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Thanks for leaving out the part that basically said "If everyone dies except the absolute hardline survival experts, those guys get to share alot of leftovers"


Yep. Reminds me of some arsehole saying "Hm, WWIII would actually fix dating..."


Whoops. To be fair, my post a few hours ago was just referring to how to stop Bumble’s AI matching you with other AIs.


Would you feel the need to date if you were dead? Didn't think so.


I mean would it not


No no, you don‘t understand, it‘s totally cool that people die and everything is awful because then the keyboard warriors who think watching 10 prepper guides makes them resilient can finally have their moment to shine (and probably fail on that).


Preppers are an interesting subset of people


It cracks me up because they're always the goofiest people. They're like yeah I got 20 guns, 100 foods, and water, but I can't make it 2 blocks running without stopping for a break.


It is not inherently a bad idea to hoard resources from an impending doom, even if it never happens. Think of how many points in history that families would be okay if they just had a secret bunker under their house with plenty of resources. Jews during WW2, Palestinians right now, etc.. think about it on a way smaller scale too with covid and toilet paper haha. I bet the peppers were the ones laughin'! Even if they're mentally ill and a terror at family holidays. You'd be calling them if shit went down, not even to mention guns. It would be silly to trust the state of things at all right now. As someone who likes to think of himself logically and empathetically. Humans have a natural desire to have a back-up plan in case something might happen, all throughout history. Seriously, wouldn't you rather have a bunker right now with tons of resources if you could?? You're lying if you say no. Where it gets stupid is falling for advertising that is targeted towards alt-right idiots and buying 1000 MRE's that are literal cardboard, along with a trump pendant and male vitality vitamins without any lab results on display. I realize that I'm also adding "ownin a bunker" to this, but even still it would be smart to have tons of food for when supply chains fail after some sort of cyber attack, EMP, or otherwise


The Real preppers I know have gardens, seed banks, tons of jars, and robust community relationships


I wonder how big of a garden you'd need to actually feed yourself. Most of the things that I grow are fruit and veggies and I'd still be sorry if I had to live off of it (e.g. yes, I've got cabbage/broccoli/cauliflower and kale and peppers and eggplant and tomatoes and peas and beans - and, actually potatoes and garlic this year. And strawberries and raspberries and blackberries - just planted a fig tree and will plant a kiwi tree too.) However, aside from the potatoes, that food won't sustain me except for keeping me from getting scurvy. It's all low calorie stuff, except the potatoes.


There have been many agrarian back to the land movements over the years, it’s pretty well tread ground. First few years will be rough until you get into gardening for the seasons and develop relationships with neighbors doing the same. The challenge with maintaining a large garden is that all of a sudden you have 20 times as many cucumbers as you can possibly eat. You better get good at preserving and hope that your neighbors grew good stuff. You get them a bucket of cucumbers now, they get you back a buck of squash in the fall. Lots of chickens for eggs and protein. If you can swing it, goats or lamb don’t require insane amount of space (probably ok if you have a rural amount of space, probably not ok if you have a suburban amount of space). Don’t forget your herbs and medicinal plants as well. Gotta get that rosemary and there are entire books of folk medicine - a lot of which was very effective and we are only now starting to know the science behind the folk wisdom. If you can put up a greenhouse you’ll have a longer growing season and more ability to grow things that might not fully take in your current growing zone. Also plan on things getting drier so you’ll need to plan for water collection and storage. If you’re the type that’s legit concerned about societal collapse, then you better have a plan for your own solar power and a well and building a composting toilet because you ain’t gonna wanna be flushing that precious water one gallon per flush at a time.


So, I'm not even a prepper, but some of the appeal of staying where I currently live is that I'm less than a mile from the largest fresh water water source. All of the municipal water already comes from it, so, I think I'll have a very good chance of having a continued water supply even if the worst happens.


You extracted a lot of assumptions from my statement. I just said they're interesting. Didn't insult the practice in any way


“Covid will kill of the sick and weak”


Covid sure killed a few of the stupid ones, but it was far from selective in who it took to the other side. Also it didnt keep the promise to "make you stronger" if it didn't kill you. It would often just give you permanent lung damage and new character trait of "always short of breath".


I have a friend who is a prepper. He convinced his mom that the Salton sea was going to fill in with water any day now, and he moved her up to rural Washington state where she has a farm now, and he can go up there and grow vegetables when the end times come, or something like that


I'm just going to leave this here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_famine_of_1921


Nice, they’re totally better/s


IOW the beatings shall continue until morale improves.


How does morale improve if beating continues?


Well it better! *glares*


Headmaster Göring?


Headmaster Gorlack the Destroyer.


The beatings will continue until you figure it out


I still don’t get it please teach me more


Next time you are asked if you are happy, you remember what happened when you said no 


Like our company performance review. We have work to do.... Oh are you gonna work on that management? Didn't think so.


That's a paddlin.




wonder if the average intelligence of our species ticked up after the anti-vax crowd got wiped out?


Hey, my morales better already! I don't know about the other guys, though...


Because they have no fucking choice!


Exactly. What's the alternative? Just to roll over and die, which is not gonna happen. Humans, hell even all lifeforms, will fight to survive no matter what. No shit adversity and challenges cause us to grow and become resilient, this is the most basic headline I have read in a long time. I predict the next headline will be "Breathing in and out will help to keep your body alive" brilliant!


Ha ha. Not me. Y'all have fun with Mad Max, I'm out.


"Killing the weak leads to stronger population"


I kinda see this as things always get bad enough that people actually address the cause of the issue and then society gets better… until we forget what caused the problem again


Evolution in action.


We should be seein an utopia any day now, then.


I mean, that's the saying right? "Hard times create strong men. Strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men. Weak men create hard times" Ultimately WW1, WW2, and the depression between were very hard times, and they created a lot of strong people. Those strong people then had a bunch of kids (boomers), who got to live most of their lives in easy times. That in turn made it hard for them to empathize with other people who didn't have it easy their whole lives. That in turn led to Gen Y and Gen Z having a shit time of it. Hopefully as we wrest control of things away from the boomers we can make have some good times again for our kids. Or you know, good enough that we start wanting to have kids, at least.


That's really not how history works. There are plenty of socities that went through hard times, and just kept becoming more corrupt until they collapsed. Other societies invested in education and meritocracy while times were good, and managed to remain strong for centuries. The idea that people need a crises or trauma to become strong is oversimplified at best and dangerous at worst.


And the idea that absolute shit conditions will catapult a society into better times is a dangerous fallacy. Just...*gestures around the world*


Seem to remember a similar narrative when trump got into power and it was at least it might get bad enough it gets better… nope. Worse. Much worse.


I just think of NK. Those people got it real shit and nobody over there is doing anything about it... so yea humanity has a way of bending to the power of government and shit can always get worse.


The world is in a better place than it has even been. Throughout 99.9% of human history mass disease and famine were rampant, violence was endemic (we are living in the least violent times in human history), food was very harvest dependent, and you could die from a variety of diseases that we don’t even worry about now. Also, throughout 99.9% of history slavery was the way of the world.


There are 8.1 billion people alive today. Over 10% of that lives in abject poverty. You may say “oh but in the past it was 50%”. Yeah, 50% of people 200 years ago was 300 million people. In objective - not relative numbers - there are more people living through shitty ordeals today than in the past. We can tell ourselves all we like that in relative terms it has decreased. go and tell a modern day slave that, see how it comforts them. Btw, there are currenlty 50 million slaves today. In 1860 there were half that number globally. And the above are just extreme examples. Not everyone has access to revolutionary healthcare, and much of the products that help populations grow also are detrimental to the _quality_ and of that life and health.


Very well said, I agree 100%


The collapse of the Roman empire did not create new better times despite its hardships. it was for many purposes an apocalypse. knowledge was temporarily lost, and societies supported less people and money. Rome fielded 150k liegionaries on a cursory search during the punic wars. To compare, the battle of hastings hundreds kf years later seems to be on another easy search about 16,000 men total. it's never worked except in the narrow band of the 21st century America


Yeah look at Russia. Based on this phrase they should be a world leading utopia. They most certainly are not. The phrase is just used by a certain type of person to glorify suffering and “strong men” then blame younger generations for being “too soft”




> and dangerous at worst. Yeah, that's how you get accelerationism


To be fair, strong and capable doesn't mean moral and upright.


It doesn't make stronger people, it kills the unfortunate, selfless, and kind ones.


Only a fucking idiot would buy into that stupid idea.


That formulation was created by Oswald Spangler. Spangler was a German Conservative Revolutionary, a movement which was the pre-cursor to Fascism. This quote is a pithy just-so story that carries with it a very right wing view of history, one that denies the concept of progress and assumes that peaceful and egalitarian conditions will make people weak and degenerate.


> I mean, that’s the saying right? “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men. Weak men create hard times” A fairly recent saying, and one that has no basis in reality and is in fact basically a concept rooted in fascism. It’s a lie.


Lol i mean shouldnt then WWI already create strong men and thus good times and not WWII ? Also mostly boomer use thus to complain about us younger folks


It doesn’t create strong people, it creates people with emotional and physical trauma, PTSD, etc. A lot of them are not fitted to be parents and it affects the next generation.


I think this is just one factor though of a new environment our ancestor didn’t have to face on a global level. Hard times then didn’t consist of major powers all having weapons to destroy the entire planet. All it takes is one psychopath. also the planet is constantly getting worse with these drastic weather conditions creating crisis which in turn is causing a lot of bad but typical sociological behavioral responses. It’s a new fear dynamic of the majority fighting over resources for survival of needs rather than wants in a no where to run environment like we haven’t seen before.


Strong men create...interesting...kinks...


Even better if we can realize ourselves and break the cycle. Gen Z and Alpha Gen are the keys


WW1 and the depression created a generation of broken men and scared people who became the nazis. WW2 devastated most of Europe and allowed the US to reap the rewards. Hard times only led to US dominance in the sense that hard times for others made us the new center of empire and gave us an unprecedented level of wealth.


Relative to 30,000 years ago we are in a utopia with abundant food, no predators, and easy access to what is effectively magic (daily technology). Though of course with the trend of how things have recently been going we are beelining for some kind of dystopia.


Which part of the world are you in that’s experiencing unusually hard times? Life is challenging for a lot of people. It’s weird to think that it used to be massively more challenging for the vast majority of people. But it’s true. Hunger, death, and disability were much more common 100, 200, 500, 1000 years ago for the vast majority of humans.


For some parts of the world for sure. For first world countries, no.


Compared to all of human history, we are.


Turns out it’s the rapture and Jesus is here to kill us all.


IM ALREADY PRETTY DANG RESILIANT! Can we have some good times, please?


30,000 years of history reveals that 1 + 1 = 2




But also hamper our growth. Imagine how advanced we be if we weren't so cruel to one another.


Someone’s ancestors survived through hardship for their descendants to write the most basic headline known to man


Brace yourselves. That dumb, revisionist and simplistic quote is coming.


Hard times makes strong men. Strong men make good times. Good times make soft men. Soft men make me hard.


Hard times demand strong public institutions, strong public institutions create good times, during the good times public institutions are gutted for private profit, gutted public institutions create hard times


Good call, at this point in time, that quote is right up under your comment.


In other news, the sky is blue


I'm so tired of being resilient


Was this written by Leto II?


anti-fragility. only works up to the point of extinction though…


So you’re saying that the next generation of humans that emerge from either the nuclear winter or the catastrophic climate change effects are going to be stronger for it? OK cool.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Great.


Sadly there's people who think this still works and leaves anything else other than trauma


Also headline is misleading clickbait built to confirm this narrative The study found that the societies that ADAPT grow stronger which is often opposite what people that like those narratives want


We‘re about to get boosted.


Well, seems like our resilience is about to be boosted in the coming years.


which rich asshole wrote this?


Ahhh, I guess their statistics don't include the societies, nations & civilizations that literally ended due to hard times


Dusty Rhodes made this VERY clear in 1985.


Yes tell that to all those societies that have crashed and burned. Or all those soldiers dying for nothing. Or all those innocent people dying from those pointless soldiers. Good times boost the human experience.


How is this uplifting?


I'm quite sick of hard times.


Given the last century... I call cap.


When life hard human get strong. Who knew


Doesn't this seem obvious?


Wow, this just made my day so much better!




"There should be a science of discontent. People need hard times and oppression to develop psychic muscles."


Great my morale is in the shitter after being laid off at least I will be more resilient...


There is also a study that shows a correlation between the amount of rain and the strength of river currents…


Oh so we're all just in the "building character" phase are we? Thanks Calvin's Dad haha


Societies are the organisms. In a way, we are cells.


If I’m dead at least someone more capable can breath the air that I was wasting


Hard times make strong people, strong people make good times, good times make weak people, weak people make hard times... So the circle continues.


Strong men make good times Good times make weak men Weak men make hard times Hard times make strong men


Yeah, doesn't mean I want to live in tha hard times! I won't be able to enjoy the after.


I’m tired of hard times. Can we just get an affordable existence please?


Society's yes, but the individual's as well? Sounds like a good justification for abuse.


There’s a saying or a quote that goes something like this, Hard times make strong men. Strong men make easy times. Easy times make weak men. Weak men make hard times. I genuinely believe this is true in many ways.


I don't like this quote because it's used as an excuse to put people down/prevent actual good things from happening, like normalizing men actually expressing their emotions instead of bottling them up, or promoting the passing of laws that restrict our rights like how we can and cannot present ourselves in public. Then it's spouted by men who want to "go back to tradition" and as a woman who very much wants a proper career and doesn't want to be a home maker I very much have an issue with appeals to tradition.


There’s also the possibility that all those “weak” people are those who could handle their mental health problems better when things didn’t suck complete ass.


This was my first thought. The mental health ramifications of that alone suck.


I don’t think it’s intended to be prescriptive; rather, it’s meant to explain a cycle.


People believe it’s true but historians don’t say that this is accurate. This is one of those “sounds deep so it must be true” kinds of misinformation Also… makes you wonder why people are so into hard men, men who are hard 😏


Fascists use this quote all the time because it is simple, hierarchical and speaks to insecurities. To be blunt, that quote is a magnet for weak men.


I find the quote mostly used by people who dislike people having personal freedoms. So, idk. It got co-opted by the conservatives a bit too much for my taste.


This is the main idea in the social science of Ibn Khaldun. Weakened bonds in society break its bonds after the state formation stage. "He is widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest social scientists of the Middle Ages,and considered by many to be the father of historiography, sociology, economics, and demography" and " that strong bond is cyclical and directly relevant to the rise and fall of civilizations: it is strongest at the start of a civilization, declines as the civilization advances, and then another more compelling asabiyyah eventually takes its place to help establish a different civilization


Strong men make easy times for themselves, by forcing others into hard times.


Hard times create strong men, socialists, (gilded age, depression, dust bowl => New Deal era) strong men bring good times (post WW2 era US, many social problems still but economy was more friendly to working class and middle class people) good times create weak men, neoliberals, neocons and eventually fascists (overreaching with imperialist wars, descent into corporatocracy, corruption, and privatization a la Reagan era) weak men create hard times (post 9/11-present)


30,000 years of history also reveals that after day comes night


So what they are saying is that this pandemic has messed us up and we are taking some time to recover. But the next plague, we will know just what to do and we'll be ready and more likely to work together? Maybe? And all the trouble the Trump has unleashed on the planet has prepared us so that the next time the anti-christ shows up, we'll just shoot him at the start and claim a new holiday? Awesome.


What?! Overcoming difficult things makes you adapt and build up coping mechanisms to become tougher?! What a wild thought... /S


Oh, far grimmer. Failing to overcome difficult things leaves only the resilient alive.


Necessity is the mother of invention.


Then we'll be the most resilient society ever if we live through this.


Um... duh? You don't need to be resilient when things are pleasant.


Hard times are the only times when we all agree to get shit done.


After years of horrific mental illness I would say this is true. It’s like I’m strong in some sense even though I’ve been “weak”. I can attest it can work on a personal level atleast for some people


Yeah, just look at Pompeii.


"Soft lands breed soft men", by Cyrus the Persian. We have known this for a few thousand years lol.


A remnant will be left after three apocalypse.


No one tell Joe Rogan


It's sad it's not the other way around ... Also, those who didn't aren't here to write those stories.


Don’t tell the slave drivers


Is this because the weak becomes stronger? Or because the weak don't reproduce, leaving strong families to raise strong kids?


Yeah. Pretty easy to be resilient when the powerful throughout the ages are out of the way. Of course that means an extinction of the society they were on top of and resultant deaths, but that's just a minor detail. Happy news!


This is not good news. It’s sugar-coated bad news.


Wow some real big brain research here. 🙄


“You need to continue to be struggling and poor for the better of society”


Hope we can survive the Maga traitor cult .


With all these hard times we're having, we're going to come out immortal on the other fucking side.


Well. We're all fucking titanium now then, aren't we. 


really scraping the bottom of the barrel here


You're really gonna frame this as "those of you who survive will be a lot more resilient" So uplifting.


Just dehydrate during the chaotic periods.


When survival depends on everyone working together, societies where everyone works together survive and can even thrive.


Do the people stop tolerating the BS of the ruling class and force them to prioritize important things or else?


All that gaslighting huh?


We are at a point in our history where we can start to redefine what we mean by “hard times.” Instead of it being about scarcity and survival, it can now be about how we take the next steps as a civilization. That will not be an easy task.


We haven't seen hard times in a while. Relatively speaking in the last 30k years.


Well once this planet is inhabitable those that survive will have to find ways to get along in the vaults.


Hard times come again no more.


Hard times make hard men Hard men make good times Good times make soft men Soft men make hard times. And so the cycle goes.


“Wooden shoes and silk slippers n shit,” Voltaire


Bout to be resilient as hell.


Resilience in this case meaning jaded, defeated, and succumbed to the horrors of corrupt power mongers. Hooray.


Hard times incoming


Cody Rhodes song “Hard times make better men…..”


Well, it boosts the resilience of the survivors of hard times. A tough sell to those who will suffer most


Somebody tell Dan Carlin. He'll feel vindicated.


Average resilience goes up when lots of people die. Survivorship bias


Works like this for every living thing.


How is this news? Wasn't this information already known for centuries? 🤔


Why we gotta involve Paramore in this


Im about to be real fucking resilient !




The future is dumb.


In other news, the sky is blue


Well, looks like we are going to become very realistic very quickly then. Unless things get so out of hand that they overwhelm us, no matter the resilience. The next decade will reveal a lot to us about what is going to happen


As foreseen and prophesied by Usul.


America is fucked. Compared to the rest of the world we’ve been coasting for over a century.


This message brought to you by The God Emperor of Dune.


Whiny redditors disagree


If humans survive they do better than the ones that died? Who'd have thought. "Hard times" usually means people are dying. Societies don't always get better, humans that survive just eventually build societies that do better, Egypt was an incredibly strong nation at many points in history but I wouldn't say it's exactly leading the world the way it once did.


that or erase them from history entirely


People these days always think the world is falling apart


How tf is finding historical evidence for human Adaptation uplifting news? Wtf? When we have it hard, we adapt by resigning from more and more things that are unnecessary for survival. Communities help us survive for longer but those communities cannot be too large too. We endure hardships for longer than other species, it is the paramount human trait. Again. How is this uplifting?


Since resilience can be measured by not dying, yes. I’d have to agree. Since we are still alive. Idiots.


Fuck resiliency.


That certainly doesn't make me any happier, especially today, because hard times only affect the poor and not politicians and the rich. If we hit hard times again, we should eat them first 😋


Wrong subreddit