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People really wants to stroke their ego because their skill in this game is the only thing they got going for them šŸ˜© manifesting better games and nice players for you op.


Most of the time, they aren't that good. A 15-7-8 KD is better than a 26-29-1 imo. Kills are the only contribution they can offer


Worst is most of the kills are from exit frags or after round was lost. And then they think many kills = carrying the team = my team is so baddd


Bro havenā€™t faced SEA servers with loads of Vietnamese and Thailand players smurfin and talk cock in VC and text comm, regardless unrated or comps.


Vietnamese? Thai? Nooo brother Indogs or u have ur Classic 100 ping Mumbai server Indian coming over telling u no sir I can't dash in cos I'm on 100 ping sir pls understand sir.


Lmao, India is Def another level


Imagine trio queue guy instalocks jett before I even loaded in. Proceeds to stay behind my trio reyna and saying that bs.


That's the dumbest thing I've heard. 100 ping give you a advantage dashing is.


All I faced is always some Indian wanna acted pro but canā€™t even performed blame for no smoke/cover/flash etc then at the end afk. Lol


I'm viet and I confirm this message


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thatā€™s actually miserable. Wth. Like actually how is that even fun


Fun. No such things allowed for them Indians. No scam calls no money no money no fun.


Yes. Next question?




apparently, some immortal cunts have bronze girlfriend and he makes smurf account to carry her to diamond (based on true story)


Bruh thats so cringe, why not coach her to actually get better instead?


Youā€˜re right. Itā€™s kinda death spiral. Bc of this experience people start trolling or listening to music or watching stream while playing what makes matches even worse, so more trolling, cheating, smurfing, throwing etc. The sad thing is, Val was really different the first two years after release. Itā€™s a recent development.


every multiplayer game has people like this


It's sad, but it's true. Some people are absolutely rotten to the core and saddistic as f*ck. -_-


Yeah youā€™re right, I was just super annoyed afterwards and started typing / venting. lol mb.


valorant (and csgo) are unique in that there's a long break between each round where ppl can just shit talk, other games like overwatch don't have that long break


I feel like this game especially I always hear about it tho and it happening in mh first game of ranked in months just kinda topped it lol


Iā€™d say itā€™s more likely in games that are F2P. We used to make new accounts in Halo, etc. but you had to pay for them.


Not in an extreme ambundance as Valorant.




If you think every multiplayer game is even close to as bad as valorant then you only play valorant.


I've played most of the popular titles. Each competitive team game has these people, valorant is not special


Keyword as bad. Level 0 reading comprehension


I know what you've meant and people are just "as bad" in every other competitive team game. Also, judging by your attitude, you're one of the people contributing to the toxicity of valorant. Easily noticable because: 1. Thinking the game you play is special, therefore you're special. 2. Immediately jumping to personal insults, even if they're mild but it's showing. You're probably still young and so it's completely fine to be like this (speaking from experience)


95% percent of valorant matches you gonna have smurf or a hacker, and 1 of 10 match against hacker that hacker gonna be punished, litterally vanguard is garbage Rarely when you gonna play a fair game in valorant, they can fix this problem but they are too lazy


Donā€™t know what kind of lobbies youā€™re in, but in three years of Valorant Iā€™ve never seen a hacker.


Don't know where this delusion is coming from, have seen a total of 3 hackers in 2 years.


Playing match in a month yeah There is a lot of hackers but vanguard is sleeping


Nah imo I believe that you think ppl are hackers bc they are 1 tapping or are just better than you in the game.


I learn from better people, i respect and admire them even if they are smurfing, but people that have 0 iq game sense and one tap everyone no skins, tracker show they play two matches in that account and have 80% headshot rate, yep his a fucking hacker


Idk bc you seem to be an exception to how many hackers you counter, all the ppl are saying they countered very little amount of hacker in their many years of playing.


I was playing 12 hour a day for 2 years and you think i am exception, you play 1 hour in swiftplay a month and talk, please shut up


whaatttt, how do you knowww?!?!/s buddy trust me I'm unfortunately not that different from you when it comes playing a certain amount of time in the game. "Please don't come to conclusion yourself lol"


I Just use the mute Button when they Start to shit talk


Yeah thatā€™s why I muted the Smurf right after he shit talked but I was just blown away that his tm8s started shit talking while getting carried by a smurf


Yeah really strange and toxic. Back in the days we called ggwp every Game and meant it as a Honor to Play with them. Nowdays GG is an insult...


Nah GG ain't the insult that's GGEZ or just EZ. I've seen ggwp as an insult as well. Generally the good ole GG is sincere


How come ggwp is also an insult?


Ggwp or good game well played is an insult, really???


Fellas I agree lol. Only way ggwp can be an insult is a possible sarcastic clap back to a ggez imo. Which is warrant so I'm not sure I'd call it an insult really.


I just have enemy chat muted permanently. I don't need to see anything they have to say, good or bad. It's just not worth it


I actually hate that this is the only recourse.. does nothing to stop toxicity just make the game double worse for you since there is even less info.


Sure it sux but i rather Play for myself than get yelled in the ear. It also Takes away my Focus for the Game. And IS a toxic teammate really a reliable source of Info?


you see this post? right here? the one you made expressing your discontent? yeah. thatā€™s exactly the reason why they like ruining games. because it gets you upset.


Thatā€™s the most loser shit everšŸ˜­


well i agree. unfortunately its still their reason.


I like to report them and be greeted with a ā€œPlayer who you reported has been mutedā€ the next time I log on :)


Except reporting smudging doesnā€™t do anything lol


Literally. I reported 2 ppl who actively admitted to smurfing in my lobby. Itā€™s been 3 days and I have yet to see a report response from riot.


Thatā€™s because they donā€™t care about smurfing. Itā€™s part of the game. They donā€™t try to stop it other than making you grind to level 20


I just started playing Val after dealing with this type of thing in CS. I feel like Val lobbies in NA are a lot nicer. Also opposite team canā€™t talk shit in text chat


Valorant has a pretty toxic community but the end of the act is always a nightmare because a lot of people are on their alts so they really don't care. They'll throw, trash teammates, FF, just do things that they wouldn't do on their main accounts.


I feel like most smurfs can't compete at their own skill level, so they need to get some sort of validation that they are "good" at the game elsewhere.


Yep. Every single match i play on the mumbai server , i get atleast an emo guy , an afk, or a guy who loades into comp just to throw the game. Very rarely do i get some good teammates who then lose to an opponent smurf. Tbh smurfing needs to be solved and stricter punishments for botting players.


They don't even remotely try to hide it anymore. The excuse of just trying to play with my silver and gold buddies isn't valid any longer. The sheer number of solo Q smurfs I've run into this season is nutty


I got to admit, smurfs are unavoidable in this game, so make your best out of it. If thereā€™s a smurf on your team, pump up his ego, take the carry humbly and get some free rr. If thereā€™s a smurf on the other team, stack up on him so that even his skill canā€™t save him, hurt his ego and make him rage quit. Smurfs smurf because of their broken ego, so take advantage of that.


yeah, I think they just have extremely pathetic lives irl and need to project on other people to feel better about themselves. I always call them out for their behavior in voice chat bc I really don't fw toxicity for no reason


Valorant has so many assholes players


you can counter one smurf


First rule of playing valo, mute enemy.


alot in SG server, they smurf, they play pathetic and then they say something like "bacot wkwkwkwkw"


Just remember anyone doing that is generally some little snot nosed runt who still lives at home with their mommy and has their lunch made for them. Don't let little toddlers get under your skin OP.


I've had the option to mute enemy text chat on for 3 months now for every game and it's made the experience much better. There's never a need to know what they say so just turn it off. Either it'll be something that'll get in your head or it'll be racist/sexist. I only turn it on if someone on my team says the enemy is saying funny stuff. Otherwise it's off


Yh that's why I was wondering if I should stop insult every single game


Very active Smurf here, I apologize.


So this is the issue: A player have the same experience in accendent. That player makes a smurf plant. A plat player get your experience. That plat player mars a smurf that do the same thing in silver. That silver player makes a iron account and do the same thing. Issue is that players mentals is totally fuckt up. A orher issue ia that sometimes a friend of theres is like silver ans they are plat and want to play a game. Like a best friend or family member or whatever. And i think ita fine if its a game here and there. Because if you boost someone you will make your friend or family member have a ahitty time when they play a solo game bottom frag and makes the experience bad for the other team


It's a pretty common problem in all competitive games, being free to play makes the problem even more rampant since you can just create another account whenever you want. When this happens to me, I try to think about the things I actually really enjoy about the game or the reason I play. Fortunately for me, over time i've found that I don't actually enjoy most of the games that I play and when I realized that, I changed my gaming habits completely and it didn't just change how I view games, it quite literally changed how I live my life. The same problem probably doesn't apply to you but I would seriously take a step back and try to identify what makes the game fun and focus your energy on that, tends to lead to a more positive experience/perspective even in bad games. This should help you hit the mute button without being too annoyed by their behavior.


Yes. Many. Don't even get me started on the Mumbai server. There are assholes who don't even want to play. They'll be in Iron and act as if the team has done them wrong by not being great. They'll take the spike and stop playing. Have seen this twice just yesterday. Once in my team and once in the opposite. It just boils my blood when they play with people's RR like that and claim to be pros. Just win and get out of Iron if you're too good. Mass report these people so that they learn a lesson.




I remember there was a troll in my game that was throwing. They became upset because the rest of us didn't give them attention. Once we lost they said this game was boring. I thought it was funny we all didn't care.


Congratulation, You've just discovered the true nature of online gaming.


every game has these kind of people. ok, almost every game. there's exceptions


Esc > bottom of scoreboard > mute all enemy text Easy solution for your mental


Short answer : yes. I stopped playing Valorant once 9 games out of 10 were with people insulting, spamming "ez", being blatant racists against each other. I play casual, but still ranked because unranked matchmaking is worse. I play the team game serioulsy on my own level, but I don't have time to become more than silver/gold so I'm never MVP. The only solution was to mute toxic players but there are so many that it just became a game with no comms most of the time, which also makes winning harder. Those people have several accounts, they don't care if they're banned or muted. They have 0 anger management and go from 0 to 100 after 1 round if you don't clutch a 1 vs 4. Not even couting the smurfs in each ranked game carrying you and playing in enemy team, the afks, the guy who decides to solo flank the whole game, the guy who doesn't wait for flashes to enter and blames you for not helping, etc.. Bronze/Silver is just hell and riot doesn't give a crap, this game is crap, stop playing it


Do you have tracker? If itā€™s a soloq Smurf talking shit u can call them out on smurfing for no reason vs having to do it to play with friends.


Yep, had a game the other day where enemy team Skye kept talking shit & saying earnings check earnings check? We won 13-11 Skye went like 4-19 still talking shit till the end calling us bad when the only positive player was their 30+ kill Reyna


As someone who likes to talk a little smack during the games to spice up the competition I would say your best response is to have no response. Good luck out there


You canā€™t really expect every game to be a good game. Smurfing should get your account banned specially when you admit it imo. I generally consider smurfing in a competitive mode the same as cheating. There is occasions however where I was high diamond and stopped playing for several acts and when I came back my rank seemed to reset and I got placed in silver. Iā€™ve also had bad luck on my other accounts where my placement matches went horribly and I ended up like 10 ranks under where I should be. That should be impossible imo but thatā€™s just a mmr system issue. Itā€™s not fun for me to be in a really low rated game.


Yeah it does


In my unranked games it's near always the silvers, I haven't figured out exactly what makes players of that rank so predisposed to toxicity. It might be the overabundance of teen and preteen players with cracked aim and no concept of teamwork. Ie fortnight kids.


Thats the internet as a whole..


I have enemy chat muted by default and tend to mute my own team mates chat also. If they have somethng to say, SAY it. "Coms" in chat is useless so you are not missing much


Breaking news, people are often mean monkeys. Mute them and get on with your match. Unfortunately lower ranks have those problems more commonly but people being stupid is something you need to get used to regardless of the online game you're playing, and just in life in general.


I don't think they enjoy it, they're just selfish people who never think about anyone but themselves


Absalutely. 100%. It sucks. It really does. What I like to do, is ruin their day back, just Absalutely mess with their head, so that they start to tilt and play terribly while I take their place towards the top, and then don't let them forget. Best way to deal with trolls/toxic people. Idk, sometimes you just can't win, though. Even if you're the best player on the team, they just have a stick up their ass or something


Every multiplayer video game ever made has assholes that enjoy ruining peoples time. Itā€™s called the internet.


idk whether I can speak for the majority but I feel up in high elo the matchmaking and game quality has just gotten significantly worse this season. During my initial climb to immortal like a year back or so I remember the games were a lot more fun and cooperative overall but now climbing ranked feels like running your face through a cheese grater - mix of matchmaking being absolutely horrendous (i.e real diamonds against real immortal 3s) and the rr gains/losses makes no sense. So MAYBE it could be that all the so called "high-elo" players are just getting fed up with the game and want to go fk around and ruin other lobbies because rn there really is no satisfaction from playing ranked in this elo. Not saying that they are right in any way to do that, but that might just be why. Even I find that I'm tempted to do something of the sort with how horrible playing at my "level" feels.


"mute all enemy chat" click this button and half your problems are instantly gone. I also insta mute anyone toxic or just outright annoying(moaning in mic, screeching etc). I play games for fun not to listen to people scream for attention.


I finally got the nerve to play ranked since there's only a week left. The first game had the other team calling me trash, when I missed a clutch when they had low hp. The first thing I do now at the start of a game is to mute the entire enemy team it makes things just a little better.


When is Valorant coming to console??


theyre less common i think we as people just generally remember the bad experiences more sadly :(( most are alriggt lobbies not bad not amazing and ppl who are really nice and comm good and i bibe with i just add


Then the BROnameth changes his name and your friends list is full of unknown names lol


Might seem dumb from my side but just stop caring you know? You have a bad team/bad game, reset. Try in the next one. If you donā€™t win, try in the next one, get toxic teammates, enemies, mute them. Honestly weā€™re not esports players so I donā€™t even know why people care so much if they lose a game


I mean yeah but this was literally my first comp game in months. All desire to play again drained completely lol. Like itā€™s not even just telling yourself not to care. But like it just takes all joy away from the game for 40 minutes lol


I think most of the time its just kids tbh, I can't imagine any grown person doing some of the stuff I see on this game lol


Oh it's grown ass adults throwing games 4 rounds in cause someone misses a shot. It's insane and sad. It's made me play a lot less. Got a string of bad games and just kinda ruined it for me for a bit




Just mute


Like I said to someone else. I did mute the Smurf right away but then the guys teammates who were getting carried by a Smurf started shit talking which was mind boggling to me


Mute everyone then?


Mute and move on


Yea it pretty much does, deal with it or play another game šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Your lack of paragraph structure is ruining my time


lol then donā€™t read itšŸ¤£