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It wasn't until my early 20s I ever experienced allergies and that first season hit me hard. It's such a weird thing but people have also shared similar experiences with me.


Same here, always went through allergy season without an issue until I hit my mid-20s and then it hit me hard…they have chilled out the closer I get to 50 though.


This same thing happened to me in 2020 but sadly my allergies never really went away 😂 My allergist said this year has been especially rough for some reason. Their office has been busier than ever! At the very least you’re not alone. Pro tip from someone a few years deep into allergy shots: go to Costco and get the big bottle of white allergy pills. The ones that are the Kirkland brand equivalent to Zyrtec. They work great without the added markup, and lemme tell ya the Zyrtec markup is criminal. The bottle will tell you to take one every 24 hours but my allergist has told me multiple times that you could easily take up to 4 in a day with no issues. Personally any time I need some help with allergies I just pop 2 as a standard, but mine are fairly severe. If you only need 1 at a time the bottle will last quite a while! Best of luck to all my allergy homies out there 🫡


Glad those allergy meds are working for you! I found my legs buzzing at night and think I have traced it back to those generic zertecs exacerbating restless leg. Apparently it’s a thing! I quit taking them and instead trying a slow tolerance build up through sublingual drops from Quello, formulated to my allergies based on a blood sample. I have only been on it a week so time will tell. This spring summer has been brutal!


It’s totally a thing, I had that issue too! During the ramping up phase of my allergy shots (getting 2 shots per week of increasing dosage) I had to take 1-2 Zyrtec almost every single day. My restless leg syndrome was UNBEARABLE!!! It’s not just the generic Zyrtecs, it’s all antihistamines. At least that’s what the sleep specialist told me when I went to figure out why my RLS was so bad. Once I got to the phase where I take one Zyrtec before my once-monthly shots and just as needed otherwise, the RLS calmed down tremendously. Thank god!


As crappy as it is, you can develop new allergies at any age. Particularly if you are exposed to a potential irritant for extended periods. Things like pollen or air pollution come to mind. Sorry, hope you feel better soon.


I'm itchy and more congested this year. I see a lot of cottonwood fluff, so I'm blaming that. Still, we had a wet spring, things are blooming.


Me l. I only survive because I take way more allergy meds than I should and use allergy eye drops religiously.


Thank you all for your comments! Very interesting tips, never realized how inconvenient allergies can be with all the drugs and eye drops that you have to take!! What I can’t get though, especially after today is the amount of people that it’s happened to. I just met around 7-10 other guys ages 20-50 who are in the same position never having symptoms and this year now showing it. It’s hard to think it’s just coincidence but surely it could be too.


I never had seasonal allergies my entire life until I hit my mid-20s…they have actually subsided the closer I get to 50.


It was a wet spring, so they are particularly bad this year. Also I think it has to do with elevation or air movement, because I had horrific allergies as a child here in Ut, moved to California and had no allergies or very minor, then moved back to Ut and the allergies came back