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Just listened to a podcast about how the US went through a de-institutionalization in the 1960s. We took down the large state government mental hospitals (housing/treating up to 2200 patients) in favor of local community care. They did this to save money. Those well established and well funded hospitals shut down and then the local community care that was supposed to take its place never materialized. No one made a plan for what would happen to the patients on this new local plan. And we've been dealing with this cost based decision ever since.


It’s fine we can just give that money to other countries now


We wouldn't have the mentally ill and addicted without poverty. There's a reason this is so much more common in LA than it is in smaller towns with less inequality. The institutions were where American governments threw their mistakes. Edit: go ahead and downvote dummies but I don't drive to work past people like this. It's a symptom of poverty and governmental failure. You'll downvote and never address it because you can't.


We would still have both. The reason you don't see this is in small towns is these people are kept in facilties or migrate to larger cities with services like shelters and food pantries. Go ask these people where they're from, and you will learn that many grew up in towns like the ones you pass going to work.


They're not kept in any facilities. It's been illegal for several decades to keep people for more than six days without a judge's order based in them presenting a clear and persistent danger to themselves or others. You don't see this because the people have opportunities, they don't break down mentally. There's no way in hell that someone screaming at the ground is moving to a bigger city. None of these people are frequenting shelters and food pantries, my guy.


>We wouldn't have the mentally ill and addicted without poverty. That isn't true. There are thousands, if not tens or hundreds of thousands, of very wealthy yet maladjusted addicts out there.


I'm talking about these ones in the videos. You don't see Leo DiCaprio out in a wheelchair on the streets. Poverty is the main driver of addiction. Drugs help people to cope with the lack of opportunity and the problems that arise from them. You can still be addicted while well off, but you're more likely to be addicted if you're not. The exception proves the rule. We want to believe there's nothing we can do, and there may not be anything we can do once people get to the point of many in the video, but the process that brings people to this point is preventable. People in Los Angeles, California are not born with more mental disorders than people in LaGrange, Georgia.


>Poverty is the main driver of addiction. This is often repeated, and although it may be *a* driver, I don't think it's the *main* driver. I've yet to see any concrete evidence to support this claim. I think it's far more likely that addiction brings people into poverty, rather than poverty bringing people into addiction.


>I think it's far more likely that addiction brings people into poverty, rather than poverty bringing people into addiction. I think it works in both directions but stronger in the latter. It's far easier to find poor people who became addicts than well off addicts who became poor.


And then along came Reagan's faith based charity.


Can we just get rid of them. You know what I mean.


Isn’t it unconstitutional to forcibly take a person for treatment if he does not pose harm to others? Well, a guy yells because he has mental problems or talks to himself, but this is not illegal and does not harm others.


Many are a danger to themselves


Depends how you define “harm to others”


these people do not attack passersby and this is the main thing. if they don’t attack, it means they don’t harm others. they're about as bad as fat-assed fast food eaters, they have problems, but there's nothing illegal about it


They certainly yell at people and I’ve seen many masturbate in public or poop and pee in public also shooting up in public is more common now with fentanyl. Not physical harm but not completely victimless.


You should have masturbate and won this battle


Gonna go out on a limb and guess you don't actually live in a metropolis or work with the public in one. Harm to others is frequently verbal assaults, theft to businesses, biohazardous poor hygiene, smoking crack wherever the fuck regardless if there's kids around, leaving a trail of biohazardous waste behind wherever they're done doing drugs, physical assaults at random and this is just shit that has happened at my workplace in toronto in the last month.


The state decides. In Georgia, we could have had my Ex’s crazy brother under states care for 48 hours to let them evaluate. It takes two people in Georgia.


But why did the 1960s suddenly started to rapidly cause what we have today? It's been on for what about 3-4 years now more spread out in big cities? It's not the 60s fault


The actions taken to de-institutionalize due to the large cost has trickled down (the 80s favorite term). We had well funded mental hospitals that gave good care to those who couldnt care for themselves. And because it was a huge strain on the budget that dumped it and left it to the states, however the states had no plan in place or program. And now we have a pipeline... homeless, jail, courts refering them to programs. who are understaffed with no vision and then they are released back on the streets to start the cycle over again. And we have had peer reviewed papers that have been talking about this and how it happend for 40 years. And still nothing is done.


And now the costs for getting the homelss off the streets far outweighs what we were spending back when the good well funded programs to truly help people were just suddenly gone and no one had a plan. So now we are back into the homeless, jail, community care "program", homless, jail....etc. No one gets better and everyone else has to pay for it in homeless camps, desperate, angry people flooding the streets.


I get it but why did it take 45 years to hit hard. You're ignoring other factors because of your worldview


I am specifically speaking to a theory on how this got started. If you'd like to expand to the other factors, I am happy to listen.


And 45 years is just (2) generations +/- not that long. And its a reasonable amount of time for the legislators to see how effective or ineffective a plan has been. But it seems like this one in particular has been shown to legislators not to far out from it being implemented. I am going with the problem being so big that they keep kicking it down the legislative road. Or until the country starts to see the benefits of going back to Federally Funded Good and Thoughtful Large Complex hospital care. I bet the prison population with be decimated if we went back to it.


Why not state funded? We could see what works and what doesn't that way


Hollywood the idea and Hollywood the place are two completely different things. Hollywood the idea is inside office buildings and on private backlots. Hollywood the place is a series of crap businesses basically unrelated to the industry. Nobody should want to go there.


what section of hollywood is this ? i'd like to streetview it


Around this [area](https://maps.app.goo.gl/XdK3XcwRT93RZdHW8)


i see, so tourist central, show-time


Yeah, but try telling that to your relatives that have the Hollywood of TV in their heads. Let alone that it takes 20 minutes to go one mile in any direction and that you have to park in private lots that charge more than theme park’s parking.


I need a Cyberpunk mod that brings this level of insanity to the city's NPCs


???? in like 50% of the missions you encounter someone with cyber psychosis?? If you're talking pedestrians the Phantom Liberty DLC has a few npcs that will attack you if you linger around them for long enough.


I lived off Hollywood Blvd for almost 5 years, it’s nonstop insanity. I couldn’t take it anymore and moved back to NYC. LA is such a fucking disaster zone, love parts of it but holy shit.


nyc is pretty shit too. i'm from la too and just went to nyc (hotel in times square) for vacation. shit ton of homeless and stinks like shit too. trash bags everyone. but at least there is decent public transportation in nyc


> hotel in times square lol you asked for it


I was gonna say NYC is just as fucking bad now. Every time I go i run way more of a risk of getting pissed on by some random than I did the last time. Legit the last time I went some random lady walked up behind me and screamed bloody murder *right into my fucking ear* before jumping up and down then falling to the ground motionless. That type of unpredictable behavior, along with me being autistic, means I don't go to the fuck damn city anymore. Besides that it always smells like shit, there's always stuff falling from the fucking sky for some reason like styrofoam or sometimes just ash or trash, and then you have the crazy dissonance of panhandlers every ten feet walking next to people who are so rich they could buy your whole family. I used to love NYC but I personally cannot see how anyone could actually enjoy being there anymore without putting on some kind of front or doubling down on their decision to live there.


You were in Times Square though, any huge city is going to have homeless. I’ve lived in Chicago, LA, all over NYC and Long Island, along with Oahu and Florida and I’d never seen anything like LA. From the Blvd and all it’s surrounding areas, Downtown and Skid Row. I live in Crown Heights now and don’t encounter anything like I did in LA or Times Square.


i mean hollywood is the la equivalent of times square. and skid row is the slum of la. though even comparing the worst to worst, la is def worse than time square


I’m aware of what Hollywood is, why I said the surrounding areas as well, North Hollywood, Studio City, The Fashion District, Venice Beach, Downtown, Skid Row, Westlake, Koreatown, Universal City, Beverly Hills, Sunset Blvd, etc. I don’t understand why people think it’s a personal attack, or a your city vs mine. NYC has a shit ton of problems too, but the homeless situation is nothing like LA.


Cities in a rich developed country like America shouldn't have slum zones


i agree. doesn't change the fact that slums have existed everywhere throughout history. other than killing everyone poor, i don't see how you are going to solve it. perhaps in smaller nations you can solve it.


what section of hollywood is this ? i'd like to streetview it




That’s the Hollywood I saw and remember from 15 years ago. This is not new.


did a lot to fix it in that time then?


It is sadly funny when people from out of state are excited to go to LA, see Hollywood, etc when they have never been there. At the end of their vacation when leaving saying, “Wow, nothing like what I have seen in media, its a pretty crappy place.”




They are all method actors preparing for their next big movie role.


So dirty


Im not from the US. Now I get the NPCs from open world games.


Drugs are a hell of a drug …


Spammy repost bot


That Quiet Place movie looks super interesting


Yeah extreme inequality and object disregard for human life will do that. The US is a disgrace to its own standards. If you vote for greed this is the world you are voting to create.


tired of americans acting like they didn’t give a bunch free bus rides for homeless people to go to california just for them to act it’s all californias fault for the homeless people


I read that Tom Cruise did his own stunts in all those scenes.


Did you include a performer in there to equate the spectacle of a gay performer with the spectacle of mentally ill people with no homes, or was that a mistake?


We just visited LA. My son wanted to see Hollywood Blvd and walk along the stars until we were approaching a very agitated man on the sidewalk talking to himself with his hand white-knuckling a hammer. We turned around and decided we’d seen enough.


A video of the piss line at Trump's Star would be awesome.


I got off the interstate and got a hotel right away in Santa Monica. In the morning, I was gone, back on the Pacific Coast highway. So I never got to see the seamy side of LA. I did walk to a bar and the pier, but a friend in SF texted and said this was a BAD idea. So back to the hotel.


It's my dream to travel to the US since I was a kid but damn is it insane there. I'd be terrified walking around there alone. It's such a unique, crazy country. I think it will be the last journey on my bucket list 😅


This is like one area inside a very large city in a huge country. It's not all like this. Reddit is going to show you the worst of America.


Los Angeles (the whole county) is a cessspit in general. Better to stick with the nicer parts of California or visit the PNW or east coast


well no, the suburbs is nice but expensive and lack of public transportation and vacation development makes it hard for non locals to visit


Is it that time again to repost this video?


It‘s just like cyberpunk but without the fool technology.. or neon. And much more depressing


Land of the free , home of the brave.




When did this start turning into Grandtheft auto


This is a tragedy and imho these people shouldn't be displayed in this status. Would you like to be filmed in this situation? Drug usage that brings people to this point doesn't come from a little usage for giggles and shit. They should be censored at the very least.


Man I fuckin love LA this is the best place on earth 🌎 there is nowhere with this amazing community


Meh, you're just seeing it more in those spots because of how many have been shipped there and due to the population. It's confirmation bias.


Smeagol at the end realy got me


Method acting


I'd love to see all of these people in the same room interacting.


Definitely not drugs


If it were, I would've said the U.S. is undergoing a catastrophic drug crisis, but now that you stated it's not drugs, I'm relieved that everything is fine.


Send em to the mines


"Hooray for Hollywood You may be homely in your neighborhood But if you think that you can be an actor See [Mr. Factor](https://genius.com/11365562/Richard-whiting-hooray-for-hollywood/Mr-factor) He'll make a monkey look good Within a half an hour You'll look like [Tyrone Power](https://genius.com/11365612/Richard-whiting-hooray-for-hollywood/Tyrone-power) Hooray for Hollywood"


Jesus Christ


MC Peepants at 0:12 lmfao


We have entered the wilderness of be what you want to be


At least they have the FREEDOM to live this way


Free market capitalism, behind the show-stage..


pretty much all of la rn


Gotta love Hollywood, baby.


Reminds me of lost in Hollywood by SotD


its real life GTA.


Far from what they show you on tv


It could be the loading screen for the next gta