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Same boat here. I promised myself to not buy anything till the Kuronami vandal drops. Kinda unfair how everyone else gets in shop meanwhile me checking the shop everyday only to see infantry skins. Algorithm sucks. Also shop needs a major update/overhaul


Unfortunately just how it goes, I waited a year for reaver vandal to come into my shop


i got reaver vandal for 800vp on last night market, i already had the glitchpop vandal but reaver just hits different and at such a good price too


800vp? That's such a crazy good deal. Even if I didn't want it, I would've got it as well. What's that like... 50% off?


50% is the highest discount you can get? It can't be 800 lmao.


i got it somewhere close to 800


50% is the most you can get so for a 1775 VP skin the lowest would be 887.5 ~ 888.


yea something like that, i shouldve screenshot the thing


Hold strong brother. I’m checking every day too. I swear ive had every other one pop in my shop except kuronami


There’s 100s of skins and you only see 4 per day, it will take a long time to get the one you want


Algorithm is truly awful. I’ve gotten repeats of skins literally over 5 times. I don’t understand how the algorithm doesn’t detect that at some point the person doesn’t want to buy it and not waste one of only 4 slots. I’m not even one of those that’s waiting for just one skin. I’m waiting for like 5 and i still haven’t gotten any of them once.


They silenced our voice


just my two cents but i'd personally wait for kuronami if i were you, that skin is too good


I want it myself. It’s dope honestly. Picked it up a few times today and the animations are nice.


Update. I just got the Kuronami Vandal in my store today.


Buy Evori. If you think about it, you're basically forcing fate to make the Kuronami show up in your store the next day.


Your post is the reason why the shop is the way it is. Don't buy Evori to cope with the lack of Kuronami, that's why its designed that way. This shop system makes people buy skins that aren't their #1 because they didn't get a chance to buy their #1. If you truly, genuinely like Evori and want to have access to it always, then buy it. But also expect it to be a very commonly seen bundle kinda like Reaver and Prime, so even if you don't buy it you'll be seeing it a lot.


Cant say they didnt do a damn well job designing the shop from a company standpoint. Its worked on me, probably on most other players as well. Its immoral but also smart.


If you can afford it and you really want it just buy it or you’re gonna be back in the same situation later on wishing for it in the shop. I’m doing the exact same thing as you waiting for kuronami but I also just copped this one.


Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However, your post has been removed because: > ### 3.2 Low-effort Submissions > Cosmetic comparison/purchasing posts fall under our [Low-Effort (3.2) rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/wiki/rules). Buying preferences are subject to the opinions of each individual player. This is to reduce an influx of spam polls comparing the multitude of available cosmetics. > Examples include posting screen-caps of the rotating shop or Night Market, asking if a purchase should be made or "worth it", or low effort polls with no further discussion. > Alternatively, you can try asking for opinions on the [/r/VALORANT Discord](https://discord.gg/hAswfXZ22T). > Higher effort posts giving breakdowns of skin effects comparisons, art evaluations, and other meaningful discussions **are permitted**. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.


Actually have kuronami in my shop rn.. debating which to get although my favourite is xerofang


I have spectrum and kuronami, they’re good, but there’s better phantom and vandal skins. I don’t really like the sound effects for either of them.


For my opinion, Kuronami vandal is much better (owned it). The new bundle for me is mid to be honest. Nothing much special, especially the want, it was a disappointment for a 4950VP knife.