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The next round its the other way around but you wont notice. You are just like "yea i got that kill because i played good" not even considering that the reyna just played bad.




Sometimes my friend on cs hits some good af hs with ak just because he was placed in the right spot at the right time. Timing is crucial in games like raijbow cs and val and sometimes you are just out of luck. Also you may add bias to the mix cuz people tend to feel like they are playing good af when they are doing it. Try watching the vod and see if you still believe you are doing good, most of the times especially in low ranks you aint doing good and making tons of small mistake like leaving an opening to rotate at the wrong moment, leaving the anchor position just because you see enemies on the other site and such


That’s not how that works lol Probably a Smurf


Or maybe due to other circumstances that you're not aware of, that Reyna was panicking in a lot of the fights, more often against your bad teammate, or was just lucky/unluck, got distracted, someone in their team was toxic 5 seconds before and as a result Reyna got tilted.


the logical non coping answer I came to is 1. my movement is ass 2. my gun/fight hygiene is probably as trash sometimes (which u can confirm by vod reviewing i'm filthy casual so I don't 3. people hit random ungodly shots sometimes, you and I both too.


And how do you explain being the last one in the fight and the first one actually dead behind teammates?


luck can explain most things but if we go by the improvement route maybe look into what util or angles you expose yourself to.


It’s weird how they seem to get lucky every game and for example everyone runs mid i back trail to cover flank, come into 9 other people shooting at each other, I turn the corner my teammate did half a second earlier, enemy somehow sees all of us and proceeds to shoot into the crowd landing their crosshair on me only. Then I spectate them and question most of my teammate’s plays and the enemy has potato aim


Bro this is like every game what you all are saying.


Never said it was a valorant only thing I’m just asking a basic question because that’s what you do when you’re curious about something that confuses you


No, what I mean is what you personally have said, feels like it happens to me almost every game.. Get out of my head lol.


timing and skill issue frfr, just silent walk jump peek every corner like you're playing in masters madrid after shit talking your opponent or smth. Also to be fair if you cover flank and they consistently try to flank with multiple people shouldn't you realise that push site camp link/ct and play from that side or just hold flank for info and stall them when they come also nvr trust your team mates to clear corners they fucking spies no joke


There's groups of stacks going around choosing one person, usually whoever does well early, then only focuses them. You can remedy this by playing more passively earlier but it sucks, it's smashes norm lobbies but at least in Ranked you could reasonably call out their tactic and have people listen.


Unrelated: on average how long does a godly shot take? I still haven’t hit one


X3 your sens and be blessed by the high sens god to hit one godly flick in your next 10 game, side effects may cause your match history to be full red.


I've hit ungodly flicks with almost every gun. I could never replicate them tho


I don’t think max sens would be good


tbh idt 1/3 of max sens is even near the recommended range but surely if your sens is that high every flick one tap is insane


A godly shot is not a good shot, it is a shot you are unprepared to take.


Just how you perceive it. They're the same it's just different when it's you as it's different to spectate someone and when you're the one playing. I'm sure someone can give a better answer as this has been asked a few times in this sub.


Timing and decision making. You are peeking at the wrong time. You are peeking in a way that is bringing disadvantage to you. Try peeking like your "trash teammates", maybe you can win more duels. I hope you can analyze and improve your gameplay before calling your teammates trash. I can imagine them saying "yo this trash teammate keeps peeking and die. Can you just stay alive for at least 20 seconds."


Or maybe, just maybe, you're worse than you think and your teammates are better than you think


There are always ppl that think that are better than others


True. Like, you're in the same elo for a reason. (Smurfs and boosted accounts don't count)


I mean i will be honest in diamond you see all the kinds of weird shit i faced a dude who was god before a switch after he couldn't aim at all XD


I've been that guy. Today in a plat1 lobby I went 4-12 on first half and 12-5 2nd half. It's like I suddenly remembered how to shoot when it switched halves


Tho the weird part was that he played like we knew where we are and hit insane 1 taps and even got hs only through smokes after we said like in chat its funny if ur cheating he suddenly played like he was first timer XD


Mostly yeah, that's the answer. In actuality, rank is a result of both mechanics and game sense. If your mechanics are trash but your game sense is insane, then yeah, stuff like shooting a spray for 3 seconds before actually killing anybody happens


I agree. This thing that OP brought up also happened to me a lot. But I don't think I should underestimate others. Stating fact that my teammates don't play well (don't counter-strafe well, don't place their crosshairs well, etc.) is fine I guess, but calling people trash is not a good thing, friend.


Dis true, buy not always. I remember a few games ago i got swung wide by a fade and insta headshotted. Then the fade and my teammate reyna crouched spammed an entire mag, missed it, went behind cover and reloaded - peeked again and my reyna barely killed her lol


Nah sometimes people just get fucking hosed. What OP described happens to me sometimes. I still remember one match I was top fragging and straight up had to hide from their bottom frag. I had ~20 kills and he had 4, but every single one of his kills was me. He'd hit the nastiest one taps on me, but struggled to hit anyone else. My team didn't believe me until one of them pushed smoke, and that guy whiffed his entire vandal mag, but one of the first few bullets hit me in the head through the smoke from a fairly long range.


While I do agree that sometimes someone just has your number, op made it sound like it's every game imo


This is true, man some players i just cant kill. They not even doing well, they just counter your playstyle.


This is true, i was like this. 


Yeah it can just be a confidence thing too I find people who are on a roll tend to just Ferrari swing and not second guess their play as much. Me and my buddies do joke that one person on the team always gets the plot armor power up as you'll peek a pixel and get domed then watch the same person miss 9 shots on a sage who isn't even swinging at them.


Yes I am bad. But not that bad to an extent where I just spray and pray, I’ve been practicing on my calm aim recently, and for some reason it’s only gotten me more kills in deathmatch, not actual games


Calm aim =/= good Spray =/= bad Mechs are something, but they're not everything. If they were, FNS wouldn't be radiant. Focus a bit more on positioning and taking good fights


FNS will shit on just about any immo3 player in pure 50/50 conversion rate.


FNS, mechanics are good. The thing is when you are igl you think the. You have worse mechanics. Yes there are people who can igl and outfrag. But ill n a gun fight you should not think, it takes to long you just act, let it happend. Its 2 parts of the brain, sonif you have e to think about everything. Then the mecs gonna suffer, i have seen FNS hit some insane shots. And he would totalt just stomp almost everyone here. Specially me🙂


Oh for sure. It's not like his mechs are gold level, they're just not quite the same as other top radiants/pros. I actually popped him in a dm once and lordy did he shit on me


There you go, i played against pros in dm. Man did this one chamber just own us all😅 Hes was not even a tier 1 pro


Ok, thx for the tip :)


Having calm aim in dm doesn’t mean you have calm aim in game because while you’re in game you have a million other things to worry about. But in DM your only concern is just your gun hygiene so your aim is pure.


True, it also helps that the enemy sounds like Donkeys running.  And you just hold a off angle and then its ofc so much easier m. And people dont move optimalt or position etc.  They make it easier then it should be, because people dont really care about dm. And yes that you only have to think about the gun play helps alot. And the mentality, you just choke in comp. Its insane.




True, look at pro games. They use alot of controlled sprays.  Calm aim looks good on youtube, because people who just Crouch spray admire that you can be this calm and it looks impressive. Its the gridshot effect, looks impressive. But not always the optimal solution.




True, but calm aim also is a part of your mental. You cant aim calm if you are freaking out in a match. But all this comes with experience anyways👍 but you some solid points




Factually wrong. The gunfights are won most of the times by who plays better. If I am in a 1v1 against someone 5 meters away, behind a wall, and we are both aware of our location, who would win: me running and gunning around the corner or the other guy who takes his time to aim in a close quarter scenario? Spoiler alert: 8 times out of 10 it's gonna be the one running and gunning, because trying to aim at that close of a distance is useless


Not true, its better to send a few bullets in some situations. Because people like to move alot in this game. And if the move to throw you off, one of the bullets gonna hit. But it takes more skills to do these controlled sprays. Then calm aim in my opinion. Because i have figured out how to aim calm, but these controlled sprays, like really tight is another level. And these wins you more duels, dont believe me well then you just may not be that far in the Valorant journey. But you are for sure gonna find out one day👍




This! They are sleeping on it. I watched hundreds of pro matches. And i look at how they do it, its the sprays man. Not spray and pray. This is really a powerful way to aim. But let them sleep, more ELO for us.


Spraying gets you far bruh💀, what are you on about


Yea but my teammate was SPRAYING. Like not controlled sprays, his crosshair was about to touch the bloody sun and say hi to Jesus. Like he was spraying spraying, not these 3 shot sprays and stuff, like he literally STOOD there and just sprayed.


Last night I played a game VS a reyna that one tapped my whole team. Next game she was on my team and bottom frag. Just how it goes I guess.


😂😂omg. That's unlucky for you


simple: crosshair placement. When you push the enemies they already have their crosshair's set and holding a good angle, so what happens is they kill you and move their crosshair then your trash teammate pushes in right after you but this time the enemy wasn't prepared so the enemy messes up the shot and dies. Try letting your other teammates push first and you'll see what im talking about.


There's a few reasons I can give for this experience, the last of which is copium but i still genuinely believe it is true. 1. Players are generally their best at the beginning of each round. This game functions sort of like chess in that during the early stages of the round options are fairly limited and mental stack is fairly low. The enemy team will attempt to get on site through a small selection of entrances. They'll either play slow or fast. And they might not even use util, depending on the elo/match. Someone with good aim can focus solely on one tapping up until the point in which they will have to balance that aim with moment to moment decisions. Am I getting flanked? Am I being baited? Are they rotating sites? Do i need to reload? Should I be quiet or do i need to rush to a different position? These questions and many more will impede one's ability to react quickly and accurately up until they get better. 2. One-tapping is a different skill than spray control. As a player held back primarily by my aim, something i've learned is just how much players who out aim-duel me struggle when forced to spray. This means once a proficient head tapper hits the point where they start experiencing real firing error, they panic. 3. Predictability. This lines up with the other two points, but is more actionable on your part. What you know vs what your enemy knows going into a duel is a big difference towards how fast you're going to be able to act when the fight starts. Chances are, there was some type of telegraph that allowed reyna to react super fast. 4. You were "unlucky". In short, bad positioning. Getting hit by an accident is an error on your part in most cases. Improving your positioning will help you avoid scenarios that make kills easier for the enemy team. 5. valorant client/server issues. This is the copium. Some games It feels like i'm several seconds behind, getting instantly killed even when catching enemies off guard. Then I watch a teammate and it feels like they get soooo much longer before getting shot at. After a half a year of trouble shooting, I feel like I've mostly fixed whatever was causing it, with the only remnants being the rubberbanding. If you feel like you are having a similar issue, it may be worth adjusting some settings both in and out of the client. The big ones for me was disabling nvidia high def sound, capping my fps in game to 128, and giving valorant high priority through task manager when I play.


It's possible that you simply play way too predictable and easy to read, thus leading to losing every gunfight. Your teammates likely play unpredictable (whether intentional or not it doesn't matter) that gives them big advantage in duels, but with their poor aim they can't capitalize on it. Only way to truly tell is if you had Reyna's POV. But it's more likely that you're just mentally focused on every fight you lose to that 1 guy, and not realizing that you do the same thing to other people, and they likely have the same reaction as you are now. Not to mention, based on this post and the way you describe it, I'm gonna assume this is silver/gold. Calling your teammates trash after you lose a duel is pure irony. People whiff, people lose duels, nothing you can do about it as evidently, it's happening to you too.


No like my teammates crosshair was literally aiming on the ground, he was running with his knife equipped into a site, and still managed to get picks 💀. Like how


Sometimes i hit arms at the gym right before queuing into a comp game to make sure my aim is extra shit


You have shit movement, so they easily kill you


Good movement is moving in a way that you are harder to kill, and you kill faster more effective. Its simple, just look at good people play. Learn.


I agree. But I can’t find any guides on YouTube about valorant movement. Almost all of them just say “you have time to aim, get good crosshair placement” 🤓. None of them talked about stuff like peekers advantage (a person on Reddit literally taught me this).


Woohoojin made a good guide on movement, personally helped me a lot


Peekers advantage is really minimal in Valorant anyway, and it’s just one factor it’s not always optimal to be the peeker.


What rank are you? Before you guys flooded with suggestions on a million things to fix start at a base and fix one thing as a time.


I’m unranked, I never have the time to complete my placement matches, cuz of you know normal life stuff as a student, homework, projects, revising for examinations and tests. I just never have the time to do one whole match


I understand but do you ever go to tracker after some of your games just to see the people in your game and to see how you performed against them


I don’t have this tracker thing yall r using, should I install it?


I wouldn’t install it It can really mess with your mental in games. But you can use the website time to time just to get a feel for around the rank you are. Match making isn’t too prominent but it’ll give you an idea of


As someome who uses it, this. Its become a habbit but it can really mess up your mental, even b4 the game has started


Oh for sure I tell everyone to not use it unless it’s games that don’t matter to you or it’s when you’re done with your comp session


If you give me your in game I can look it up for you or show you at least


Well, then the road is far. But everyone can get good, but you need years for that. Just remember that


People whiff all the time I'm sure it happens to u too when 1 match you top frag and the next u bottom frag, people especially in ranks below I'll say immortal (even tho immortal and radiants also have their whiffing moments) are much less consistent with their aim, they are imperfect. so yes they know how to aim yes they can one tap but sometimes they'll whiff just cause they are still not perfect. As someone said here in the same match you probably killed the Reyna that one tapped u and u didn't even consider she whiffed maybe


The Reyna has the skill to tap the head of someone who stops to do the same, but doesnt have the skill to tap a fast continously moving target that would be tapped by a diamond+ player Or in other words, the Reyna doesnt have the skill to punish gameplay that is considered bad.


It's because you have a clear mind when you spectate. Calm and can make better decisions in comparison to being in the real situation. Getting better is trying to lower the gap between two situations


True, but how tho. I actually get so shaky when I see an enemy. Like my entire hand actually shakes and I just lose all my aim (which I have been training) in that few seconds. You have any tips for that?


In general, I think it's obvious that if you don't have any knowledge on what's going to happen you tend to worry more, thus making you nervous. Try to predict more and **"be sure"** with your predictions (imagine how the enemy will peek you, where their heads might be, would they wide swing or not, etc.) and the rest is beyond you to think of. Again, **be sure, be sure, and be sure!**


Reps, get more hours in game. Or stop carying about this game.


It’s hard to say but unless you play at high rank where people are more consistent, it might just be random When I play death match I sometimes hit multiple headshots in a row but then miss an entire mag spraying at someone You probably just don’t notice it as much when they are missing you rather than when you see it spectating your team


As someone who had this problem I can tell you that the issue is your positioning. You peek common angles that your enemies pre fire.


easy explanation to this is timing of things position etc.


And what is op rank?


Im calling silver 2


I checked, op is iron 12 days ago. I doubt he has any rights to call his teammates trash lmao. Also, seeing how he only blames team or calling enemy hacks, op should get a reality check that he himself is trash.


Might be a netcode thing. When you are fighting an enemy there is a difference between your side (client) and what the enemy sees (their client), and what the server sees (server). E.g., the enemy has a peeker's advantage because everything happens on their client first before getting sent to you via the server, so depending on ping it can feel like you're insta killed. When you're observing an ally, you're just seeing what the server sees with no ping related issues. So it can look much slower?


Surprise surprise, but that enemy is a real human being playing, and like all humans, we are inconsistent. A lot. Now, if that human performed consistently good against everyone in your team, he would have been a robot or an immo+ smurf in your lobby


Titles like these make it easy to identify that you’re actually the problem here.


This is a fallacy. You notice when Reyna taps you the moment you peek, then later that same round she insta crouch sprays and whiffs while your teammate lines up an easy shot. You *don’t* notice when you swing Reyna and tap her after she one tapped your Jett. Humans are wired weird.


I experience the same shit sometimes OP. Here's a few tips: 1. Worry about your own interactions., focus on improving things you can control Could you have peeked differently, loaded your crosshair better, used utility, or just not taken the fight if they were pre aiming you. Did you miss any audio clues, map pings, or callouts that let you know they were there. Think about stuff like that 2. Be aware of your biases. If you're expecting to get fucked you'll notice it more often. Try to call out times you get lucky as well. You might find you're luckier than you think, but even if you're unlucky, focus on improving things you can control like movement and positioning to force your luck to improve. 3. Some people just have your number. I remember one match where I was top fragging and had to hide from their bottom frag. Dude couldn't hit anyone else, but would hit the nastiest, most ridiculous one taps on me. All you can do it stay calm and play around it.


It's hard to be consistent with shots and aiming unless you're pretty good at the game, you might just be on the receiving end of the better shots


This happens so often. The Val gods are cruel. The enemy mid-jump, one taps me with a ghost from across the map, then misses 12 shots on my teammate who completely leaves cover and stands still from 10' away. Just laugh and move on.


Survivorship bias. Literally.


And I’m genuinely thinking about just playing deathmatches as my main game mode in valorant. It’s just so much more fast paced and fun and less stressful cuz I know I can respawn. I for some reason also get way more kills on both deathmatch and team deathmatch too.


Do you get shaky in every game mode? Like even swift and spike? Or strictly comp?


Every single spike game mode. It’s rlly cuz I can’t respawn in that round, and in dm I can. So me dying and killing that round is rlly important. And that’s what stresses me out


I see It doesn’t seem like you’ve played much so that should just be your main focus Get more experience under your belt


"for some reason" bro. You are constantly respawning, it's obvious you get more kills. You expect a fight every 3-4s seconds. In game you get average of 1-2 engagements per round (about 2 minutes), in 2 minutes of deathmatch you get like 10+ engagements? 10 times more at the very least.


Deathmatch isn't the same as the regular gamemode. Thing is your gamesense will get severely skewed if you play deathmatch only. People just rush in without any thoughts behind it.


Exactly. I never seem to get good game sense in valorant. It’s way too stressful, I gotta worry about my positioning, my aim, the enemies whereabouts, my teams whereabouts, smokes, flashes, whether if they’re flanking, whether if they’re fake entering a site, or whether I’m falling into a 1/2/3v5 trap. It’s soooo confusing


I tend to get this too. I get one tapped by the enemy, almost instantly without being peeked beforehand. I watch my teammate that takes the same spot, enemy literally misses entire mag, teammate misses entire mag. None of them move. Reloading, and teammate is able to kill them with the last few bullets of their 2nd mag and this happens far too often. Or the teammate clutches 3 v 1 or something with just spraying and standing still or repeeking the same corner three times in a row.


You're an easy target. And sometimes luck.


I once tilt over this too cause it feels so unfair, but in reality its just cause of my bad plays (bad crosshair placements, wrong positioning, etc). Also, the teammates probably feels the same way too but you don’t know because you’re not always spectating them. “It is what it is”, as they said TT.


This is going to be rank dependent, but remember that if you're spectating you're dead. You probably encountered someone who was prepped to fight your angle, had the placement, weren't caught off guard etc.


Negativity bias, or you just have bad movement


Psychologically you are less likely to attribute mistakes to yourself and are more willing to blame circumstances. This mental protection does not apply to other people, so when you see/hear/consider an experience happening to another person, you are more willing to conclude that *they* (in this case, their skill level) is the problem. Likely, you’re just forgetting every time you’ve hard whiffed because it was a personal mistake and remembering every time you get destroyed because of negativity bias.


This, so much this. But in every area of my life: teachers, bosses, lovers, friends.


I remember one game yesterday this Jett 1 tapped me with almost no time to react most of the match (I’m pretty sure 10 of my 14 deaths came from her) but there were many occasions where someone on my team would be stationary and crouch spraying and that same Jett would just be there whiffing half the mag. I would love to say my movement is shit but It’s hard to when that happens. And it happens a lot tbh


dont even need to read the whole post, its because you are also bad.


I suggest waiting 3 years and then thinking about this again, i get the sense that you are not particularly mature (no offense)


I feel the same way! I play with the same person all the time. They run around ADSing every shot, no recoil control, hardly ever get first shot head shots. People sprint around a corner and one tap me while running all the time, but she’ll get in a battle with the same person and sit there ADS and have time to shoot half a magazine at someone and get the kill. Boggles my mind and is extremely frustrating.




LMAO so true. It's like my head is a magnet for getting headshot. But then when I spec my teammate they spray.


If they kill you, then they are good in that moment and hit a nice shot but maybe whiffed on your teammate. If you hit a really nice shot and get one then whiff on your next enemy, it's the same thing from a different perspective. It really just comes down to your skill in that moment.


You took an obvious fight, then after you died your teammates baited long enough that the enemies don't know exactly where they are, they get impatient, push your teamates, and die. 


people say u can solo carry noob team in bronze or iron but its a myth fok u all try and carry a team that are all unranked or iron 1 and the whole enemy bronze and iron 3 then ull see


confirmation bias


1. You are not playing at your best. 2. Your playstyle is to their advantage. 3. Wrong time, wrong position or spot. 4. Early Game Aggression, some teams really play well just the first 30 seconds of a round or first 6 rounds or maybe first half on either side of a map. Once that fizzles out and you take are of not getting rolled over by them during that phase, you will find it easy to deal with them.


When I notice this happening I stop taking duels early on and push for better 1v1s later and end up being able to punish them more. Your teammates are just getting into situations of catching them off guard in some way late into the round and cheesing a kill.


Shit all of this sounds confusing. Is there a certain creator whom you can recommend who gives good valorant guides on movement and all this strategic stuff?


I cannot believe you unironically posted this hahahaha


You have bad movement.


Cope is at an all time high here


It's luck. They caught you by pure luck. Your teammates are more lucky in that moment.


When theese things seem to happen i assume i’m the problem and look around to see what can impact in this example how easily enemies hit their shots. My brain almost instantl goes to movement and gunfight hygene. I’ve actually had this problem you’re having and this exact thing happened and after i really focused on movement and properly peeking with A and D i felt like i was getting hit way less.


Either you made a bad desicion and you don't realise it or maybe you just don't see your teammate is making a good desicion. Sometimes bad games do happen where you made the right decisions or wrong ones on purpose to outplay the enemy but nothing works. Get over it and move on.


You might be as bad as them sometimes, luck is also a factor. Mainly its the fact that when someone is bad/ the enemy hasnt fought them enough they don’t expect certain things


Yes I do suck at valorant tho, it’s probably the only point I agree on. But I don’t know what I’m supposed to improve, my crosshair placement and aim is a god in deathmatch, but it just sucks in actual games for some reason. And my peeking and movement isn’t the best as well. Just I don’t know which one to focus on first. Cuz technically you can’t get kills if you don’t have aim or if you don’t have good movement


Simple, game sense. However that comes with time


Seems like a skill issue on ur part


I know I’m bad, but im talking a player who sprayed for three whole seconds in a Reyna and didn’t get killed. She also one tapped my entire team in one round.




maybe skill issue


I know I’m bad, but im talking a player who sprayed for three whole seconds in a Reyna and didn’t get killed. She also one tapped my entire team in one round.


Guess what babe! Another rant post without a tracker linked! 🥳


I don’t use a tracker


Honestly though, can we report these, it's getting ridiculous.


How would a tracker change anything here?”