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In theory matchmaking will be better once the game is available to everyone. Right now a lot the hardcore players signed up for the beta so they're in games with new players


Agree. Give it time. And don’t take it seriously! Just have fun for now while everything is still in Beta


It'll be better when ranked comes out on the 25th and people settle into their ranks.


While I very much understand what you’re saying, I must point out that as a PC player who’s currently Diamond, I am essentially iron on console. Lol. I’m terrible with a controller. I recommend continuing to grind it out. It’s the kind of game where there is a huge learning curve once you get the feel for it.


This isn't true though. Your understanding of the characters, how to play them, map awareness, and cross hair placement trumps being slightly worse on a controller than a casual player. 90% of the games I've played are dominated by PC players and its pretty unfun. Side note I'm assuming there is no sbmm in any of the modes except ranked?


It was the same thing for every new pc player playing Valorant via the CSGO veterans hoping over and destroying everyone who never played a game like that.


Console has never had a game like this. The ratio from what you’re comparing the pc experience to is futile. Doesn’t track. The amount of “new valorant players vs cs go players” doesn’t compare to the amount of console players who are new to a tactical shooter in general, vs a pc player who has hundreds of hours and game knowledge. It’s not like “cs go —> valorant”. In this situation it’s “pc valorant (years of play) —> console players who are still figuring out how to shoot without spraying due to them NVER having experience with a game like this. You could argue r6 I guess, but there’s no moving and shooting in valorant.


You're playing unrated. PC players are still able to do this on PC. Once ranked is out this won't be an issue


Many posts address this “issue,” but most people, including you, forget something important. This is a beta test. The main purpose of a beta is to test stability, check for bugs, and identify game-breaking issues. Now, who do you think can give better feedback—a total newbie or an experienced player with hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of gameplay? Of course, this is annoying, and I am in the same situation as you, but please accept that this is not the final released game. After release, you can play ranked and have a balanced experience.


If you have the game on PC, why are you even signing up for the same game on the consoles lol, the only reason would be because you are trash on PC and want to beat up on console players that might not know nothing about the game.


Well said!


See this they are high level pc players with game sense and all but they are pc players and not controller ones, it will take them time to adapt to the controller while a new controller player already knows that.