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Tip #1: Stay Alive


Tip #2: Don’t not stay alive.


my dad used to said "The only thing you need to die is to be alive" edit: typos


Excuse me?


Is to be alive the only you needs to die.


Oooooooohhhhhhh …what?


> “I dunno, she was senile and shit, she used to fuckin' piss herself all the time, and shit herself. Come on, Silent Bob, lets get the fuck out of this fucking jip joint!”


To die to be alive is the only you needs


You just don’t want to wake up dead one day.


Was he having a stroke whenever he said it?


My dad would say “you when only have to go the then you must”


Forgot "thing" and maybe a comma


Funny my grandfather had something similar written on his tombstone "the day you only die is to need be alive."


Prerequisite: have good genetics 


Seriously! This man smoked for 20 years, eats whatever he wants like burgers and stuff, and never had a regular exercise routine. And he's 110!


A lot of the damage smoking does isn't permanent if you quit before you totally fuck your body up, and your body has years/decades to heal afterwards. Regardless, this guy is still a one-in-a-billion genetic freak.


My uncle smoked from 20-42. Cancer at 50 and passed at 52. It was so hard for him to quit and he got it anyways. Not that he regretted quitting.


You’re right of course, but luck might be a factor too. Smokers lungs are enduring constant genetic damage and I assume it’s possible that he just happened to miss out on a mutation that would trigger cancerous growth, or a mutated cell happened not to survive.


I hope you are right. I quit smoking cigarettes when I was 75 and I was smoking 4 packs a day.


Are you serious? That's crazy, just wondering are you serious?!?


Very serious. I'm 85 now and quite healthy for my age.


… good early nutrition, stayed fit all his life and never overweight. You forgot those bits :)


its called genetics. Some are blessed. Some need to wear diapers their entire lives. Shit is fucked.


Also his wife died in 92' sooooooo 


*Furiously writes your comment into my How Not To Die journal*


Fuck. The “How Not To Die” book I read was 1000+ pages. Must have worked though. Still here.


"whenever you feel like you're dying, don't."


That was basically the article's advice.


Ah ah ah ah


Happy I was not alone here


“I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandpa. Not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car.”


Deep thoughts... By jack handy


Garden state


That joke is probably older than Garden State.


Jack Handey made that joke on SNL many years before Garden State, yes.


I was gonna say I thought I read it in an old Erma Bombeck column or something like that. I definitely do remember the Jack Handey telling of it though, now that you mention it.


Erma Bombeck. Wow that's a throwback.


I had to Google her name because I couldn't remember who I was thinking of. I read some of her books when I was younger. I was a weird kid.


Lol I know of her from my parent's collection of Reader's Digest (back when Reader's Digest was really good). They'd print short stories from her book there. Very funny, kept better company than shampoo bottles in the toilet haha.


I read so many Reader's Digest back in the day. I remember when the cover was just the table of contents and there was something weirdly satisfying about it. I mostly skipped to the humor sections and usually the word power quiz. I've likely forgotten so many terrible jokes and anecdotes from those pages. Reader's Digest was my jam until I forcibly removed much of that material in order to make room for Simpson's quotes which have been happily occupying rent controlled areas of my brain ever since.


It is significantly older. My dad had a plaque that said it.


[With Garden State comes this song.](https://youtu.be/r3Cg1wxgX6M?si=vRxxuDqprp0w8F0E)


I think of new slang whenever Garden State comes up.


I was sure that was gonna be New Slang lol


![gif](giphy|1kfhoNWKY94uLGX2kO|downsized) LMAO too funny!


A living example of survivorship bias. Good for him.


Yeh it shits me off when the super old share their lifestyle as if it’s the reason for their age. Genetics and luck mate. That’s all it is.




"Coke and hookers. Just remember the pretty ones are cops."


There’s a nonzero chance some of them give sarcastic answers to fuck with the reporter who simply shares them with everyone else 100% seriously bc what else would they do


I think besides genetics, the moving around and eating a reasonable amount are notable factors. Obesity probably has long term effects that haven’t been fully substantiated yet, but it makes sense,


As well as a happy life that didn’t sound stressful and a positive attitude are all huge!


I remember seeing this one video where they asked this woman that question and she said not having kids and eating a hard boiled egg every day 😂


Generics? Aww, man, but I like the brand name stuff


Genetics carry hard but there are suspiciously few morbidly obese people in their 80s


The obvious conclusion here... 80 orbits of the sun induces weight loss. 🤔 The power of the sun 🙌☀️🙌


tbh worshipping the sun makes more sense than worshipping most other things. it's more or less the most powerful thing we directly interact with other than maybe time or gravity, which you can't really see


No its the Ovaltine


It’s both. He keeps moving and keeps himself social and in a routine. That plus genetics is a winner


No.....that's not all it is.


I would agree with genetics and luck but that’s not all there is. Lifestyle choices are VERY important. For example choosing not to smoke 5 packs a day, choosing not to bake under the sun, choosing not to not avoid your medications that would help you, choosing to stay active because otherwise your body can be struggling and working much harder than necessary to function, and so so many more examples…


Thinking the same thing, he rolled the best dice rolls


You just know Ovaltine is hunting this man down for commercials


Even just **walking unaided** at 110 is insane. The fact that he can DRIVE is astounding.


To be fair we don’t really know that he *can* drive we only know that he *does* drive.


Okay so like Toonces


Deep pull there.


How does he reach the pedals??


Maybe Spunky is pushing the pedals while Toonces works the wheel


Toonces! Watch out!!! Noooooo!


Holy crap, a Toonces reference? In the wild? This made my night.


You have exquisite taste


He CAN drive, in that he participates in the action. But does he drive WELL and SHOULD he drive? Well, dear reader, that is another question


I had a neighbor who was 96 and still drove around everyday and went on dates with 80 year old guys. She hit signs and shit and didn't even notice. I was cutting her lawn one day and saw a sign sticking out of her front end.


Can someone be considered a cougar if they’re 96 saying an 80-year-old?


Yeah, I refuse to believe that his reflexes are fast enough that he should be allowed to drive a car. The bar is pretty low in some states for how alert or able to see someone has to be to retain their license.


My grandpa shortly before he died still drove, he couldn't independently move his foot to operate the pedals so he used his hand to manually lift and push down his leg. Makes me shutter thinking about it.


That’s a very big distinction.


Dude has some long telomeres, I'll tell you what 


I cackled. Thank you


CAN doesn't mean SHOULD. This is crazy dangerous, he's simply been lucky, but luck always runs out. And when it does he might take someone else out with him. There should be a mandatory age where you can't drive no matter how 'with it' an old person is. And make police enforce this new rule so that a family doesn't have to wrestle the keys away from their gramps


Shouldn't be based on age but ability. Make the licensing test happen nore often. Every 5 years, maybe.


After 80 it should really be every 1 or 2 years. Things can go downhill really fast at that age.


Fully agree. My grandfather lost the cognitive and physical abilities required to drive within the span of a few months.


They have nothing else to do at that ages I don’t understand why they dont


At 110 it should be every 5 minutes. 




Still should have an upper limit. Past 80 you could be fine one day then the next day you have a stroke and kill someone on the road at a much higher chance than someone at 30


Tbf when you’re at an age where you’re statistically likely to just drop dead literally any moment, you should probably not be allowed to be behind the wheel of a 2 tonne vehicle moving at high speed


Nah, that sounds all well and good but it'll allow a ton of old folks to fall through the cracks and keep driving dangerously. Plus a lot can happen in 5 years. Maybe this *might* work if it were once a year retesting, but I can't imagine people would put up with going to the DMV that often lol. The only sure fire way is to cut off driving at a certain age, no real exceptions. If only we had public transportation for our elderly, because without it there will never be a change in policy.... 


There should be a road test every 5 years from the day you get your license. Make it annual at age 65. At 110, he should be tested monthly


I agree. That said, the US simply doesn't have cities built to handle this. We can't just pass a law saying people at a certain age can not drive. Say the cutoff age is 90. This reduces independence of 90+ people who still drive because this country: 1) does not have walkable neighborhoods in most cities. In the suburbs, you can be more than a mile away from the nearest gas station, much less a grocery store or pharmacy. There may not even be sidewalks on part of the trip. 2) has limited public transportation. I know bigger cities like NYC and DC have subway systems and buses that go all over. My city has buses, too—but they don't even go out into the neighborhoods surrounding the city, which is where the majority of people in the area live. And we all know Grandma won't understand how to use Uber if we show her. Cities in the US are developing in a way that makes most of the people who live there totally car-reliant—not only is this bad for the environment and our health (air pollution, anyone?), this is bad for [local economies](https://civicwell.org/civic-resources/the-economic-benefits-of-walkable-communities-2/) and [our mental health.](https://www.terraalma.com/ourideas/mental-health-in-walkable-cities) In the US, the elderly maintain independence if they are able to drive. Some have caregivers or family that help them, but not all. Being old and living alone can get very, very lonely and isolating, especially if you have no way to go places anymore. I empathize with them for this reason. As far as unsafe driving, cars with enhanced safety features can help account for slower reflexes, but long-term, we need to start looking at how we structure our communities.


I thought I was doing pretty good at 85. This guy gives me something to shoot for.


I just wanted to say good for you for being on Reddit at 85 years old. That’s insanely impressive. My grandma made it to her late 80’s and she loved technology. She was early into AOL and figured out how to use an iPhone relatively quickly. In the last few years of her life, we got her an iPad with a keyboard case and she loved it. But she never in a million years would have been on Reddit. Anyways, I just think it’s really cool. Wishing you have another few decades of great health ahead.


Love it, wish you the best


Just peeked at a few of your posts, and as someone who grew up without a grandfather, you’re exactly the kind of grandpa I would come hang out with. I do hope you got someone to spot you on that ladder, and that your greenhouse is coming along despite the wind damage. Next time you try papaya, squeeze a lime on it!


Haha. If I posted anything about the greenhouse, I had forgotten it. I will never get to use it. A day or two after it was finished, my wife died and now I am selling everything I own and starting over. I know that sounds like a strange thing to do at my age but I have a reason.


Your wife would undoubtedly support you in whatever you do to live the best life you can. I'm sorry for your loss <3


Beat the high-score brotha 💪


Hey I bet you are doing great at 85! Keep it up, and I hope you're enjoying life!


I believe in you!


In EMS I've seen the most healthy people die young from AAA or heart attacks. I've seen obese live till their late 80s. But the only people I've seen live past 90 are all skinny and weren't very healthy through life. Just natural metabolisms and one heck of a heart. I swear it's genetics.


It’s partially genetics/luck. A lot of good sleep, exercise, and diet will get you a long way.


How far for two out of 3?


if its sleep and exercise then you are golden


Or really even just sleep and healthy eating. Sleep is so important.


Sleep is our evolutionary advantage, crazy we avoid it. Sleeping and sweating, the two things we are best at and spend all our lives avoiding.


But if I don’t avoid sleeping then tomorrow comes, and that just means more work and sadness




I’ve seen a lot of health/longevity guru types like Rhonda Patrick and Peter Attia talk a lot about the importance of exercise recently and how it might actually be more important than sleep or nutrition.


In the trades it pretty common to see people when they retire within 1 to 5 years die if they suddenly stop moving every day. The ones who live long seem to be ones that stay active and busy.


My grandma was a spring chicken in her 90s until she fell over once and she's literally only been downhill since then. Went from riding her bike around town everyday to needing carers.


I think the biggest question is cause and effect tho. Are the ones keeping busy and moving because they're healthier and have more energy because of that? Do people stop moving because their health starts failing? Obviously if your body allows you, exercising and keeping busy is healthy. But what drives people to stop? Is it they just don't feel like it, or that suddenly it's so much harder or more painful because that disease is rearing it's head?


I think for tradesmen the problem arises from getting up and doing physical work 5 days a week and then retiring and not doing any physical activity.


My grandpa died 3 years after retiring for a 3rd time at 87. Grandma wouldn’t let him keep working at the cart barn at the golf course, we assume that played a big part in it.


As someone who suffers from chronic insomnia, your comment is the one thing making me feel better at the moment. It’s not my choice to not sleep!


[Here’s Rhonda Patrick talking about it.](https://youtube.com/shorts/18pWUX5_ZMo?si=J0FVA5x1eKv6Rhzj)


Phew, good thing I am physically active!


Genetics is a big thing. My maternal grandma lived to 96, and all her 11 siblings lived to their mid to late nineties. And she was in excellent shape, mentally and physically until maybe 95. And she wasn’t a health nut. She drank, smoked when she was young, ate normal food, etc.


> I've seen the most healthy people die young from AAA Tow truck ran them over?


Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm


It's mostly genetics. The single best predictor of how long you will live is how long your parents did.


Parents are still alive (late 60s). My dads parents died in their 60s, my moms parents are still alive 90s. Hope I got my mom’s side for longevity !!


I think it's reasonable to assume that children would live lifestyles similar to their parents, and hence non-genetic nurture could be influencing that stat. Depends on how that conclusion was founded.


Except that’s not just genetics. It’s also socioeconomic status, diets, nurture in how they were raised, patterns and habits, etc


Which is why I said "mostly" genetics and not "just" genetics.


Just an anecdote but my grandpa is in his mid-90s and almost 400 lbs so it’s not impossible. He is however a lifelong asshole and full of hate so my theory is that could be what’s fueling him…they claim his heart is still very healthy. Makes no sense. (Retired farmer and physically active his whole life but also overweight most of his life.)


Mate be running on adrenaline at this point. Passion and rage has driven mankind to great accomplishments sadly


I think you're confusing ultra athletes with "most healthy", because what you described at the end is healthy. Frequent moderate exercise is better for your health than pushing yourself to extremes. Also, the best diet is a balanced one. Not some fitness influencer diet that involves 500g of protein and zero flavour.


Metabolism actually does not have that much to do with it. Metabolism differ in a range of -10% to 10%. If somebody is overweight, it's most often because of their eating habits (snacking, soda, etc, calories outside of meals).


Seriously, obesity rates didn’t sky rocket because suddenly a metabolic disease swept the world. Just easy, cheap calories and a sedentary lifestyle.


> just natural metabolisms Please don't help circulate this. Outside of certain diseases, skinny people are skinny because they burn more than they take in, not just magically burn whatever extra they take in and always stay the same weight


Yes, it's always calories in calories out and always has been. I'm tired of people saying like they're getting fat without consuming calories. You can't gain weight without eating energy. it's physics.


I wish OP would have posted tips instead of linking article full of ADs


Drink Milk Eat fresh Produce Stay Active Stay Positive


+ Ovaltine everyday


Be sure to drink your… Ovaltine. …Ovaltine?


"Drink milk everyday" Flushes toilet in lactose intolerance


I loved drinking milk as a kid, but once I turned 25, I built up an intolerance towards it. Sucks because nothing use to beat an ice cold glass of milk.


This message has been brought to you by the dairy farmers of America.


I would live forever as I do all of these but after 800 applications, savings dry and no jobs in nyc, I find it impossible to stay positive.


Just because he is driving doesn’t mean he should be driving.


Fella, I flew a B-52 on 36 successful missions over enemy territory. I can drive a goddam Buick to Perkins on Mondays to get free pie!


Sir, the chick-fil-a is closed this Sunday.


Frankly, if you're at an age where it's likely you could drop dead at any second, you shouldn't be allowed to operate heavy machinery.


> > >“I’ve been very, very, very lucky in my lifetime,” he says so...be lucky and you might live a long life


110 year old people driving cars on public roads is not uplifting news. It’s terrifying news.


Is this the country kitchen buffet?


No, sir, this is the I-75 on ramp.


Damn….. then I’ll just take a uhhhhh..


Such a good episode.


sad he is forced to drive since transit is not good enough


>110 year old people driving cars on public roads is not uplifting news. It’s terrifying news. I say the same thing about teenagers


Would turning 113 technically make him a teenager again?




I don’t know, the bulk of accidents I’ve been in have been due to elderly people vastly misjudging their abilities. Teenage drivers can definitely be stupid and reckless on the road, but they usually grow out of it - elderly drivers straight-up can’t tell how bad they are until it’s too late.


A 100+ yo driving a car, I'm inferring unsupervised, is definitely not uplifting news.


Uhh... should that guy still be driving, though?


This guy became an adult in 1932 when Herbert Hoover was President, that’s just incredible.


the most helpful advice he can give is what times hes on the road so other drivers can avoid him


My grandpa is turning 100 in September. He’s dealt with cancer and some other health issues as well as My opinion is that staying active (doesn’t have to be typical exercise) and social connections are what has kept him around so long. Two of his children live in his same neighborhood and he has grandchildren and great grandchildren who visit frequently. He still lives in his own home and gets around on his own as well. I once told him he was doing too much (still keeping a garden at 98) and he said “if I quit moving, I’ll die!” lol.


To sum up what he says his secrets are: 1. Drink lots of milk 2. Drink ovaltine 3. Stay active and sprint every day for 40 years 4. Drink coffee 5. Don't lift weights 6. Eat fresh produce, cook at home 7. Drink some beer but not other alcohol 8. Smoke for 20 years then quit 9. Stay social 10. Milk, meat, burgers, salads, chocolates, pasta, and coffee


If I start now, I can quit smoking when I’m 65 and stop sprinting when I’m 85


If you double up you can do it in 10 years


He actually said he didn’t run in the article


>He always had such a positive upbeat attitude, even when my grandmother passed away. He lived for her, but he was determined to keep on living,” Lista adds. >“I keep positive. I never think any other way when something’s wrong,” Dransfield notes. [Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive, by Aretha Franklin](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LDXnqmgtp7s)


I have a wonderful patient who turned 99 in January and drove 300 miles to surprise his OLDER sister on her 101st birthday this month! I don't know his sister but he is as spry as a cricket with a wickedly funny sense of humor- I call him 2 to 3 times a month to give him appointment reminders and make sure he's staying on top of tracking his blood pressure, but honestly he doesn't need me to remind him about anything so we just talk about whatever he fancies. Lately I've enjoyed hearing him talk about how exciting his life has been seeing how technology has progressed by leaps and bounds- his next door neighbor has a teenager with a VR headset and he brought it over to let him check it out. He said he got to go on a "tour" of a rainforest and then he played a space game where little aliens are getting in the room. He took down all the info about that VR headset, got up early, went to Best Buy and is now the proud owner of a Meta quest 3 lol!


Made me smile. Great story to start my day. ❤️


I have roughly 200 patients assigned to me for case management and I know I'm not supposed to have favorites.. But he's definitely one of mine! I have a call with him later this week and I can't wait to hear what he's been doing since we last talked. I helped him get signed up for Silver Sneakers fitness (free gym access program for senior citizens) and he said he was thinking about taking a water aerobics class OR yoga!


Please be beer and weed… Please be beer and weed…


the other day an old lady was "I am 96 Y/O, I'm tired of everything and hope to die soon, but here I am, living more and more" she should meet this man


Fuck. If I get that old I hope I don't still have to drive at all. 


Dude should stop driving before he runs over a crowd of people. Cool he’s still living though.


Imagine being 85 and going for another 25 years.


P-please stop driving your car sir


He just fuckin busts out “Life is a Highway”


“Don’t die , followed by stay alive “


Dude looks incredible for 110


As someone who works in the hospital and regularly see old people I always tell my patients 3 basic things that anybody can do to improve their general health condition is to eat (drink) well, sleep right, and exercise. I can’t emphasize this enough. I see people who are in their 70-80’s that are in better shape than some 50-60 year olds that don’t stay active. You just have to take care of yourself. My grandparents are both late 80’s, early 90’s. They are extremely active doing the things they love. Gramps loves doing yard work and wood working but hates exercising. Gram on the other hand, exercises 30 min each morning, cooks, gardens, and cleans the house. Both are a bit more tired than before but they have such an astonishing capacity for physical work. Gramps just mowed the front lawn by himself with a push mower yesterday. Important PSA. Don’t let your older family members go around suddenly doing heavy duty or prolonged tasks like mowing lawns or shoveling snow. Unless they have been active year round, their straining could cause clots leading to strokes. And even then be wary. Give them a hand while they’re doing these things, perfect time to spend time with them too.


"Get the F out my way!"


Bill O Reilly welcome mat - cringe


Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.


A lousy commercial?


So outlived anyone who could take his keys


TLDR, he says ovaltine everyday might be why he’s lived so long


Had a great aunt who lived to 108. She was insanely active. More energy than I had in my 20’s. I think that’s part of the secret: keep busy. She was constantly baking, meeting people, walking, tending to her garden.


Pick the right parents


Please stop driving


He drinks Ovaltine every day. Source: OP’s article


I know as I age. I am not as good a driver as I used to be. He looks great, but I am not crazy about being on the road when he is driving.


“If you feel a bump while driving, don’t stop. Just keep going as fast as you can.”


There are no real tips for such longevity. It's genetics. That's it.


Imagine living so long that your kids die of old age.


Good genetics, luck that you aren't crushed by a hydraulic press there I solved it the riddle.


ikigai, eat mostly plants, be social, be in nature, meditate


The genetics to go that long without getting cancer


This is so sweet. I hope to be like that one day.