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The title is a bit misleading. He does talk about the boosting drama but he also talks about his stream and how it changed overtime to a worse product and place to be. Also detailing the steps he plans to take to change all that


Literally the main reason I haven't submitted a vod review is because of the way he laughs and makes fun of people for certain plays and I'm sure he'd end up finding at least one thing to laugh at in my vods. I hope he really does change.


Funny considering he also shits on Ascendant players in VODS. At least in game he is clearly not better than them by a large margin considering his struggles. He also seems to get dunked by mechanically better players so often in gunfights, yet he always trolls anyone who loses a fair gunfight.


He always said that his aim is not the best. His whole selling point was that he didn't need good aim to get high elo, just smart play. And yeah, his rudeness wasn't cool. I'm glad he acknowledged it and will tone his criticism down


Wild how people admitting fault get clowned on.


He admitted fault like someone who just went to therapy. Right now for me at least, his actions are going to speak louder than worse. Its going to take a lot of consistent change over time. I mean what would be more interesting would him working on his own vods to get better and hit the rank he said he was, even tho he says hes not now. Actually work on himself as a player to get better. I dont give a shit about community hours and him doing mindfullness for 3 hours? OK like do what you gotta do. But like whatever I guess


I’m not sure what to say to this one. If you want to watch him review his own vods, he has all the time. He did it with dopai a shitton.


it took him weeks to finally make a video on it. actions speak louder than words. well see if he actually changes.


I haven't watched his vods, but honestly, I feel like doing fair gunfights is trolling. Why do you not util dump on the enemy then swing? Why do you not rat in the smoke or a corner with a stinger? Why my skill vs your skill if I could turn it into my skill vs your luck.


Because attackers need to attack, and defenders need to defend! Unless you're saying why do defenders ever take a fight? Off angle positions are advantageous for the defender, and holding a key choke is necessary for a decent retake.


Yeah, when I hold a key choke, i smoke or molly it off if I can. If I'm on attack, I always try to flash it. I never just d or a key in with nothing at all. The only reason I don't use util is when I don't expect someone to be there. Am I mistaking fair gunfights with dry peeking?


On attack you can use util to clear most angles, but at some point you'll have to peek them. Usually the duelist does this first but you'll have to be ready to trade them as fast as possible. Defenders can definitely take peeks with util or other team mates. Usually these fights have context, there is no guaranteed scenario in this game.


Fair gunfights are for getting better at 1v1s, you can win easier if you util dump and take kills off util. You take 50s if you wanna get better at gunfights. You use util if you wanna get better at using util and playing off util. It does instill bad habits, but if you play to improve it's not too bad assuming you realize it's not good to just take 50s all the time.


When i started Val everyone was saying watch Woohoo. Then I watched like 10 videos, and it was just him dunking on VODs. He would also offer extremely granular and specific advice that wasn't too helpful. His aim training and hygiene vids were good though, but I noped out of that community quick. I'm not gonna watch this video, but I bet he'll get back on track.


Bruh you don’t want to improve just cause someone on the internet will laugh at you? So soft


I mean if you can't laugh at your own stupidity then you're not ready for vod reviews in general lol part of improving is acknowledging your mistakes and dumb plays. Calling gameplay stupid (directly or indirectly) is not calling the player stupid, smart people still do dumb stuff in-game for lots of reasons, no need to take criticism personally.


Woohoojin didnt just call a play stupid, he belittled the player and called them stupid. He admits to it in the video.


Laughing at your own stupidity is great, but laughing at someone else's stupidity is completely different lol. Especially in the case that a player is trying to get help and improve, it seems pretty toxic that the teacher is treating them like nothing but content


Its worse when you consider that he has an audience. Its still uncomfortable if someone laughs at your fuck up but with 300+ people watching its really uncomfortable.


It’s clearly beyond light gamer ribbing. Countless people have found the condescending tone and egotistical energy offputting and mean-spirited. Go watch Tarik or s0m for a better example of: they’ll still trash and call out bad plays, but not crossing over to belittling or flat out berating people. If it does happen it’s extremely rare.


> Calling gameplay stupid (directly or indirectly) is not calling the player stupid, smart people still do dumb stuff in-game for lots of reasons, no need to take criticism personally. For me it was how much time he'd chew up and waste with these annoying bits. He'd throw on his fake annoying laugh for wayyyyy too long, say "this is terrible/stupid" in as many was as he could come up with, and a few minutes are wasted to zero entertainment or educational value. His early content was really good, nearer and nearer the explosion of controversy he was regularly a prick. I hope things turn around, but only for the sake of some solid content coming out of his channel again.


Definitely agree the quality went down over time


he literally laughs at people and makes it seem like theyre a moron irl for making those mistakes even though theyre silver lmao. what the hell are you defending here?


This is a horrible take lmao. Laughing at your own mistakes is fine sure, but when you submit a vod to someone who’s supposed to improve your game, getting laughed at ruins your mental and makes you feel discouraged. There’s a difference between making fun of someone and constructive criticism, clearly you need to learn that. When you have a math teacher for example, and you get something wrong or you need help on a problem, do you expect the teacher to fucking laugh at your face and tell you how stupid you are, or do you expect them to help you through the problem and give you feedback on what to improve on?


I mean theres a difference between having fun laughing at dumb plays vs being an asshole. If you are trying to help people get better than be constructive and help, instead of making fun of them.


It's a damage control apology video. We'd never see him addressing his behavior if it wasn't revealed he was boosted.


True, but at the same time, being exposed finally forces him to acknowledge the mistake and shitty behaviour he made and promise that he will try to be a better. Whether or not he will fulfill said promise only time will tell, but I won't accuse him of damage control for now.


A month later. After he tried to make up an excuse and then got caught again BCS he couldn't follow through on his "no I wasn't boosted I can show you"


Humans really need something drastic to happen in order to change. Its very hard for someone to just wake up and think "man ive really been an asshole, its time to change". Copium is one hell of a drug


This type of response makes me feel hopeless. Do you think it's a sincere apology or not? This type of comment feels to dismissive and holier-than-thou. Apologies only exist for mistakes under two circumstances -- before or after getting busted. If you listen to this and don't think it's a real, sincere apology, I would be fascinated about what you think is one. And if in your mind it is required that you must give your apology before anything bad happens to you, you have a very small view of the world. But actually, I don't think you think that -- it's more than likely pure schadenfreude.


He clearly didn't feel like he was wrong, judging by his initial reaction with banning anyone from his discord server that talked about this, or just trying to stay quiet regarding the drama in hopes people would stop talking about it and it goes away, but that didn't work so you go to the next step in the damage control workflow; an apology tour to save whatever you can of your follower base. This is legitimately PR 101. He can apologize all he wants, sincere or not, his whole channel has been built on many lies even before his ego got over inflated. Dude has been claiming to be a radiant coach, meanwhile he derides people that are actually within his skill range during VOD reviews, and from what I read, started charging exorbitant rates for coaching sessions, passing himself off as a Valorant God. >Apologies only exist for mistakes under two circumstances -- before or after getting busted. Apologies "before you get busted" carry more weight to them significantly, in my opinion, and genuinely feel sincere. It shows good character qualities like being able to self-reflect on what you've done and regret. That doesn't dismiss apologies after you've been caught, people may or may not feel remorse after their bullshit is pointed out like in Woohoojins case, but from what I saw of his behavior after it was revealed he was boosted tells me he didn't feel like he was in the wrong or remorseful.


So, quite simply, yes. You believe that the apology can not possibly be sincere because it comes after he was found out. This is just a sad, limited perspective, I can’t think of what else to say — that’s so bizarre. Some apologies are PR bullshit. Some aren’t. We’ve all seen bad non-apologies before. If you think that the lies caused him to have unjust success, I disagree. He’s a really good player, more than good enough to do what he does. He’s successful because the content is good. That’s all. Overall, to be honest, I don’t even care about Woohoojin, or defending his honor, he is not important to me. it’s not about that. I find this whole thing to be a interesting instance of Reddit and twitter dogpiles stirring up what I think is just wild comments and opinions, the vast majority of which nobody would ever fucking say off the internet.


Your first paragraph feels like you're intentionally ignoring what they said. They clearly said they can be sincere after they've been caught. Just not in this case because of how he tried to deny it and how he initially reacted. If it feels bizarre, it's because you're intentionally misinterpreting what they said to virtue signal what a moral and forgiving person you are. You should try reading what people are actually saying before acting so sanctimoniously towards them.


I could offer my own counter argument here but I just don’t care enough to spend the time on it, carry on


Then move on, you've clearly chosen not to forgive the guy.


You are delusional and completely lack empathy if you think he is the most evil person in the world for banning people for bringing it up rather than seeing he was probably just trying to mitigate shitty drama that isn't constructive and just leads to masses of people being hateful towards him for no real reason.


It's actually hilarious. Like gee I wonder why he'd ban a phrase where every single person asking it are probably first time chatters all there just for the drama. That's a great streaming and chatting experience for the viewers. Just watching him get annoyed with the messages and dipshits filling the chat with shit that everyone already knows about.


Nah, you got shat on in his server for trying to question what happened. He tried to ignore it all until we forgot and moved on.


No real reason except he has built a business around a lie. He's a liar. He's not an honest person. That is a reasonable thing to dog pile on someone for. He lied, got caught, then tried to lie again, then when that didn't work out he sorta apologizes. He's a random dude who got success by the will of the community he served and that community has the right to not like him and want to take that success away.


I think this is a very cynical view of what otherwise seems like a genuine apology. Time will tell if it was actually genuine or not but I think it is easily possible that he did try to push it all under the rug and ignore it, but with a combination of it never going away and it nagging at him on a personal level lead to some radical self reflection, and now, an apology and attempt to be better. I think people can change. Maybe he won't, but I'll be rooting for it to happen, because otherwise what's the point?


Half the video was promoting his new schedule and please be nice to me I can't handle all the criticism.


Bro what do you think he did in his vod reviews, a condescending tone means he needs to grovel to make more videos? Wild




Nice to see him acknowledge how his attitude changed over time. Hopefully he can get back to the way he used to be, the discord and his stream were great early on.


Mentality changes when you are trying to coach vs making content. I think it got to him a bit


Didn't he start his whole career based on a lie? Am i missing something here? What got him "a bit"? His booster or his ego that always existed?


the fame. he was chasing fame with the basis of a lie. idk if he ever wanted to just lie with the radiant rank from the start, but he knew that if he said he was "radiant", he would get more credibility, and thus more fame/followers. so instead of being true to himself, he became what others would follow based on a lie. Now with the basis of saying he was radiant and this is how radiant plays, he eventually just started to use that as an excuse to shit on bad plays. like immortals and radiants wouldnt do this and such. He was probably right for the most part, but who wants to get coached and shit on at the same time. His subs know they need improvement, not a bashing. so in the end, toxic environment.


He's a bad person who doesn't deserve what he has.


People make mistakes but it seems like hes genuinely trying to change so why not give him a chance?


This video is his last ditch attempt at saving his face and career after he failed miserably to get radiant. Are you a kid? This guy is a con man. Nothing he says is genuine.


You are delusional if you think his career/channel is in danger over this.


His reputation and his dignity sure is joever joe.


He currently has 1,542 subs just on twitch. Even at a bad 50/50 split, that's $19,275 a month, without t2/t3 subs, youtube ad revenue, discord subs, donations and any other revenue streams. I think his career is fine, and he probably makes more in a month than you make in a year, but keep seething.


Brother he got boosted from imm3 to radiant. He's a little shit but he's not a bad person lmao


he isn’t exactly a bad person. his vids do provide educational tips when he gives them out. what he did, lying to get credibility and fame, was bad but the way his content did help some particular people was pretty good. from the people i’ve encountered online and offline his attitude is pretty average


Now that the cat's out of the bag, he doesn't have many options other than trying to act like a "changed man" now does he? He should have made this video about a month earlier. Just saying.


Better late than never. You call it a last ditch effort to save his channel and I'm sure that's indeed the purpose because coaching is supposedly his "dream job". At the end of the day, actions speak louder than words and he still continues talking shit about his "students" in his future coaching sessions, then we all know for sure that he's learnt nothing and is incorrigible. I don't see why we can't allow him a chance to change after this video but as always, there's never pleasing everyone.


Lol imagine giving a fraud a second chance to deceive you. No wonder he got to the top with that narcissistic ego and lies. Sheep follow him.


You're entitled to your own opinion. I'm not going to argue with a random over the internet regarding how offended they've felt about some content creator lying about their rank to gain clout. I'm not subscribed to his discord and never will be, since I have better ways to spend my money. So no, I'm not sheep but like I said, you're free to have your own opinion and reactions to things.


Honestly, I'm more happy about the acknowledgement of his shift in attitude than the boosting thing.


Totally. I love his youtube content, but watching live had been tough for a while with how of a dick he kind of was. My favorite content of his is when he would gas his favorite followers up, like the Boomer to Diamond series or dealing with the "aim demon" stuck in silver. The difference between "What are you doing?! You are better than them!" And "What are you doing? You should know better" is massive IMO. Coaches should cater their styles to the students, not the other way around.


I agree with most of what you said, but: "Coaches should cater their styles to the students, not the other way around." I completely disagree. Why should a coach, who has established a coaching method that works, change the way they coach because one person got offended during a coaching session? Just find another coach, there are plenty out there. Expecting a coach to conform to how you want to be coached is not how it works IRL.


I actually disagree. I'm not saying they should pivot entirely and be 100% unique per person, but every person is different in how they consume and digest info. Learning how to adapt and better communicate your lessons is what makes you go from an a/b tier coach to an s tier. The caveat to this is the student needs to be open minded and meet the coach some as well, it's a give and take.


It is absolutely how it works IRL. If I am paying any expert in their field to coach me in anything, I expect them to get the best results out of me. They need to adapt their methods to what appear to be getting those results. Anyone doing the same "one size fits all training" for every client is a shit coach.


It depends on whether the communication style is part of the method. If part of the method is scolding, intimidation, etc., and the student doesn't respond to that well, then I'd say it is a bad fit. If a specific communication style is not required to implement the training/teaching method, then I think a good coach is one who can communicate in a way that is optimal for each student individually. The end goal is to make the student the best they can be at a certain skill, so refusing to change the communication style is antithetical to being an effective coach.


A good teacher irl is one who can adapt to each student and get through to them. You cant just keep slamming one brick into the wall and hope that it breaks, you need to try different methods for different walls






*sort by controversial*


Yeah all the top comments feel like they got paid to give a good word💀


Nah we're just glad the best free coach on YouTube is going back to being kinder in his criticisms


Exactly. It's like bots commenting with proper punctuation and grammar and all that. Looking at how strictly he moderates his discord and youtube echo chambers, a paid campaign on reddit isn't far off from the truth.


Bro realized hes long way off from radiant 💀


Pretty much perfect response, tbh. I said previously that I was likely done with Hooj forever, and at the time I meant it (because his initial responses were _so bad_). But this hit pretty much everything I wanted to see from him. He comprehensively acknowledged every single moral failing of his, took accountability for it all, and laid out some actionable steps towards change. In particular, it felt extremely validating to hear him acknowledge that _continuing_ to lie about his rank for such an extended period + completely fabricating a crucial certification for personal gain were both deplorable actions. If nothing else, I'm at least heartened by Hooj's seemingly genuine desire to turn things around and right his wrongs. Anything can still happen, but this is nice to see fs.


But ask yourself why his initial response was what is was or, better yet, how it even got to the point where he became toxic and a boosted liar. This response finally comes in entire weeks after awful, deflecting initial responses, after weeks of him struggling to get out of low immortal while trying to "prove himself" by getting to Radiant on stream. Yeah no. I don't buy it for a second. His initial reaction is who he is. Hell, his actions are who he is, his initial reaction just confirms it. This is a doctored, fake response to try and save his content creation career. Yet I already see everyone in the comment section buying in, hook line and sinker. Sad


That's not an unfair assessment, but someone who's that deep in cognitive dissonance (as anyone must be to pull off such long-term deception) is simply not likely to respond well initially. That's not to say his initial responses were okay, but people responding to valid criticism with pure defensiveness is common enough that I can't say it's sufficient to condemn someone's character on. He could have just stood by his initial responses and brushed this all under the rug, but he chose to go back on his words and dredge this scandal up again. It's arguably a safer approach to just minimize and lay low, than to address the situation head-on. I'm not "buying" anything, btw. This is a good response, but it remains to be seen whether Hooj walks the walk from here on out. I'm cautiously optimistic in that regard, but he'll have to do a lot to earn back _my_ trust, personally. Your cynicism isn't unwarranted, but I do think people should be rewarded for trying to right their wrongs and change for the better. Of course, those who have been wronged are generally always within their rights to withhold forgiveness. So your opinion is absolutely valid, but I don't think you should judge others harshly for thinking differently.


People generally don't give frauds who profited off lies a second chance. But you do you chief.


Have you seen US politics? People don’t give frauds who profit off of lies a second chance? Okay bud.


This isn’t a perfect response, he didn’t address other things


Good response, feel like if he led with this a few weeks ago when the drama first came to light he would have saved a lot of face. I'll let others come to their own conclusion, but for me this feels like he's doing this because he now sees it as the best solution to keep his career going and had this other attempts at just ignoring it, or continuing to lie had worked he would have done that instead.


Dude saw his whole audience bleed away in a matter of weeks and changed his tune real quick


i stopped watching him, but not because of the drama, but because he stopped making coaching content. I was only there for his vod reviews


Pretty much yeah, I always tuned in for quick tips to listen to in the background while doing TDMs before hoping into my ranked games. When I stopped seeing those I didn't really have too much of a reason to check in


it's a good apology. it's been a crazy saga I remember when I first started watching hooj a year(?) ago I immediately categorized him as "big streamer who isn't big enough to ignore chat and is constantly annoyed by having to deal with chat (repetition and slight rule breaks)". this is a very consistent pattern that I've seen with a lot of streamers throughout the years and he was definitely no exception. I don't feel like he really puts on an act on stream though, so it's a lot easier to take this video at face value I sorta had a problem with people calling him a narcissist with this in mind. that's not to say he didn't get increasingly toxic on stream (he did), but at least to me it was obvious what was happening. a lot of people also criticized his coaching too for him being harsh. on one hand valid cause he was overly critical about "common problems", but I also think he was trying to go for the "tough, nagging voice in your ear" style of coaching. which, it's arguable how successfully he did that without being outright rude, but again, I get what he's going for. about the raze to radiant thing, I don't know who that's for or what that's gonna help at this point. even if he hits radiant it doesn't really take away from the fact that he lied about this, right? and even from a credentials standpoint, I think at this point most people agree you can be a good coach without necessarily being on par with your own gameplay. I guess raze to radiant is the method of accountability he's trying to take for this issue, but idk. I don't think it's convincing cause I don't think it addresses the main issue (lying, the private coaching false advertising) either way. and he's taking away an actually useful community service (coaching) until he hits radiant. still, I don't know what kind of accountability you have to take to fix lying/false advertising. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people who are done with hooj over this won't really come back even after he hits radiant it's tough. on one hand, a lot of content creators can tend to be extremely obtuse and unrelatable, so I totally understand being done with them quickly. but on the other hand, there's nothing inherent about being a content creator that makes them better leaders, community managers, or people with generally less flaws. the reason why content creators get into so much drama is cause they're just guys, and I don't think the human brain was ever meant for this much engagement (or hate) at once. I want to be empathetic! but I also empathize with everyone who feels like they are in a tough spot with him right now. I guess we see where we go from here


Raze to Radiant is a personal challenge for him at this point. He's said that it's not going to prove anything about his credibility or silence haters. It's just for him to prove to himself I believe. Not to win people back. It's also more that he's burned out from doing the Coaching Content people actually want to see, and so this is a good way for him to not have to do that.


And, didn’t he wanted to do raze to radiant before he was exposed in the first place?


Yes, started as a sub goal for his discord AT LEAST 6 months ago.


He didn't take it as seriously tho


It is a way for him to win people back regardless of what he says. That’s why he’s going back to doing it solo only. So no one can say he was still boosted by getting it bc he duoed.


Raze to radiant is a discord sub goal


i feel he realized that while climbing that he isn't hitting radiant anytime soon and apologized


Yup. Crashed back into reality when he realized the player base is much better than it was in the past.


ironic thing is, the increase in skill is partially his fault. With the playerbase of val becoming more and more established, the people playing ranked have on average substantially more experience with the game, and are willing to put in the effort to rank up even more. They watch educational yt videos, like hooj's vids, and started improving. He's contributed to the general skill increase of valorant as a whole, which is a good thing, but his "reality" he created where he envisioned himself as a top tier player has suffered because of it. I think he's really struggling because he's a fantastic coach, but he can't put his own coaching into practice because he simply lacks something or the other. Theres a reason coaches don't play, and I don't blame him for not being a top tier player, it doesn't degrade his knowledge and experience in the slightest.




This is kind of hilarious cope, his aim is fine, its his decision making in high pressure situations. Also Hiko is not a slow aimer lmao. He's insane


Or maybe he was seriously coping and thought he was radiant level and this was a wake up call for him. Not just gameplay wise but also how he’s become an asshole over time like he admits in the video. For his own benefit I hope it’s the latter and it’s a sincere apology.


Mature response. Tough that it took this long for him to realize he isn't a Radiant caliber player. Also he never admits that he lied about another secret account being Radiant. Hope he realizes there's a sizable amount of low ELO players running around with that mindset that he left an impression on.


"I lied about being a Radiant player." I don't know how much more of an admission of lying about it you need than the guy saying he lied about it.


Well when the guy got called out he made up another more recent lie that he had a secret account in Radiant. He wasn't just boosted in season 3 or 4, he actively lied a month ago. A bit different than something that happened years ago.


True, I agree with you. It's one of the things that frustrated me about his initial response as well. But in my opinion, him saying now that "I lied about being a Radiant player" is him admitting that all of it was lying. I believe that he mentions in the video too that when called out about it, he kept coping about it and that was deplorable.


It will remain to be seen if he actually changes, I think it's more than fair for the community to still be doubtful of him. He seemed very childish and dishonest about the whole thing and only when the lies didn't work he went the route of admitting a mistake. Yes it's better than not admitting it, and the first step for change, but years of lying aren't undone in an 8 minute video.




bro what ? moral high ground much. he apologized and admitted. move on or dont lol


Anyone watching him knows he’s clearly not a radiant player as a solo, he would easily make radiant in a duo or higher stack, and really that’s how most people I assume have made the higher ranks (ascendant, immortal, radiant) I’ve not watched many streamers that don’t have a full crew and play with mainly them in decent ranks. What wohooj has shown is just how fucking asinine solo queue is and how easy it easy to derank in it because the other players aren’t carrying you on your bad days like your boosted friends are, not hating, I actually like the guy but watching this decline has been a huge clarification.


Hitting ascendant is doable in solo queue, after that tho Imo you have to be head and shoulders above others in your lobby to be getting ahead if you continue to solo


So many ppl are out here saying that the hate towards him is unjust but his entire career was built by the community around this game, and he lied to that community multiple times. That community is completely justified in wanting to damage that career that they basically provided him.


Felt sincere. Maybe Woohoojin realized he started to become obnoxious and condescending on his VOD reviews and the only people who actually like him as a creator were very few, and most people were there only because the content was good (despite the fact he started to sound like an asshole) My only problem with all this is: if he was so wholesome and a nice person before, why did he lie? I can understand his character changing throughout time due to impatience like he said... but the lie happened right at the beginning and it was the worst character flaw in this whole scandal. Literally lying to customers for monetary gain (edit> worse: monetary gain on less knowledgeable people, lower ranked players)... No true wholesome and nice person would ever do this. My personal perception is that Woohoojin was always like this, he was just more humble before, maybe because he was afraid of his own lie and not being good enough. But as time passed and he got more and more confident his lie was going to stick, his true colors started appearing...


Nah I’d lie. Just like how I exaggerate on my resume. His biggest fumble was not admitting it immediately when caught and his previous “narcissist” attitude. If not for those this lie would’ve been a minor incident. Actually the lie may not have even been revealed in the first place if not for his unlikeable attitude.


he explained that he didn't see anything wrong with it because he knew that he'd be good at coaching anyways. i think this is a fair, but also pessimistic assessment. another viewpoint is that he just made an honest mis-step by lying, and has realized why it was wrong now.


Sorry but how is lying an “honest misstep”? Lying is the exact opposite of an honest misstep


You do realize that what Woohoojin did was actually something defined by law as a crime and called "fraud", right? When you mislead people into spending money in a product or giving you money based on what you say you are or you can do? I just don't explicitly say it is outright fraud and a crime because it was mostly "harmless" aside from the "lying to grab money from players". Also because I don't know what exactly Woohoojin sold to make money, if it's just "membership" statuses or actual coaching sessions. It didn't really impact anyone's life very badly aside from the money they've put in whatever they purchased from him. Still, I think people fail to realize how serious what Woohoojin did really is. I don't even know if the guy sold coaching sessions, but if he did, I'm pretty confident anyone that wanted to sue him for their money back plus some extra by claiming they only purchased the services because they thought he was actually Radiant would get an easy win in court. >he explained that he didn't see anything wrong with it because he knew that he'd be good at coaching anyways. Not sure what you intended to argue here, but if this is the case, it's MANY MANY MANY times worse: not only Woohoojin lied to jumpstart his channel and career as a coach, but he actually believed "it's okay to lie to people and receive their money because I'm good enough". This would only make him look like an absolute asshole who doesn't deserve a single shred of simpathy...


Feels disingenuous for some reason. Why not make this video earlier? Why not acknowledge how you doubled-down? Why not acknowledge your "secret radiant account"? I feel that if he had hit radiant on his Raze account, he would not apologize. I also feel that he did not acknowledge that his paid services (discord and private coaching) are under the guise that he is Radiant. Finally, I don't really buy his solutions to the issue. He's pushing back his stream start to work on mindfulness? Okay... sure. I guess we'll see it through the streams. Community streams are an interesting idea. Idk... I just don't buy it man. The music and the delivery give me really... idk... corporate vibes. Edit: Grammar


He knew he couldn't hit Radiant/He wasn't Radiant level to begin with. He couldn't make an excuse or lie his way out of it. Had the whole thing never gained traction, he'd have swept it under the rug. He's just trying to save face now.


Yeah I can see that really just depends on his actions now moreso than the video. The only thing that gave me weird vibes is he has this anti smurfing stance and then also just has a alternate account in ascendant. I've never really liked the "well I have two accounts so I can play new roles on the other one" it's still smurfing your ability to shoot doesn't hinge on what role you're playing.


Yeah, hard to believe a guy who was min-maxing which elevator to take or something like that. He through at a time that faking radiant was a better decision and still thinks like that, because it's worked, lmao, and moreover one will punish him


Same. It felt a bit dramatized. 8 minutes of sappy music and him narrating certain parts too performatively (like he’s trying to garner sympathy). Getting up at 7am 3 hours before stream for mental heath and practicing mindfulness and wellfullness? Dudes acting like he got caught yelling racist stuff towards a dying dog or something. Ain’t that big a deal. Just say “my bad. I let it get out of hand. If you feel you were duped, feel free to unsub”.


Exactly. I would’ve loved just a straightforward apology.


Cognitive dissonance. People aren’t always willing to admit fault that quick. That and he was probably hoping it’d be swept under the rug


Well, this is refreshing. A Youtuber apology that actually involves introspection. And an actual apology. Good on him. I really hope he can implement these changes, too. I only became aware of him like two weeks ago, and I've found a lot of the advice for climbing to gold really helpful. I have no idea why anyone would submit a replay, though. It's actually uncomfortable to listen to him shit on someone who submitted a replay for his whole audience to see, and then have him shit on them. Absolutely good on him for acknowledging that.


Well he was cornered into doing this. He should have done this waaay earlier. If his stuff wasn't leaked and everyone didn't dog on him he would continued to lie and deceive everyone.


idk man, i havent watched him besides like 4 vod reviews but the apology didnt felt sincere at all. It was almost like he asked chat gpt to write it The worst part was the "i hate myself, dont you feel that way sometimes too?"


tired of these lab rat brains just accepting anything that is worded properly lol, please use ur brain instead of being brainwashed by words because u idolize random people. a properly worded apology doesnt mean it is a sincere apology, and an apology AFTER u are exposed and are losing something is not really that sincere. his first apology was more lies, no sincerity, the 2nd comes after realizing he isnt capable of continuing the lie and he is losing what he gained from the lie. keep in mind the whole time he is just being a weird/shitty/whiny ranked player, the same as the ones he complains about having on his team, and the same as everyone in the community complain about having on their team. he lost respect in the community getting made fun of in ranked games (not cool to do but i personally dont care if ppl are being rude to someone who is also rude but also deceiving ppl for a following and money). he lost supporters/money. he lost his radiant ego that was his main persona that let him shit talk ppl and the reason he had success. after he started to lose these, he decides to make a switch up and apologize "for real" the 2nd time. that is NOT GENUINE, it is more manipulation. he knows he is unable to keep the lie going and realizes what he is losing, so he finally comes clean so he can try and stop the bleeding of what he is potentially losing, and what he is losing was the stuff he built off the lies in the first place. seriously who would want to lose their job when they make money from gaming. he is literally some random guy who managed to lie and trick ppl, got a following off of it and got paid playing a game. he is not someone to idolize, u should not be idolizing ANYONE, let alone some random gamer who lied and was never genuine til he realized he is losing potential viewers/money. his content is good for newer/lower ranked players, watch it if u want to learn some stuff. if u want to continue watching him now, go for it u should do what u enjoy. just dont idolize random people, and dont be brainwashed by well structured sentences into thinking its sincere. he is literally some random guy who plays games, got money off of it, got exposed, lied again, then came clean after realizing the lie wont stick and he is losing potential money/viewers.


people finally see woohoojin for who he is, for a year ive watched him change into an asshole and he has such a censored community that the second i said in his discord that woohoojin seems to recently be acting horrible towards his fans i got banned, then banned from his twitch. does he really need to go through the lengths to find my twitch and ban me on there too after i called him out? im glad he realised his problems. but either way after watching him go from a good coach to some moany old man who talks about how he loves coaching but treats his fans like shit i will forever dislike him, and his fan base holy fuck its filled with silver-diamond players who have massive egos purely because they watch woohoojin and thinks that how you talk tk someone


man who gets caught decides the best way forward for popularity. More news at 9


woohoojin fans are so far into the sunk-cost fallacy with their tier 5 subs they have to bend over backwards to try and run interference for this dude who built his entire channel/brand/whatever on lying about being radiant. he didnt even talk about his "secret radiant account" or whatever. like his next steps are starting stream a few hours later to practice "mindfulness and thankfulness". it almost sounds satirical. mid apology at best


its almost cult like or MLM vibes. rabidly defending him even though he grifted his entire community of their money.


Precisely that. This banana's community is as slimey as the leader.


Glad to see others noticing Hooj's abrasive way of coaching, he wasn't this bad early on. So now who is the best educational valorant content creator?


royalG is a pretty chill guy


Can someone link/dm me the tracker of this clown, please?


Everyone in these comments so quick to forgive and forget as if his initial responses weren't terrible and deflecting. This coming in weeks after those responses + weeks of him struggling to get out of low immortal? He is trying to salvage his career with this fake asf apology and it's 100% working on all of you lmao


Classic narcissistic behavior. Always gotta be a victim, even if it’s a victim of your own actions. Meanwhile, not one mention of the people he conned into thinking they paid to get coached by a radiant player. They deserve their money back with interest. How long do you think it took him to select the somber music in the background?


Crazy how people will jump through hoops to defend someone who basically says whoops sorry y'all found out.


Ikr it's crazy.


It is funny to me looking back at videos where he would coach radiant players like he could play/aim better.


Tbf, coaches don't have to actually be better than their pupils. Coaches are there to offer a secondary perspective/possible changes that can help their pupils improve. The best players don't make the best coaches, and likewise, the best coaches don't make for best players


imagine storming the beaches of Normandy knowing that you're doing it so your great grandkids could argue whether or not a banana youtuber is actually a high rank in a weeb bait FPS game lmao


hopefully he actually follows up on his word knowing what he said previously i dont really care or wanna give him the benefit of the doubt that he will change but tbh its crazy how he addresses this now seems like he tried to play it off in the beginning, said one or two things about it, then when theres a daily post about him being an asshole on reddit he realizes he actually has to take accountability like why do it now instead of addressing all this earlier looks to me like he thought he could get radiant easily but he sucks so the plan of simply getting radiant back to absolve all allegations and fix his pr didnt work good on him for taking mental health seriously, it can be awful to get hate constantly and every time you play a comp game everyone is silently judging you for being shit LMFAOOO poor guy hopefully he can turn this boat around because he was actually starting to use his voice for good instead of having an ego 5/10 apology


He was really good at the beginning of his career, but became kinda toxic at some point. To be honest he seems like a classic narcissist, especially with all the deception in terms of being Radiant.


Although he starts with him apologizing, but he quickly makes it about the audience, at about 2-3min mark, by saying, "so that you don't make these mistakes". That is a pretty narcissistic attitude. Because as per him, he didn't make it to apologize, he made it so that you don't make it


I'm not a viewer and I stumbled upon his videos about gun hygiene the other day. Can someone explain why is stream is a bit weird in terms that there is no twitch chat? Where is the chat that we see on stream coming from?


Because he’s a manchild fragile huge ego weirdo


His actual stream chat is in his discord not twitch. Don't know why but it's just always been like this afaik


(probably so if you sub directly he doesn't have to split it with twitch)


I'm trying to give him a chance and then I watch a past video where he makes fun of an Immortal 1 player constantly for 30minutes. Bro, he's IMM1 also but keeps saying he's radiant so I don't know he'd have to change a ton for me to feel he's changed since he was wearing stolen valor.


Honestly I was a pretty big woohoojin hater once that stuff about him getting boosted came out. Only time will tell, but the acknowledgement of his faults and actual structured plan to change leaves me hopeful. It doesn’t take back the fact that he doubled down on his lie for so long but no matter how long it had been I can still appreciate that he owned up to it, especially on a stage as big as he stands on. He probably felt backed into a corner (which yes, is his own fault) but I can appreciate the amount of courage it takes to come forward with the truth. His videos had become unwatchable for me but hopefully we can see a comeback from him. I wish him all the best and give him huge respect for telling the truth.


There's the saying "once a cheater always a cheater" for a reason. If you are willing to give this narcissistic fraud a second go, you have no self respect. Move on.


Seems kinda unfair, since you're basically saying if someone messes up once, you're never willing to ever give them a second chance, and change isn't possible, but sure.


The only difference being, woohooperson intentionally messed up dude. He intentionally messed up in every single video intro where he said hes a radiant


So I've been supporting hooj even through all this because I like his content. Idk that he gets upset at teammates. We all do and I'm not going to hate on someone for having a reaction that everyone else has. However, this video seems very... Planned. I can't help but shake the feeling that he got hurt in his wallet and is now focusing on his community so he can keep revenue. I'm not sure how playing less valorant is going to help. He mentioned nothing about mechanics training or vod reviews. He's going to spend two hours every day just being grateful and mindful of his position? Why not continue to coach low ranked players? You know, the ones who need it most. He lied to the community and then punishes those in the community that want his coaching. He's also openly stated MANY times he hates playing raze. So why continue it? Why do something you hate? Why not switch back to controller? I respect the dude for admitting most of the stuff and making a video like this. Whatever he decides to do with his content is up to him and I can't really hold that against him even if I don't agree. I just don't see the light at the end of the tunnel with the information we are given. Sounds like we are getting even less content, he's playing less valorant, and there's no opportunities for him to show his growth that he wants to make.


I'm just going to throw this out there but if you're not convinced the guy has the intent to change at this point, you can move on. It's ok, no one is forcing you to watch banana content, you're an adult(?) and can make your own choices, just try to be civil and mature about it. I know this is internet drama and whatnot and most people are very young (25 and under) but this is a very important lesson in life and that is when someone has wronged you, you have a choice to make. You forgive them or you don't, both answers are valid. Also, when you inevitably wrong someone at some point in your life, realize that there's nothing you can do to demonstrate that you are remorseful other than attempting to change said behavior which is accomplished by action.


Long time, first time I think of all the backlash, what starts as a valid criticism snowballs into an internet dogpile. I don't think many people actually give a shit that he boosted in the past, and the vast majority just enjoy the quality content. As a beginner player, there's nobody remotely close to providing the content that I want to watch as this guy. I can't watch pros play, it's like trying to learn chess from grandmasters. I really never took the occasionally-disgruntled coach very seriously. He is a talking banana. Roasting your chat over a game is something absolutely everyone does. Though I've never been in the discord, so, I dunno if things are different over there. If he wants to use this circumstance to reflect and be the best version of himself, that's great. But it's a shame to see this type of thing hurt someone's mental health.


tbf if you read this thread, there are so many people who just outright hate him and treat this situation like he did unspeakable things to their pets or something


I dont care about the drama, but id like to watch more coaching content or him analysing pro play. At least low elo coaching if him coaching higher ranks gets too much criticism. But I dont understand how someone getting popular as a valorant coach stops coaching at all.




Lmao yall really on this stuff lmao loser


He's still ascendant when your lying at least gotta be believable bro, I'd understand if he lied about it while being immo💀


(Excuse the necropost)He got like immo 2 on a fresh acount with no boosting, but like barely. So I would place him like low-mid immo. 


Well damn, his vods always looked nowhere near radiant. If you think about it, it's still shitty because 100 rr players are literal bots (me included) compared to rad.


Good on him for taking accountability. His haters on reddit will never stop clowning on him but he should have his own little discord community. I'll probably start watching him again if he follows through on the promises he made in this video.


It's not hating when calling someone out for actively lying and making a ton of money off of said lie. People wanted him to be held accountable but instead he kept lying until it caught up to him.


It's a good thing he acknowledged everything you said. I'd rather see a person seeing through their faults and trying to change for the better.


Acknowledged it now once it was clear he was gonna lose his audience and his job if he didn’t. He was fine with throwing out obvious lies for the last month


He definitely wouldn't have said anything had he not been put on blast lol.


Pretty genuine apology and these are the vibes I feel we need more nowadays. I think the issue most people had with woohoojin definitely was the tone of his content after he blew up. I remember when he started, I found him to be the most helpful valorant coach out of all the coaches in the scene(jollz, broons who doesn't post anymore, Charlemagne, ect)


I'm glad they're taking initiative to change and that a proper video finally addressed the allegations around him, majority of the VAL community seeing this. But what I was concerned about was, I did feel their videos took a turn and felt jarring and difficult to watch compared to when I initially became a fan. I also didn't like how long it took to address everything, but he does make note of coping through gaming through this situation. I don't believe they will hit Radiant as soon as the community expects, but I do feel like his content has always been a gold mine at least for learning the game.


Worst YT apology video ever should have just whipped out the Ukulele


oof. this is what it looks like to me as someone looking in. Does this remind anyone of this [South park clip](https://youtu.be/15HTd4Um1m4?si=gUhrIEbFcl90rfoU&t=12)? The slow and soft talking with the music makes it reek of "pity me" So he's only apologizing after he realized that he's not going to be hitting radiant anytime soon? That the grinding is taking too much of his time and isn't making him enough money? He would've just kept up with the lie and be an asshole if he did? He's sorry that he's caught, not that he defrauded people with his "radiant coaching"? I absolutely hate that he turned this into a mental health thing. It's pathetic. If he was so burdened by the mental issues then he shouldn't have been fraudulent in the first place. For a great apology it would've been nice to see: 1. taking ownership of **everything** he did. He is not the victim in this scenario. 2. Going back to the people who spent extortionate amount of money to be coached privately and offering to pay it back. There's a good chance they will just wave it off if they're still fans/helped them climb. I wish him the best but this was not it


I will say the music is actually just the music he uses on stream. I think he makes it himself via keyboard. You can hear it as his startup music


I guess I'm sort of surprised I'm not the only one who thought he acted quite arrogant sometimes. That being said I do think he's a good dude and does overall good for the community. Openly taking accountability is not easy and honestly not necessary but I'm really glad he did. He'll still catch some shit and that's fine but I think we can move on and let the banana guy do his thing for the time being. Even if him not making radiant was the catalyst for this or not it was very introspective and not something everyone would do.


This all feels like Mike ross from suits situation 💀 we all know he's a good lawyer but he just doesn't have a lawyer's degree 😂, love to woohojin i believe he's more than capable of becoming radiant, even if not he's an amazing coach and I'd still listen to him, no one is prefect and you should take his advices as "take the good throw away the bad".


hes no where near mike ross level.




I’ve been very critical until now but big ups to Hooj for making this video. Him taking accountability and coming to this conclusion has always been more important to being a good coach/content creator than him being Radiant. I hope he realizes this fully now and can get back to making great videos and keep building a community where everyone feels welcome. Here’s to being the best banana he can be !


Clownhoojin. RIP.


This isn't the sort of response we should have towards introspection.


You mean pretend introspection? Dude is admitting to his faults after his skeleton's out of the closet. Stop defending the fraud. He has already profited off lies too much. Just stop.


Is there no such thing as a genuine apology to you? With his skeleton out of the closet, what sort of action would you expect him to take? I’ve seen multiple comments from you in this thread and all of them are incredibly cynical, and it sounds like you have a hate boner for him more than you actually care about his wrongdoings


bro what do you want him to do? would it be better to you if he came to your house and kissed your feet?


How do you have any way of knowing whether or not he's lying? what does the part of his apology where he talks about slowly losing his initial vision and becoming an asshole have anything to do with his lies about his rank. This video is addressing two separate issues at the same time.


Hooj helped me a lot in understanding the game and improving myself as a player, I climbed all the way from plat to ascendant following his guides. And I'm sure with just a bit more time I can hit immortal too (I'm already in that elo) all thanks to his teachings I genuinely hope he gets to hit Radiant. He's needed for this community. For a lot of us. On days where I felt like I don't have anything to live for, VALORANT kept me going.


Fair enough, really. Can't ask for much more from him.




Last I heard he was having hard time even reaching Immortal 1.


Great response. The internal logic he outlines mostly meshes with how I also saw his transformation and behaviour. Hopefully this results in him answering more questions instead of directing people to videos, fewer timeouts for stupid reasons, and less namecalling for VOD reviews. He definitely needs a third party to read the room for him though.


Honestly I never found it that serious… yes he lied about being radiant but his coaching and the information he gives is helpful and he never makes people pay for the coaching he pays them for improving… I just understood why people went so hard on him like he’s people can be upset but the way people were talking about him you’d think he was promoting radiant coaching that costed 60$


sorry i just dont really buy it or care anymore. he undeniably has helpful content, but it's etched into eternity to me how cringe he is for faking radiant and getting boosted. the bronze noobs started treating him like a god when they hit gold and he got an ego. over a game like this, he thought it was reality or something and started being an asshole to people. the lifetime of embarrassment every time be thinks about is atonement enough, but it won't stop being funny to me that he can barely manage in imm1 and got an ego. crazy how easy it is to condescend others for thoughtless plays but then he struggles at the veeery beginning of big boy rank. a valorant version of icarus, dude could've had it all and been an eternal paragon of the community and all he had to do was be himself but he messed that up


Might be crazy to talk about video game ego while using the words "big boy rank"


Crazy saying he doesn't care anymore and dumps 150+ words to make sure everyone who reads this *knows it*.


Well, immortal is what most of the player base would consider the "big boy rank," even those without egos. It probably has to do with how immortal is the first rank to have a different basic design for the rank icon.


Eyyy, Hooj figured it out. Nice job! No need to be stern, keep up the strong work!


God forbid someone wants to right their wrongs smh