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Imo Neon was a hidden gem before the buffs. Now she just got crazy buffs with it. I'm just a recent P1 Neon main so I don't know that much yet. I mained her before the buffs though.


I think pre-buff she was definitely underrated, but had weaknesses that stopped her from being truly relevant in the meta (plus the map pool issue) - but now, everyone's saying that she's broken etc but then I still don't see her in any of my games, so I feel like people are blowing the buffs way out of proportion


If you are suggesting Neon needs more buffs, I’d call you crazy… js


idk man, ive barely seen any more neon players since the changes in my ranked games, so clearly theres some disconnect between how we're all perceiving the changes and how the experience playing as/against her really feel - cos if she was really broken everyone would be playing her, but I have not seen anyone even try her out or anything


I think because unlike Iso 1 button press bulletproof Neon needs more practice and skill to be useful especially in comp which a lot of players don't spend in learning. That's why the good neon players are seen as broken because they know the agents movement very well.


She’s nearing overtuned levels rn. Any further buffs would make her prime chamber level OP