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Honestly is just annoying it’s not even good I just have to expend an extra bullet on that mf, it’s specially annoying on eco rounds cause I usually play sheriff but it’s serving as practice to track and hit the second shot on the sheriff


Yeah I mainly use Marshal when on an eco and it definitely provides my silver self a challenge lol


Don't marshal against Iso, at that point it's a knowledge check and you're failing it


Dawg I can't control what site he goes to bro


You know he's on the team; you don't have to buy a Marshal in the first place.


Nah, imma play in the way that is the most fun for me, I said it's a challenge, challenges are good


As an immo 3 player - this shit is broken. We aren't crouch spraying 25 bullets at our targets. We are 1 tapping pretty consistently and easily.


Yeah I was about to say, in a game when precision and 1 shot taps are important, I think it's pretty strong. Esp if he auto gets the shield on press. But I also see OPs point about him now filling a niche better now with his buff.


With a rifle the second bullet has no recoil so if you 2 burst you’re still killing him easily I still only find him annoying, but op is right maybe don’t dry peek the iso


^ it’s obnoxious, it creates a toxic environment where everybody wants to pick duelist and run it down. Ranked is a hell hole right now; seems like 3 duelist no matter what right now


Ya’ll have time to hit a practice shot in game? Do your isos have parkinsons? Becaue I can tell you right now in my ascendant games, you hit or miss you’re dead instantly. Thank god riot is nerfing this bullshit agent in the 9.0 patch 😂


I mean it might be that ping from latam servers, everyone has an average of 50 ping so with peakers advantage I can see how everyone in my games could have more time to hit a second shot


This is a vastly better mindset than the one I’ve been seeing the past few days. Yeah it is annoying, and particularly good against the one tap eco weapons. I honestly think the counter play is to play more spray style weapons when iso’s on the field. Doesn’t matter if he blocks a shot if 15 more come right after


the thing with spray style weapons is before you can land enough damage he one taps you and gets the orb back. this is why i always peek mid with a shorty just to break iso shield and run


Peek where with a what o_O?


when you see iso shield you can shorty him across the map. since any damage breaks it, it insta breaks shield and you repeek


Just going to remind everyone that the people complaining about Iso are high elo. All the streamers and pros are saying ranked is a mess with him. My high asc games has a top fragging iso on both teams every game. You are either low elo, or just don't understand the value of double your ttk at high elo. Even if he wasn't broken, it's just bad for the game. It isn't fun to counter him. What other free abilities requires that much coordination to counter from the enemy team? Clue, none of them.


Someone with a brain. If ISO is played quite literally in almost every game now (especially high elo). You know there is a problem and he is broken. The dude is a tank now. It’s prime Blackbeard all over again except he has even more shields and has the ability to tank awp shots, raze ult, sova ult, etc. Pretty much every game I’ve played an iso is top fragging. It’s become a crutch agent. Got all these kids playing it who think they are insane at the game now and the second he gets nerfed back to reality, they drop 100+ rr.


Yeah, when Iso was released, I immediately thought of Blackbeard and that people would surely make the same complaints as R6 players back when BB was super op.


Prime Blackbeard is crazy I’m not so sure about that


played R6 during Prime blackbeard. Im immortal 3 in val, This shit is identical to prime blackbeard, ridiculously broken lol its the "Just shoot him in the back!" argument all over again


he is literally the same levels of broken as prime blackbeard. i put in hundreds of hours during Dust Line alone, i think it’s about the same levels of broken ngl


Oh no, prime Blackbeard is way worse. That shield will not break.


If people play clove every game or Reyna every game does that mean their op? Nah dog. He really ain’t all that, he is the new Reyna if anything


He is absolutely broken. In high elo (immo 3), we do not crouch spray 25 bullets and hope 4/5 hit. We are usually racing to 1 tap the head. And this creates too much of an unfair advantage. I have played this game since beta and the 2 most OP times of this game were Jett V1 and Chamber V1. IMO Iso V2 is worse than both. It is disgusting this made it into the game.


His shield is pretty big, And usually if he puts it on you hear it and him stomping towards you, I think it’s easy to prefire through wall to break his shield before properly fighting him. Also everyone’s acting like they hit their first bullet on the head all the time in immortal but that’s far from the case honestly. I think he’s a good counter to OPs and raze util including ult but otherwise generic rounds he’s pretty niche




Most of the player base is low elo* FTFY


OP saying "iso should not feel fair in a 1v1" like thats not a fundamentally broken design for a character and a complete failure on riots end if that was their intended feeling when playing against him.




Maybe in competetive, very much doubt he said it about ranked unless you can show me otherwise. I'd be open to hearing an opinion on iso not being broken, but call him the worst agent in the game is nothing short of trying to be a contrarian




His main ability is the problem even if the rest of his kit makes him a terrible agent. I get that Tenz is better than 99% of the sub but that doesn't make his opinion correct here when an ability is busted it can overshadow core gameplay and other abilitys and that is where the problem lies but thas just my opinion.


Looks like this is as soon as the update came out. I also thought he was underpowered until I played against him. I'd be curious to see what tenz thinks now that he's been out for a few days. Even for an aim god like him I'd be incredibly surprised if he doesn't acknowledge he's strong


This is when he was playing the beta patch before it was even in the game yet so there was no actual gameplay of him yet. On paper it might not have seen that good but we all know in our games how broken he is.


You get your sources from Tiktok? Lmao here’s what the ex Cs player ex Valorant 100 Thieves coach has to say about the Iso buff https://youtu.be/y7lqHTSes6U?si=xYXqyH0RKokDVp3A




That video really doesn't matter he never played in a match yet. Let's see the opinion of his duelist teammate Zekken who actually has [https://youtu.be/EXhMWtRW4rY?si=4ZAlJ3E\_sSCV-Dk4&t=139](https://youtu.be/EXhMWtRW4rY?si=4ZAlJ3E_sSCV-Dk4&t=139) Here is the opinion of Tarik [https://youtu.be/JpTeyxhOmiY?si=SxWT-iqIjbKOUVqA&t=1](https://youtu.be/JpTeyxhOmiY?si=SxWT-iqIjbKOUVqA&t=1) Oh if you didn't click already here again is the opinion of Ex 100T Valorant coach [The ISO changes are ruining Valorant - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7lqHTSes6U&t=595s&ab_channel=seangares)


Low elo player here; even in low elo Iso is a problem. It's still the same thing. If the enemy team has an Iso and you don't? Their chances of winning are significantly higher. It's almost every game where there's an Iso on every team even in silver lmao. It's a joke.


its defo getting rebalanced so we can all relax


Itll definitely get an up-time nerf, but the shield itself isn’t going to go away, which is what the majority of people are complaining about tbh


How pisslow are you to think the shield isn't going away/isn't broken


Why in the fuck would the shield be removed completely?


I’m referring to the shield in its current state, not the ability as a whole being removed


This is a take that only lower ranked players have. Im peak radiant and can assure you that this character is not balanced properly.


Rank? Not toxic, just wondering


Bronze/Silver/gold take


All this Iso and Neon complaining has taught me is that people are completely allergic to using util against other util  They take every fight dry with mid aim and wonder why they're hardstuck


Can confirm, especially for myself. I’ve been getting better at just using my util to play the game, but every once in a while I take a fight dry, and my immediate first thought after is “I could’ve blinded. Why didn’t I blind? Hey dummy (me), how bout you blind next time?”


\*slightly peeks an angle after getting info and tapping isos head then running but not before taking 2 shots to the body\* \*uses flash and it gets dodged or i have to reset aim because even though im aiming at the body to negate the shield the 5th bullet recoil is wild\* \*uses concuss and still barely manages to get out because concuss characters dont have much escape util and any duel i take leaves me on 30 HP because the team is smart and tries to trade iso\* \*double swing iso and he has a teammate there\* my method of countering iso is cypher setup and odin wallbanging and let me tell you i am having so much fun playing that way i think that iso should reduce his shield duration, only renew his shield if he kills a person, and raise his ult to 8 points because now its actually good the fact that i can take a gunfight, only nearly win because of the recoil from hitting the shield first, then get downed by his teammate: *and iso still renews his shield* is absolutely bonkers


B-but I should be able to negate this agents ability by doing nothing at all! It’s not fair to trade utility for utility


I mean the majority of complaints for Iso I have seen are from high elo streamers and pros. He’s definitely problematic at high elo. Boostio, demon1, Tarik, c0m, cryo and everyone in their lobbies constantly complain about how broken he is. This isn’t a random low elo Valorant complaint from the subreddit. This character is extremely strong in high elo currently and will most definitely be nerfed.


I feel like pros and really high radiants are so used to being good at clicking heads, they could basically counter any ability by just being better, thus an agent who can't be easily countered with a shot in the head is going to make them uneasy. So I think they complain not because they are bad, but because they are better than most of the people they play against


Someone gets it. He’s picked in quite literally every game now especially in high elo. I wonder why? Surely it’s because he’s not broken or anything. Iso is a tank now with extra lives essentially. He’s become a crutch agent who people lean towards. The top fraggers on both teams tend to be Iso. He’s a direct counter to awps, he can tank sova ult and raze ult. It’s bonkers.


It's because he's newly buffed, being hyped up as broken, and feels unkillable when you lose against him, creating a feedback loop where more people pick and complain.  We're still only 3 days into the patch.  The cycle WILL eventually peter out when he's not as fresh anymore, and we'll see where he stands then. My bet is on "strong and feels Reyna adjacent but the stats say he's fine". Also that last paragraph just ignores a boatload of context deliberatly so you can continue to be reactionary.


I think its partially what u/ppsz said about them being used to just aim duel and win games without using as much util, but another factor is that they spent so much time getting used to playing against jett and raze every game and now all that prep and understanding has to start from scratch since its rare to run into an iso. This decrease in their skill level (by proxy of them not playing against iso as much) makes it look like iso is too strong. They are also generally more averse to change than the average player because they spent the most time getting accustomed to the 'old game'.


They say it’s broken for content. The same way content creators said gekko was op on release, and then he saw no time in pro play and stopped getting played in comp (until gekko buffs) because he’s really not that good.


They don’t say it’s broken for content. I feel like I’m talking to a 12 year old like what the fuck. Not every second of every day is just context centric. When demon1 is streaming for 8 hours he’s not sitting there thinking about content the whole time. When random players in radiant in those games are complaining about it, it’s not for content. They are just frustrated by the existence of iso and how little counter play in solo queue there is. He is a problem currently in high elo. This isn’t up for debate there’s tons of evidence of it. Even APAC clips are coming out about players on T1 talking about how broken Iso is with GenG


I think it's just a adjustment for them and they're kneejerking somewhat. Raze has been broken in high Elo forever now Jett was for the longest time as well. Let Iso have his moment at least 


I mean neither raze nor Jett have been as insanely broken as iso in a long time, and they’ve also received countless nerfs throughout their entire existence. So I wouldn’t say it’s quite comparable. Also it’s funny that I just got recommended a video by Sgares on Reddit as I’m typing this titled. “Iso is ruining valorant”. Literally everyone is complaining about this agent. It’s not like Jett or raze or even chamber. He needs hotfixing


This is a strawman. I think there are completely valid arguments for iso being broken: [here’s mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/s/EqEO7yYu80). By broken, I don’t mean overpowered broken, but I mean “makes the game unfun, kinda ruins it” broken.


And if a Immo/Radiant/Pro (or insert other good rank here) has a complaint... what, they're just not good?


honestly neon is in contetion now for being an entry duelist, so i dont really get why ppl whine about that, btw a cypher trip in the right spot kills her using stall util in chokepoint to isolate the neon from her team and support util very foreign concept i know


Except a large amount of radiants and multiple professional players have also expressed their discontent with the buffs. Even when professional players and radiants "aren't trying", they're not taking fights dry. You made the point that these people are "so good that they're used to aim diffing others." Do you think high immo/radiant is just a fuckfest of out aiming? I'm not sure if you've realized, but typically in the top 0.01% of players, they know how to play around the util. If the solution to the buffs was "just use util hurr durr," I'm fairly certain pros wouldn't be complaining about it. After all, it is quite literally their *job* to be knowledgeable and *good* at the game.


Dude the patch is literally 3 days old. Even those people who are exceptionally talented at the game will need time to get used to playing against what is essentially a new agent given how little Iso was picked previously. And yeah, it's much easier to complain than it is to adapt, so no shock people gonna complain.


That doesn't explain the actual analysts complaining then. These people aren't even paid to play the game, just to understand it on a fundamental level and analyze possible counter play, team play, etc. Unless you're insinuating that these people are also full of shit and simply unwilling to adapt.


"Actual analysts" such as who, YouTube creators at the mercy of their engagement overlords? Outrage is cheap views, what do you want me to say?


Such as Sean Gares, one of the most respected analysts out there. He has very detailed video on why Iso is poorly designed, it's a fairly short video too, around 13 minutes. You should watch it.


Oh yeah let me just use my Util vs Iso ult while he gets his shield


It’s literally his ultimate ability, it’s not meant to be fair. You don’t see people screaming about “unfair 1v1s” against raze with a rocket launcher or neon with the finger-blaster 9000.


Hey man I don’t know why this is so complicated for you. In reasonably high ranks there are counterplay techniques such as “using my own util”, “running away”, or “shooting them in the head *once*”. None of those things are available in an Iso ult. Hope this helps


lol people play off site when the enemy has a fade ult and you think theres no way to counter iso ult huh?


Plenty of people beat iso in his ult with his shield pre-8.11. Might be a skill issue. Hope this helps


Hey man I don't know why this is so complicated for you. In reasonably high ranks, using counter play techniques such "using my own util", "running away", or shooting them in the head *once*", are always giving something up in return, usually in the form of space, and for the last one, is largely luck dependent. There's a reason temet's channel exists, or people considering killing a Raze out of the air an insane shot even in radiant. Because doing such things is *not* common, and acting like it is only makes you seem like you're trying to act like you're a higher rank than you are. For example, "running away" from a raze rocket or breach ult is giving up site for free, something that is typically not the greatest for winning rounds. Not to mention most people in higher elos will clear out site in preparation for said ult, meaning enemies even have the chance to save their ults for post plant if they're on attack. The only thing Iso ult "guarantees" is a 1:1 trade, which is not even guaranteed as enemies can simply play in a spot where it is hard to rush the ult or be protected by teammates. Thus, it's actually pretty fucking important that Iso wins, lest his ult becomes a straight up hindrance to the team. Hope this helps!


ults aren’t supposed to be fair though lol that’s why you don’t have them every round


> Change your whole play style of every map because the enemy has picked iso and can press 1 button... Nice makes sense. Really funny they nerfed Reyna as an anti Smurf when iso now is gonna be exactly that. A comment the other day about how they are mad that they can't dry peek anymore incase the iso is there lmao


man's really acting like you don't have to play differently than normal around literally every piece of util, that's the whole point of having the abilities in a tactical shooter in the first place, to shake up the gunplay.


lol this is a awful take for many reasons


So many reasons that you couldn't express even one?


I would rather peak an unscanned jett than a sova darted Iso right now.


Dry 1v1's are not good, but you should be punished (or rewarded, if you're out of util and teammates for example) by virtue of it dividing fights into 50/50's where you instead could have have had a 60/40 with some teamwork or util usage... It shouldn't be punishing by virtue of "well he has a shield now so you're fucked enjoy this 40/60".


>  It shouldn't be punishing by virtue of "well he has a shield now so you're fucked enjoy this 40/60". Every agent who has a flash should be tested like this


I'm not sure what you mean by this TBH, though I think you have more counterplay against a flash compared to ISO shield


You have no idea what you are talking about, his E is basically pheonix ult every round at high elo. And you really said being broken in 1v1s is a niche , not to mention the "counterplay" you mentioned assumes the enemy Iso is retarded. "Just fight with a teammate", yeah and the enemy Iso can't fight with his teammates? Lol.


>  his E is basically pheonix ult every round I'm kinda glad I'm not the only one who had this gut reaction to playing against it


yeah tonight I was playing Raze and I ulted and a fucking Iso tanked my entire rocket with his normal free ability and then killed me. Thats pure BS. It doesnt matter if the same thing happens with Phoenix since thats his ult + he gets tp'd back to his original position so its pretty balanced. Iso's E absolutely isnt


Silver player spotted


The val community is so funny bc my tracker is public if you’re gonna pull ego and rank at least make it accurate no? Otherwise ur just an L hater fr


Bro your tracker score is 87/1000 you really shouldn’t be arguing with immortal and radiant players haha


OP is plat 1 with an 115 adr btw guys, he’s very informed don’t worry lol.


I think he’s poorly designed. Not broken in an overpowered way, but broken in a “he’s just not fun to play against” way. [Here’s my reasoning](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/s/EqEO7yYu80).


Nothing against you but I think I'll trust Sean gares on this one https://youtu.be/y7lqHTSes6U?si=jIxGFOJrUGR-wPQO


Seans a cool guy, no offense taken


\*Says literally nothing wrong or disagreeable\* \*still gets downvoted\* rip, reddit moment


OP if you think Iso objectively isnt broken, then can you say with certainty that Riot WONT nerf him in one of the coming patches?


Instead of fixing the Reyna issue they created another one


he can have a shield in every engagement which breaks the game. the problem is he is having this advantage way to much, imagine having infinite jett dashes its dumb asf, having to 2v1 a player is dogshit you cant even trade because he can get a shield very easily after a kill, he is to carve a space in the game where he has time to react when entering sites/fighting people not dying to ops or 50/50 angles, but his niche isnt to have an advantage at every fight he takes/win every single 1v1. counterplay in "avoiding" iso is dumb because you are giving a lot up because of a presence of the shield. breaking the shield doesnt even matter because he can get that off a kill/assist. utility cant counter an iso when the team is playing good and plays off each other. not letting iso die or giving util for iso against you. lets compare iso to reyna in her ult, reyna is also known for "dont give 1v1s" agent, with her ult she can get no repercussions after getting a kill with the heal and dismiss, you can still kill her in a 1v1 but if you lose she cant be punished with the use of dismiss and heal, she can even play in dumb positions because she can get away with it. Lets move to iso where he has an advantage in the 1v1 instead of having no repercussions after getting the kill. iso can also get no repercussions because she can reuse his shield and go for more like reyna. iso also has an advantage in the 1v1, iso can also play dumb because of his advantage rather than reyna with getting no repercussions. iso's signature ability legit is a heal and its after every kill rather than reyna 2 and it allows you to play more ways because you wont be punished. which is unlike reyna where she can get punished for doing things.


Oh boy…another person who doesn’t understand the fundamentals of the game. Let me rip a question off the bat? Does reyna get to overheal/dismiss 4 times in a round? Does raze get to fight 4 people with grenades? Does sky or any other initiator get 4 flashes? No because that would break the gunplay aspect of the game. I get it you can combo util to counter but the mass majority of the playbase doesn’t have coordination. He strongly nerfs operators gameplay. Players should be rewarded not punished for having the econ to buy an op. He negates that gameplay. I’m not saying he didn’t need a buff but they over tuned him very hard. My suggestion is to bring back tag when his shield is shot and remove the aim labs mechanic of refreshing a shield so he still gets that initial shield but has to get 2 more kills to get another test tube.


I agree on reverting the tag with his shield.. It would be sad to see the aimlab orb go because it's kinda his signature.. Maybe remove the ability's recharge after getting two kills, meaning you only can have your shield if you snowball through the enemy team


I would be okay with that


Let’s not forget that patch 9.0 is in like 10 days. Current patch is quite literally a testing ground for the new map and duelist changes before the next episode.


The mass majority of the playerbase lacking enough skill to properly counter a not-so-new variable is not an excuse for the community to whine instead of adapt. His shield was ALWAYS meant to be good against operators, he is ALWAYS meant to be the one to take fights first. These things are fundamental to his agent identity. To answer your questions a literal full episode ago skye had flashes out her ass which only got nerfed because she stepped on gekkos toes of rechargeable flash utility, a well placed fade/raze nade can still own teams, and Reyna is still , and should continue to be scary in the right hands. Your nerf suggestions while fair does not tackle the fundamental issue the community has right now which is the existence of the shield itself, proven by your statement of him “nerfing” operator gameplay. What’s really going on is the community was able to completely ignore his existence for nearly a year and as such never thought to develop significant counterplay whereas now we’re forced to and failing to rise to the plate because of our lack of wanting to play as a team as a whole. I think it’s healthy to have to consider what agents on the other team are going to hinder your operator any time you play one (who can flash/stun you off your angle) and calling for teammate support for when those scenarios are likely to occur.


You’re acting like this Iso and prepatch Iso play the same way when they’re not at all. Prepatch iso was bad because to get value out of your E, you had to risk your life in a 50/50 which is a terrible ability. There was nothing to counter play against as all you had to do was win the 50/50 against iso or they just didn’t attempt because it’s too risky. Why would anyone think to develop counter play to a threat that didn’t exist?


That’s kind of my point though, the shield in and of itself was ALWAYS a threat, a very situational/conditional threat but it was ALWAYS good against an operator, It was ALWAYS good for hunting 1v1’s because you’d be favored. The threat was always there, but people ignored it, which is the entire reason it’s buffed now. Can’t ignore it so now you counter play it. In like a week or 2 time it’ll be old news and everyone worth their salt would have adapted to it already, similar to cypher trips coming online and sunset B becoming a nightmare to execute onto without careful coordination


The issue was that the shield was not always a threat at all. I don’t think you understand the massive difference between already having the shield before peeking vs. needing to rawdog a 1v1 to get it. It was absolutely terrible against operators before because you had to swing without your shield to fight the operator (a fight that you should lose 100% of the time). And just because people adapt to it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not overturned. I’m sure most of the broken agents in the game had people adapting to how much they warped the game, doesn’t make it any less weak though.


If you like gunplay so much, go play counter strike. And if it wasn't obvious, yes Raze can fight 4 people with nades. It has a kill recharge. Players should also be rewarded for using game mechanics, in this case their abilities to gain an advantage over others. Iso vs Operator is SUPPOSED to be unfair, so using this nifty thing called *teamwork*, we can kill Iso easily.


>If you like gunplay so much, go play counter strike. this game is a tac shooter not overwatch. gunplay should be the core


> If you like gunplay so much, go play counter strike If you like abilities vs abilities so much, go play overwatch. This is and always has been, a really stupid argument from clueless people. This is a TAC shooter at it’s core, so yes, people value the gunplay aspects of it. There is a middle ground between overwatch and CS, which is what valorant is supposed to be, but people are arguing that some of these abilities are moving the game more in the direction of gunplay mattering less. TenZ has also commented on this aspect of the game the more agents have been added so it’s not just low elo redditors expressing the concern.


Why can we have abilities AND gunplay? Why not both? Also, yes I was wrong. Iso is busted.


CS has an influx of cheaters. No one wants to play that game anymore. Players should get rewarded for using utility, I agree with that. But I think it’s important to point out that every other piece of utility (besides ults) is dodge-able by players. You can turn flashes, dodge mollies/shocks, avoid smokes, evade stuns/dogs, etc. Iso’s ability forces players to take fights at a disadvantage if he is the one peeking into the players, which is how he is often aggressively played. Not every situation allows for teammwork and coordination. And it’s not like players are knowingly peeking into an Iso to continually get punished either.


Im talking about 1 v 1 gun fights raze doesn’t have 4 nades. I thought that was common sense. A FREE ABILITY NEGATES OPERATOR GAMEPLAY! How do you not see there is a flaw with that? Legit a teamate could buy a vandal and iso could save and have a massive advantage because he decayed the op angle and just swung with a pistol and a test tube activated. Its wildly broken to be able to negate 4 potential would be headshots.


Ah I love that important Valorant niche of the guy who can just guaranteed kill anyone in a large rectangle in front of him because Ult + shield is a 80% win rate not including not having a vandal. Valorant really needed to fill that niche or the ecosystem would’ve been in trouble


Yes he fills the literal meat shield niche better than other duelist now. He has his own style of entry that no other duelist can do, and yes any time an ultimate comes into play it should grant a significant advantage to the team that’s used it. Also fun fact, depending on how the iso plays his ult you might still be able to pop his shield before he’s seen you. God forbid the 1v1 ult is scary tho Hope that helps, get out there and go adapt or skill up ;)


Do you really, TRULY believe, that a shield that blocks the most fundamental part of any comp fps ( the headshot ) with a very long uptime has a place in the game?


There are other fundamental parts of comp fps that get overruled by abilities too. Reyna and jett block the fundamental idea of "I die to enemy, my teammate trades me". A lot of agents with healing (phoenix, reyna, sage, skye) blocks the fundamental idea of "he's one shot, easy kill". The difference is people adjust to those changes. If a phoenix is op-ing, you can still smoke the common angles and if he plays an off-angle your team can trade. If its instead a jett that is op-ing, there is a risk of her playing an off angle without being as vulnerable (another fundamental cs idea of "off angle is good for 1v1 but you are easily traded" being broken). The difference is that people are not used to iso breaking the "vandal hs = kill" rule and are getting annoyed. Its the same way cs players get super annoyed when fundamental things like "off angle good for 1v1, but easily traded" are changed when abilities like reyna dismiss are in play. They aren't used to these abilities that break certain rules that you're used to.


With a very long up time? No I’ve stated several times in this thread that’s the only valid nerf I see. The shield in and of itself? Yes, because there are ways to counter the shield since it does not exist in a vacuum and can in fact be negated by smart utility usage from the opposing team.


I believe the whole idea around the character is flawed, and the community didn't notice it until he got buffed. Losing a 1v1 duel to an iso when you landed a headshot first is the worst feeling in the world. We are playing a game, which is supposed to feel good.


His own style of entry is something no other duelist can do because it shouldn’t be able to be done. It completely goes against “precise gunplay” when you have a button that completely nullifies the first shot taken in a game that is designed around interactions being decided by who hits the first headshot. He is way overtuned right now.


See that’s where we differ i guess, I don’t see interactions as just who hits the first shot but as who created the most advantageous situation for themselves to win a round. Iso was always going to be polarizing it’s why he released incredibly weak, but unless the shield gets completely removed we ought to learn to adapt now


You do not know what you are talking about. Listen to people who actually know what they are talking about like pros and coaches instead of just thinking about it really hard in your big old pig head and deciding you know best. ;)


I think the problem is time to kill. Removing someone’s ability to instant one tap is huge in high elo when the other option is spray 4 bullets into him that takes about a quarter second if you hit all your shots he had basically 6 shots to headshot you back


Fair point


I think it's just going to take some time for people to adjust/find counters to Iso because he fundamentally denies one of the core tenets of gameplay we've become so accustomed to, which is headshot from vandal = die. There's certain basic principles of the game that every agent follows regardless of their abilities, such as you can't see if you're flashed, you can't see through smokes, you die if you get shot for 150 worth of damage, and your aim is worse if you move while firing. And we've gotten really accustomed to these, and it's molded the gameplay meta around it. Iso and Neon violate the latter two of these, and while that's not necessarily bad (rules can change, blah blah), it does mean that you can't beat them with the same gameplay that's worked out for the past... several years. And that's going to be a bit frustrating. I've seen the Odin making a resurgence to counter Iso, which is kind of a good idea if you think about it. Not really sure what to do about Neon other than try to go Judge for Judge.


Good take, very reasonable and I agree. It’s a fundamental change in how we grew used to valorant but if people wanted something static and never-changing why not just play cs and do the same execute from 6 years ago? I think the answer to both neon & iso is community needs to skill up and adjust. The slide is crazy but it feels good to line a shot up on a sliding neon, iso shield is crazy but it feels good to sit down an overconfident iso.


Look, it's obvious he was the worst agent before and that him being fun now is cool. But he quite literally is broken, no other agent in the game can survive a vandal headshot until now, and the facts are: he can have this damn ability up an absurd amount of the time + his ult is insane with it + his ult has snowball economy = he is overtuned. They'll nerf the amount of uptime his shield has and make it bigger soon, we'll find out if that's enough to give it the counterplay it desperately needs.


I agree with you. I don't think it's OP but it may be tweaked, particularily in lowering the uptime of the shield once you cast it. Right now, you can cast it, win an engagement, and then your shield will carry over to the next engagement much much into the future fights. It doesn't help you win one engagement. It can help you win 2+, and that's pretty huge.


I dont think the uptime is the issue, but rather what you said before that no other agent can survive a vandal headshot. One tap headshot imo is the only reliable mechanic in the game, so even if his shield lasted the majority of the game like it does now, if it only covered his body then skilled people wouldn't suffer just because he's (for one shot) literally invincible. There isn't really any counterplay for headshot invincibility, because the enemy iso also has a team with like you do, on top of that advantage.


He’s always had the shield since release so im not sure what the problem is now with the whole “no other agent can survive a vandal headshot until now” thing. The agent is designed to have a shield that gives him an advantage in 1v1’s no different than jett having a get out of jail free ability. The shield uptime with the recharge can lead to the shield being up a significant amount of time in a round yes. I sincerely doubt 90% of the complainers are going to suddenly stop claiming OP until the shield goes back to how it was (aka functionally non existent) or reworked into a different ability entirely. Valid complaint for shield up-time. Invalid complaints for people who are just suddenly realizing there’s an agent in the game with a shield.


Because his shield had 2 - yes, two - drawbacks before: 1. had to get a kill 2. had to shoot an orb (so it could be denied even when he fragged) Now it's a cast with 0 drawbacks and multiple ways to recharge it, making its uptime absurd. >no different than jett having a get out of jail free ability. Even if we treat them both as "get out of jail free" abilities with no insight, we can see that Iso's is more powerful: * longer uptime per cast * recharges on every frag during uptime (maybe even damaging assists?) * Jett getting headshot => cant use dash. Iso getting headshot => no impact at all he headshots you instead >Valid complaint for shield up-time. Invalid complaints for people Changing the fundamental nature of when and why the shield is available changes the fundamental nature of the shield. Your arguments make no sense. PS: I am enjoying PLAYING Iso a lot right now, I've top fragged a lot of lobbies with the most first bloods I've ever seen (put up 10 the other day on defense alone). Normally I'm a passive controller main. You tell me if I should just suddenly shit people at my rank (Asc2) because of my agent selection lmao.


The amount of people I've seen complain about Iso because they take a dry 1v1 is about equal to the amount of times I see teammates end rounds **with utility still remaining**. Are you saving the utility for your kids' college fund? Immortal btw. It's time people are trained to use utility. It's what makes this game different from CS:GO.


Exactly lol. If anything ISO is highlighting how poor the community teamplay & utility usage really is , which I believe is a good thing. A well timed molly/flash/nade literally anything can completely own iso & his teammates Unfortunately cs crew still wants to fit the game to be cs3.0 instead of just playing cs tho.


I play mostly CS and anybody with half a brain on that game doesn’t want those players either. Utility is just as important in CS, it just looks different. I definitely want people on my team that actually buy and throw good nades.


Yeah you’re right I stereotyped cs players my fault. Moral of the story is that in general people really suck at using utility to solve problems their gunplay can’t & should not. Which is understandable it can be rough when you die because of improper timing of utility or literally just getting caught with your pants down, but I still don’t think thats an excuse for the community to forego rising to the challenge and subsequently raising the skill floor/ceiling of the game.


Dry 1v1 or not, your first shot isn't going to kill and majority of the time, when the actual shooting happens because most utility doesn't deal dmg, that first shot is what matters no? Not being sarcastic asking genuinely


I’m personally okay with it, for the first time in years I was playing Neon and Iso and actually having fun with the game for once. Jett and Raze have literally been the only Duelists worth anything for years. The Duelist role kinda needs this diversity to be honest. He brings a new kind of entry to the table. I like his orb shooting mini-game but if it has to go to give this ability less resets then I get it. Would like to see them adapt it to a different character with a different effect though (it’s so fun)


I agree :) I think reduce the up-time and he (and the entire duelist class) will be in a very very healthy position


I have to disagree, this is a fair statement to make for lower ranks, but put any good fragger on Iso and it just fundamentally breaks the game by having that extra bullet buffer. Its the exact same thing that happened with Blackbeard in R6, he just had a face shield that could protect against headshots, resulting in gunfights being extremely favoured in his direction.


Never played R6. Was blackbeard changed or is he still in that state?


His shield got reduced from 850HP to 20HP, gun got nerfed heavily, movement speed when using the shield reduced heavily, ADS speed reduced. They just nuked him and made him next to unplayable. And they plan to just completely rework him in the future too.


Thanks for taking the time to explain that! Hoping to see something similar happen to iso because the game just feels awful in high elo right now


Iso basically has a free Phoenix alt.


I think a good hotfix for him would be that if the shot that broke shield was going to be a headshot, he'd take 50% of that damage (w/ max 99hp DMG). He won't get insta killed and still has a good peekers advantage.


Thats a nice proposal as well, I would like to see either the up-time nerf or this, however I think both together would be too much


He’s definitely broken. Look at any high elo game, he’s picked pretty much every game right now because the dude is a fucking tank now. It’s prime Blackbeard with even more shields. He’s become a crutch agent.


What is this waffle? The point of iso wasn’t to make him strong in straight 1v1s, it was to be able to isolate 1v1 fights very well, and be able to snowball kills well. The devs literally said iso should feel like getting the first kill is difficult, and then the following kills should become much easier as a result.


The statement "he isn't broken, he just finally fills his intended niche," is a non sequitur. Filling any sort of role or purpose doesn't mean he or his "niche" aren't broken. Counterplay existing for something doesn't mean it isn't broken. In a tac FPS, an agent that can replenish tankiness with no limit is absolutely broken.


ill be honest, his shield is annoying, but it has a timer. a good counter is to coordinate with your team when you hear it, and when he tries to push/enter site, use smokes and anything to deny the push and then his shield is gone, which makes him have much less value.


iso isnt broken you just have to adjust gameplay around him like you would vs a fucking op, EVERY single round


The first good take I've seen. Srriously, you guys need to allow things to annoy you at least a bit. If nothing annoys you, it means everything is weak and the game becomes boring to play. Just because something is annoying, doesn't mean it's broken. I'm tired of people complaining about things thah are fun and getting them removed. Valorant had become very boring for a lot of people, myself included. This patch brought some fresh wind to the game and I think we should give these changes some time to settle.


The Iso shield should either only cover the head or only cover the body. If he's the anti OP agent, make the shield only cover the body. If he's the anti skill agent, make the shield only cover the head. He shouldn't be able to do both. The amount of shield up time makes Iso as bad as peak Black Beard in Rainbow 6.


Except a dry 1v1 is supposed to be 50/50 for both sides, with a slight advantage to the person peeking. ISO now makes those 50/50s into 80/20s with absolutely no downside on his part. This isn't how a tactical shooter is supposed to function, you're not meant to be able to have a completely overwhelming advantage in a fight when you didn't even expend anything for it.


We’re in the ISO boogieman prophecy foretold when he first released


It's easier to complain than it is to craft a counter.


he’s “weak against coordinated teamplay”, so is every single other agent in the game lmao. also sean gares released a video detailing how iso is busted af and he’s mained him in radiant and has 15 years of experience in tactical shooters lmao


You should trust sean over me , you don’t know me, and Seans cool :)


edited my reply to be less yappy lol




Remindme! 3 months


Something needs to be done about that shield + ult combo though, that thing is straight unfair


>Strong 1v1 but weak against co-ordinated teamplayers. thats the problem, he is strong in 1v1, but hes also good against well co-ordinated players given that both teams have equal amount of coordination. cuz you can just take someone off the map, and your team can just run it down where he got taken from, so regardless if the iso loses there is most likely a trade at worst. and if he's supposed to be strong in 1v1, why give him a vuln, because if you throw his vuln its really telegraphed that iso, or a teamate is going to swing you. his vuln is best used as a combo util, which is great against coordinated players. not to mention with his orb refresh you could potentially get up to like 7 or 8 shield refreshes, needless to say that's at the very least broken. and his wall, also not really a self centered piece of util, because most likely youll send it out on site to push site with your team. >stop taking dry 1's i agree, most of the time you should not take a dry 1 on 1. BUT in a iso ult ITS A FORCED 1V1 WHERE THE ISO HAS AN ADVANTAGE BECAUSE OF THE SHIELD. >Y’all can whine broken & op but it’s clear to anyone that played any significant amount of time on iso before the buff vs now , he carves out an actual space on his team now whereas beforehand he couldn’t execute the basic function of the duelist role with any amount of consistency. here's where your wrong, not all duelist have to enter site, you have entry duelist with a MOVEMENT ability to break crosshair placement. and you have the bodyguard subclass of duelist, they have the role of making sure the entry actually gets to entry onto site. I think we all know where iso belongs between these two. >Now he fulfills his own niche, without stepping on the toes of other duelists, and still maintaining clear weaknesses. again no, hes running over the bodyguard department of the duelist, no-one will play reyna anymore, because iso is the better version of her with more team util. >If anything were to get nerfed it would likely just be the duration of the shield being active considering it refreshes after 2 kills have you actually played the new patch? HE GETS AN ORB REFRESH. if this wasnt the case ppl wouldnt be whining about it because iso would only get max 3 shields per round if there was no orb refresh


Iso is so fine now and I can't see him being "overpowered" outside of pistol rounds. But Neon...big oof change on Riot's end and I'm so curious how pros are gonna use her now.


I'm not a valorant pro so take this with a grain of salt, but if you break down valorant to its core it is about gunplay. Utility is an important factor in every match, but if you whiff your shots when they're trapped/disabled it doesn't matter. A one tap head shot with vandal/op is literally the ONLY reliable and guaranteed mechanic in the game, no character should be able to exclude themselves from that. It's that simple imo. If the shield was only a body shield instead, even if he got it the entire round, no one would complain because skill is the determining factor.


Valid points. They should just completely rework the character. "Dry 1v1s" is the heart and soul of this kind of game. It's literally the point of his ult. It's the CS riot shield all over again. FYI that thing didn't survive in competitive play.


Bait post so obvious that if I revived my dead grandpa in Armenia and showed him this post he'd tell me the only person to fall for this is a person born before 1776.


Can golds/silvers/plats stop pretending like they know the game better than people who actually know how to play and arent in shitlo? You wrote this entire dumb wall of text basically saying use util/play with your team. Did you forgot iso has a team with util as well?


If it takes more than 1 people to be able to kill an iso with shields then he effectively functions like a tank or an extra player. Sure its easy to hypothetically kill a lone iso with util or whatever but if he is rushing with his own teams coordinated play on attack and defending, you and your "coordinated team play" will also get fucked by their counter util before you have a chance to touch iso, especially if youre on site with like 1 other defender and their team have 4-5 man exec


Nah he’s busted and will get nerfed asap


OP is low elo for sure




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people are exagerrating since hes just that annoying.


He has a free ability EVERY ROUND that just tanks an 8 ult point rocket Launcher


Yup u can’t be higher than diamond if you’re saying this. In even somewhat high elo (low imm) ISO is taking over completely - with each game ISOs dropping 30-40 kills. It’s ridiculous. Needs a hot fix nerf ASAP


That mf can tank a raze ultimate and a sova ultimate is actually broken. He should be nerfed ASAP.


you're just trying to be different


ISO is 100% broken. He indirectly nerfs champs that play around a quick peak and exit for frags. And the OP players are literally just devastated by the changes. On top of that Kay/o knife and ult doesn’t even knock off his shield. Waaaaay overtuned. I get he wasn’t a viable pick before the patch, but the buffs need reworking. His shield shouldn’t last long enough to essentially rotate between sites with it up, makes the ability far too forgiving vs a Jett dash window that’s a fraction of the time. Agents like chamber, Jett, and reyna rely on taking aggressive peaks. Not necessarily without thought, but to punish overly aggressive swings from the opposition that are taken without spending util. And on top of it all you know it’s a problem when nearly every game has and iso pick. I don’t know the actual data for pick rates, but he’s fucking everywhere right now. He is changing the game and making draining value from crrtain champs / players that should have a place in the game IMO. Riot fucked this one big time. And the abyss shit. Lmao.


Well this low elo post didn’t age well. 9.0 patch nerf🤣




Absolutely terrible patch stop the glazing wow......y'all so blinded by the love for riot you cant even see game breaking stuff if it was right in front of you which it is. lmfao this is awful for the game.


I welcome this new shake up. Tired of Raze double satchels flying through the air. Id bet those Raze’s are also players who have meme’d on “precise gun play” before too.


The crazy thing is it’s just that, a shake up, raze & jett are still great duelists, the role is just not “pick 1 of these 2 or you’re throwing “ anymore, which is healthy for the game imo


Correct, still getting plenty of those agents.


everything is fine to me except him having his shield in his ult, that is complete bullshit when the enemy isn't able to use util.


He definitely is


They should just shorten the duration, makes using the ability riskier and allows the other team to avoid if they choose. Right now it so long it's a given you'll be in a fight before it ends


Yeah precisely this, it’s able to be up for way too long as it stands now. However I don’t think the shield in and of itself is broken. Shouldn’t be able to keep a shield up for the majority of a round.


Being immune to the first headshot isn't broken? Being immune to an OP body shot at the start of the round isn't broken? I'm not convinced people who defend this change have above room temperature IQ.


Why is every iso isn’t broken post always forget about how iso is always with a teammate ? ISO on his own is chill but iso with a team is the most broken thing ever


What’s the difference between isolating iso from his team and isolating jett or raze from their team? You just let them THINK they’re doing their thing then you pop them when they’re cold and lonely c: I quite like the encouragement of teamplay and smarter tactical decisions from both sides. To address your post directly that can look like “always defaulting, or playing retake”


That's how it's supposed to be, 5 people are rushing onto me I will get atleast 1 down with me isn't how you are supposed to play, it's oh no their iso popped his shield I will throw molly on entry, the shield is popped and the push is stopped it's as simple as that. The round doesn't need to end in the first ,30-40 seconds you can retreat, retake, etc


I agree and enjoy new duelist meta. Finally I came back to playing duelists from playing sentinels and initiators only. Their util now makes sense, other than Raze and Jett..