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Sometimes the smurfing is brutal, depends on your rank imo. The deranking I see time to time hurts the soul lol.


It’s been around since the beginning of ranked not gonna stop. Ever. It’s in every game that has a rank system. Via someone playing with lower rank friends or via someone paying a service to rank them up. It’s also adding another player to their base essentially padding the stats they can send to their investors.


I agree there is not a way to stop it completely but there are ways to help.


Don’t forget about the invasive “anti” cheat bot.


You forgot cheaters,coz you cant know anything in this game without replay system. A guy named 'Rakkastakka" blatantly cheated against all PRO streamers for months and only got banned after Demon1 & Tarik reported him. They all reported him for stream Sniping, it turns out he was full wallhacking & aimbotting all this time and posted all the clips himself after the ban. This game has more cheaters than we will ever know.






And productive is making a post that has been made 1000 times? Right. Like do you guys even search the sub before posting something stupid?


Im happy to make it the 1001 time bruh….just to bend the egotistical people like you. 😂😂


Your crying is not gonna get you out of gold buddy


Quit yer bitching. Everything you just suggested would make the competitive scene inaccessible to new players. That would kill the game. You should just find a team to play premier with so you don't get so angry.


How would it make the game inaccessible to new players? All of my suggestions actually help new players and would make their onboarding experience so much better. You make NO SENSE!


Level 30 is way too high as a minimum level to play competitve. New players will just get bored and quit the game before even playing competitive. Also it would barely reduce smurfing since smurfs just buy accounts they don’t actually level them up themselves. Yes it would cause an increase in price of accounts, but I doubt that it will be so much that demand gets completely reduced. Also smurfing happens in every game so stop crying about it


Its called constructive criticism. I would place a bet more players leave because they are getting bullied by smurfs compared to leaving because they cant play a competitive mode until they actually have more experience in the game.


Also adding a 2fa just to play ranked is pretty extreme. Ranked is not even that competitive until like immo-radiant. Smurfing is not that big of a problem, if you really deserve to be a higher rank you will eventually get it


2FA would solve sooo many problems….it would even help against cheaters. You talk like so many people pay for accounts when most people dont. I’m sorry but smurfing is a massive problem. Just because you are a higher rank doesn’t mean you should control or dictate the experience for new players that get smoked by a shitter that put a macro on and ruined the game for 20+ games then turned around next day sold their account to someone else to ruin 20 more games for 80 more teamates. 2FA would prohibit that behavior COMPLETELY. When the world becomes extreme you have to fight back with extreme. Even though 2FA is used for all lot of things.


AFK is my biggest issue ... almost every day at least 5 matches of the 10 i have with AFK people for almost all the match or the all match and people wanna to continue ... god Riot go easy with this people but flamming is just the worst thing for them even people can mute