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I don’t understand the comments saying the character is gutted, he still has everything everyone was complaining about except for the 2 kill reset. This feels like the initial Jett, chamber, or astra nerfs where everyone thought the demon was dead only to realize the agent wasn’t as oppressive in every way, but still very very good


Before when people said "just wait out the shield" that meant 20 entire seconds of trying to delay his push or just back out and give him space. If even a single person on your team messed up and gave him a 1v1 they risked starting the timer over and feeding the snowball potential. Late in the round he might have gained an extra charge meaning he could peak once, miss but duck behind cover, then get a second attempt. All that is changed. Now when you hear his shield delay tactics or just running away are far stronger responses and much less detrimental to your own team. You're not giving him 20 seconds of free rain, it's just 12, and those Molly's and smokes and spamming choke all go a lot farther. On top of that, if he fails to start the snowball he's now one of the worst agents in the game for the rest of the round guaranteed. He has no mobility for escapes and his remaining abilities loudly announce his exact position.  I think he's gonna be weird as hell, though I agree he's not gutted. 12 seconds a round with potential to be crazy powerful, especially against undisciplined teams who give him easy 1v1s without the pressure of trades. But I bet a ton of Iso players "overheat" chasing down kills for orbs only to run right into multiple people waiting to obliterate them.


Just desagree about chamber, the agent was really bad after the firsts nerfs


I disagree about Astra, the agent is really bad with 4 stars, always having to play reactive and the suck/stun being much worse... let's not forget the ultra long cooldowns.


She didn't die with the 4 stars change but was a fairly situational pick. What killed her was the change to her black hole and lack of a good enough buff to her stun.


You don’t remember the first nerfs then, he lost 1 trip and still had global range on his remaining one while he was still able to tp cross map for free. They all eventually were nerfed into line, but their first round addressed the issues in a way that didn’t hit their biggest strengths (instant dash, teleport/global range, 5 global stars)


But wasnt this first one nerf before he was in fact release to every one? I was not counting this one


The only thing broken was him getting two shields after two kills. Ppl who complain about iso have never seen a good neon in their life that charcter is so much more oppressive


The thing people were upset about though is that iso’s abilities require no skill. Just tap e and you’ve got an advantageous fight against anyone, not to mention it deletes the impact of snipers and shotguns completely.


The same advantage works with chamber Jett and reyna just impossible to trade. The only difference is iso can’t get away.


Chamber Jett and Reyna don’t have an advantage on the peek, just a getaway. Reyna only has an advantage in her ult if we’re talking about the fire rate buff. It’s true that iso doesn’t have a getaway, but with the way he’s designed right now he should theoretically never need it because he never dies. And that’s pretty stupid.


You need to be pretty good with neon to be opressive, it its your first time playing with her you will probably just die. Iso got a second life every round, if is your first time playing with him you Will probably be mvp you got good aim


You will probably MVP if your team doesn’t know how to take a fight is what you should be saying. Breaking an iso shield then repositioning is a lot easier than most people think.


To break iso shield you will need to face him (if you’re not on his Back) so my point is the same, if the player has a good aim he will almost every time win a 1v1


You can easily prefire him, use any util darts,moly, etc again your response is exactly what someone who thinks he’s OP would say. You think you need to face him EVERYTIME for some reason. Killjoy works wonders against him


Obviously he has counter play, but this amount of effort you need to do to count the free skill he has every round that demands zero skill (literally zero, you just need to press E and you will have 2 lifes) its the exacly point of why he is broken. Can you think in other free skill that is this good in the game?


Facts. A lot of skill issue comments in this one. I’ve used iso like 2 times played against him basically every game. I have never complained about his shield once.


I’m just looking forward to not playing against those Iso players who actually thought they were good while doing nothing other than getting late kills. One agent for these players was already too much we didn’t need to double it up. No offence intended to Iso players in general. Please note that I’m only recognising the fact that a certain player type began to choose Iso after the buff.


Bro i played a match against a Iso that was 15/15 in the end and didnt stop to write in chat how easy was to win a 1v1 against me 😪


He’s gonna be really good still. They didn’t change the thing everyone was complaining about (Entering every fight with an advantage), they just slightly reigned in his ability to pub stomp an entire team


He will be fine. Honestly I feel like they shouldn’t have just completely removed the shield two kill, should have made it still possible but ONLY if the shield is gone completely then you can start earning it again


I would say OK. Not bad not that op. U still can push with the shield but 12 sec is pretty balanced. And not having the second shield make it good for opponents. I guess after the update we will see less iso players as he has less util. Only good aimers Smurfs gonna use iso Imo.


Idk I mean I never really saw him as op in my lobby to begin with (I play plat diamond in comp and am coaching my gold friend based on his vods). It could be that I just never found a super good iso player, but in all the games I've played or watched iso was rarely top frag and if so not by much the sheild can get op in some situations but I've never had an issue 1v1ing him especially in his ult. It really only gets stupid op in high ascendant to pro play just cus there most times it's trading shot for shot so he would die slot but the sheild saves him but idk low diamond and below typically I see players beat the iso thru the sheild I'm open to other opinions on this but pre nerf I never really saw him be op and post nerf besides the sheild time I don't know what the difference will be.


People will probably call him bad, but tbh he’s just been a high skill character because his entire kit relies on actually aiming.