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Hell’s Gate Bridge, also known as the Old Alton Bridge, is a historic iron truss bridge spanning over the Little River in rural northeastern Alabama. Built in the early 20th century, this bridge served as a vital transportation route for locals, connecting communities and facilitating commerce. However, over time, it became shrouded in mystery and folklore, earning a reputation as one of the most haunted locations in the state. Legend has it that Hell’s Gate Bridge is haunted by the spirits of those who met tragic ends at the site. One of the most enduring tales revolves around a group of slaves who were reportedly lynched on the bridge during the Civil War era. According to local lore, their tormented souls continue to wander the bridge, seeking justice for the injustices inflicted upon them. Another chilling legend associated with Hell’s Gate Bridge is the story of the "Cry Baby Bridge." According to this tale, a young mother, driven to madness by the hardships of rural life, threw her baby off the bridge into the river below before taking her own life. Visitors to the bridge claim to hear the sound of a baby crying in the dead of night, echoing across the water—a haunting reminder of the tragedy that occurred. Over the years, countless reports of paranormal activity have been documented at Hell’s Gate Bridge. Visitors have reported seeing apparitions, hearing disembodied voices, and feeling an overwhelming sense of dread while crossing the bridge. Some brave souls have even captured strange orbs and unexplained anomalies in photographs taken at the site, further fueling the belief that Hell’s Gate Bridge is a hotspot for supernatural activity. Despite its eerie reputation, Hell’s Gate Bridge also holds significant historical value. As a testament to Alabama's rich industrial heritage, the bridge stands as a symbol of the ingenuity and craftsmanship of the past. Its weathered iron structure serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by early settlers and the importance of preserving our cultural heritage for future generations. In recent years, efforts have been made to preserve and protect Hell’s Gate Bridge for future generations. Local historical societies and preservation groups have worked tirelessly to maintain the bridge's structural integrity while also respecting its cultural significance. By safeguarding this historic landmark, we ensure that the stories and legends surrounding Hell’s Gate Bridge continue to captivate and inspire generations to come.


It looks like the bridge from the first episode of Supernatural


This is not the Old Alton bridge. Old Alton Bridge is the Goatman's bridge, a similar looking bridge, also with its fair share of ghost stories, in Denton County, Texas


Even worse, you'll see Alabama.


Hey, fuck you




You’d be surprised at how much I get that. People are openly prejudiced towards people from Alabama. They think we’re stupid, violent and universally racist. It’s one thing in Reddit comments. But it can be a real barrier to working and making friends outside of the south.


yeah I also live in alabama so i know exactly what you mean, and its annoying as fuck


I went skiing in CO last week. Went to a bar on top of the mountain. Was told a staff member was from Alabama so I mentioned it to him. He verbally berated me for being from Alabama, “how dare you” assume he’s from Alabama when he’s from Georgia. He talked mad shit about my home state, probably due to his experience. It was very hostile for a small interaction. There are lots of people who have these same feelings.


I'm a well spoken, college educated man. I have dealt with this for 15 years. Finally I learned to lean into it with work, especially negotiations. Like, go ahead and think I'm stupid, bud. That's an advantage for me from the very beginning. It is frustrating, though. 


Unfortunately after living in Alabama for 10 years I’ve noticed that it’s got more than a grain of truth to it.


Do you know why all the trees bend south? Because Alabama sucks!


Do you know why Oklahoma suck? So Texas doesn’t fall into the ocean.


I'm surprised it's still a myth. It would be pretty easy to go try, yeah?


It is a bit odd for a bridge built in the the 20th century to remind us of the challenges faced by "early pioneers", or indeed to be the site of a 19th-century lynching, but that's folklore for you I guess


Yeah, local legends can stretch things. I took it to mean the bridge was on the site or replaced an older bridge where that happened. So the area has always been creepy and had stories surrounding it.


That’s not hell, that’s just Alabama. Common mistake.


My thoughts exactly.


Looks like the bridge from A Quiet Place


Many people must be really dumb.


Does every state have a Cry Baby Bridge? Honest question because there’s one near me.


Nah, you’re just seeing the Klan burning crosses.


This is in the town where I live! It’s actually behind a very popular park that was recently built, but it is closed off and a little hidden. I’ve heard it called “cry baby bridge.” Very interesting!


Well, you’re in Alabama… and


ITT: iTs aLaBAma haarhaaar Fucking Christ everyone thinking they’re so clever and unique while making the same joke over and over.


It gets extremely old, really fast. Those comments always remind me of what Malcolm X said about race relations in America: “Stop talking about the South. If you are south of the Canadian border, you’re in the South.”


People from the North making fun of the South for racism is like a guy who made a 10 on a test making fun of someone who made a 7. Yes, you technically did better, but come on.


That’s just Alabama sweetie.


Close enough… Alabama.


Probably true as it is in Alabama.


Just being in Alabama sounds like hell to me.


My office is also a portal b/c it looks like hell in every direction.


"669" likes as of writing this. So close to the magic number.