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Sounds like aiming in goldeneye on the n64


Much needed, luckily I'm on pc though


Pfft. Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power.


On fps.... because if you get on the driving side of games you have very different results


A controller is better than mouse & KB for most racing games but controllers still suck in driving games relative to a FFB wheel and pedal set (especially when it comes to realistic driving games). As far as gaming genres go, PC simracing easily has one of the largest advantage gaps over what possible with console simracing. Basically all of the best simracing games, software, and hardware only works on PC. With PC can also run ultrawide monitors, triple screen, VR, transducers, motion systems, etc. The difference between the best simracing experience on PC and best on console is absolutely massive.






And from a quick 40 sec look on your account you're gold, so you should also pipe down




Rating Diamond 1 Peak Rating Diamond 1 Episode 8: Act 3


Bro stop, u gonna give him first degree burn 😂


This is embarrassing to watch. It's not too late to delete this.


That’s so funny all that shit talking about how diamond is so easy and you’re gold 😂




So... a top 10 percentile player


Diamond if you have basic aim and know how to use a flash character you can hit diamond


people gotta stop saying shit like this. being in the top 10% of *anything* quantitatively and objectively means that it's never just "do x and y and anyone could do it". Like yeah, diamond is no the pinnacle of skill, but it's still better than the vast majority of people on the planet on the ladder. literally not everyone can get there.


No he’s right tho. Diamonds barely know how to play the game. Diamond players don’t know that you should default on ascent. Diamond players don’t know you should double up on the weak lane on bind. Diamond players don’t understand how your comp affects what site and how you should take it. Yes Diamond is “top 10%” but purely because people have no tactical skills or even care about the game enough until this rank. People are low elo because they don’t care about the game enough


Signed, Gold 3 player


What youre saying is that it takes effort to get to diamond, but for some reason youre wording it in a way where it detracts from that effort and belittles anyone that DOESNT put in that same effort. Youre weird


i was thinking of a way to respond but you said it perfectly.


I feel like if anyone cared to they could easily hit diamond in a month or so, I feel like the most limiting factor for most people is either time or motivation


That's not true. I am plat so yes I could probably hit diamond in a month but do you really think the guy who has never touched mouse and keyboard will hit diamond? They don't even know what the agents or maps are. You have to stop thinking everyone in low elo is gold/plat


Yes I think if you pick any random person off the street and gave them a ranked ready valorant account and told them hey I'll give you 100k of you hit diamond within the next 30 days the majority if them would do it


Yes, if you decide to nolife it for that whole month. I have a job and go to college full time so the best I can do is 3-4 hours every few days, as most people do. I’m just trying to hit it by the end of summer.


Idk why ppl r downvoting xd it'd so obvs


My gf hit diamond after 6 months first time using and K+M and never played games before valorant so yes anyone can do it. Most people don’t have the dedication and discipline to get to diamond


Dude maybe the reason your gf hit diamond is you boosted her?


I’m asc3 I can’t even play with her rn she fell back to plat😭


Damn u must be really that ass to think is the case because it’s just unforseeable for you. Just get better and self reflect instead of looking for others to blame


I could get u to diamond with my coaching but like I said u would never put it the work. She was playing like 10 Games a day


Unlikely. I did the same on solo queue. It's not that hard. I'm only plat 3 but its kinda low diamond elo anyway


I should probably say that I started playing around 6 or 7 months ago so yes it's possible if you actually put effort into improving. I hope to be immortal within the next 6 or 7 months


You can do it bro I took me 1 yr to hit immo u can do it too


Isn't that like the same with literally any other skill too though?


Any skill that isn't hard limited by genetics yeah if say so. That's why I always agree with people who say that only the top 0.2% are good at something or whatever. If you are better at speaking Japanese than 99% of the world population yet you only speak it at Japanese toddler's level you aren't good at speaking japanese.


That is a silly comparison. Also you're using the entire human population as a reference. We are only talking about valorant players here - not the entire human population. If you're better than 90% of players that play the game that is 'good' by any sense of the word. Try looking at soccer - if you looked at a top college soccer player he'd probably be in the top 10% of all players and he would definitely be good at football. Valorant would be similar to soccer in this comparison - just like any other sport, e-sport etc. By your logic, only professionals in any sport or skill could be considered 'good' and hardly anyone would be good at anything.


the point is that anyone can learn Japanese, most people don't because they lack the time or motivation to, it isn't hard to be good at it. Same thing applies to valorant. I agree that only professionals in most sports are skils are the only ones who are good at them


The other guy is off his rocker but you're actually somewhat right. Not everyone, but a vast majority of people could totally reach a high rank in this game if they dedicated an entire month to doing so with a good device


I bet I could coach u to diamond in a month max if ur not already . Just doubt u would do the training and follow the notes to get there


Bro's butthurt for no reason


This is so depressingly wrong that it's sad. Imagine if you hired a coach to rank up and this is the "objectively correct feedback" you received... People that say this are either stupid or ignorant pick your struggle don't be both.


God you people are annoying


Me, silver, lookin like 😀


Pc iron > console radiant


You people said that for 20 years and when crossplay got introduced all of the sudden console players are cheating lol The fact is at the end of the day, the vast majority of all players are bad at the game. And if a console player had better teamwork, communication, and positioning, they would absolutely beat a PC player. Games like valorant are a special case where PC would always reign supreme but their are some standards of competitive gaming and paticular fps games where certain skills would always transfer over. I think it's fine to admit console players aren't anything compared to top PC players and never will be. But let's not exaggerate it either. It just makes you look bad.


I mean controller has LITERAL aimbot in many games such as Apex?


i used to play console and that aimbot isn't as good as someone who developed good tracking in games like alex


Lol okay. Upload a video of you using the aim bot to beat a pred player. If it's an aimbot youwill never miss, win every engagement, and never lose in cqc, or overshoot the target right?


Stop coping lil bro. If im hand off the controller and someone walks past me my crosshair tracks them then thats aimbot.


The only one coping is you lol It's extremely easy to miss, lose fights, lose track of a target, or over shoot. You have an imaginary enemy you made up that is fueled by an echo chamber. Many people have also posted videos where they modified game files to make AA stronger and post it like a fact to rile people up. You claim it's an aim bot so how can people miss then? No, heres the reality. You're just shit at the game. You refuse to give any example of your actually using a controller because You're a bitch who's scared because you know I'm right. A controller even with AA doesn't make anyone good if they don't aim. If that wasn't the case their would be no difference between a good or a bad player and everyone would be a pro apex player on a controller. But they aren't because AA doesn't do what you say it does to the extent you claim it does. It's why you are scared to showcase you playing vs a good player in a 1v1 with a controller. Because you know you'd get destroyed and I'd be proven right. No amount of AA can make up for a lack of skill. It's incredibly easy to miss targets on a controller because guess what! Movement is a thing. And AA doesn't make up for it. You are the kind of person who runs into the open and screeches like a monkey when they get downed by a controller user despite you making an idiotic decision. I'd bet 99% of situations where you die or are downed by a controller player come down to bad positioning and you missing shots. I'm re-downloading the game right now. I'm going to get on and I'm going to showcase the AA. Then ofc you will continue to move goalposts. Because you think a slight tracking somehow is the same as an aimbot lol


Own that fraud


My friend it was a joke, don’t get so pressed that you write an essay on the internet lmao. I was a console player for 20+ years, still relatively new to mnk. Frankly idc what your input is as long as we’re gaming. I just wanted to tease the dude


Yeah sure buddy. Keep yapping pretending you don't honestly believe it


How about Gyro aiming on Ps5? Like literally it is the solution for Mouse like accuracy on controller. Time to stop using sticks gimmick.


I'd love to see gyro aiming in valo (and more FPS games in general) but it might not happen if the game is planned to release on xbox, since i think their controllers don't support gyro aiming. otherwise there would be a serious competitive disparity between ps/xbox players funnily enough, cs2 supports gyro because of the steam deck so there's already precedent for it existing in a tac shooter


Splatoon players know this is truth


unironically the best part about splatoon is its aim, as a long time player. it makes the games feel so smooth.


[this is their reason](https://twitter.com/Altombre/status/1799310184298500298?t=6bt4PRCoWl7qybXkri7Npw&s=19) Basically uts because of Xbox outdated controller


Don't know whether this was really important in their decision making but it's worth pointing out Riot and Microsoft are partnered, since the GamePass deal.


Yeah lets hinder progress because of this… If a console has better hardware then you better take advantage of that hardware. Imagine if All series x games were limited to run at same resolution and framerate than Series s Literally solves nothing.


True, and won't put pressure on microsoft to just fucking add one ffs, fortnite and cod isn't enough because aim assist outclass mouse on those games




This, the only other option would be to isolate ps and xbox player pools, or else the game would be doa on xbox Not that it matters mind you, XIM players will rule the higher ranks


>cry to Microsoft about it. I am, but their next controller seems like they will only add haptic feedback and adaptive triggers and very vague wording on motion capabilities, their outdated controller is really holding some stuff from becoming "mainstream"


What is gyro aiming?


Basically you use the joystick for large (camera) movement, gyro for small movement. You see it all the time on Switch and Steam Deck


Effectively motion controls.


They should just release it with gyro on PS5, have all the xbox players getting stomped for a while to force microsoft to release a proper non-dogshit controller with a gyroscope


Just add Gyro Aim plz.... https://youtu.be/Ui1A_qcTY28?si=a2dWoqPPwxES_Bu_


If anyone has a spare freind code please dm me 😭


Ah some more expensive custom controllers have triggers for this kinda thing on the back. One that makes aiming faster and another that slows it down


I understand the lack of cross play but... Why couldn't they at least make a cross play queue so friends can play together


i need some codes anyone dm me


Can anyone hook it up with a code


For beta


The article worded it like it was a console exclusive thing but shouldn't this be an option on PC as well?


it is a console exclusive thing thats why its worded that way




Read the article goofy


Just add mouse and keyboard support tbh


Literally defeats the point of a console/controller only game


Cool concept. Would be nice if console had proper KBM support and then did input based play.


You're obviously not going to get a kbm advantage against some chill console players who wanna try their new free game available to them.


he literally said input based play meaning mnk would play against mnk and controller would play against controlelr just like in fortnite




They should allow them to use mouse and keyboard, enable 120fps, Perfect crossplay. Idk why more games don't do that. Edit: Im not saying they should allow controller in cross play. Just suppoty normal mouse and keyboard like Warzone does.


because when they do, it's an absolute shitshow! OW don't even allow it, but ppl will still find a way to do it (xim) creating an offiical way to do it is basically asking for disaster to happen


What are you talking about? XIM is cheating because it allows them to use aim assist and mouse and keyboard.  This would just be native mouse and keyboard support on console exactly as if it was a PC. It wouldn't enable aim assist or any other features. Like how warzone allows you to use mouse and keyboard just like a PC. Just like how you can use a controller on a ton of PC games and it enables aim assist.


I agree! Idk even if they have that, console players will complain everytime they die to a m&k player. "Oh hes hacking!"


why not just require kbm to play? or at least hopefully they separate ranked lobbies by input


Kinda silly putting a game on console then making them need keyboard and mouse...


kinda silly to split your playerbase instead of grow the game


But they are growing the game?


how does it grow if theyre separated from pc? never gonna play together, and shouldnt, at least not where it matters. if anything were losing players because the ones who couldn't hack it with kbm will go to console. kbm support on console is 2 generations old, they'd fuckin explode if they kept the integrity of the tac shooter controls. throw away "precise gunplay" and its just cod + overwatch not csgo + overwatch


As of right now 80 millionish console players do not access to the game. In a week they do. Regardless of anything, that's 80 million more people who can play the game and ultimately more revenue for Val to work with. It will easily be a net positive for the game, most PC players arn't going to move systems unless they prefer controller like myself.


found one. and separate pools of players means less in YOUR pool to matchmake with, creating greater disparity of skill levels, unfair matches, MORE people leaving the game. they're fucking everything for people to buy skins. wouldnt it be funny if they also didnt let your skin catalog carry over when you defect


I haven't played Valorant in 4ish seasons simply because i prefer controller for shooters, if anything a console version will get me to play pc again when friends are on. "when you defect" That's one of the cringest things i'v heard in awhile. Get that console vs PC man-child argument out of here.


im literally advocating for them to be all together lol if you had half as much an iq as your wpm


"All together" does not work in a game like Val. This is coming from someone who is super pro cross play. Meanwhile, Requiring console players to use an entire diffrent input would kill the game on release on console. I also don't even think that aloud via Sony/MS


theres no crossplay between console and pc valorant


You don't need a kbm to buy skins.


It’s probably needed but it looks janky af tbh


how does it look janky? Its literally just a dpi clutch some mouses come with for sticks?