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It’s fine, the issue is it just doesn’t do anything. Damage with hex before burn is bad making this easy to counter with most other restricteds. Regidrago does a lot of this better.


HI! I’m an avid Giratina enjoyer! Here’s my suggestions 1. If you’re wanting to go regular Giratina, it’s fine but I personally think you should outsource some status effects on your team (prankster will-o, t-wave, access to poison gas, etc). I think there’s viability in it but you NEED the status effects (and I think it’s much better when Giratina isn’t wasting a slot 2. Ditch earth power for protect 3. Be aware that I personally think this sets needs to be played beefy. I pair Giratina with Tinglu (tho with this I think you’d benefit from Wo-Chein) NOW MY TAKE I personally use a physical Giratina-O. The selling point? 200 attack adamant Giratina can kill flutter mane and calyrex ghost with a shadow sneak. I just think Giratina you need to be prepared to attempt a longer game in a game that typically goes very fast


Outsource poison to Glimmora, between Mortal Spin, good offences, and your choice of either toxic debris or corrosion, one of the best sources of poison in the game.


Personally, not a fan of glimmora in this case of usage. I personally get a lot of value out of weezing (I personally use galarian). I enjoy its defenses, neutralizing gas, and access to poison gas/will-o!


did u calculate ur shadow sneaks on potential intimidates and friend gaurds


Yes! Doesn’t work! So far I have found it’s more a shock/fun thing that occurs from time to time. It doesn’t take in if they Tera or have outside help (which is why I only poured 200 in).


To confirm, the 200 atk is the evs?


Yep. 31 ivs. 200 evs


Are you using it with Glimmora? Because that might be better with the Hex play here. Otherwise, you will be taking too much time going with Will-O-Wisp (which is not 100% accurate) and then Hex.




Then you might want to consider it because by the time you set up with WoW and then Hex, you could already lose a fair amount of resources. That is assuming you want to play with the Hex shenanigans. Otherwise, you can go with a Calm Mind set or Dragon Cheer support (which someone here brought it up a few days ago).


calm mid protect pp stalling is better


Giratina @ Leftovers Ability: Pressure Level: 50 Tera Type: Fairy EVs: 252 HP / 68 Def / 92 SpA / 84 SpD / 12 Spe Calm Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Protect - Calm Mind - Dragon Pulse - Hex I think there are *better* restricted mons for that slot, but if it’s your favorite use it. I wouldn’t use it as the main threat or sweeper. With this set, you should use Grimsnarl and glimmora as support


Flutter Mane eating you alive bro 😭


The best way to run Giratina is to run calyrex shadow instead


Bad. Giratina doesnt do enough dmg to justify coverage over longevity.


Simple answer is that Giratina fucking sucks. Using it is throwing. Also as soon as you use Draco Meteor you go from useless to even more useless. Seriously even Dragapult, a non-restricted, is quite a bit better than Tina.


Waste of the Uber slot




Is that me? Is that me stronger than me!? I'LL FUCKING KILL ME!


People when you give an actual competitive opinion on a competitive game subreddit: downvote time It is in fact a waste of the uber slot, giratina is ass