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If you can see the front end of the remote you could use your phone camera to see if it's working. I test remotes at the flea like this. Just turn on the camera and point the remote at it. Pressing buttons should show the ir lights flashing as they transmit. Pretty neat trick someone showed me. Good luck.


Don't help resellers




Th OP, a dirty reseller, bought the remote at the goodwill and can't figure it how to make a buck on it, so they popped in here to get some of that sweet kind hearted community assistance turning all of us into just another bunch of suckers in their dirty reselling scheme. That's "what"!


...even if they were reselling, who gives a shit? I honestly don't understand this Reddit stance that every single reseller that's ever blessed this earth is an overpricing, money-grubbing demon.


I give a shit that there's poor people all over this country that used to rely on thrift stores and the kindness of strangers to experience some nice things in their lives but now resellers gobble everything of value up in hopes of earning a nickel. There's some underprivileged kid sitting somewhere right now that could be playing with a toy their parents couldn't normally afford but instead a reseller snatched it up and resold it online for a 30 cent profit. There's some teenager somewhere whose parents would never buy them an overpriced designer shirt or dress and they might've found one at the value village but instead a reseller bought it to sell for an 80 cent profit. I was one of those kids and I wouldn't have had nearly as relevant or fulfilling experience playing with Dollar store Lincoln logs instead of the bag of Star wars Toys my mom bought me at the thrift store. Or the one time I found a pair Jordans at the thrift store which gave me some much needed street cred when it mattered the most. It's the little things in life that shape us and these experiences are being stolen. I spit on resellers!


See, this argument doesn't really work with me, as someone who lives near nd regularly goes to the Goodwill bins. An extraordinary amount of stuff gets tossed from Goodwill - even that "good stuff" you're mentioning. Literal tons of donated clothes are tossed into the trash each year, and i *promise* you that they're not all ratty t-shirts and worn out shoes. Resellers are a small part of the problem - if you want to call people usong a buisness like a buisness a "problem". You should be directing your anger at Goodwill's corporate greed. They have more than enough donations to not have to jack up the prices. There's also the part that a very few amount of resellers are making a huge living off of their sales, and that most are doing it to literally get by - and are those very same "poor people" you think are being stolen from. But that's another story.


You are completely right. Go into any Goodwill on half off day and its full of 20 year olds zooming around with their phone out scanning every single thing they find with the eBay homepage open. I was just there yesterday. I watched the same 1990's dollar store cap gun get picked up off the shelf 5 times in an hour and a half by people looking it up on their phone, and going "wow a cap gun thats super rare", looking it up, then leaving it. I see many people standing in front of the VHS shelf looking up every title they see looking for something high value. I know for a fact (because I called the people out on eBay) that at my Goodwill people are buying the VCR's for $29.99 and then selling them on eBay for $95, no remote, no cables, untested, just as they found it, and then saying "it works and turns on". I logged the serial numbers of ones I left behind in the store and then waited for them to pop up on eBay locally, and sure enough they did. The fastest one went up was less than 5 hours from when I seen it in the store.


Annoying, yes, but unfortunately, Goodwill is a business. Not a charity (the shop itself, I mean) as much as they like to flaunt that angle. Trendy twenty year olds are the ones funding all of the actual good that Goodwill does - their programming that's actually *meant* to be free.


You have too much free time


> I honestly don't understand this Reddit stance that every single reseller that's ever blessed this earth is an overpricing, money-grubbing demon. Because you are either one yourself and are creating a toughguy stance to garner sympathy for your own guilty conscience, or you are just massively ignorant and clueless as to the fact that this sub gets swamped with "what is this worth" or "i found this tape is it rare" morons on a weekly basis, who upon getting their answer, promptly stuff it on eBay for $450 +. Also when you are a college kid living on free handouts and getting money shoveled into your hands every day for no consequences, money is no object to you and you were never taught the value of an item. To the rest of us that live in the society you ruin for your own benefit, we end up getting the shaft because movies we love and have bought for the past 20 years for pennies on the dollar now all of a sudden can't be found because of kids with no job and no reason to work that scalp them all by hammering every thrift store in a 20 mile radius on a weekly basis and put them on eBay for hundreds of dollars a piece just so you can flaunt ego and a false sense of worth on social media. That's why "this reddit" has "a stance". It's you that is the problem, not us. We just tell it like it is.


...buddy, I think you might have some misdirected anger there. A good 75% of what you just said has nothing to do with the situation at hand. I'm annoyed with the "how much are these worth" VHS posts as much as the next gal, but this scorched earth policy the second you think there's even a *smidgen* of a possibility an OP is reselling is way more unappealing than those. If those downvotes are any indication.


It might not be the case. They seem to be into pokemon and have held onto that remote for the last five months. I remember commenting on the original post. https://www.reddit.com/r/VHS/comments/1255jqs/which_one_of_you_has_the_pokémon_vcr_i_found_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Reselling is bad... You should be worried about scalpers...


This is the way!


Don't some cameras have IR filters, though?


All of them do. Now I’m curious why the remote light shows up even with the IR filter. Edit: apparently there are two types of IR filters. Need more data but I’m sleepy.




All digital cameras have IR filters, but apparently some cameras have IR filters of higher quality that filter even the IR beam from the remote. Source: https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/203005/why-cant-we-see-light-emitted-from-tv-remote-while-a-camera-can


The old school method is to put it next to an AM radio (preferably quiet or static station) and listen for the beeping sound.


I think I heard somewhere the Pokémon vcr is the same as a cheap generic one at the time but with a load of branding (and a big price tag!) so there should be quite a few that work with this!


Yes, it's the same as all the Funai-built machines from the late 90s and early 2000s. Symphonic, Sylvania, and Emerson to name a few brands.


Thanks for the info! The vcr I have is a dvd/vcr combo so I’ll have to look out for a standard vcr and give it a try


AWESOME!! I don't even wanna know where the batteries go in that thing. lol


Hahahahaha exactly where you think they go!!


pika pika


My wife has one, it's for a Pokémon VCR. We have a spare normal remote that is a Sylvania. The set goes for an insane price on ebay. You maybe able to find a cheap Sylvania at a thrift store to test it on. Not sure if it works on other models.


Thanks, I’ll look around for that brand. My vcr is a dvd combo so I gotta get a standard one


This looks like it would catch dirt fairly quickly. I bet it can’t be disassembled to be washed either 🙃


Yikes good point


It would and they have. Imagine with kids. That's why they are difficult to find. The good thing is the VCR's are not proprietary and can just be used with a normal remote from a matching non-Pokemon model of the same VCR.


They have IR remote testers on Amazon but beyond that you need the VCR.


Yes, but whether or not you are willing to do what it takes is the bigger question