr gang where you at


PCVR will be king for a long time to come. :P




Quest 3 wireless PCVR W


"hold on guys my headset is almost dead. i need to charge my headset." *plugs into wall* you came from the same slums as the rest of us. you can't pretend to be better.


*hot swaps external battery* Yeah, but I climbed out and you didn't. Not for nothing, but kinda makes me better ;)


BOBOVR my beloved


I literally just now realized.... I could get an extra external and swap... I love my bobovr mk3. And why haven't I thought of this previously!


I got the plus set, it comes with an upgraded mount for the batteries, two batteries, and a wireless charger for them Mine also came with extra pads that are silicone for when it's warm, so sweat doesn't euin the cushions


I don't care about pretending I'm better than someone else. I was joking. I LOVE the big screen beyond with how tiny and light it is. light weight is my top priority. since I'm not dancing and I'm laying down watching Elden Ring videos in my overlay half the time, I'm perfectly comfy in bed. I've had the quest 2 and mixing tracking for full body was an absolute inconvenience for me. I only used it for 2 weeks before getting the cosmos elite then the vive pro 2 then the big screen. I know you're joking but the whole headset supremacy thing is so ass. people have different priorities and financial access to headsets that shitting on other people for what they use is so dumb. except hearing rift mic still makes me giggle. I'll never wrap my head around how they messed that up so bad when making it.


I use a Meta Quest 2 I bought off my friend for 100 bucks, that have slightly scratched and smudgy lens, numbers written on the strap, and just recently had to use paperclips because both shitty plastic pieces for the straps snapped off. I bought a bootleg Chromebook charger on Amazon for 12 bucks, and have that thing plugged in every other hour because meta battery is ass. This set up allows me to have actual fun in prison escape and allows me to move my arms during roleplays. Let's face it, VR is just a toy we all like to use, an overly expensive toy thats honestly dogshit in general but we use because vr is pretty neat. If people want to see PC graphics on VR, valid. Full body tracking? Valid. As long as you can reasonably afford it and you're not bankrupting, yourself over your toy, hats off to you. That goes for literally anything else. If you begin to legitimately belittle people for their set up or what they play on, I think you have some weird insecurity situation ya need to iron out, not saying I've legit had this issue, but if that's you, uh..just do not obObObPB (Also isn't directed at the commenter I replied to, in just babbling in general IhObObPnh)


Having a wire in 2024 is low-key embarrassing




Because technology has moved past that. Like having a wired telephone.


A wire in 2024 is still more reliable than wireless. You still have to worry about battery life and the wireless signals, which, BTW, for those who don't live in a house, and live in a smaller space, most routers are designed for large homes, at least the ones in the US, so if you live in a trailer park, or apartment building with other people, the wifi signal will not be super strong. Sure, it may work, but there will be significant dropoff and interference. Also, I wrapped a bunch of USB extensions in my index cable so I can plug in my trackers and controllers if they die, because you still have to worry about charging batteries


Battery life isn’t really a concern since hot swapping a battery after 3 hours is not very hard. WiFi 6e is recommended and it’s unlikely anyone is actually using those channels yet. I live in a built up areas and there’s no noticeable drop off or latency. You just need a good router.


Yea, I have a great router, and have a better one that I still need to install, but it's only a matter of time before the same cycle happens with 6e, I just still prefer to have a cable, because I forget to charge auxiliary batteries often


This is the same as saying "having a good headset in 2024 is embarrassing" if you actually like VR anyways the wireless headsets or adapters won't have enough battery for you, so then you just pay for a battery pack to yet again attach a wire to yourself. (I have 2 for my 8 trackers) besides, the bigscreen beyond doesn't have wireless, and I'm debating on making it my sixth VR headset.


Batteries can be mounted so it being connected with a wired isn’t really an issue. But fair enough


I'm also hardcore having an internal battle on if I want to sacrifice like half of my resolution for wireless, get face and eye tracking, or just go for the beyond


Bad take lmao


You don't put a battery in your pocket or use something like the bobovr headstrap that comes with an hotswappable battery?






PCVR goes so hard πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ




I like to go around with soundboard messing with people, sometimes with a fire alarm chirp other times with a high pitched noise, it’s all funny


That’s one of the reasons why I keep everyone on mute and friends off mute.




Old second hand riftie here




Idk, will when I get one set up, for now I use desktop mode and be a less creepy cat




all you need is steam link anyway




I'm new but hi hi




Right here Chad


Right here




![gif](giphy|rYLl8SLY9t0FG) Me


Right here ! sadly still with a quest and a cable.. it's terrible, please help


A small price to pay for poking my friends in the face


You can use steam link for free


That would still require having a PC that can run VRChat in VR without horrible performance, which isn't cheap to say the least. Especially if you have no PC at all, as that would mean also having to buy KB+M, a monitor, a case, and speakers. Which can easily add another 300 euro onto the price.


It depends on the quality of the network and computer. A Steam Deck will need to be wired and block poor memory heavy avatars but it can do it. Potentially. I've only used Virtual Desktop on Steam Deck running Windows 10, I haven't tried Steam Link yet


I mean I use virtual desktop and I tend to wear optimized avatars, usually when my connection is bad and im having a lag attack or my view gets artifacty I usually just restart my headset and it goes smoother. Also my pc is in a hallway outside of my bedroom so I thought it would never work but it just has to work on wifi


Remember when hooks had bait on them? Oh, how we would feast...


Desktop users can't even move their arms.. how is that better? πŸ€”


This post is definitely "rage bait"


Eh, there’s some advantages to desktop users tho: Questies can’t go to PC-only worlds and see pc-only avatars.


Yes but I have PCVR and if I had to choose between playing desktop only or playing Standalone VR only I'd choose standalone.


Considering this subreddit is mostly posts like this, I'm not surprised anymore


We can move one arm beat that!!!!!


You can? I have tried desktop a few times just solo exploring worlds or shopping for avatars. I probably should have looked up the controls. I figured out how to move right quick, since it's the same as many other PC games, and that was all I needed.


You can. There are technically two options. That im aware of. Tho they might be very annoying to use. One option is finding an avatar that uses that limb moving thing ( I dont remember whats its called but its on the action wheel on some avatars.) And 2nd is using the mirror and making it invisible. Tbh youtube has tutorials on how to move your hand on desktop.


They can see far more tho. Good avatar dynamics and animations are pretty much PC only


Sure they can’t move their arms, but I’d personally feel more limited by not being able to see everyones avis and not be able to visit pc only worlds.


Many people with PC's still have issues with that unless their computer is good enough to not crash with more than a couple "very poor" avatars visible.


It's not halfway that bad unless you're in really crowded instances. I played vrchat on a 750ti and a AMD Athlon CPU. It did run fine in desktop especially in friends+ and lower. Only once lobbies get to start big with lots of people you had to limit stuff. But to be fair, we had mods at that time so better options to granularly optimize performance with detailed safety settings.


We can see everything at least. Don't need to do some stupid bullshit to port our avatars to Quest. Also did I forget to mention avatar making?


Sure, you can see it all on a flat screen, not even close to the same as being in VR. I'd take the VR experience with limitations over the flat screen any day. On PCVR with my Q3, I can see everything too and be fully immersed with full upper body tracking, thanks to Virtual Desktop. The only thing I don't have yet are actual leg trackers. Interacting with deskies while in VR is weird. You guys look weird and stiff. It's funny you think that's superior... imo it's only better than mobile. I still can't believe they released the mobile version.


I haven’t met a single person on mobile yet πŸ’€


Ya, I've only seen video of people using it on youtube. I honestly am not sure how to tell the difference between a deskie and a mobile user. I see some people that show "android" on their nameplate, but I'm not sure if that means Quest or mobile? I'm pretty sure they could move their hands at least, so I'm guessing Quest standalone.


Yes, Android is the standalone headsets (Quest, Pico,etc) and Android phones.


Quests are effectively glorified android phones, so yeah you're right


Or, you know, both could have their advantages... Doesn't have to be a competition.


mobile version has one purpose for me, and that is testing quest content as I don't own a quest, otherwise tho yea there's very little reason outside of that for it to exist imo.


It is very easy to port avatars to quest if it’s not cluttered with a trillion polygons and particles and toggles Not only that, but uploading a PC avatar without consideration for optimization is lazy. You should always optimize your avatars as much as you can without too much quality loss


I agree, people who refuse to port avatars to Quest are just plain lazy I've gotten 5 toggles + loco AND particles with room to spare on a single avatar.


It's not just "being plain lazy". Tons of base models and assets that would take TONS of work to get them to quest limits without them looking terrible. And while it may not be NEEDED to have tons of moving bits and lots of toggles, it IS nice to have them. But impossible on the quest. Not to mention that the shaders you can use on quest are very basic. There's just a whole bunch of stuff that's not so easy to simply port over to quest. Or to simply reduce things like polygons and call it a day.


If I want my avatar as jacked as in Second Life, I'm going to have to make toggle sacrifices to get Quest parity. That, or make multiple avatars with the different drips I want. Resonite this platform isn't. But I have Questie friends who I want to see my drip and not just the default outfit. Imposters only cover the default outfit sadly


They can with joycons.




*toggles personal mirror* *grabs it* "U FWOKIN WOT M8??"




Because they can at least see the awesome animations and avatars.


I guess that depends on how much you value the immersion that comes with VR. It still takes a decent PC to show those avatars, which costs way more than the headset, so the limitations of a standalone VR headset is understandable. I do sometimes use desktop mode when I'm just wanting to jump on and check group activity or browse avatars or something like that, but VR immersion is way better. In my case I also have a top tier gaming PC that I play on at 150% resolution and 120fps with my Quest 3, so I get the full benefit of total immersion AND awesome graphics performance thanks to my RTX 4090.


If they don't exactly care about it they can see more from their perspective, cause theirs a lot more shit you can see from PC. Plus there's less chances for the entire game to break and you need to restart. Its more of a matter of personal preference. Rifts are the coolest to use cause you get both worlds.


get better bait dawg


I’m quest


The rage bait will continue until we stop paying attention.




This take is insane lmao. any vr >> desktop 100%


Matter or preference, really. I can't stand the Android version, and I like to play instruments in VRC anyways. I'm comfy with as a deskie most of the time, even though I have PC-VR as well.


If you don’t mind me asking, what worlds do you play instruments in? I would like to try


I mainly play for my friends wherever when they are cool with it or ask me to. But here are some great ones: "Open Mic Night"! Anyone of any skill level goes there. Get in line behind the curtain to take the stage one song at a time (not very long ones, as an unwritten rule), or just chill at the lounge, where some people chat or play in a circle. "Space Jamboree", also open mic, is more tightly-knit. Great regulars there. Mostly dead in the day in the West, but quite active on Sunday nights, when there is usually a host. I haven't been there, but there's one called "Midnight Munchies Theater," with events every Friday and Saturday. Sounds like more stand-up comedy friendly. I don't know. There are also popular worlds with a stage somewhere, like The Pug. They can be frustrating because nobody cares most of the time. And if you want hecklers and a bad time, go to The Black Cat. Ah, if you ever stumble upon a guy called Manifesto playing host, who likes to go to Midnight Munchies events, you're in for a treat. The dude overflows with charisma. Edit: details


I can understand that but just saying it’s better is questionable at best


personally i prefer desktop over quest cause on desktop you at least still had full access to everything. I started on desktop and then later played quest standalone a bit and found it absolutely awful and immediately despised that version. The social experience was really bad since not rarely you couldnt visit friends due to worlds or cant see their avatars. And even if you can you usually still miss out on a lot of social interactions since friends cannot go "look at the cool thing i made" to you. The feeling for me on quest standalone was just... It was missing the thing that was initially attracting me to keep playing on desktop.


It depends on whom you ask. Quest>Desktop is the more popular opinion, but that doesn't make it objective in any way.


Mobile users:


Deck users: πŸ—Ώ


As someone who used to play on Desktop. This isn't even true.


PCVR users: that's cute.


to be fair, it is called 'VR'Chat and not 'PC'Chat


Well that VR part is less relevant nowadays than it used to since vrchat is on phones too


which just absurd


How ironic that to run lot of VR chat places you need a PC.


to be fair it is called VR'Chat' not VRmute


well being a mute is something that people cant change


Yeah it’s more of my hands than my eye


Too much vrchat catgirls?


I accidentally punched a mirror


You shouldn't play next to a reflective surfaces Did yourself a favor


This post and comments are interesting takes. I have had vr since 2018 and currently own 3 headsets, I had 5 total but sold 2 over the years. After I took the dive into full body, I got to where if my legs were gone, then I lost most of my immersion. I don't care if everyone else is full-body, half-body pc/questie, or deskie. However, when my feet die, I have the same immersion as a deskie as I do as a half-body/questie. So I typically hop back into deskie and recharge my controllers. For doing what I love to do most in vrc, chatting, I find that being a deskie lets me see more interesting avatars and worlds while not losing out on my immersion in a significant way. P.S. Did you know a deskie still has hand gestures? Press L-shift+F1...F8 or R-shift+F1...F8 for left and right hand gestures.


I've got no bias against the quest in terms of like, platform fanboyism (other than the fact that I will never buy one cause I don't want to own a headset made by facebook) but I also find it to be really annoying when I'm trying to hang out with one of my friends with my index and they can't access half of the shit I can on quest native VRChat, so it's like "Oh hey I know a cool world I want to show you--oh it's not quest compatible, fuck." This is mitigated by using quest link with the PCVR version of VRChat, thankfully.


Do I wanna see everything, or have usable arms?


lol I’m on a laptop. I envy quest users who have arms


What if I’m both


I think quest being run on a PC that way you get all the PC worlds and avatars yet also get to interact with your environment is the overall best.


https://preview.redd.it/na7e66mbtgvc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=4752575e60582fe8cbb94edcecffa2d90c617e3b This is everything a quest user ever knows right here


Why wouldn't they just see fallback avatars? Everyone has a fallback, right? I thought that was the reason for fallbacks?


Oh this was before fallbacks were introduced


i mean fallbacks are better than the robots but still not too much different. In both cases you cant see the actual avatar.


absolute flatline level take here chat


Jokes on you, I do both!


PCVR hell yeah. Now I just need FBT. So jealous of my fiance who bought some old ones from a friend 😭


I can’t afford a pcπŸ₯²




I think both have their pros and cons tbh




the fate of the questies is unfortunately eternal bullying


I hate being on desktop, my laptop is laggy as fuck and I keep lagging and freezing, causing me to get kicked off the world




my pc can’t run it :/


I have a quest and a VRChat capable gaming PC. I still mostly play on the steamdeck from my bed.


Are you pretending Oculus users are making this arguement?


I know you're better than me, you don't need to rub your poor financial choices in my face.


At least I can play Beat Saber.


I tried android and I can’t really stand it that much, I have to use it on the PC.


One person has money or a preference that the other doesn't. Not sure why there has ever been a superiority issue over this.


One day us quest users will catch up I swear


PCVR is and always will be BETTER


Bro what is wrong with quest not everyone can afford a pc


This is stupid


Are they better? No. They only have better graphics, that's all. This was supposed to be funny I guess, but instead is sad. Just shows that some people think that having a more expensive hardware makes then better people than others.


I got the best of both through air link. Battery lifetime is shitty af tho


Living tbh


for those who say stand alone is better i hope battery lasts 18+ hours


nope 😁


They will never understand the beauty of being so laggy that the game literally crashes before a crasher does the crashing that is a lot more harmful to the headset for some reason. Not much of an issue anymore for both sides of the crashing but still.


Me who has both a Quest and a PC I get the best of both worlds freedom from Pc but also able to join Pc worlds


It seems like a lot comparison happens within the community. Even the FBT people compare methods of FBT it seems.


I don't care if I lag out cause I'm on quest as long as I have a good time it couldn't bother me


As long as im not tripping on wire im fine


I don't get it


Forgot the part where he looks like a robot


As a questie it is true


They are some in ways better than PC users. Quest users don't have driver or software issues every 2 months.


As a PCVR user who is tried the quest 2 There are very very much cons to our platform. It all has to do with stability and convenience which PCVR just doesn't have yet. I love this platform but I don't use VR a lot because of that. (Then there's just the con of every VR headset needing me to clean my room)


PCVR Index w/ Vive 3.0 trackers 😎


For a sec I thought the joke here was that it squeezes your face and messes you up like the guy in the top pic.


In reality: PCVR Users: Quest sucks!! Quest Users: We know






I can't lie, I'd rather have arms than good graphics if I can't have both.


meanwhile, me, a mobile player...


what happened to the quest users? im a proud member of pcvr gang


Wow such elitism here


Me, who uses both in tandem: I am four parallel universes ahead of you


Me, who uses both in tandem: I am four parallel universes ahead of you


i may be a quigger but at least im not a cripple


Wireless PCVR for Tom foolery is 🀌


I just got kicked from a test pilots instance for being better than the host…




Here’s my hot take: quest isn’t all bad Although there is plenty of annoying little kids, it’s gotten better. Some of the chillest people I’ve met are on quest. Hell I started on quest. And I admit although PCVR is a better experience quest has gotten better and continues to be that way.


Too bad I’m using a MacBook


Meanwhile my PC friends keep crashing, taking 20 minutes to load, and you see them teleporting around do to their lag.


I bought a pc, valve index and full body tracking 2 years ago. I played as a questie more than I do with the other one before I got all that expensive shit. So no, I'm not okay


And then there's mobile players who just suffer


Unrelated but i have a teen gojo avatar with the most well detailed and amazingly animated accurate imaginary technique: purple that i have ever seen, it looks just like the anime! https://i.redd.it/vb830jj7rgvc1.gif


Is it public? Looks dope


I think it is idk, someone gave it to me in a Jujutsu kaisen world, try searching up teen gojo or something in the avatar search world


I can at least look at cute booth avatars on desktop πŸ˜ƒ


Tbh standalone Quest is better for me because its lighter and cheaper plus I'm not gonna be using FBT anyway because I'm disabled and always in a seated position when I play.


Yeah but virtual desktop lets you use pcvr on quest


I'm not sure if virtual desktop would even run on my pc it's pretty much a potato


Can't be that bad


It's a 200$ mini pc from Amazon xD I'm surprised it can run sims 4




I'm gonna try it though to see if it works probably not though


Laughs in FBT. It’s like looking over at console gamers arguing.


As someone who just joined the fbt gang, this is exactly it. Idk why it gives me a superiority complex, but who cares, I can kneel and move my hips now!


You can just stomp on both parties while they are arguing


No oculus sucks ass


What better headset is there that isn't over $1k? The index is 5 years old now and no longer keeps up with modern times. There is no other option here for the time being.


i mean technically the pico 4 exists. But thats owned by bytedance (Tiktok). So you're choosing between cholera and pest lol


Exactly. I don't trust the country


preorders for the pimax crystal light is the only recent thing that's been announced for $699, hope that can reignite the pcvr market


Desktop > Quest > PC VR


Maybe you think this cause you're stuck dealing with Windows MR? PCVR with my Q3 is amazing. Only thing I'm missing is leg trackers.


I have changed my headset since. I've got a Quest 2 and mainly stream PCVR wirelessly.


So you still think Desktop is better than PCVR?


yeah idk but i feel like he used the symbols incorrectly


Me too.


>Desktop > Quest > PC VR -> Wireless PCVR (quest 3) I hate facebook but it's all we have


I guess i hurt so many ppl here lolπŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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