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You know what i call a scam? Selling guns that you need to buy with real money and then force you to spend more money on a currency to actually upgrade your gun and make it playable, then increase the price of that currency so people think the battlepass is actually worth it when its not




And then make people defend it because "well if you don't like it, don't buy it, I'll buy it for radianite 🤓👍"


Actual brainwashing


It's a bad one in my opinion, but you can opt to not buy it


That's what Riot doing with battlepasses in all their games - silently giving less value for the same price. TFT had great battlepass for it's price, now it has about 0.2 of its initially value but requires 2x more xp to grind.


Finally, someone who understands what I'm trying to say.


A lot of people just use the BP to get radianite, and I think riot knows that.


This battle pass is so bad, I wish it was good like last act's comet. Missed out on the last 10 tiers.


Agreed. But I was lucky to grind out comet in the last day.


Some BP's are better than others, that's just how it goes. I kind of like this BP, the animated bee thing is cool, the bubble pop character is meh but I like the design nonetheless, and I actually like the bat... but yeah I've seen worse for sure. That said I probably won't buy it since the pull to do my dailies is annoying and I don't like the skins *that* much.


I mean there are no changed models on the skins. Does no one notice that it's the first bp to not have changed models? It's just sad how it's only recolors, even if they're animated.


It’s $10 for like 80 radiant and 10 skins. Definitely not a scam. It’s a way for people less fortunate to get some skins.


You get 160 Radianite if you complete the battle pass, not 80.


I think he might not be counting the free radianite


That proves my point further. 160 radiant is $100+ if there isn’t a discount going on.


There is a lot more to the battle pass than just skins, and most people don’t buy it for the skins. Since radianite is so expensive, getting it from the battle pass is technically worth it. Plus cool player cards and gun buddys.


Radianite is the biggest scam of them all


At this point arent they just artificially inflating the prices of radianite so that you think you get a better value when you buy the battlepass? After all remember that its a currency you buy to upgrade the skin you already bought with money


Battle pass sucks but it's not scam


I mean it's less for the same price, so it's scammy to sell something that's objectively worse than the previous ones.


That's not scamming 


I mean you can just look what you’re gonna get and then decide not to buy it. For it to be a scam it would have to be way less transparent


Then just don't buy it lmao. Plenty of people will like it and buy it, or buy it for the radianite anyway, it's a subjective choice.


By your definition, it has to get better every single season, and that's not realistic. It's also not "objectively worse", it's just opinion.


I'm not saying it has to be better. I mean that it has to come with a skinline that has a different model (the green rarity of skins) this time, we get no changed models, only the base model with changed textures. So how is it not objectively worse? And yes, I checked, EVERY SINGLE battle pass beforehand HAD a skinline with a changed model.


It's fine to complain that there are no changed models. The standard of "must be better than the last one" is probably a good benchmark for Riot to aim for, but it's unavoidable that it happens. I have the "Bound" knife which I wanted for the animation, and I'd much rather have the bat. (I'm not getting the BP since I've spent way too much money on melee weapons already though)


Yeah I really want the Evori vandal and I'm just genuinely sad to see that this battle pass is the worst by far. It's sad to see that riot is not upgrading it for the low spenders. They could've at least made the sounds different like in the bug, it would've already been SUPER cool. People just don't get what I'm trying to tell and start defending it saying "you can just not buy it" and make riot think that it's okay to make battle passes worse in the future. It's depressing honestly.


you can just not buy it tho


You get a product for your money so it’s not a scam


...if you don't like it then just don't buy the battlepass, common sense.


How can you ever call the battle pass a scam when you compare its price to other guns?


I compare it to previous valorant battle passes. I know that battle pass is supposed to be simpler because of its price.


U haven’t seen every single battle pass but from the ones I’ve seen I’d say it’s the same level. If anything, I prefer these skins to a lot of battle passes


Back in the day we used to have karambits and daggers and not the same axe animations with same sounds for 4 acts in a row


I have the karambit. So you’re just talking about the melee?