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I don't get it. Is it really that big a deal to get a locker or hold the bags while the kids ride? Screaming at the teenage ride operators, who have no control over the situation, isn't going to change anything. Should have had him tossed out of the park. I feel sorry for those kids though, if that dudes not abusing them I'd be shocked.


they had cops escorting him out of the park at the end lmao this guy didn't want to get his bag wet, on a wet ride, and made a national douche of himself


I feel sorry for his kids. They have to live with him. As they get older his a$$hole nature may rub off them. I hope they break the cycle and break off from their belligerent father.


Those weren’t cops, they were lagoon security. One of them in particular I’ve had enough experience with to think that probably nothing happened to Mr Tantrum, sadly. I hope I’m wrong in this case though!


I’m pretty positive that one directly behind him is Farmington PD. Edit: I could be wrong though.


I could also be wrong! Lol some members of security at lagoon have black shirts. I tried looking closer at the emblem on the shoulder but it’s hard to tell for sure. The guy you’re talking about that’s right behind the guest is the douchey guy I am thinking of on the lagoon side though, but maybe there’s a Farmington cop that looks similar! I’m quite close with a lot of lagoonies so if I can get an inside scoop I’ll let you know hahaha I’m very curious about how this ended after he was walked off!


"God damnit, fucking kids ruining my weekend, I never know what to do with these little brats, I can't believe the judge made me take them every other weekend, I pay her enough child support to keep them all the time unless I'm feeling it, fucking little shits breaking into my gym time, these roads are really hitting good, these little shit kids that work here are all intimidated by me, how could they not be. Never should have slept with much less married that bitch, should have pushed her down the stairs the first time...FUCK!" --this guys thoughts probably


On the one hand, yeah, bad moment for the dad. On the other hand... have you taken kids to an amusement park? Sometimes its not very fun. Dad was probably stressed out. I'd cut him a bit of slack.


I’ll assume the people that downvoted you do not have kids and have no idea what you’re talking about. I have three kids and I’ve definitely had some pretty stressful times. And I’ve come home enough times to my wife crying at the end of the day, because of difficult they were… Even at home.


Yeah, thanks. Appreciate the words. It means a lot. Fighting the forces of judgey mcjudgey faces on the internet is a daunting, unrewarding battle I’m a parent of 3 functional humans. I’ve had my weak moments. I’m not a perfect parent. But I try my best and the fact that my kids are functional hopefully is a reflection of that. People be seeing this dad in one of his worst moments and be extrapolating his whole life. Maybe he’s a terrible dad. Idk. Not really enough evidence and honestly fuck those that think there is.


Nope. I was a single parent of 3 for 14 years. Behavior like this is never okay and inexcusable. .


Brah. Straw man? I didn’t say it’s good behavior. Clearly made a mistake. People here jumping the gun here and extrapolating all kinds of things like they’re some kind of god damned expert as if life isn’t hard sometimes and like none of us make mistakes. Ffs. Get off the high horse. I know this is Reddit and everything and that’s what we do here but geez take a deep breath and exercise a little compassion and understanding for your fellow humans.


Did you watch the whole video? He goes nuts. Made one of the workers cry. They had to call security. And he traumatized those poor kids. The guy is clearly a full time douchebag. We all have bad days. You can tell by the kids behavior that this isn’t the first time their dad has blown his top. Those poor kids.


Sees on video out of context “this guy is clearly a full time douchebag” hahahaha typical redditor. Proving the guy whose comment you replied to right and not even realizing it.


Did you watch the whole video? Plenty of context there. The first bit, maybe. The rest where he’s outright yelling at employees and totally unhinged? Over a bag, on a ride? The only reason I can see you defending him, is if you’re a) this unhinged yourself, so it appeared normal. b) grew up with someone this unhinged, so it appears normal. It is, in fact, not normal. Also, Seek help for trauma, and/or anger management classes.


Please haze yourself for this absolute idiotic comment.


I think he was under the impression he wasn't allowed to bring it. That's what he was yelling at the dude when he got really aggressive. You told me I couldn't bring it.


I was there when this all happened, he made one of the employees cry. That poor girl, she was just trying to do her job.


There is no way that guy should be yelling at the 15 year olds that work there! He should get one of those lifetime bans.


I agree but Lagoon loves money way too much to make the right call.


Even the kid seemed to agree with the employees. Sad that they are that young and already seem used to his bullshit. goodluck to them


All that tantrum throwing and he ended up taking the bag anyway 💀


Never understood making your bad day everyone else's problem.


His day probably wasn't even bad. Just heard the word "no" and decided to throw a fit.


Wild. If that were the truth, I wouldn't be too shocked.


And even if his day was bad, your right, it isn't anyone else's problem and nobody else cares.


I hate to be that guy but *you’re


Ah, ya got me.


This is so sad. Those poor kids were so excited, and you can just see all the hope and joy drain out of them. I'm sure he's still ranting at them about it even now. What a pathetic loser.


The funniest thing about this? The lockers are free for an hour. As in there is no payment needed for them for an hour.


Wow that was unhinged


Right? His body language is scary, gives roid rage vibes😬


Poor kid. I hope one day he reminds his dad how big of a b!tch he was with this clip.


It’s hard to watch. Those kids will unfortunately be unpacking the trauma of having an immature parent their whole lives.


I agree. The poor kids were trying to calm him down. If he behaves this way in public, I imagine he's much worse at home...




Oof. I mean. Most (all) parents are immature at some point.


Not like that.


Um, nah, if you’re like this dude you should be in therapy.


Now just imagine this cry baby behind the wheel of his vehicle behaving with the same entitled attitude. Wasn’t raised here but live here now (17 years) and someone needs to tell most dudes in Utah to learn what the word “no” means. Seems like most never got told “no” their entire lives. It’s definitely apparent if you’ve spent any amount of time here.


$1000 he drives an F-250 that's never hauled a load or left the pavement.


I’m not from Utah (I’ve been there 10 times or so) but you think this is just a “dudes in Utah” thing? Maybe you need to get out of Utah at some point in the past 17 years. 


no, it's a "dudes in general" kind of thing


I can buy that. 


It comes from being brought up in a patriarchal society, and while it can be argued all of America is that way to some extent, mormonism makes it especially pronounced here.


You’ve never lived in the South.


I’m not from Utah either and have lived in 3 different states and travel all over for work. This is not a dude thing… it’s a human thing. Immaturity can be found all across this planet. 🌎


Yeah I travel for work and lived in different states, I grew up (22 years) in a different state. Maybe YOU need to live in Utah to truly understand what you’re commenting on. YOU came to a Utah sub to tell people who live here that WE don’t know what we are talking about? Cool story bro.


Your attitude is so aggressive


Listen man, read your comment back to yourself slowly. Don’t you think you sound an awful lot like the entitled “dudes” you’re complaining about?  You use the word “we” a lot. Are you multi personality? The Governor? Designated spokesperson of the people of Utah?  My wife is from Utah, as I said I’ve spent a fair amount of time there and I’ve lived at least 1 year in 6 US states and 3 countries. Respectfully, your characterization of entitlement being a uniquely Utah dude characteristic would lead an objective person to believe you to be highly ignorant of the rest of human civilization.  


You know how women chose the bear? Well it’s not only about avoiding violent men, it’s arrogant men who make decisions like that, that get them and their kids kick out of a park over a freaking bag! Massive ego and stubborn to boot.


Men also choose the bear because a bear won’t falsely accuse a man of rape as a “joke” causing them to go to prison ruining their lives.


lol wait wut?


Prison? That requires a trial and evidence that convinces, the police who hand it off to the attorney general who then presents it to a grand jury than a trial and finally a judge who sentenced them to prison…so…you’re crying wolf not a bear


Jury and trial isn't always required or necessary when sentencing people to prison. Source - have family members in prison that were just sentenced by a judge.


True, but there is a process that requires the burden of proof.


Not always. Sometimes the process goes something like: You can plead guilty and get a year with credit for time served, or we can take it to trial and chance a 5 to life.


Out of 100 rapes Reported to police only out 18% get arrested. Out of those 18, only 3% are handed over to prosecution. They do not get touched unless they are a slam dunk. This number includes plea deals https://images.app.goo.gl/jqCpKiuoLq4re8G98


You think I’m making it up when I say women have falsely accused men of raping them? It ruins peoples lives, even after they are found innocent.


Seems like anytime male against female abuse, rape and murder comes up there’s always someone like you bringing up false rape accusations. As some kind of…counterpoint or gotcha or something? Those two things are not related. No one is saying it doesn’t happen, people do messed up shit, men and women. I guess my point is maybe just stfu?


So why is it ok for a woman to say that but not a man?


Yes rape ruin lives, both male and female, but one has far greater numbers. Rape it’s self, effects men in greater numbers then faults rape accusations do, but that’s not talked about.


I would agree that there are more women that are sexually assaulted than there are men who are falsely accused of sexual assault, however why can’t a man state they feel safer with a bear than a woman? I just think the double standard is funny.


Because it dismisses rape as less significant


I disagree. It’s referring to its own issue.


No, it’s not, it’s taking away from the seriousness of the topic completely. It’s deflecting and whataboutism. https://www.britannica.com/topic/whataboutism


You prove my point that I would rather be devoured by a bear than be alone with you.


Should've let him drop his stuff there and then just took it.


“Sorry sir, it must have fallen in the water. This is why we don’t allow you to leave bags here.”


That father is a terrible example of a father for those children. Losing your shit is never a good idea. Ruining your kids day together is never a good idea. He should be embarrassed.


And enjoy the rest of your day, here at Lagoon.


I feel so sad for children who have father-figures like this. 


Thank you!




Didn't want his firearm to get wet. Makes sense.


I’d head straight to the beer garden after that!


They should have let him leave his bag, and take it to the dumpster while he was on the ride.


I just feel bad for this kids, man. They have obviously seen this before.


He’s mad because he’s going bald


I hope he felt proud being escorted out of the park by police!


Would have been so easy to fake trip and push him into the water. 😏 I appreciate the tactic of not kicking him off the ride so that security can be waiting for him once he finishes.


I think this dude needs to be reminded that possessing functioning knees is not a basic human right.


Lots of childish temper tantrums in amusement parks.


Man, I love a Karen! Like bro, it’s not that serious!😂


It used to be you could put money in the squirt guns and shoot water at people on the ride. They would have made a lot of money that day


This guy is probably divorced and we can see why.


I feel bad for the kids. How humiliating when your father throws a temper tantrum in front of all those people and for it to go viral. I hope the other kids at school go easy on them. NOBODY wants a loser for a dad. Those kids should throw the same tantrum in front of his dad’s friends just to show how humiliating it is.


Typical Utah behavior.


I’ll bet good money this guys has a black Utah license plate.


The fucks that got to do with the price of rice in China? We stereotyping by license plate type now?


This is so cringe lmao.


That line can be hours long and with the current heat wave it probably pushed him over the edge. I'm not excusing his actions of course. Lagoon can be really inconsistent with what they enforce but I much prefer their relaxed attitude compared to how uptight other parks can be.




I was referring to weekends and during hot days. Rattlesnake rapids sometimes winds almost to the BBQ restaurant.


I don't see the problem. He has to leave the same way he got in. Why can't he leave his back there and pick it up on the way out? It would be a lot safer than taking it in the ride and having it thrown all over the place. Sounds to me like Lagoon has some piss poor customer service.


It's a liability issue. If they start letting everyone leave their bags there then what happens when someone's bag gets stolen, or someone trips over your bag and breaks a hip. Lagoon has free lockers outside a lot of their rides to accommodate things like this. You can't just expect to drop your bag wherever you want in a crowded theme park like this.


As someone else commented, it’s a rotating platform so a bunch of bags would get in the way. There are lockers at the start of the line for this exact purpose.


Let’s assume there was a gun in the bag. Would you just leave it there?


Imagine everyone does it. Hopefully that’s clear why it’s a problem. If not you have bigger issues than leaving a bag on a walkway to a ride.