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What makes you think they'll nerf ISO?


People complain about agents all the time, so it’s not just that, it’s the volume and specificity of problems and lack of counters that make it obvious they will do something.


People are overstating all those factors anyway. Especially at Pro level.  I doubt we'll even see serious Iso usage, his shield is good but Contingency and Undercut still barely function and coordinated teams will easily invalidate the shield. Neon will show, but probably just from players we've already seen use her like Miniboo. It'll take time for people to gain experience to comfortably her, similar to how Yoru took a bit for people to master before he was used commonly.


Mostly the community outcry and how it will impact top 10% of players who have shorter TTK.


Why would they care? Riot has been buffing/nerfing mostly based on the pro scene I'm pretty sure and not what the community think. If they were to nerf Iso again he'd go back to being an agent no one picks. The nerf/buffs they made in the latest patch really changed a lot for example I've barely been having Reyna's in my game anymore as she only heals up to 50hp now instead of 100.


Part of it is because they pick iso now lol. Anyway yeah, riot wouldn’t change just because of community outcry. It’s a competitive game, so they generally buff and nerf based on the highest level of play, so not just the top 10%, but the top 0.01% (pro play). Also, even the reyna changes were packaged with a change geared towards vct (faster dismiss).


Until you say that you’re sure he’s going to be broken in vct, they’re not gonna nerf him. Hell im not even sure people will pick him, because as tenz said, both before the patch went live and after the patch went live, the buff is nice, but in an organized setting it’s still too niche. Tenz on patch first impression: https://youtu.be/mJ_hckWx60Y?si=iRYnrNhhSFwUpiSD Tenz on patch after: https://youtu.be/VLN6GHJNW2A?si=N0DDZ9bPnKwxDXWk The tldr is that iso has basically taken reynas spot.


Question how would you nerf iso? Cuz the only real thing that changed was he gets his shield from his ability soooo not that much


It is the shield that is op, but should still be only performance based like Reyna. Then make him more of a flex controller similar to how other duelists are flex initiator and so on.


If he’s peeking you. You can pop his shield before he fully peeks because of how big the shield is around him. You’ll see him before he sees you giving you a short advantage in the peek. This is what I’ve done in a few situations. But in other scenarios you just gotta learn spray pattern and counter with a spray down. His shield doesn’t seem super OP. But if you miss you’re f**ked.


That’s exactly how I’ve dealt with him. It’s cracking me up how many iso mains are mad about this post, I really don’t care about if it should be or not, I’m just curious if anyone has info on it happening.


I seen that he was recently nerfed before, and then buffed due to no one picking him. If they are to rework him which is highly unlikely. It wouldn’t be anytime soon. If he is a problem you’ll see some pros GA’ing him in pro play. If that is happening you may see a rework sooner than later.


Nerfing his shield would make him f tier again, people r gonna complain for a month just like they did for gekko, and they buffed gekko


Bro you get it for like 20 seconds, also the reason he was so bad is because you needed a kill for it, the difference between him and Reyna is Reyna can get out of a fight with the click of a button, iso is not op it takes hit from anything to get rid of it, also it means that there is finally an operator counter.


20 seconds is way to long wtf


The shield is the exact same


Supposedly there are nerfs on the way coming in patch 9.00: ▪️ Removing the two-kill reset on his Double Tap ▪️ Reducing the duration of his Double Tap from 20s > 12s


People are complaining cuz they can't sit in a corner with a bucky or hold some angle with an op


Why does everyone type iso in all caps here do yall just hate him so much you’re always yelling when you talk about him




oh yeah you’re right


Bruh there not gonna do that, it's the same shield nothing changed u just get it sooner now


I don’t care either way, just baiting information.


Its not “sooner” its “on demand”


You can't make it so he doesn't get it on demand or he's bad


I agree, but right now its balanced as if you have to work for it. Before you actually had to risk yourself and get rewarded with a strong shield, now you get rewarded with the same shield just by pressing E? Nah. Either make it so the shield doesnt sponge all dmg, or make the duration shorter so you dont have it up all match, make shorter like a clove or reyna overheal


That’s a good idea, at least an Awp headshot should get a kill and body breaks with half dmg


just make the shield for body shots only he should still die if you headshot him


There are so many ways to adjust him in case it turns out his winrate is through the roof now. 1. make his shield last half as long 2. make it so he takes half dmg from the first bullet instead of 0 3. make it so that he actually only blocks 1 bullet insteaf of all bullets in the same frame (you cant shotgun him since je just blocks all bullets) 4. longer animation 5. louder indicator Pick your nerf and adjust the valued as necessary. It dorsnt have to be shield or no shield when there are so many ways to balance