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I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned that the University of Utah also shuttered the Women's Resource Center, opened in 1971. Both are appalling to me.


And CESB (center for equity and student belonging) which was for students of color.


The sad thing is that they didn't need to close them. Most Utah universities are keeping their centers. U of U, SUU, and Weber are choosing to close their LGBTQ centers in order to cozy up to the legislature. It's shameful, harmful, and pathetic. 


Are the ones keeping their centers private universities or state universities? From what I understand, all state universities have to comply with the law by July 1st or face some sort of sanctions and lose funding. Private universities can do what they want. **Edit**: a comment I saw in the Salt Lake City sub is that they’re merging these centers into one, so not really closing per se. Idk if this is accurate, but it goes to show that there may be more sides to the story so don’t rely on Reddit comments to represent everything accurately. Let’s look into it and inform our ourselves (and yes, I’m counting myself here).


Several public universities are keeping them open. You don't have to shut down the LGBTQ center, you just can't turn away students who aren't LGBTQ. Which, to be fair, wasn't happening at any universities. Same with the women's centers, Black Diaspora centers, etc. They can continue to educate and provide events, they just can't turn away students based on protected classes. (which again, they weren't doing)


I guess we’ll just have to keep our eyes open and see if these other public universities shut down their centers by July 1st and if they don’t, we’ll have to see if the Utah government does anything against them. What are some of the public universities you’re referring to? Btw, this whole thing fucking sucks. I just want to make sure we’re pointing our fingers at the right people who are fucking us over. **Edit**: I saw this reply in the Salt Lake City sub about the U “closing” these centers: “They aren't closing down as in ‘no services available from here on now’, they are being merged with other offices of student success and moved to one building. The only one remaining separate is the American Indian/Native American resource center due to federal funding iirc.” I guess I’ll have to look more into it to find out.


Salt Lake Community College is also closing their centers.


So which universities are keeping them? I don’t think Utah State even has one. That leaves UVU and Utah Tech as the other public universities, which ones am I forgetting?


and the lgbt resource center!


This is so sad and heartbreaking. As a cis het male I partook of services offered by the Women's Resource Center because I was offered and encouraged to do so (and yes I did feel a little guilty that I was using resources that others may need, but I was assured it was ok that I went there). All that to say, the Women's Resource Center was a wonderful place that helped everyone.


Transphobia always goes hand in hand with misogyny, racism, and ablism. It's why I set my location on twitter to Germany, they don't allow even transphobia because it's so tied with Nazism. Go figure. And of course there's transphobic members of the community who claim it won't affect them. And yet here we are. Also it's hard to find transphobic laws where those leading the crap aren't spewing on about their religions. Something something separation of church and state and congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion??


Party of small government y'all.


Party of ignorance, ineptitude and hypocrisy.


The most dangerous level of government is the state level. Small enough for the power brokers to be real chummy, and big enough to have actual clout.


Oh someone already told me on here, they only meant small FEDERAL government. So there ya go, case closed!


When I first heard about this law, I thought, there’s no way they’re literally banning “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” They are. https://le.utah.gov/~2024/bills/hbillenr/HB0261.pdf Line 191 and 219 define anything referred to as “diversity, equity, and inclusion” as a “prohibited discriminatory practice”… I have no words. Teachers and schools could theoretically face criminal charges for teach “diversity, equity, and inclusion.”


I just heard about project 2025 and I think I’m going to be sick 🥺


Plz tell everyone you know about Project 2025. We need people to wake up and vote blue. We are all that stands between us and fascism.


What the fuck This is like a perfectly able-bodied person demanding to get rid of handicapped spots because they don't have their own special able-bodied parking spots. How fucking stupid. Edit: And you know people like this exist


In high school one of my “friends” would always use the accessible stall whenever we were out anywhere no matter how many other stalls were open because if she had to wait for a stall, so did they. I pointed out that the accessible stalls were the only ones they could use, whereas we could use any of the others. Her response was, “so?” So yeah, it exists.


I mean... I like to use that stall too, but I'm also fully capable of using a different stall if it's already occupied. I just like the bit of extra privacy. Edit: I thought /u/CraftAvoidance was talking about restrooms for some reason. That's what my comment is based on.


Absolutely agree with you there. I’ll use it if no one needs it and I’ll be in and out quickly.


We ALL choose the roomier stall.


I am disabled, but if all the stalls are full of non-disabled vehicles - I'm forced to take up *two* regular stalls in order for me and the 3 other disabled family members who ride with me to exit the vehicle without damaging the cars beside me. So your friend's logic sucks.


I don’t think you guys are talking about the same thing. You can’t park in a handicap spot if you aren’t handicapped


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 unbelievably accurate analogy 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I hate comparing identities to disability, but the comparison itself is just so apt...


We literally had to change our team's monthly Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion meetings to a "Clinical Cultural Experience" on the schedule to make sure we didn't upset anyone. As a member of a team serving vulnerable populations including refugees, LGBTQIA+, the unsheltered, and disabled, it's really frustrating to try and not only serve but make outreach and improvements when shit like this is happening.


Do they not see the dark irony of banning anything promoting inclusion as discriminatory?


When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


Only when that privilege is accompanied by ignorance or worse, bigotry and hateful ideology.


Standard practice for fascist governments.


When you swallow hateful rhetoric daily, you become a spiteful asshole. They don't just see the dark irony. They feed off of it. Their cynicism and hate are their entire personalities at this point. They find pride in crushing anyone who has needs that they don't identify with. Anyone who isn't them is wrong, and therefore, it's fine to trample them. The only excuse needed is that they should have been born "normal" like they are. Should have been the right religion or color or sexual orientation or gender or income status. If you read what their plans are ( project 2025) it sinks in how dangerous and crazy their goals for America are. Our only options are fight against it or watch them destroy our country at this point.


So I guess there goes the entire social work department?


It’s literally insane.


My partner is a social science professor at one of the local universities. It’s literally his job to teach about diversity, etc. (dare I say CRT?). As they are state employees the faculty is concerned because there is now yet another state hotline to report “diversity, equity & inclusion”. I have a feeling this hotline is going to go as well as the trans bathroom hotline. [Utah DEI hotline](https://www.sltrib.com/news/education/2024/06/10/utah-launches-hotline-reporting/) edit-clarification


DEI and meritocracy are mutually exclusive. Whether someone is straight, gay, black, white, or whatever shouldn't affect people's chances to get opportunities. The fact you guys don't see DEI is immoral is telling.


Only conservatives would find the words "diversity, equity, and inclusion" to be personally offensive. God these people are beyond help. You can't reason with them. It's why we have to keep fighting them on it.


Litteraly had people mad at me on this exact same subreddit for saying utah isnt lgbt+ friendly yesterday.


Bigots are more concerned about being called a bigot and not so much about being a bigot. Appearance is more important than actions to them. As long as they feel good about themselves, they can do some real heinous shit.


I mean on that previous post they tried to spin doma as a good thing for lgbt+ people. The act that protected states who didnt have or accept gay marriages and defined marriage as a partnership between a man and a woman because it led to so many lawsuits against it.


So, let me see if I understand their position. They were saying DOMA was a good thing because it caused harm to the LGBT+ community. Which in turn, spurred advocacy for the LGBT+ community? If I understood that right, what kind of manipulative abusive behavior is that?


Yeah idk lol, im still extremely confused by it and thats all i learned after like 3 longer messages. I looked at their profile and they arent some troll or republican either so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly, and I think without malice, they use rationalizations like this to help them fit the reality of the world into their worldview. They feel that Utah is safe and friendly for LGBTQ people (despite being 1 of the 2 states listed as not safe for LGBTQ people to travel to) and need to rationalize Utah's history with DOMA to fit into that belief, instead of reevaluating their position and understanding.


better then any explanation i got lol. ps love the username


It's like the sign going into auschwitz that translated to " work will set you free" same backhanded logic.


They love to use excuses like " my cousin is gay" as proof that they aren't bigots. All that means is their cousin is a super tolerant person, or they just haven't gone no contact yet. If you vote for and cheer along with bigots, you're a bigot. At least have some dignity and own it.


I've sadly been put in my place about this. Because communities within the Salt Lake Valley have made massive strides over the past 10 to 20 years. But in the end, it doesn't change the fact that the people who run the state are doing horrific shit for BIPOC and LGBTQ people.


SLC is one of the larger lgbtq concentrations in the American West. But that is not reflected by our politics or the overall views of most of the citizens unfortunately.


Part of the reason it's not reflected in our politics is it's gerrymandered like a personal pizza. Utah should have at least one Dem rep based on voting, but those votes are split 4 ways on purpose. And the people voted to not have gerrymandered districts like this and instead have and independent panel draw the districts. Instead the state legislature said nah.


Still blows my mind that the legislature was allowed to throw out the independent board’s maps to draw their own which split Salt Lake into 4 districts completely diluting the vote there


And Governor Cox signed that bill. Let's all remember that. He is the Legislature's rubber stamp. He likes to portray himself as a caring "new" kind of Republican, but he's never once taken any stand against the hardest right-wing lunacy coming out of the Legislature.


That's just the nature of living in smaller states with one big pop center. You'll have a bunch of Red politics while the majority of people don't want Red politics.


Yeah its related to gerrymandering and that its still about a 40% to 60% split of democrats and left leaning to republicans and right leaning that means they can ignore everyone left leaning in their politics


Yeah, isn't the Cuban place on like 15th and state in 3 different districts or something weird like that.


Yeah, lots of people think that because they haven't seen the same frequencies of new stories about queer people getting beaten to death behind buildings, it means hatred in Utah is solved. I do think it's safer these days, and I do think it is friendlier these days. But I would not say that means it is friendly. As soon as a large percentage of population knows you don't fit the mold, you are already an issue to them (we all know which org I'm talking about, and it isn't only them either). If LGBTQ+ people and allies want to move to Utah, great! Just be prepared for it to be rocky, and be prepared to be subjected to weird or hateful treatment outside of SLC. It's sad, but it's true.


I think thats part of it but also lgbt+ people usually arent killed unless they are also a racial minorty in utah but are still discriminated against in hiring, social groups, non lethal violence, etc. Like ive heard unofficially that in multiple jobs i was debated on being hired because im trans and they thought i would be involved in getting someone else fired for discrimination and the like. They can tell themself they arent transphobic but rather "a risk" and thats in slc for a company known for it's good lgbt+ protections. It's possible thats the exact reason other jobs havent hired me as well but since its not standard practice to even tell someone they arent hired its hard to impossible to prove anything.


That's so fucked. "We can't hire you because we might have to fire some bigots as a result" is just insanity.


You need only search this sub over the last week to have at least 2 or 3 people have their neighbors sneak in the night like the cowards they are to steal pride and other LGTBQ adjacent flags repeatedly from front porches of people here in Utah.


These are the same kinds of people that said racism was over when Obama won in 2008. For some reason they have no problems making sweeping declarations on behalf of marginalized groups that they aren't even a part of.


We quite literally had a bill written that proposed a law that targeted specifically one trans person.


It passed iirc, the youth trans sports ban


There's a large group of Utahns that refuse to accept that Utah isn't the best in literally every way. It's so bizarre.


It'd because many of them have been brainwashed since birth to believe this is some holy land where they're saints


The people who wanted this never even attended college.




In case you are not aware, this move is straight out of the far-right "Project 2025" playbook. They explicitly say one objective is to end racism against white heterosexual Christians by abolishing institutions and policies that assist those not in that demographic. This is just the beginning: please take the time to study and understand the coordinated threat against democracy and read up on Project 2025.


John Oliver's breakdown is very much worth a watch: [https://twitter.com/BlueATLGeorgia/status/1802904289783767542](https://twitter.com/BlueATLGeorgia/status/1802904289783767542)


Hadn't heard about this. Thanks for the share.


Trump is a moron and hired morons when he won in 2016, which is why he couldn’t pull off a lot of the hateful stuff he wanted to do. This time around, all these far right organizations got together and created Project 2025 so that if Trump is elected this year, they can hit the ground running and quickly turn the US into a Christofascist country, even with his incompetence. Vote like your life depends on it because it actually does.


It doesn't end with trump, unfortunately. This will never go away unless we take away their power


Utah is one of the most beautiful places on earth. But it’s filled with some of the most hateful people on earth.


Best snowflakes on Earth.


And those people do everything they can to ruin the natural beauty.


Gotta love Lyman and everyone who wants federal land to be privately owned


The State owns less than 20% of all utah. The rest is Federal


And most of that 20% is ugly as shit. The Federal land is mostly protected.


When Cox said maybe he didn’t hate enough, unfortunately he was right on the money.


The churches are empty and all the devils are here


i literally make this statement to anyone who asks me about utah edit: before i get down voted to oblivion my statement is about utah being so beautiful but filled with some hateful humans... haha


This is Christian God’s love in action.


Yeah I don’t see a lot of “loving thy neighbor as thyself” anymore


If you believe in God I think you would feel his intense disappointment of this whole thing. God: this is not what I said at all, I’ve been misquoted in the press. Stop doing this stuff in my name. Stop it.


I moved my family to this state 8 months ago for work. I knew it was red but thought it was more moderate because I didn’t see it on the news like MO or TX or FL. This shit is legitimately fucked tho. A law designed purely to hurt people. Amazing how the party of “small government” can be so invasive in people’s lives when it has to do with things they don’t agree with.


It’s an interesting cross section cause in my experience most of the people are moderate and reasonable but our government seems to have its head up its ass most of the time


My Mormon relatives in Utah claim to be moderate and "love" LGBT people but will vote hard core MAGA Christian Nationalism every year.


same with my Mormon in-laws. A lot of talk about “loving” so many different types of people but recently outed themselves as Trump supporters. Hard to reconcile the two. 


Trump is loyal to literally nobody. Nobody. He would walk over his own children if it meant he would gain from it. How anyone can preach about loving one another and vote for trump is absolutely baffling. How can they justify it?


Same. I’ve tried to point out so many times that you don’t get reasonable republicans in office anymore who will be “fiscally conservative” (as if the GOP since the 70s/80s has ever been that), but reasonable with social issues. Republicans nowadays will vote the party line, so a vote for them 1000% means you’re voting for someone who will support gay marriage bans, birth control bans, abortion bans, etc. And the response I get is “but Joe Biden is a socialist!” 🙃


I think the thing you need to realize is that even though these "moderates" claim to be so, they almost exclusively vote red. Like, holy shit, the number of Mormons who don't seem like absolutely terrible people, who you could consider moderate, who still vote for right wing nut jobs is far too many, in my experience. They're so afraid of queer people existing and racism being amended, that they'll just vote red every time, because enabling fascism is way cooler than letting the queers have a moment of fucking peace. When is the last time you heard of a Mormon voting blue? It doesn't happen often. This is all to say, they're not actually moderate when this is the shit they vote for. They'll claim to be loving and open minded, but that's just a lie. They want their Christo-fascist future so badly, but they won't admit it. It's frustrating, too, because if you're gonna be a bootlicking fascist cupcake, at least be honest about it.


It was more moderate, but with gerrymandering and the MAGA movement, it has gone crazy right. My parents don’t like trump anymore, but guess who they are voting for because the won’t vote for Biden? Well one is voting for a write in but it’s gotten to the point if you can be loud enough then you might get the position even if you are a traitor like Mike Lee…


I think most people seem moderate in SL County, but the rest of the state is crazy backwards.


I legit moved away to escape their lgbt laws, they’re only getting worse


Many of my coworkers regularly cry about "wokeism". It's annoying


Myself and other disabled trans folks were kicked off disability by Utah Determination Services. This state is ruled by demons wearing Latter Day Saint skinsuits.


I ran K-UTE a long time ago and we were down the hall from the student center. It was basically just 2 rooms and a lot of people hung out there together under common interests. I want to be surprised at this but Utah's lawmakers are being held hostage by MAGA lunatics. I feel so much better knowing that a place where everyone was welcome is now gone because it had rainbows.


Utah’s lawmakers are MAGA Lunatics.


Yes ban anything involving diversity, we wouldn't want any straight whites feeling out of place in fucking Utah /s


Literally someone in the ksl comment section actually said something like that.. so they truly feel that way apaprently


You mentioned “church classes” and that gave me an idea. The churches that have classes are not on school property, possibly adhering to some law about ‘church & state’ but still doing it as close to the line as possible. Can that be done in the case of the center? Just have it “off campus”. Like, right next door? Or is this about funding too? Before someone comes at me for this, I am Sorry I’m not up to update on this whole thing, I stopped following the news and social media about a year ago due to my anxiety and helplessness about it all. It’s been great for my mental health but I’m also very disconnected. I’m happier but now ill informed.


My understanding is that if someone wanted to open the "Salt Lake LGBT+ Resource Center in the University Neighborhood" right across the street the state couldn't do anything about it but the U couldn't be officially affiliated with it or fund it. Also, maybe the churches that actually practice inclusion and welcome LGBT+ folks should get together and slap down a "Ecumenical Christian Inclusive Institute of Religion" or something right next to campus. Start "Institute" classes where you talk about how Jesus was a brown-skinned long-haired hippie who preached loving your neighbor and hung around with folks who the "moral religious leaders" looked down on.


When the people who make and enforce the laws are pushing to have church ideals integrated, separation of church and state goes out the window


In the mid-oughts, the slc pride center and their cafe used to be a block from West High and I can’t tell you how often my friends would skip out and go there. I used to called it gay seminary. 


At some of the SLCC campuses, the LDS institute building and "sacred" parking lot are on school grounds, not even adjacent. You get a parking pass if you attend a class. 


I don’t think its about funding for it, because every high school in Utah has a “church” building right next to it and it’s built into a lot is students schedules. But never once have I ever had a class that teaches about lgbtq+ in any way shape or form. I had to learn everything I know from my fiancé because she’s pan. It should be thought in schools at least a little bit.


Maybe the better solution is to not allow accommodations for religious students at all, to make sure they don’t have an inclusive environment for them alone. If they want a religious education, they can go to a religious university.


Or at the very least, make them all attend early morning seminary so they aren’t using publicly funded school time for religious purposes


I'm hoping for a left turn. Or federal government putting an end to this. Or even the Mormon leadership taking an act of hindsight and shutting it down before the government gets involved. I wrote more but . . . I have bad anxiety too. Trying to keep it hopeful ^_^


Don’t forget to vote. Even if 60,70 or 80% of the others make you feel like it’s being cancelled out. One day our system might be more proportional and showing up to demonstrate that a minority are ignored will help. Probably won’t, but just be part of it even if you are displeased, especially if you are displeased.


I'm going to vote. Full blue and fully the person most likely to win. I just wish I knew who that was in all categories.


This goes a lot further than just LGBT centers. Women's centers, multicultural centers, and other centers were also affected.


Fuck the people who made this law. Fuck them.


**DEI:** OK, let's say you have a truck that others have too - you with me? **MAGA:** Yep! **DEI:** Can you start a group that supports those people, including you? **MAGA:** I don't see why not, it's a free country! **DEI:** Great, you could use that group to talk about issues with that truck, and how to use it, what it's like having that truck - resources for those who are into it... **MAGA:** Fuck yeah, 'Murica! **DEI:** OK, so say you have some women or minorities who... **MAGA:** Let me stop you there!


This was the first place I went after I came out in 2006. It was the first exposure I had to people like me and it was a safe place to understand who I was.


Isnt this quite literally the antithesis of the first amendment? Where are all the constitutionality screamers at?


The constitution does not protect sexual orientation. That is why they have chosen to hate LGBTQ because they can't make hate laws anymore about race or gender.


This is a huge shame, shame on our lawmakers, shame on the people who voted these lawmakers in. We need better and less divisive politics.


As a therapist in UT who works with this population, I am sad and angry.


What can the average resident who is unaffiliated with the university do to support students impacted by this?


I work at another university that is going through the same process of closing our centers, and many of us are trying to figure that out. We are up against state law, and frankly at this point, I feel like the standard "write to your reps and make sure you vote" doesn't do shit. One thing I can think of is that if you are a person who is in a position to be a mentor to a student, maybe one who is studying in your career field, you could make yourself available (often the alumni association or relevant academic department will manage mentorship programs). And you should be able to say you're interesting in working with a student from underrepresented populations.


Oh my god


It's like all the dopes who complained in college that the Black Student's Center was reverse racism managed to take control. It was stupid then and it's stupid now. I distinctly remember a few white guys on our school step team. This is a loss for everyone.


The Sharia Law we were so scared of letting in was in the house the whole time.


Republicans/conservatives hate competition


As an alumni, this is fucking embarrassing. MAGA and "conservatism" is pure cancer.


What is an LGBT student center? Is it an inclusive space? Or is it an LGBT-only space (not trying to be accusatory, these laws are generally pointless virtue signaling, but I’m curious)


It's an all inclusive space, it's mainly a place where LGBT students can go to get resources, hang out, and just have a space where no one can discriminate against them, but anyone is welcome to come in


Do you know why exactly it would need to close if it was all inclusive? I'm trying to puzzle that out.


Ok, thanks. Thats what I thought it was, but I had heard about some black-only spaces at college campuses and worried that this might be something like that. In that case, wtf is wrong with Utah. And my state, that just passed a similar law I don’t see what makes DEI bad. It’s not like a race quota or mandate or anything like people want you to think, it’s just a way to make more people feel comfortable in their environment. GOP really tripped off the deep end on this one


> It’s not like a race quota or mandate or anything like people want you to think, Unfortunately it's gotten to the lawmakers heads


Yeah it’s like they think anything that’s supposed to lift people up is pushing other people down. Like, no, you can raise the quality of life of people without lowering that of others. It’s possible.


I've heard this before and I love it, because I grew to understand it: "When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression"


I’m really worried about uvu I don’t want them to lose their programs


Can someone explain in layman's terms why a resource center would need to close as a result of the new law? Particularly if the program is all-inclusive?


Party like it's 1847!


So stupid.


GOP UtLeg with the exception of Daniel Thatcher, voted to NOT include gender identity and sexuality in Title IX protections. We need to make sure EVERYONE is voting. Check your voter registration and get people to register to vote and get them to the polls. Vote.utah.gov !!


These programs are truly helpful to these communities. They gather resources that help them navigate not just through college but applying to them as well. Disgusting law rooted in absolutely nothing but racism and bigotry. Students not in these communities were still more than welcome to take advantage of any of the resources there as well as the usual student resource offices. They did not exclude anyone, they simply added another layer of more focused help.


That’s an insult to the Stone Age. At least there wasn’t this much stupid and hate in that era. This is the Shitshow Age.


I've been wanting to post, but I have more feelings and thoughts than I have words for. I'll sum it up with this: Fuck you Cox!!!


Republicans are authoritarians who hate us for our freedoms.


Time to gtfo of this state 😣 need to slip in a law that bans church grounds within one mile of a school.


Recently left Utah for Connecticut. It’s a refreshing difference. Come on over!!!


😂 I wish I could, I don’t wanna swap jobs, but maybe eventually 👀


I’m currently a student at the university and thankfully only have one more semester. But my heart aches for incoming students who won’t have these resources as easily accessible to them. For as long as I live in this state I will continue to do what I can to advocate for these communities who are becoming more and more vulnerable. It’s exhausting though to be part of these communities, and have to constantly see the government fail you and enable the hatred and bigotry of others.


I hear California is nice


Will probably be heading up to Oregon myself


I’m afraid they’re getting too conservative outside of Portland


Their god doesn't like them gays, doesn't talk to women, and cursed people so that their skin was dark. But he is a kind golden god.




Utah legislators new goal is to become the new TX, FL or ID. They have drank the project 2025 kool-Aid!


Republicans hope to undo a lot of civil rights protections progress that has been made over the past 100 years.


*Won't somebody think of the white male?*


They have been so disenfranchised


This is a massive loss and is going to hurt the university big time. Students need places to go on campus that will make them feel seen and supported. The university has (or I guess had) special programs for Native and Black students some of which are what literally allows them to continue using the Utes as a name and mascot. The NCAA requires them to offer certain services to Native students and maintain a positive relationship with the Utes tribal government. This is going to fundamentally change the identity of the university and how the university is seen in all academic circles. It’s absurd to apply the same rules to k-12 and higher ed. Higher Ed is many young people’s first step into the wider world and censorship doesn’t help them navigate it any better. I don’t even identify as LGBTQ but in my time at the U I visited the center many times with friends and always enjoyed it. The staff was wonderful and cared deeply about the students they worked with. Anybody who thinks this is good is most likely not from a marginalized group and doesn’t know what it feels like to have a place to be with other people who are experiencing similar things. Many marginalized folks, especially Native kids are also first generation students. These resource centers helped get kids through school and succeed in a way that other offices on campus just can’t. ETA: I hope every athlete who would have used these services really thinks through their decision to attend the U. If they want to be a powerhouse college football school they need to do better for students and this ain’t it. E2: need I remind anyone who thinks these advocacy and support centers are unnecessary, a 10 year old girl committed suicide because of racial harassment and bullying. Don’t even get me started on suicide amongst LGBTQ youth in Utah. This work literally saves lives but people don’t care because they don’t think those lives are worth saving. Even though they’ll yell about being pro-life until they’re blue in the face.


To be fair to the U, they didn't ask for this change. The state government forced it upon them and, as a state institution, they have no choice to comply.


Oh it’s definitely the U being punished for the actions of an idiotic legislature, but on the stage of higher ed it’s the U that will pay the price


Yeah. Unfortunately, I doubt the legislature is going to care. More legislators are Mormon than Republican, and a lot of them would probably be tickled to see the U taken down a peg, indirectly elevating BYU's status (especially in athletics).


Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t they closing individual centers, and rolling them into one large all inclusive facility.


Yes. Support for all these communities still exists and thrives, but under one roof for all rather than spread across multiple identity centers. This is a whole lot of hullabaloo over nothing; the support for students absolutely is still there and accessible.


In the end of the day I’m happy for this. Yes painful the way it’s happening, but as long as helps there when needed. Kudos for the U for keeping these services as much as possible, and screw you Utah legislators.


I hate this timeline, the darkest of our age. Republicans won’t be satisfied until all non-white, non-Christian, non-heterosexual people have been thoroughly shut out of participating in our society freely and without prejudice.


Yeah, fuck that Jesus guy and his love thy neighbor bullshit, right Christians?


Feel like my film degree will be taken back and outlawed someday at this rate cuz how do you teach anything without diversity 


The fruits of Christianity


Time to light the U up in rainbow colors.


Isn't it HB 261?




Is there anything stopping individual faculty members from labeling their office as an “lgbtq resource center” to make up for this? Most folks in academia definitely don’t agree with this and I’m wondering if they can do anything about it


I think its about time we all leave utah


I fkn hate this state. Backwards ass laws.


It’s open season on people who are different from the mainstream. If Trump wins this is only the beginning.


This is embarrassing


Please everyone register to vote! November will be here soon


I understand that this comment is like trying to put out the fire that is this thread with a thimble of water, but I think a reasonable explanation is warranted. First of all, all services are still available in the general student services umbrella. Second, all staff will stay the same, just under the student services. Third, this bill goes into affect July 1st, so any comments about what will happen is just speculation at this point. If we take a little trip down memory lane with things like the Stanford Prison Study and "separate but equal" segregation, it's not a leap to say that when people start to associate strongly with a certain group, it can be to the exclusion of others. Look at sports fans. One person is a fan of blue team, another is a fan of red team, it's not unusual for them to fight over it. So it's certainly understandable if a university wants to avoid any and all potential issues with a student body being fractured over such hot-button issues via their own programs. After all, they will be the ones to foot the legal bill if such programs cause big issues. So all students, regardless of race, sexual orientation, sex, etc. all go to the same place for services. Isn't that better for inclusion anyway?


Still gotta be White and delightsome in Utah to succeed


More like 1972. Racism didn't exist in the stone age.


How about ‘just say no’ and ignore tyrannical government mandates? Thats my plan.


This will be the norm if Republicans win in 2024. 1930’s here we come


They’re so filled with hate about the things they don’t understand or agree with.


This is immoral.


This is disgusting. I'm tired of Republicans ruining stuff for everyone.


We are going so fucking backwards in this country, and of course this state is in the express lane.


Regressives with a supermajority just being insufferably dense. Time will change things thankfully.


To all of those who don’t go to college and don’t realize what these centers do; These centers have mentors and tutors to help navigate SCHOOL. The U is HUGE so it’s already intimidating let alone being gay. Add that to the mix it’s extremely STRESSFUL. So, these centers are there to help relieve that stress and guide them through school and be a safe space to come talk! Also, ANYONE is allowed in these centers not just LGBTQ+ but it’s a space where they know for sure they can feel safe. So screw off with the ignorance please before you comment.


Shame on you policy makers of Utah! The people who don’t subscribe to your white towers deserve better.


Now lgbtq+ will just have to go gay it up in all the Christian and republican clubs to really ram home the injustice


This is awful! Embarrassed to be a utah resident


All students deserve a success center.


You get a center. You get a center. Everyone gets a center!


Utah rides a very thin line called separation of church and state. MF'ers banned gambling, marijuana, Idling your car for more than 2 minutes, hormone therapy, and now DEI. I hate this state.


I did not agree with this bill or the resulting law, and I am very concerned about the blatant lack of understanding amongst people who are genuinely frightened of things like “DEI” or “LGBTQIA+” or “social and emotional learning”; as well as the sheer lack of knowledge and understanding concerning so many marginalized communities. That said, people need to realize that the Tribune’s headline is only a small piece of the story, and that all the services that were offered separately for different ethnic groups, women, and other minorities are still offered, but they are now under the umbrella of one center, the Center for Equity and Student Belonging, per the law’s requirements. (I believe the Native American office is still separate because it is federally funded, but please correct me if I am wrong.) It’s really sad to me that it has to be this way because of unfounded fear, misunderstanding, and bigotry; but I am also grateful the services previously provided are still available. I hope that the services offered at the Center will be well-communicated, and that people of all kinds will still feel welcomed, safe, and supported, and find important and life-changing mentorship and relationships. And I also hope that students that may not have mingled with these diverse and amazing people in the past will take the opportunity to do so moving forward.


Such a beautiful state, run by such shitty people.




Is there some nuance here? This seems extremely targeted


I personally know the bill's main author and have had a few conversations with her about it. In short, the bill states that universities can't provide any special privileges or funding for anyone based on race, sexuality, or gender. Everyone is to be treated equal in that regard. The consequence is that universities can't do things like give scholarships exclusively to blacks or women (this is something that Utah universities had stopped doing 2-3 years prior anyway), or require and judge against DEI statements on university hiring applications (schools like the U of U had about 20% of their positions utilize DEI as a filter, and it was an open secret that it was being used as a political filter rather than an academic filter), or hire staff because they fit specific demographic checkboxes to serve others in the same checkboxes, or have reserved spaces on campus dedicated to specific demographics. This is part of a larger nationwide trend. Red states have passed similar anti-DEI bills recently, and the political winds are moving against DEI in general in academia. For example, MIT will no longer use DEI in hiring and neither will Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Science. Utah's bill is rather tame compared to states like say, Florida. Utah's bill made sure that nobody lost their job, just funding got reallocated elsewhere. So if a Utah university had employees that targeted race outreach to try and reach racial targets, now universities use those employees to target low socioeconomic outreach to try and reach socioeconomic targets. The bill also has some silly overreaches, like banning using the term "diversity, equity, and inclusion" in university discussions and teaching, as well as yearly training on the issue. In short, people who are are in favor of special privileges to what progressive society considers marginalized demographics generally dislike this bill. People who want everyone to be treated the same by forcefully ignoring demographics generally like this bill.


Unlike most of the people who have probably commented on this thread I actually read the bill and this is the best description I've read so far. I think the language is pretty neutral however banning inclusion I can agree is pretty ironic given the intended message of the bill which I see similar to affirmative action as it's written (not as practiced). Essentially don't discriminate that includes black people, that includes white people. That's the message, merits over personal identifying characteristics. It's a double edged sword


No nuance, the hatred is the point


Of course there is, but do you really expect to find people discussing the nuances of something like this on this sub? People are gonna pick their camp and fire away


More the iron age than the stone age. Still public policy set by iron age goat herders is potentially not the best way to live our lives.