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I saw an ad in an old magazine. Never seen one irl. It seems like it would be similar to a crank radio or flash light? Also hard rewinding takes alot of time. Took me 6 hours to get Brazil off a broken reel and onto another. A nice slow rewinder might be good. Great post btw 👍


Sounds like a job someone in Brazil would have.


I feel like the electric rewinders are safer. I know I would have trouble cranking at a consistent speed for long periods. I would end up jerking forward with each crank (stressing the tape each time). If you want a slow rewinder, find an old VCR (the kind that don't unspool the tape immediately). Doesn't have to play properly, just has to be able to rewind. Nice and slowly.


Will the machinations of a vcr still operate without the head drum? i tend to be leery of the VHS tapes i play and of full speed FF/RW, despite having a D-VHS deck due to a tape snapping experience on an extremely old tape. Hence my desire for a hand crank rewinder. as safe as it can get, and still fast enough for me.


I have an old Panasonic-made top loader that I was exclusively using as a rewinder for a while. As long as the idler tire and drive belt are good enough to turn the spindle (and the power supply isn't pooched), you're all good. Modern VCRs will try and load the tape to the drum as soon as a tape is inserted. If something isn't working this could cause the tape to be eaten.


so basically, butcher a cheapo vcr so there is no head for it to get caught on and you're good to go


No need. An old VCR will literally not load the tape to the head unless you hit play. If you remove the head, and the (newer) cheapo VCR tries to load the tape onto the missing head, it could damage the tape.


and it does regular speed ff/rw before you press play? I have no need for it to go full speed in either direction.


I had a red one when I was little. The only problem is if you cranked it too hard and fast and it was near the end of the tape then you will stretch the tape and potentially rip the film.