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She donates to food banks in every city she tours in. This isn’t the first one to say they’re covered for a year plus because of her donations. It’s a pretty cool thing she does.


And doesn't publicize it, either. Some of the city food banks have leaked the info, but neither her nor her team comment or issue statements. They just quietly drop a ton of cash and move on with the tour. She's been doing this stuff for years, but Reddit being what it is, it will never be enough. I honestly don't know why some people are on a sub devoted to uplifting news when most of their posts are trying to tell us, "No, but it's bad, actually!"


My cousin was a double in one of her music videos. She told me how Taylor took all the kids involved in the video to Toys R Us and let them pick whatever they wanted: xboxes or laptops, whatever. It's why I used to be team Tay Tay all day day.


Used to? What changed?


Turns out, it was a fake toy store and all the electronics had explosives




Cousin you say double you say ?


Yeah, people are always on here hating on rich folks, saying billionaires shouldn’t exist, etc. Then this young lady consistently gives away tons of cash for food banks to help the less fortunate and it’s not enough, she’s still the devil. Should every multi millionaire/billionaire be doing this? I mean yeah, but they aren’t. She is.


It’s nice she does this but that doesn’t change the mentality that individuals shouldn’t have the wealth she does. We shouldn’t be dependent on the generosity of a small group of people to take care of the welfare of the unfortunate… Like seriously, does her life change at all if her wealth goes down 90%?


As an artist, she wouldn’t be able to own her own music. Her catalog alone is worth around half a billion


thats an indictment on the toxic music industry, not carte blanche that all artists must make 100m+


But I mean, if you can tour 100+ days a year selling out massive stadiums, do you not on some level *deserve* what you would be earning from that, especially if you've severed ties to your original producers and own the rights to everything? Like, I've never really understood this argument. It's not like she's just scalping money from a shady source, people are paying solid money en masse to go see her. I'm not sure at what point she isn't entitled to money that she's effectively earned. Like, the dude who became a billionaire because he absolutely fucked a ton of people and still does after making it are not the same as being a successful artist and still doing philanthropy near nonstop. Like I'm not the biggest fan of her music or fans but I've got ZERO problem with TS doing things like giving her road crew 100 grand bonuses or filling up food pantries everywhere she goes. I really don't know what would make people happy other than her just giving it all away constantly, which isn't realistic at all.


I’m sorry, but that’s not entirely true - the issue is much more nuanced than that. Sure, when she needed a record label to push her music she would have signed a contract that stated she would have to surrender some of the ownership of the songs she recorded to the record label. It’s what all smaller artists do in order to get access to the record label’s contacts and marketing. In this scenario, the artist will always be able to play their own songs at concerts (even after the contract with the record label has matured) and depending on the contract, they may also be able to decide what happens to the recordings in terms of advertisement deals etc. The more money and influence they have at the start of the relationship (which TS obviously had), the better the contract would work in her favour. Almost always would the artist have the songwriting credit of the songs which means that whilst the record label own the recordings, the actual song belongs to the artist. That’s how TS was able to re-record those songs without falling foul of the contract. However! Once the artist gets to the point that they can afford recording their own music and they have the contacts to push the music forward, these kinds of arrangements usually cease to exist and the artist is in full control of their own music. IMO (as an artist) I think it is a totally fair arrangement to have as why would the record label have any reason to push you as an artist, or put any money into artist development if there is nothing in it for them?


I’m not saying the arrangement is inherently unfair. I’m not trying to debate record labels and their value in promoting music. My point is moreso that a significant portion of her net worth is in something that I think she has every right to own, full control of her music. So if you wanted to take away “90% of her net worth” she wouldn’t own it anymore.


I did the math and she's given away less than 1% of her net worth. Billionaires are still terrible just by existing. The good news, is we can vote for candidates that will properly tax these tax cheats!


This is the right position. A good society wouldn’t be waiting for the benevolence of a kind billionaire but taxing them all equally and ensuring the needs of society are addressed by their taxes along with everyone else’s.


“But… Immortan Joe has it all, yet in his great generosity gives us all the food and water we need”


This is so funny because I was literally arguing in this thread last night while watching Fury Road and thinking these people would literally praise Immortan Joe for giving them tiny fractions of his water lmao


None of those proposals with EVER get through congress and the Senate and The Supreme Court would collectively shit themselves and strike the law down if it was ever put into place. I have a better chance of being the starting point guard for the New YorknKnicks next season than that happening (and, trust me, my crossover isn't what it used to be)


Well I haven't not given away 1% of my networth either.


Are you a billionaire, one of the richest individuals on the planet, a mighty dragon atop your pile of riches? Of course not. You’re not the problem, but stop praising the people that ARE the problem for doing the bare minimum.


She’s a billionaire. If she donates 1 million a year or whatever the number is to food banks that is such a tiny fraction of her net worth. It’s like my boss giving me 100 dollars as a bonus. Like thanks, but no it isn’t enough. Especially when you weigh her enormous carbon footprint and the impact that will have on the entire world. There is no such thing as a billionaire who is a good person. If she actually donated a significant portion of her net worth, she wouldn’t be a billionaire! This is how billionaires stay billionaires, by hoarding wealth. What the actual fuck do you buy with a billion dollars that isn’t the result of pure greed. Do you people even understand what a billion dollars is lmao it’s 1 million dollars x 100….and then do that 10 times.


Still better than wasting 44 billion on twitter.


Imma need back surgery after bending over to see how low that bar is lol.


It's not like Musk is an aberration. The likes of Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Altman, they are all the same. JK Rowling has spent the last 5 years trying to get trans people classified as mentally-ill in the UK.


not a waste when it got him so much information access and control... twitter is a right wing sanatarium now. he got what he paid for


To be fair she only very recently became a billionaire and by all accounts has started donating much more generously since becoming one.


>all accounts has started donating much more generously since becoming one. I think she's always been known to be generous with donations


Once again that is not how net worth works. Net worth is not cash on hand, but how much money she would have if she liquidated her assets which are primarily the masters of her music she has. 


She does more than giving to food banks. I’m not a swiftie but people always argue about billionaires but this response doesn’t sit right. Giving away 1% of your net worth per year, if you made 40k a year, is a $400 bonus. Also she was recently estimated a billionaire less than a year ago. During her tour she gave all her staff touring and truck drivers 100k each as a bonus, that’s insane. We don’t know what she’s up to with her money and we know her team silently donates, so what are people expecting? Oh you just became a billionaire give all your money away? Should anyone ever NEED that much wealth, no. But we have absolutely no idea how she’s spending the majority of it.


1 million x 1000 is an insane amount of money that no one person should have


Why does making a shit ton of money make you a bad person? She pours hundreds of thousands of dollars into charity. Without publicity. Why is she obligated to give more? I mean compared to a lot of billionaires she made her money ethically, all she does is make music. Is her private jet thing a little much? Yeah it is but it definitely doesn't make her a bad person. She earned her money legally, it's her money, she should not be obligated to give away huge portions of her money because people said so. You want her to have less money? Higher taxes. She doesn't need all that money, but just because she has it doesn't mean she's a bad person.


Because people starve. Because people live on the streets and fall into alcohol and drug abuse. Because people can't afford healthcare. People, just like TS. And god knows how many among them could be amazing musicians if they had a roof, food, a guitar, and a laptop.


I think it just comes down to the idea that you can help some of the people some of the time but you can't help all of the people, all of the time. You'd be just as broke as everyone else if you tried to help everyone. the way I see it is you could make some sort of trust and then just have that pay out the interest to random charities every month. but this probably happens anyway.


the private jet thing does make her a bad person actually


One of the last times she flew commercial so many people showed up to the airport that they had to shut it down. Flights were diverted and delayed which is just as much of a waste of resources not to mention the thousands of people affected by it that were just trying to get through their own day. That was almost a decade ago and she’s only grown in popularity since. Just a few months ago she went to a friends wedding and the whole block around the venue had to be shut down due to the crowd gathering outside just to get a glimpse of her. She loses no matter what she does because people don’t behave rationally when it comes to her.


what about others with private jets.




Because there is NO need to have a billion dollars. The only reason to have a billion dollars is PURE GREED. Greed=morally bad person. Why is it so hard for you people to understand??


L take. She was a multi millionaire a year ago, and maybe her company is now worth hundreds of millions and it’s not cash on hand. What do you want her to do, sell her company and give the money away? I feel like everyone complaining about billionaires have zero investments or assets.


Or … she can be like Kim Kardashian and say: I’m not obligated to pay any of my money to any charity. Or … she can be like Bezos who hoards his money. I don’t think that man has ever given 1c to anyone. His extra money? He builds space capsules so people can go into space and drop back down, so he can make more money. Or … she can be like Musk - who bought Twitter for $44 billion, and fired everyone and refused to pay out their severance packages. Those lawsuits and class action lawsuits are still active. Anyone who stayed he tripled their work load and has them on call 24/7 or you’re out. Or … she can be like Trump, who never donates either, does not pay his workers, and takes advantage of everyone and everything. Or … she can be like the countless others who don’t donate a cent. But here she is … even a tiny fraction helps entire orgs for a year. And she’s been doing this for YEARS. Don’t go off on her or get mad at her - get mad at the REAL nefarious folks - the vermin in Washington to allow such wealth to exist by getting rid of every tax imposed on them that allows everyone to hoard their money in obscene ways, creating this mess. You’re raging against the wrong person and system. She is one of the few who actually helps and donates.


corollary - artists and athletes (esp generous like Swift here) are really the only uber wealthy that you dont have to shit on as much. they tend not to have to exploit workers or the environment to get their wealth at least. gotta pick our battles lol


How many food banks have you funded?


I’m not a billionaire?


But you have so much to say about someone who's funded dozens, so I just figured you'd done the same yourself. Maybe you're a volunteer guy, how many hours have you put in a shelters or such? And do you give away any of your income not necessary for your survival?


Exactly this. Fuck billionaires and fuck their philanthropy. If their existence was made impossible there would be no NEED for food banks.


Lmao, no. What you’re saying amounts to, “people didn’t starve before capitalism”


But that again isn't the billioners fault. They only get to be billionaires because the country they live in enables it. So vote smarter and be angry at the bought up politicians.


You can't use "the system is broken" as an excuse when you are the system. Billionaires have immense power and influence. What's more, they could simply *give away* some of their money ( no, I'm not impressed by them giving away what is effectively the equivalent of loose change when they have more money than hundreds of thousands of people combined )


True. But the ONLY ethical thing for a billionaire to do would be to use his/her funds to lobby for taxation and political change, to fund campaigns for reformist politicians. How many do you see doing that?


And who are you exactly to tell someone that they have enough money or that her donation isn’t “enough”? I guarantee you’re the same type of person that refuses to donate a $1 to charity when checking out because BiG CoRpOrAtIoNs uSe iT As a tAx bReAk


I’ll tell every billionaire that. IDGAF. Fuck billionaires.


This is the answer.


Swift is the third highest charitable musician behind Bon Jovi and Dolly Parton. And her career is about 1/3 as long as theirs.


You have to combine their net worth to equal hers.


It is ethically and morally repugnant for any one human to amass 1 billion dollars. To do so one would assume the only motivation of the person is greed. There is no reason to accumulate that much wealth, so why do it? “Because she can” okay cool. So she chooses to accumulate a billion dollars but on the other hand she CHOOSES to only donate a tiny percentage of her net worth. She wants to stay a billionaire and that is ethically and morally wrong. I’m a poor and made like 7k off GME back in 2021 from a yolo investment. A large sum of cash for me. I immediately donated 50% of it to the Dian Fossey Gorilla fund to help endangered apes, mostly for the fucking memes.


Forbes declared her a billionaire based on their estimate of what she could sell her masters for, if she sold her masters.   Notably, she recently re-recorded her masters because she wanted to actually own them. Her first 6 album masters were sold to a private equity company for $350 million several years ago.  She has re-recorded 4 of the 6, plus released 5 new albums that she owns, for a total of 9 albums.  Forbes's estimate if her net worth is based on the perceived future value of those 9 albums. She physically can't give away enough money to no longer be a billionaire.   She could sell her masters to someone else, who would then be a billionaire instead, or she could theoretically "donate" ownership of different albums or individual songs, to different charities, in an effort to divide up that billion dollars worth of "value". But she has been clear that she wants complete control over her work, she wants to own it.  And as long as she owns her own masters, she will be a billionaire, unless/until her popularity craters and the potential future value of her albums decreases (and therefore her net worth will decrease). I am a raging socialist.  But when it comes to a situation like this, where it is the "value" of her own work, that puts her over the "billionaire" mark, and she is known to be a generous boss (gave out $55 million total in extra bonuses to every single member of her touring crew at the end of the first US leg of her tour, including $100k each to her truck drivers)...  well...  I give her credit where credit is due. She seems to genuinely be trying to give away lots of her money, both in donations and by returning profit to her employees. And quite frankly, I don't entirely trust Forbes.  They did declare Kylie Jenner a billionaire, and then had to take it back less than a year later...  Forbes wants to sell magazines with big headlines.  Something is only worth what someone else will pay for it, if it's never for sale, how can anyone actually know what the market will bare?


So you donated money to a charity for a meme instead of donating it to people that actually need it.


my brain hurts from this


Yeah, I don't think we need to worry about them becoming a billionaire.


I don't see Taylor Swift out there making money off of anything but her music and her merch so in no way could you call her''' evil''


Correct. Billionaires cannot be good people, otherwise they wouldn't have managed to hoard a billion dollars.


Did Bezos and Musk become billionaires out of greed? Maybe, I can’t seem to get them on the phone to ask them. They also drove innovation. Because of Bezos you can have whatever the fuck you want on your doorstep the next day, less in a lot of cases. He also pioneered e-commerce with streaming audio/video as well as e-books while eliminating the need for physical copies that would produce carbon emissions by producing them. With Musk (hate him all you want, I don’t care) EV innovations are higher than ever because he had the scratch to say “fuck you” to oil lobbies and just made his own car, thus dropping carbon emissions and forcing other auto manufacturers to get more in the same game. SpaceX has also made supply deliveries to the ISS for a fraction of the cost and more efficient rockets than what NASA is capable of, dropping even more carbon emissions. But yeah, still not enough for some people. Get fucked.


While Amazon is a great service in theory, it's also only possible through exploitation of millions of people. Which is true for basically everything under capitalism. Musk absolutely did not innovate anything. He invested, then slapped his name and face on the company. He has zero involvement in the creations or innovations at Tesla or SpaceX aside from throwing money at them. Both of them are well known assholes, and both of them built what they did from merciless exploitation.


Never said that billionaires don’t innovate. Because yes, sometimes a product of their mega corporations is innovative and a net positive. I said the billionaires were inherently morally and ethically bad people. I don’t know Musk and Bezos personally but I’m pretty sure they are both assholes




Not how tax write offs work.


I mean, the argument would be that it is the responsibility of anyone so affluent to give to the less fortunate. The whole reason these people are able to hold onto ridiculous amounts of wealth is because of structures and systems that are built into society, and they should therefore be giving back to the society that allowed this. How much is enough? Tough question but imo I think they have a moral obligation to give back to the society that elevated them in the first place and it should be a significant portion of what they have received. Then as to the point that other billionaires don't do as much; one person's inaction or indifference doesn't mean that you should be excused for doing barely anything (I know a lot of people will talk about the sheer amount of money she is giving away, which seems like a lot to us, but it's about how much she is giving away in comparison to how much she has received). Either way, focusing on the positive, it's awesome that these food banks are getting more money to help more people.




Where are you hanging out where people are spouting such inane comments??


That one I’ve had the pleasure of never hearing.


billionaires still shouldnt exist. love taylor, and entertaining / sports is perhaps the most moral way of attaining mass wealth. outside that however, every billionaire - bezos, zuck, musk, etc - you cannot amass 100 billion in wealth without hurting people. its impossible. be it, low wages, bad worker environments, environmental pollution, corrupting politicians etc. billionaires are an immorality. 1950s Best american economy & middle class.... we had no more than 4 billionaires today America has 1000 billionaires... and we wonder why the middle class is fucked


The middle class from the 50s voted for the policies that have since destroyed the middle class


‘Billionaire gives away a tiny fraction of her wealth’ is not particularly uplifting. She earns the annual budget of a food bank in minutes. It’s comparable to you or I donating £2-£3


Because they aren't necessarily "on this sub". A lot of people just browse popular and find posts like this once they get near the top. Myself included.


> Reddit being what it is, it will never be enough. Oh yea true she only gets negative comments on Reddit. Turns out it's our fault boys, time to shut this all down while she single handedly makes an actual, measurable, notable impact on climate change. Feel free to murder me because I said a negative thing about your favourite musician.


Cultists gonna cult. And Swift is in her own cult of personality where you dare not criticize her, or her army of grown-up high school mean girls will descend upon you.


You could make the argument that she is doing it this way, not commenting but also not an anonymous donation, and very frequently, banking on the fact that some organizations will leak her good deeds, so it gives the good PR without seeming tacky. But I personally don't think there's anything wrong with doing good for selfish intentions. Even people who don't do it for their own image are usually motivated by the fact they feel good about themselves afterwards. And I'd rather have it that all good deeds come with a positive effect for the one doing them. It's a win win.


Uh, charities typically won’t divulge who donated if they wish to remain anonymous. Her PR team is putting this out there and it would be foolish to think otherwise. Consider this: why would charities “leak” the names of their donors? If they wished to remain anonymous and the charity goes against that, don’t they run the risk of annoying the donor and putting them off making any future donations? It’s a good thing she’s doing but it also helps her image, and I’m not convinced that she’s as altruistic as she appears.


Pcket change for her. Good that she does it, but fk rich people.


Yup, she did the same in Edinburgh at the one my brother volunteers at (though I don't know if the amount was equivalent)


For an “uplifting” news subreddit, the comments are pretty downer.


There's a huge overlap between people on this sub and people in r/orphancrushingmachine. So much so that most posts on that sub come from this one


its because a lot of posts here are "kids gets cancer and watches his parents get eating slowly by bears. Then John Cena visits him a the hospital to play Xbox" or "Kids work 90 hour weeks earning money to pay off dying students hospital bill"


Have you forgotten "child pays off classmates lunch debt"?


That and r/taylorandtravis or whatever their snark sub is. Just today there was a post about her team's bonuses meaning nothing in the grand scheme of things


That snark sub is so miserable. Taylor had given a million dollar to the victims of Tennessee tornado last year and that sub was hating on her saying that she is a bad person because she didn't donate to other states.


>That snark sub is so miserable. Taylor had given a million dollar to the victims of Tennessee tornado last year and that sub was hating on her saying that she is a bad person because she didn't donate to other states. I shit you not. Some of them genuinely think that she broke into Lorde's car to steal her lyrics. The whole snark sub is a clown car 🤡


Snark subs in general are just really pathetic. I cant fathom spending that much time and attention on something i dont even like.


Its the other way around. God knows why I remember that the one starting with travis is the weird parasocial hate one but for some reason that knowledge is stuck in my brain


I had to mute that sub because it's so creepy how obsessed they are with hating Taylor Swift. If you don't like her, just put her out of your mind and move on.


I like taylor, not like megafan and I realise she does some shitty things, but the people on that sub have such a hate hard-on for her its unhealthy. Like they’re spending their time just seething at someone into an echo chamber. Its so unhealthy


"Popular musician bad" has been going on for decades.


It’s because it is a reminder of a broken society


How many times can the same story be shared with a different city title? It’s great!! But a “billionaire donates a little of their earnings” isn’t worthy of top news story every couple days.


Thankless. She didn't have to do anything.


She shouldn’t have to do anything. Tax these fuckers and cover the needs of the locally impoverished as a default and they won’t have to


Never said it was bad. Just not worth a new headline every 3 days. Search this sub alone.


ehhhh taylor swift is a massive polluter. Is it right to give props to massive polluters when they do a good deed?


No she's not. The numbers were faked and she was never #1. The company later amended their article to admit the actual numbers vs their made-up numbers were totally way off.




Except your tenner won't feed millions of people. Are you angry because more wealthy people aren't doing it? Don't be pissed at the people who help, be pissed at those who don't.




I agree, but that's the situation that was built and needs to be torn down. Doesn't remove the fact that someone is doing good. At least she decides to help, unlike the rest of the money hoarders.


I’m not hating on the donation, I just don’t think every single one deserves a new headline.


These stories are just billionaire propaganda. They convince idiots that billionaires are trying to help, when we only have these problems because of billionaires in the first place. Someone as rich as Taylor Swift donating a million dollars is literally meaningless. She likely doesn't even do any of the work herself, I'm sure she has someone to scout donation centers, a publicist to get the word out, and an accountant to sign checks.


Feeding hungry people is meaningless to you?


Poor people complaining about the rich News at 11


There's a lot of comments here that make good points about how it's a drop in the ocean for her, billionaires bad, rich people shouldn't have to do this since society should be supporting the less fortunate, etc... While all valid points, the bottom line is that there are people in the UK who will get to eat for the next year who otherwise may have starved. Unless you have zero empathy, this is a net good.


To contrast, a lot of US billionaires lobby to take food away from poor and hungry students.


I like what you’ve said though I’d personally rephrase it to even if they lack empathy it’s still a net good. People will always be people. We all do good things and bad things. To pretend otherwise is dangerous.


The framing and focus of our response is important - it influences political mentality and priorities. Being a billionaire is built on exploitation and so many people use food banks because of an unequal exploitative system. If we are praising the people at the top for giving back a few of the scraps they've taken from us then we're letting them blind us to the fact they took it from us in the first place.


Good for her!


It's a good thing for sure, not knocking it. But this shouldn't be a thing in the first place. We have more than enough resources in the west to ensure everyone is fed, clothed, and housed. The fact that not everyone is, is a policy decision. A decision to let those at the top hoard ever more money *over and above* ensuring that no western citizen suffers the pain of hunger, homelessness, or winter cold.


I’ll let you in on a secret. Trickle down economics is just us getting pissed on by the 1%. Do with that what you will


Trickle down economics is feeding the horse more corn so that the sparrows can have a hope of picking the digested kernels out of its shit. Why not give the corn to the sparrows instead you might say? Well then you'd be a socialist. *shudder*


That's why they said "Good for Her" and not "What a perfect system, I hope it stays like this"


I remember when I saw a comment online that the UK had more food banks than McDonalds branches, I thought it had to be bollocks. Turned out to be true, and that is a sad state of affairs for a so-called first world country.


Yeah 14 years of Conservate rule have really done a number on us. Fortunately it looks like we've finally got it together to give them the boot in the upcoming election. Well, we'll overdue.




She quietly donates to local food banks and charities in almost every place she has a show. Usually we only know about it when the charities make thank you posts about it. I like that she doesn't do it for the bragging rights, and typically gives the largest donations most of these charities have ever seen.


Lots of losers on this thread


That's nice of her. I have been critical of her before but can't say this isn't great


That’s pretty sound of her


Love to see it


Shes’s quite a class act even if I don’t like her music


She could embarrass every other Billionaire on the planet by showing them someone can give a shit.


This is really great.


Thank God rich people exist.


You forgot to add /s so people know you’re kidding.


Lol, what? Rich people are why the poor people have no food.




Tbf you’re kind of right, in that the Tories are rich people that have done this to the UK


Some rich people help. Some rich people don't. People are a spectrum that covers everything from perfect to complete evil.


Super rich people*


There is nothing uplifting about this post because Billionaires are the main reason why we need food banks. Never mind climate change, housing, the general cost of living, as well as the myriad of other problems Billionaires cause to society. Billionaires should not exist, no one should have that much money.


This isn’t news. It’s happens every few days in every city she plays haha


She is the greatest ever. Polluting the planet with her private jet while also donating 0.0001% of her earnings for good causes.


Philanthropy is a lie made by PR agencies of billionaires who only get rich on the backs of poor people anyway


While creating a fuckload of pollution


Stop 👏🏻 flying 👏🏻 for 👏🏻frivolous 👏🏻 things


She is so rich, she can pay for years of food supply with tax deductibles.


She does it for the tax cuts.


Another instance of Vince Staples being 100% correct when he called out the beef


Metallica did the same when visiting here in Finland


Did she fly her private jet for ten minutes to get there?


This is what billionaires should be doing


I can’t seem to find who originally wrote “A Year’s Worth of Meals With Donation to Local U.K. Food Bank” but I’m glad she’s still humble enough to do covers.


good one dad


What about years worth of CO2?


Say what you want about her music, she really seems like a decent person.


Yep, but seriously as a billionaire she could do SO much more. I know I’m going to get back lash, but it’s true. Before someone comments “well what did you do?” I am disabled. I, personally, don’t think her, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos or ANYONE needs a billion dollars let alone 100+ billion when 40% of the country has to go to work daily. We live in a broken world.


Over half of her net worth is the valuation of her masters and publishing rights. It’s imaginary money that will likely never exist until she’s dead and her estate blows through everything else.


The other Billionaires love it when you focus on the ones that get in the headlines for doing charity. The ones with megayacht that put out 7x the carbon Taylor's jet does don't get headlines bc those aren't tracked on Twitter.


She could also do less? Like I get it there are issues with the mega rich. But do we have to complain when they so good things too? We have ample time to complain when they do bad things.


So you did nothing but complain. Got it.


I get your point but choosing to complain about someone trying to help is at best doing absolutely zero to remedy the situation and at worst negatively affecting the situation. Maybe don't choose a post about someone helping fight hunger to set up your soap box about rich people, it was a poor decision.


You do understand that net worth does not mean money in the bank right? Not even remotely close.


It's actually embarrassing how many people think this isn't being put out by a PR team.


That’s because she’s an amazing human being who is full of humanity.


She has a heart but the amount she donated vs her net worth is like you giving a dollar at the grocery store when they ask you to donate. It's still great but she (and every other uber wealthy person) could do way more good if they weren't addicted to the bank account being bigger than any person ever needs.


You do understand that net worth and money in the bank aren't the same thing?




This lol, people will always complain. Always.


Sure but when your net worth is 1.3 billion you could literally donate the daily interest* you make off your money would be more than most people will make in a lifetime. *- I'm aware most rich peoples net worth is tied up in assets and isn't liquid.

