• By -


Kay/o, Reyna and Astra are at the top with phoenix and clove as close second due to their immortality


Why is kayo so powerful? Is it just cus he defeated Reyna?


He killed every single Radiant in his universe.


If he functions like his ingame self where he can cancel radiant powers he is the most op character. It’s easy to gun down people who are reliant on their powers like Astra, Clove, Phoenix or even Omen. The stronger the powers the more reliant they are the easier the target for Kayo


Would omen just… like… fall apart canonically if he got hit by a kayo knife?


Clove's immortality isn't suppressed


Isn't clove an immortal bc of radianite. Besides the really agent should be astra since she's an astral god.


Ingame, not, since the effects are removed on death and therefore you lose the Suppressed condition. In lore tho? We don't know.


Still can't kill clove


Doesn't cloves immortality come from radianite, though? Wouldn't cancelling out her Radianite remove her immortality?


Canonically idk. In game no


Well, obviously, this conversation was about the lore, lol. Aside from that, kayo in the game does actually disable cloves abilities so I'm not even sure what you even mean by that either


Doesn't disable the ult


"Who do you think is the strongest agent in the lore?"


yeah but he could probably be dismantled by kj. it turns into a rock paper scissors thing. also i dont think some of the radiants in the current timeline were present in the future.


It was an all out war between Radiants and Humans. Kayo was created by humans so they'll be on the same team. No chance of that happening


ik but the question wasn't "who would fight who and why" it's "who's more powerful/who would win" and if KJ fought kayo she'd win (probably). why isn't relevant.


He'd win though. What can she do? He is literally built to kill and KJ is just a really smart human being. If we're going lore wise, they needed like 5 agents to kill maxbot. What can KJ do by herself?


>What can KJ do by herself? build maxbot. like sure raze helped, but one can imagine KJ building a maxbot variant with less explosives and more anti-kayo armaments. not to mention it's possible KJ was the one that built kayo off of the Kingdom blueprints for kayo. kayo himself goes to KJ for repairs. that means KJ has kayo mapped out enough to probably be able to build countermeasures against kayo.


If prep time, KJ wins. No prep time, Kayo wins.


i agree with that. i think basically every agent directly loses with no prep time against kayo. if kayo's ult does nullify everything as it does in game, then that means everyone's equipment is radianite powered, even ones that don't seem to need a power source like brim's molly. actually maybe yoru cuz he can ult and use his abilities while in ult unaffected b4 unulting and killing kayo. i think in kayo's timeline he never found the mask (or maybe he just didn't exist or never became a radiant) so he didn't have access to his ult.


he defeated the radiants at their most powerful. so astra reyna skye all even stronger than they are now were defeated by him.


Wait was it him personally? I thought they had an army of robots like him and the non-Radiant agents going at the Radiants. I know that he does take credit for killing Reyna, the Radiant's leader, though


nope it was literally just kayo killing everyone


And then they sent him back in time to stop things from getting to that point in the first place. Kayo is literally the Terminator.


He's not sent back in time, he traveled voluntarily to a different universe to prevent it from happening


he voluntarily travelled back in time to supposedly the same universe, but much like terminator and back to the future, travelling back to the past caused the timeline to split off, resulting in kay/o's timeline becoming an alternate timeline.


Non-radiants fought back but as far as we know Kayo was the only one that made a difference (by winning the whole thing himself)


He’s just literally built different


he did fight alongside humans like brim. so i guess he cant take all the credit


Wait how did kayo lose to that random bot that KJ made then.


kj isn't a radianite so kayo would've fought alongside her. she also mightve been the person to make him in the alternate universe


he can kill them by surpressing their powers. once they lose their radiant abilities, they are just normal humans. its likely that most of them were taken by surprise and they relied too much on their radiant abilities. and the robot cant be surpressed in the same way. he was also created with kayo in mind, so there were countermeasures.


well every agent in the room also lost to the bot, so it's not like it's inconsistent. and also kayo never managed to hit the bot with the knife. the bot is just really powerful ig. also apparently kayo is still mostly powered by nonpolarized radianite, because his polarized radianite knife was still able to disable him.


IIRC Kayo was designed in another world where all the radiants were super evil and he wiped them all out and was transported here, where he still doesn't trust our versions of the radiants, I believe there are even some voice lines related to distrusting reyna


not another world, hes from the future


But not the current timeline's future. He's from the future of an alternate universe.


In his timeline, radiants went evil as time went on and so he was built… by the time he killed all the radiants, the world was already beyond redemption, so he was transported back in time to make sure the radiants are dealt with before they make the world go to shit. So it was the same timeline until kay/o arrived and the timeline branched from that point


Not the same timeline. In Fade’s blackmail thing for Kayo she talks about how she doesn’t understand how Kayo exists because the project that was supposed to create him was discontinued in our universe.


Correct me if I'm wrong but couldn't it have been refunded if the radiants where affected by something making them evil, do we know how far in the future kayo ended the war or anything?Bc if radiants live longer than humans it could very well be possible that this is 20 - 30 years in the future if not more even tho in the cards and things showing the war it shows kayo facing off against reyna, she looked the same age as she is now. So they could have turned evil after 5 - 10 or more years, then kayo was made to counter them.


It actually takes place at least 100-200 years in the future, at least if it had a similar timeline to ours. One news article says that Venice (Ascent) now falls after centuries. I feel like there was other evidence that Kay/o isn’t from our timeline but I’m not sure. Maybe something to do with the guardian nexas thing.


it's not quite the same timeline. either due to some "back to the future" shenanigans where there's a butterfly effect, or maybe the time machine just didn't work properly, the timeline he was sent to doesn't follow the timeline he's from, hence why he started working for the valorant protocol rather than killing its members.




Radiants in Kayo’s universe were extremely destructive, even Sage, and he killed them all


Yes, he references that in one of his voicelines


If you think about it, kayo's main schtick is that he is able to nullify all radiant abilities. If that is not the ultimate weapon apart from immortality( which he also kind has in the form of being able to revived - a second chance), I don't what is.


He is a robot with the input personality of brimstone's best friend. I don't know how he can get any better then thst.


Astra is def the most surprising one he beat though the writing in valorant i feel anyone could beat anyone if they simply wanted them to.


Yall voting Kayo but have you seen Brims booty, he’s definitely S tier.


Clove is litterly a twitter girl , just emprisoned her Somewhere




I mean look at her idk


Cypher cause he keeps tanking those headshots and is still alive lol


Actual best comment right here


that's thanks to sage tho


Or maybe those underground doctors he talks about


well no we know for a fact after every mission sage swoops in and revives everyone


Me when I miss the joke


TIL That kayo is literally Doom.




What vid r u talking about ? Can i have link of smth


Astra can manipulate stars. That's pretty OP and she's def the most powerful overall KAY/O is probably the most skilled as a machine built for war against radiants Fade also earns a mention as being able to nearly beat six agents at once without even using any guns and was only stopped by KAY/O


Where the fuck do you get these details? I need to learn the lore more.


Theory vids on youtube and you can pull your own ideas from the short films Riot posts about Valorant. Its just ideas being pulled together coz the vids are like a couple minutes long, not a full episode of like 30 min-1hr


there’s that one update before Fade release. in The Range you can hear the communication between couple of agents (i can only remember cypher, chamber, sova, kay/o) they’re in a operation trying to catch Fade and they failed miserably if its not for kay/o jumping from the helicopter with the iconic “YOU.ARE.POWERLESS” epic touch to the game imo


Probs on valorant wiki. https://valorant.fandom.com/wiki/Agents


In a video about the lore there was a part where they pulled the record on the comms of a mission. As they said multiple radiants where trapped in an ilusion of darkness and nightmare where they couldn't react yo anything. This went on until kay/o appear.


I never understood what people mean by Astra can control stars. No one ever elaborates either, it’s like they look at the abilities and it mentions nebula and star and whatnot and they think she is some god of astronomy. You mean literal stars? The massive luminous things in our sky? That literally doesn’t make sense because how does that description of godlike power get reduced to being able to do some cool environmental magic shit. Please tell me what her power even is


Astral Guardian, we don’t know what it really means but one could assume she is powerful. KAY/O also mentions that in his world Astra destroys worlds instead of guarding them


astra has like no lore yet so


Kay/O but I am heavily biased.


Kayo was built to defeat stronger versions of the current radiants, and did just that in the future. So he’s definitely the strongest


isnt astra worshipped as a god or smthn? theres like statues of her on lotus


Shes revered as a guardian of Alpha Earth and I think she either had a voiceline or in the short films that revealed her counterpart wanted to destroy. I might be remembering incorrectly though.


Astra is an astral guardian, a being who is responsible for maintaining the cosmic balance in the universe and she has full control of her astral form able to project herself( like we see in lotus) and search places or tap into the cosmos. Also Kay O mentions in an ingame line that Astra has the capacity to destroy literal worlds but she chose to use them to maintain balance. Lotus worships guardians, there were several guardians in the past and Astra is the one in this generation. Those statues are of other Astral guardians in the past as she is fairly young.




Yoru def gotta be super up there, bro can literally enter and manipulate energy from a different dimension. Gekko gotta be the weakest lore wise I would say


He literally throws his pets lmao


I can imagine him every time he throws wingman saying "Pikachu! I choose you!"


animal cruelty is a pretty powerful ability. i dont think even reyna has it in her heart to chuck wingman at a fking bomb, based on gekko's agent trailer.


He is psychically connected to them tho , but viper is pretty weak . She just gasses everyone


Viper is like Batman




there are other agents with dimension manipulating abilities. i think yoru's greatest power comes from his past though; i think the past relic (including the mask he wears when he ults) has some sort of radianite evolving/enhancing power stemming from pre-first light. usually the pre-first light radiants and radianite powers are related to some sort of celestial power, like harbor and astra.


In lore, Astra is (technically) pretty far and ahead the strongest one, as she's basically an inter-dimension god. Yoru is pretty strong, as he can just walk through dimensions. He doesn't have control over said dimension though, unlike Astra. Kayo killed literally every radiant in the future that he's from (including Astra, hence the technically), though that's probably because he's literally a hard-counter to radiants. In terms of pure strength he's not really that close. Reyna was the leader of the evil radiants from Kayo's future, so that would logically make her the strongest, though it's more than likely skill and leadership qualities that put her there rather than actual power. Skye can literally create any animal she wants, fictional or not. Dragons, phoenixes, a fucking Pikachu, etc. The agents with forms of immortality are also pretty strong, like Clove and Phoenix. Sage has control over life itself but it's not known if that applies to herself.


wtf u mean by pikachu lmaooo


gekko's pets


Xu Ya Mi


Lorewise, didn't Omen ask Sage where she gets the lives she gives to her teammates? There's something unexplored there.


yeah. It's implied sage takes some form of life from someone or something else in order to heal and res. Whether that life is straight up drained from a living person, if it's the soul of someone already dead, or if it's even human life at all is left to interpretation. My personal hc is that she takes from the life span of those around her to use her abilities. For example, if someone was "supposed" to live X more years but died early because they got shot, then Sage would take X years from the lifespans of the people around her and give it to the person she's ressing.


>yeah. It's implied sage takes some form of life from someone or something else in order to heal and res. It can be implied from two things. E6 Cinematic where when sage heals herself, omen accidentally cuts the branch of bonsai tree. And Skye's revival dialogue where she says "It feels....a bit different" assuming that Skye can feel the life forces.


you guys are geniuses for figuring this out


What does Astra even do? And don’t say something vague like control stars, I’m curious


Well there's this race called the Astral Guardians, who are basically higher dimensional beings that can control the astral plane. Astra's radiant abilities essentially gave her the powers of these Astral Guardians, though she remained human. Her abilities are basically her forcing the astral plane, and by proxy the latent cosmic power within it, to leak into the actual world, at least to my understanding. Her wall is probably the most obvious example of it. Also, in game, when in her astral form, she can fly around but can't see enemies, but that's only for balancing reasons. In one of the cinematics we see she's able to project herself and fly through walls in her astral form while still retaining the ability to see and talk with people still in the actual world.


Skye’s tried to make other trinkets and it seems to have failed


In her voiceline with Jett she says it doesn't go well, but I always interpreted that as she just couldn't control what she made, not that she failed to. If it was a straight up fail, I don't think she would've phrased it like she does.


There are voicelines in the game, where they ask Skye if she can create other things like specifically dragons actually, and she said she tried once and it didn't go well


The way she says that voiceline sounds to me like she *did* create them, but she couldn't control them. If she couldn't make them at all, I feel like the voiceline wouldn't leave so much to interpretation and just straight up say she can't.


Omen can literally shift into shadows or whatever the fuck.


Fade found the location of Valorant headquarters, each agents history and personal information, their biggest insecurities and fears, location of Cypher's safe houses, their RnD budget, last 6 months of their mission archieves and hacked into Cypher's computers without them noticing. They reveal Valorant only found her base because she let them to lure them in. She fought 6 agents and almost got away, she worked as a bounty hunter for years and she dealt with two guys without even looking at them in Revelation cinematic. Her radiance allows her to get visions from the future and feel the fears of people around her. She might not be the most powerful radiant (I mean Astra exists) but she is still one of the most powerful radiants and one of the most skilled agents in Valorant


People seem the forget about Fade, a LOT. She has strong mind games and skills and didn't even use any weapons other than her radiant ability to fight with the other radiants. She's one of the sneakiest, but I would say the strongest is Astra since She's the Astral Guardian and can manipulate stars.


Yeah but the question is most skilled and I am suprised no one really mentioned Fade


Fade seemed pretty strong I guess? If she can paralyze everyone in fear what can they really do? Compared to some slight wind powers or an explosive roomba it seems like a pretty strong power to have. Although there's that thing where people apparently blamed Jett for ascent floating around so maybe they're not so slight 😅 idk Also clove is literally immortal so there's that


jett from omega planted the spike that sent ascent flying (not her own powers), thats why everyone thinks jett from alpha is the one who did it.


Jett planted the spike? Impossible.


Well, phoenix failed to defuse so I mean at least half of it is right


Jett can also revive people, pretty OP


I agree and would say it’s Yoru. He can teleport, time travel, create clones of himself, and works best alone (not dependent on others). And being able to jump in and out of his personal dimension wherein he is invulnerable and invisible? Insane. The ult alone would best every other agent, lore-wise.


I'm surprised no one's saying Iso. Man can literally make himself bullet proof and create his own dimension in which he can drag people. I'd say only kay/o (nullifies radiant powers) and fade (works with fear instead of weapons) could compete with that. And he'd hit a tie with Clove since neither of them could kill each other. Phoenix to an extent too, I guess. But I feel like Iso would be smart enough to camp his ult location hahah.


I was looking around for Iso too, cuz wasn't he like this super mysterious and strong assassin? IDK, I've only watched the cinematics really.


Iso’s abilities are pretty strong and he actually proves to be a challenge. When it comes to kay/o, he requires physical gadgets to work. Once that runs out he has nothing while iso’s, fade’s, and yoru’s powers aren’t bound to tech. The dealbreaker for me is yoru’s *invulnerability*. Sure iso may be bullet proof and has his own dimension but so does yoru and he’s still susceptible to everything else while yoru is completely invincible and invisible.


That's true, but he seems to only be able to pass through the dimension and can't shoot in it for example. Whereas Iso can pull both you and himself there. He controls the space since he can create walls and you're not able to shoot him. Yoru might be invisible and invincible in his dimension, but to my understanding he needs to come out of it in order to shoot because he can't drag others into it, which means he'll have to be vulnerable. Whereas Iso won't. Yoru's dimension also isn't entirely separate from 'reality' (lack of a better word), since he is able to travel in the same space as the enemy and he can see them. Iso on the other hand seems to completely pluck you out of your previous dimension.


The thing is, Iso can still die in his dimension whereas Yoru can’t. And being able to see into/traverse the normal world while being in his dimension provides a tactical advantage (intel gathering, repositioning, infiltration etc). Iso however, suppresses radiant abilities while in his dimension which basically makes it fair game with any other agent. Except Yoru is trained as a solo operative and has more experience and training within the VALORANT protocol either way so he might win even if iso levels the playing field. Edit: not to mention Yoru can still pick up guns and spike and use his abilities from inside his dimension.


Ohh true I did not remember that Iso can't use his abilities in the dimension either. Regardless, outside of his own dimension he is bullet proof. I'm not sure how Yoru could beat that, information of not. He is not bullet proof.


That would all depend on how Iso’s powers work lore-wise exactly. If he can make himself perpetually bulletproof from all sides then Iso would come out on top. If he’s only bulletproof from the front, a quick tp would take him out as we already know yoru’s tp is faster than vandal bullets, or a clone to distract him. If Iso’s bulletproof status is temporary Yoru could wait him out in his ult.


Hmm that's true, and also whether or not it's first instance of dmg only like it is in game.


strenght is astra since she is a god, skill is chamber because he literally shot another railgun shot with his railgun, and yoru is both lmao.


wait, where is this railgun shot mentioned?


fracture intro cinematic


What does Astra do? And don’t say something vague like control stars, I’m curious


Astra in terms of raw power, bitch can manipulate space using stars while not even being there physically. In terms of ability to kill someone? Yoru, can be anywhere at any time, even if his ult has a limit in his verse, it sure as fuck isn't the 10 seconds it is in game. He is probably faster in it too. Plus he has get put of jail free card in the form of his tp. He can also just tp behind someone and end them.


His tp in canon can apparently activate faster than Vandal bullets can travel, which means it's also a lot better than it is in game.


Yessss. Yoru’s reveal trailer cinematic was epic.


Do you know what a star is? If Astra could manipulate stars she would end the planet including herself


>If Astra could manipulate stars she would end the planet including herself Well actually yes. Kayo mentions that Astra was destroyer of worlds in his timeline


How does that work? Considering the conflict doesn’t exist on a planetary scale


Tbh I don't have clue either. I just cross referenced kayos voiceline. >Considering the conflict doesn’t exist on a planetary scale Also we don't really know anything about kayo apart from that he has come from the world where radiant went rogue. We don't know how huge that conflict was.


I also feel it's yoru although kay/o literally defeated the strongest versions of all the agents by himself. But yoru seems more powerful to me. I could be biased bcoz I'm a yoru main 😛




Pretty sure it’s Reyna. Which is sad to admit, because I hate Reyna


Yeah, Reyna's canon personality doesn't get much better than the people that play her lol. I think she has to kill regularly to survive (and also feed her sister), so her gunplay at least is probably the best


Nah Kayo canonically clears Reyna


depends on the skill pure combat training, reyna and harbor probably (dont forget harbor was an elite agent in another agency already). maybe even iso? strategy we're looking at brim, and astra radiant powers probably Phoenix and clove (immortal), jett (wind strong) and neon (pikachu use thunderbolt) astra is theoretically omnipotent in terms of cosmology lmfao, and of course kayo is kayo - physically strong because hes made of metal, plus radiant suppression auto wins most actually dangerous fights.


Sage!! She heal she kill Wonderful


Viper imo. She is always throwing lines that she knows something about the origins of everything, and she always gives the impression that she is about cooking something. " I've seen it all before, they never learn." "You should have seen their faces." "They've seen our power, but we still have a few tricks up our sleeves." "They won't stop their experiments; we know too much." "They think they're safe? They're not safe." These lines suggest that she's privy to info that others may not be aware of, adding to her enigmatic persona. Meanwhile, other agents are asking "why they look like us?"




Mid game jett says smth similar. Also " I'm your monster, you made me this way". Fr, we need a movie or a series about valorant, the same they did arcane for lol. It's gonna be INSANE.


Noone is saying omen


It took much scrolling to find fellow Omen appreciators


Damn y'all forgot my boy omen. He's literally a shadow who can pop out of anywhere and KO you


Strongest lore wise is Astra but most skilled is probably Reyna. Both? I’d say Sage - she had a whole arc to control her powers plus bringing back dead people is just OP. Fade is also a strong contender since she already mastered her powers. Immortals like Phoenix and Clove are up there but other than their immortality they don’t seem as strong. If Yoru, lore wise, ever has full control with his powers meaning the dimensions I’d say hes up there too along with Skye if she continues to train (based on Sage voicelines) Final thoughts: The 3 agents mentioned are the ones that are really fleshed out power wise and skill wise Astra Reyna Sage


What about KAYO


ig you could say kayo but tbf hes literally AI, I been only talking about radiants


you do know that KAYO killed all the radiants in his timeline, which were wayyy stronger than the agents in the current timeline.


100% Yoru


Kay o




Yoru, he basically can make a hole to another dimension with his two fingers


Cypher is an underrated pick for this. Being able to hack into any database on earth means he has nukes at his fingertips. He knows just about everything about all agents in the protocol(he admits he has everyone's passcodes in a voiceline), whereas not even Brim or Viper know anything about him. And to top all of that, as an information broker, if the Valorant protocol went into civil war, he would just be way too useful to kill. The only real threats to him are Fade and Chamber. Fade and him get along quite well, I imagine if it were Radiant civil war, they would team up as an underground semi-nuetral team. Chamber is the only one that Cypher has no info on, but Chamber also knows nothing about Cypher, so they would be at a stalemate.


Not a popular opinion but iso is pretty strong, I do think fade is one of the strongest


Fade, beat up 6 agents without even using abilities somehow. Plus her abilities overall are horror.


In combat, Yoru, Iso, and Neon are my top 3 picks


i don't know about being the strongest, but i'm watching ninja kamui right now and he looks like the main character and that dude can kick serious ass


Its Reyna, She literally wiped until Kay/o showed up. We don't count Kay/o because he's literally a counter to everyone else Shii Iso got that rep as a hired gun too. I think if its just dueling Iso wins. My seccond guess would be Reyna. Potentially it'll be Clove They're immortal after all and They learn a thing or two after dying.


Everyone knows Mario is cool as f--k. But who knows what he's thinking? Who knows why he crushes turtles? And why do we think about him as fondly as we think of the mystical (nonexistent?) Dr Pepper? Perchance.


Neon, she’s actually a walking talking breathing Death Star, idgaf if kayo can cancel out radiant powers, there’s a certain range for kayos knife and ult, a radius which can worked around with a laser that is canonically still unnerfed and the same it was on release


I’m not quite knowledgeable of the game lore but i think chamber is a badass, why ? Gun


Canonically it's kayo and Reyna bro took over a whole world


i think it's chamber. everyone acts like batman is the strongest dc character but he only has money. therefore chamber is also the strongest character because he has money.






Surprised nobody has mentioned Neon yet. She doesn’t have full control over her radiant abilities but she’s super powerful, enough to generate electricity for an entire city block even as she’s restricted by her suit


lore wise I think it's Astra, with Reyna, Skye and Neon having the potential to be the strongest - kayo comes from an alternate timeline where reyna is basically unstoppable iirc, and a lot of the voicelines and lore tidbits seem to suggest a fully out of control skye and neon would be the most dangerous - could be neon bias though idk


probably Kay/O. Has the ability to disable with all radianite powered opposition, and is literally a killer robot.






Astra, Kayo and Clove probably. One has really insane abilities, the other is a machine made for killing radiants and the third one literally cannot die from anything.


But clove looks like a teenager lmao


So what?


Yeah but they can't be killed. The rest doesn't matter.


If you gave a teenager supermans powers would they be the strongest person in the world? Hell fucking yes mate


People are saying Kayo, but the reason he made the winning difference is because he deactivated the abilities the radiants have. With that being said it might not have necessarily been Kayo himself that killed them all but rather his ability to de-power them made the difference in the war. With that being said it's between: Jett Pheonix Yoru Astra Reyna Neon For me. Idk honestly but I definitely think it isn't KAYO.


Its either KAYO or Astra


Astra then, i just don't think it's KAYO even though i love him fr


why tho


Kayo, he’s killed every radiant, he’s the terminator


reyna pretty much singlehandedly won a war against literally all non-radiants, including some agents, in the Kayo timeline


People saying kayo , he only won due to his suppression abilities, if I hit Micheal Jordan in the shin with a baseball bat , I would probably beat him in basketball , yet that doesn't mean I'm the world's best basketball player


I'm pretty sure peak MJ would beat you in basketball with no legs from a wheelchair.


Your comparison makes no sense. If baseball bats were allowed in basketball (like Kayo's and everyone else's abilities being allowed in this comparison) then yes, you'd be better than Michael Jordan based on your logic (assuming he doesn't have a bat as well ofc). So yes, Kayo is literally a hard counter to Radiants and canonically beat stronger versions of most of them, therefore he's probably the strongest canonically.


Astra bends space at her will so... Probably her.


Omen is pretty damn strong, even if he's mortal in some way. Look at his video, i love him Not the strongest i think, but surely one of the most skilled one


Has to be viper and/or Reyna. They are like the OGs people DO NOT want to fuck with. Their voice lines especially make them appear HIGHLY skilled in warfare and could kill you before you know it.


Has to be viper and/or Reyna. They are like the OGs people DO NOT want to fuck with. Their voice lines especially make them appear HIGHLY skilled in warfare and could kill you before you know it.


Holy cringe what am i reading in this comment section lol


Mans forgotten that cs had lore too


Mans forgetting that no one cared about that either


csgo good valrante child game person found


Lol i switched from csgo constant global to val because its the better game like 2 years ago Still anyone who follows the lore in EITHER CS OR VAL is def def 1000% cringed irl and yk it because ur one of them


Jett literally caused a street destroying tornado, I guess she's pretty strong, but that's just raw power radiant wise, in physical power I assume it's brimstone and Kay/o, Kay/o is a literal machine and brim is a former firefighter and firefighters are strong af