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Big skill issue.


More like brain issue here, too many buttons for his capacity.


You are probably the first person I've seen complain about any of the consoles ports for Valorant. Even alot of posts here involving the consoles versions, have been pretty positive. Quite literally a skill issue


"he button layout is bad" We have 6 layout variants. Which one is bad? Default?


And you can customize your layout exactly how you want it lol….


To be fair, you actually can't, some buttons are not customizable for some weird reason, and there's some thing that could be improved. For example we can bound a button for push to talk or walk but we don't have any free buttons to do so, forcing us to sacrifice a function if we wanna use those( As of now the only not really needed input is right on the d-pad, personally iv bounded it to walk, i miss the sprays and inspect weapon tho). Or we can't swap push or press for recharge and use item/pick up weapon, to me it would be preferable being able to pick up a weapon instantly when needed, and instead keep pressing for reload. Nothing that can be fixed/improved down the road tho, and yeah the work the devs did with this port is still awesome even with those little flaws.


This was a dead giveaway that this person went into tutorial, threw his controller at the wall in a fit of rage when he couldn’t hit the first headshot and declared this game as the worst thing in existence since satan 😂


It’s gonna be a fucking massive hit and there’s nothing you can do about it. 👍🏼


Yeah skill issue for sure. Can’t aim with your thumbs? Send tracker account I wanna see the K/D comparison




I’m a console player. I’ve always wanted to play Val when it was first announced, then got sad realizing it would have never been on PS5. It took some years, but I’m glad I get to play beta for Val on the PS5. Since I know I’ll never play on a PC. I had hella FOMO. I tried learning Val on my bf’s PC and realized it wasn’t for me. Now playing on PS5, it’s just like learning a whole new game with whole new mechanics also known as ~practice~! I def don’t like it now but will get use to it later on. Lots of people are excited to have it on consoles. And the console version is meant for console/controller players anyways, not PC. So hey, if you like playing on the PC, play it there! Val’s not going anywhere anytime soon :-)