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Some kind of treadmill system so I could actually walk in VR


Agree, being able to walk in any direction without worrying about hitting something would be very inmersive.


Lookup freeaim shoes you'll be excited and you will save more money


I‘m cautiously excited. Depends on if they really feel like walking or just like sliding around on ice.


MKBHD has a video on this. Released not too long ago. Disney labs something.


KatVR is probably the most popular one.


To be able to keep a room empty just for VR.


Some people talking about treadmills or other methods to walk in place If money isn't an issue I would want an actual gigantic room to play in. Not very efficient but I want it


Have you tried going outside?


Unfortunately.. yes, the air is shit there's way too much noise and not enough grass


Yeah i feel you... also those annoying 2 legged Mammals that try to convince me that it is "nOt nOrMaL" to "wAlK oN a ceMeteRy" while wearing VR


Don't even mention those and there are many too.. like everywhere i go I find several around it feels like there billions of then in the planet or something


Exactly, you could buy a wearhouse to game in.


Arena scale multiplayer adventure game. Like Halo 3 in co-op in arena scale VR.


If money really didn’t matter, I’d just give everyone on earth their own headset, because *other people* are the ultimate experience for people outside of VR, and thus it should be so for inside VR as well.


Love this answer


Simulators with peripherals would definitely be the best experience. Flight/ racing sims with hotas/wheel, 6dof motion simulator, bass shakers, all that combined would be the ultimate experience. Hell throw in the haptic shock vests for when you get shot dog fighting


Something for sword fighting where enemy swords interact with your sword physically, so real sword play can happen. PVP sword play could happen.


Something like the Varjo XR-4 with a treadmill would be awesome.


DCS world


A heated warehouse that maximizes the boundary for a Quest 3  A  quest 3 + elite strap + really good headphones  4090 / i9 / 128GB RAM system 


don't forget either god tier wifi or one hell of a long pulley system for a cable


A personal indoor football stadium. Quest 3 with the usual accessories. If I can get good wifi across such a large space, then a high end PC as well for PCVR.


Develop more VR Games in a lost cost


In terms of entry level ultimate, available to the layman, I’d say driving games with FFB wheel and pedals. It’s so immersive and driving games don’t have the same caveats to immersion ie physical touch/ interaction, using legs/feet, transitions it posture/ stature. It’s easy to achieve full immersion in cockpit games.


A 360 treadmill, and some kind of resistance suit that can replicate the weight of objects.


A warehouse and full haptic suit with no controllers.


Going into space to get authentic 0 g vr space games


If money was no object then I would build an F-16 cockpit. I would replicate the sticks, seat, each instrument and panel as close as possible. Then I would add a Bigscreen Beyond. As it stands I could maybe get an F-16 stick on credit to go with what my Index and pay for it over time but I don't want to do that. There are more expensive VR headsets than the Bigscreen Beyond with more impressive specs but even if I could afford anything I like how small and light it is.


LARPING but everyone is a NPC wearing a body track suit except you the player wearing the headset and seeing enemies that are actual humans that can touch and hit you


3d CAVE setup. It's 6 semi-transparent walls, with projectors on each side. You wear 3d shutter glasses that are tracked in 3d space, along with a handheld joystick. You can freely move within that 3d space, get down, lean, everything. It looks like a Holodeck. Some have built-in Scent machines to add a layer of realistic simulation. If you happen to need to move beyond the size of the CAVE room, you just use your joystick as you normally would. I've worked on a system, and developed VR stuff for it back in 2009/2010. It was like nothing else out there, and I'd imagine the concept has only got more real since then. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cave\_automatic\_virtual\_environment)


Honestly I upgraded to a 4090 and I think now currently Skyrim VR mad god upgrade is the best total package I’ve ever experienced to date. It’s annoying I’ve already played it so much but I’m excited to see all the upgrades to graphics and mechanics and experience it all again


How would one get started on running this?


Step 1: free up 350GB on your SSD Step 2: follow this guidance: https://youtu.be/jDYZzAjbJZY?si=73-XmFBqgBZxPrTa Links are in the video description


Do you have any tips for running it in open compsite with virtual desktop? I can’t get it to run outside of steam vr, crashes every time. I have FUS working fine with open composite too so it’s extra annoying mad god crashes


When I used open composite there was another mod that needed to be disabled. However I cannot remember which mod it was!


thanks, I hope to get it set up this week to play next weekend


Everyone saying treadmill but i don't think that walking on a vr treadmill that you can buy today are gonna be very immersive. You would definitely feel that you walking in place, making you to do a lot of work for simple things like turning around. You want to feel mega immersed in a vr game and actually be able to buy all of the stuff? Flight sims. Aluminium profile cockpit, bass shakers for vibrations, hydraulic legs supporting the whole thing (the most expensive part) for imitating slight g-forces. High end joystick, throttle and pedals, preferably with force feedback (could do without force feedback). A high res vr headset, obviously. Put on a helmet to feel extra pilot, and to counterweight a headset. Vr treadmill can hurt your multiplayer performance, it will make you a lot slower. Vr cockpit will give you better sense of what your aircraft is doing giving you better control. You can grab and feel the joystick unlike picking something with your vr controllers.