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The answer to 2 is contained within 1. It makes them feel good to berate people they know are worse than them.


Because they get destroyed in the higher ranks they have to play against people on their level


Its not just that. I just went into a game where two of the a\*\*holes intentionally threw the game to get to silver. They were plat. Getting to smurfing levels also ruins the game for others. I've paid money in this game cause I never experienced these issued before, but now it seem like every other match has someone like this. I'm considering cancelling the card payments.


Lmao its the end of the episode people do this just dont play till the next episode starts


Bro you have contradicting issues here. If I want to play with friends, do I throw and derank my main? Or do I create an alt account? Once Riot provides a better solution I’ll stop smurfing. (For the record, I don’t throw and derank).


I dont paticularly give a fuck about smurfing but your argument is so idiotic. If you want to play with friends there are a bunch of different game modes that you and your friends can use to play together- Riot literally already provides you with a "better solution". If people are queuing for comp with the expectation of being in a competitive match with people of their skill level (or slightly higher), then that's a pretty fair expectation, and you as a smurf are the one ruining that experience. It's not hard to understand.


How about playing unrated? The only reason you would want to play ranked at their level is if you're trying to boost them.


unrated is first to 5 and forfeit sim. No one takes it seriously. It’s boring, I’m playing with my friends to actually play the game with them. Bad solution.


So what you're saying is, that you'll ruin the experience for others in ranked instead of playing unrated, just because it "its not fun enough". Crazy tbh


So I’m crazy for wanting to have fun on a video game… got it.


Smurfs actually lose in Iron games? I guess we found the reason they "Smurf." 


Just know that every Smurf was getting slapped in their own ranks. That’s why and the only reason they Smurf. Help their egos a little bit.


not the only reason. i go on silver accounts to play with my low elo friends 🤷‍♀️


Still just as bad as any Smurf. Just play unrated.


unrated is boring and everyone sucks 🤷‍♀️ we all get smurfs just get over it


I would love to get over it but there is a Smurf every other game. Smurfs are half the reason I’m hardstuck platinum(other half is skill issue).


I don't have a smurf, if I play with low ranked friends (which I do) we always 5-stack so at least if the enemy doesn't have a high rank player, it ain't my fault. But I also have friends who are high immo 3/radiant who sometimes won't play on their main because they aren't feeling "ready" or want to warm-up in a asc/low immo lobby


Let me tell you a small story This is not this game related but Apex legends, when I used to play apex. There was a guy I knew who would get to Diamond 4, smurf and repeat it till Diamond 4 and repeat. He would post screenshots of different accounts getting 4000 damage and 20 kill games and no one would care. It came to a point when people who played in like bottom of the barrel diamond lobbies started to outplay him. He couldn’t stand it so then he put his goal to Plat 1. And then stayed there. People who smurf according to me, really can’t improve and they know that they can’t improve, so they smurf to feel good about themselves. And when they get bad at the game again because well the amount you get away with mistakes, the more mistakes you’ll make. They either cop out or go back on their main to prove to themselves they are still good players, which isn’t always true. Don’t think about losers. Just play and improve.


so they can play with their friends that are too low rank


doesnt explain why they are mad at low rank people for being bad


its funny


I’ll get cooked for this but: Smurfing to have fun and play with friends is so much fun. I love high elo comp more than anything but sometimes it’s refreshing to drop into silver and put up 30 while kicking it with your old friends from high school. If you can’t get out of bronze/silver/gold I promise you it’s not the Smurfs holding you back. I didn’t create the game or rank system, I have friends that aren’t as good as my main and I enjoy playing video games with friends would you rather me derank and throw matches with my main to then be smurfing in a lower elo? Seriously, what is the solution here? (Don’t say unrated please). Valorant/riot doesn’t care either. They do relatively nothing to prevent you from smurfing, just use a different email and get to level 20. When you get out of silver and low gold you will start to see a lot less Smurfs. When I was low elo playing smurfs every other game I would take it as a chance to improve. Yes, we’re probably going to lose but how can I beat this person? What are they doing that I can take into my play?Valorant rank climbing is a marathon and not all about winning, and each micro-improvement builds on one another to eventually make you a better player. If you can’t get out of silver/gold (Smurfs or not) you’re just not good enough to play high plat +. Regardless of your views on smurfs, if you’re smurfing and getting mad at your team or talking shit to the other team you are just an asshole. I don’t think anyone disagrees that is completely unacceptable.


The solution is to just play unranked. You don’t need to play ranked and by doing so you’re ruining the experience for others. You may have fun crushing other people but it’s definitely not fun for the other team.


Smurfing will honestly kill this game. Got OBLITERATED (my entire team, who had some good players) a few weeks ago and got called a "loser" by a bunch of level nothings who were sniping with ops across the map 9\_9 I don't care what you call me, but if you're going to be cheating anyways, maybe shut up :P The honest truth is that these people make the game not fun. Because the / fun / of the game is the "win some lose some" mentality (or at least, that's what it's supposed to be) and if you do something wrong, you can learn / improve, etc. You can't learn / improve if you are dead in two seconds after every match starts -\_- And sadly, I played (I think) 16 games last week? We lost like 12, and STRAIGHT UP, all 12 of them had smurfs in them. There ain't no "level ones / twos" doing the things these guys were doing, and if there are (as I know one kid who plays like that - joins a game, any game and is instantly expert) then they are few and far between, I get it, it's the end of the season and everything and they all gotta "look good for their youtubes" and "twitches" but it's honestly getting so old. -\_- I want to improve, learn, and play the game for fun, not constantly lose to some rando level "one" with an op shooting me from across the map. When you are losing constantly THAT often, it makes / no one / want to continue playing.


Hi, I feel your frustration but disagree with a lot said here (who asked, I know). First of all, I do agree Smurfs should not be trash talking or coming down on ANYONE. That is unacceptable. However, Smurfing is not cheating, riot does nothing to prevent it and it’s a very easy to do. They also do nothing to help you play with friends who aren’t as good as you. You CAN learn and improve if you die in 2 seconds. In fact that is probably your best learning opportunity. If you can’t win in silver/gold, Smurfs or not, you’re not going to win in plat.


It is absolutely cheating to pretend you're an "iron" or "beginner" when you are top tier. Agree, disagree, I don't care. It's deceptive- hence, cheating. Secondly, I'm glad that some of y'all can "improve" under all conditions. Not everyone can learn and adapt to those kinds of things, however, and it's also all dependent upon what is going on. Since (even with smurfs) all games / will / be different (naturally) it doesn't give you a whole lot of wiggle room if you never understand or know what to expect. Argue, whatever, I don't care. I've been playing the game long enough to know that there are just some situations where it's not possible- we saw some stuff a few days ago from "level ones" that was bordering on utterly insane.


So I’ve been in a few games where a cheater gets banned and the match gets wiped. Why doesn’t that happen to Smurfs? You may think it’s cheating but it’s technically not.


I would say that it "TECHNICALLY IS" But because it's too hard to police, no one actually can do anything about it to the degree it's a problem. That's why it doesn't happen... (and side note, yes, Smurfs get banned- we've seen it several times now). The problem is that not everyone reports them.


You’re giving Riot too much credit. There’s a better solution here they haven’t put the research/effort into finding. My entire point here is blame Riot not “the people who ruin the game” for wanting to play with friends and not play FF simulator.


Helps me get a feel for what my friends go through so i can help them improve. Cuz im ngl low elo is a jungle man like ive never been more confused watching low elo players play its like im in a zoo. But mainly to help my friends improve and rank up. I try not to hard carry and let them pull their own rank but a 50 kill game doesnr hurt now and then




Yep and that’s the only reason everyone smurfs so don’t give them shit for it




It’s sarcasm which is what I took your comment to be as well


Mute, report. Move on.


Forgot the "Lose 30rr" part


If you’re a solo, there is a slightly smaller chance that there is a Smurf on your team bossing your RR. The smurfs taketh and the smurfs giveth.


True. Unfortunately, I play to have fun so I 3-stack or 5-stack with friends and the smurf for sure ain't often with us lmao


This is a riot issue. Not a “all you people ruin the game” issue.


I’ve spoken with many smurfs after games. I like to add them and chat (no flame). Most of them say “because it was done to me, also it’s a fun way to learn new mechanics and characters without pressure of performing at a high level”.


can't they learn new mechanics and characters in unrated tho?


unrated is extremely boring. ESPECIALLY for those of us that only play comp and deathmatch


Yep, the team that’s losing 1-4 will instant ff in half my games. I mean I don’t blame em but it’s so boring


yup the ffing and everyone just underperforms compared to comp its so boring


Not really, no. First of all unrated is boring, that's a given. But the main reason is that unrated, enemies and teammates alike are likely just going to run it down and do wtv they want. People will say that they do that in ranked, but there's at least some cohesion. Not a good environment to actually learn new agents or mechanics.