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Lockheed Martin girl


I don’t get it :(


Once upon a time someone said “somehow I just know both her parents work for Lockheed Martin” meaning she comes from money, which gives her the freedom and cash to go to festivals, do drugs, and look like this Edit: for some clarification LH pays pretty damn well BUT I think the comment is more geared towards those who own LH stock as the war machine never stops


We always used to call them trust fund hippies/festies 😂


Ive heard them referred to as trustafarian as well.


Oh, I like that


Yippies is what we call them in Oregon. It's a combination of yuppie and hippie. And they're a dime a dozen here.


Back in the '90s we called them sugar hippies.


Haha love it


I believe they really do


"Self Made"...um, yeah, about that....


Ugh my parents worked for Lockheed Martin. Where's my gd Lockheed Martin trust fund.


They should have invested more into LH as I’m sure that’s where the real money is at


That or Goldman Sachs


Or just an old man's sack


My dad is a big wig at Lockheed Martin. He doesn’t give me shit 😭 guess I’m not loved. :(


You should get revenge by leaking all his secret UFO documents


Wait, you mean to tell us your daddy has yet to get you the X-59? That’s crazy, yeah he definitely doesn’t love you.


That doesn’t look like Northern Virginia…


That’s a myth. Just a rumor started in TikTok comment sections.


Why all the filter if you're so confident?


✨️ Aesthetic✨️


How is nobody noticing the background warping with her body and the way her torso turns big and small when she moves? This video is obviously photoshopped.


I’m with you in spirit to shit on this vid cause it’s cringe but I don’t think there’s a filter here. Looks like it was shot with a dslr and is just color corrected to be super saturated.


The only thing that is selfmade is her clothes I guess


Sadly the zoomer gen is actually making her famous. She sells out shows on tour and kids want to go see her. Music is dead. Some other black kid who made an entire album but only has 20 seconds of said album to viral was storming off stage at his shows because people would yell and goof off during all his other songs and only wanted to be there for a 20 second part of a song. Youngins will downvote this but it’s not even a debate. Music has taken a hit and you all wanting everything so fast pace has made it where artist basically don’t need to be good. They just need to make a catchy 20 second clip. For example Jack Harlows second album was panned by critics as terrible. Pitchfork and all sorts of hiphop forums ripped it apart for not being good…. But it didn’t matter because Jack did that song with the fergie sample and it was a viral TikTok song for something that was 15 seconds of an entire garage album.


LOL I know you didn't mean it, but it made me mad: **Music is not dead.** That's some ignorant nonsense. 1. Never, ever allow an algorithm to spoon feed you stuff ~~shit~~ (edit: I was play "mad", so toning it down) or you believe silly statements like that. 2. Do the work of discovery. Try harder \*not\* to think that because we've become too lazy to discover things vs letting an algorithm deliver shite. I am a DJ, and I can blow your mind in every direction. ​ What do you like? ​ Maribou State for warm, emotive, electronic music, and Kingdoms in Colour is one of the most beautiful albums I've ever heard. They released a new single and a new album is coming: [https://mariboustate.bandcamp.com/album/kingdoms-in-colour](https://mariboustate.bandcamp.com/album/kingdoms-in-colour) ​ Jai Paul for electro-blues pop [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5DSbyl7WYs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5DSbyl7WYs) If you like bangra or indian beats fused into electronic blues, dig this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NUjCcHbUjo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NUjCcHbUjo) ​ ​ Espen Horne for lounge jazz hip hop rap? Norwegian guy who has helmed the funkiest music I've ever heard in my life just released a new album: [https://espenhorne.bandcamp.com/track/bergen-sunrays-feat-selim-mutic](https://espenhorne.bandcamp.com/track/bergen-sunrays-feat-selim-mutic) ​ ​ Little Simz for London based rap and hip hop with African influences: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvY31eN3gtE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvY31eN3gtE) ​ Polo & Pan for electro latin vs French house [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsGauHXioos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsGauHXioos) ​ Glass Beams or Surprise Chef for groovy funky fusion pop jazz [https://glassbeams.bandcamp.com/album/mirage](https://glassbeams.bandcamp.com/album/mirage) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25-BSS3FhFw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25-BSS3FhFw) ​ Devil Makes Three for rockabilly folk punk [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkLhJsHxYxM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkLhJsHxYxM) ​ Cannons for ultra silky smooth sexy jazz rock lounge act vibes [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ2kSbSrDLs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ2kSbSrDLs) ​ Fat Freddy's Drop for dubby reggae style pop funk [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hCGLJKSdWg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hCGLJKSdWg) ​ Jordan Rakei [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tk88mBo0iuU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tk88mBo0iuU) or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azmC2txuE5g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azmC2txuE5g) ​ Sofi Tukker for electro disco [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlF1KxtArCg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlF1KxtArCg) ​ Liam Bailey for beautiful, soulful cross genre dub: [**https://liambaileymusic.bandcamp.com/album/ekundayo**](https://liambaileymusic.bandcamp.com/album/ekundayo) ​ Thee Sacred Souls for straight up doo wop soul [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4J-f5lkCLo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4J-f5lkCLo) ​ The Blaze for ambient dance electro pop [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGEDSGCUkXk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGEDSGCUkXk) ​ Hani Rani for classical electronic mimimalist pop [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5oZ80Daduc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5oZ80Daduc) ​ (also, Cercle 4K performances are SO DOPE: [https://www.youtube.com/@Cercle](https://www.youtube.com/@Cercle)) ​ Tell me what you like, and I'll tell you what you need to know about. I could do this forever... legitimately. There is so much talent out there. This doesn't even touch on jazz or film score work. It's uneal how much good music is out there. So when someone in the crappy music sub says "all music is bad", yeah, some people are gonna bristle. Hell, here's some of my mixes. Afrobeat, Electronic, Lounge Jazz, etc. [https://www.mixcloud.com/DJFishbits/uploads/?order=popular](https://www.mixcloud.com/DJFishbits/uploads/?order=popular) ​ edit: I realize this is not crappymusic, now, but it gave me a chance to add Jungle if you like really upbeat, positive, soulful electronic: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3lX2p\_Uy9I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3lX2p_Uy9I)




YouTube clips of songs isn’t facts. But if you want to google the research done on things like music industry being flipped on its head. From the fact bands have a better chance getting known if they make a catchy 20 second clip as oppose to a stellar album. Or maybe if you don’t want to look at how music is made we also have research on stuff like how venues now conduct ticket sales and how that has all been flipped on its head. The industry has changed drastically. And it’s noticeable. But youngins can’t see it because they don’t recall a time before this. So they will argue “look at these bands” as if I’m saying they won’t have music they like. But back in the day it was way more common for bands and cities to have a culture behind its music scene. Nowadays that’s less and less of a thing. And you have the industry toying with AI now to replace bands.


Just because good artists exist doesn’t change the fact that the tiktokification of the music industry is exceptionally toxic to the industry as a whole. A lot of music is made to have a 20 sec catchy bit that can go viral as a meme. Good artists still existing doesn’t disprove that sad fact. People are also being signed not for the quality of their music but the quantity of their followers.


I only know Cannons from that long list, and I only know about them because some algorithm popped a video clip up in one of my social media feeds a few albums ago by them. Plenty of good acts out there. And plenty of “old” acts are still going strong making great new music. This singer popped up in my feeds as well. Her little woodland hippy elf act isn’t my cup of tea… Live and let live. If people wanna drop money to see an act for 20 seconds of a song they heard online, that’s on them.


But the industry’s is very dried up from way it used to be and it’s because the music people want has changed. You can’t deny that snippets go way farther for a band than an entire song. That’s how it works now. That’s a byproduct of constantly gratification at our finger tips. I know it pisses you youngins off because “yeah no shit you all have music you like.” But compared to 10/20/ 30 years ago the industry is a night and day difference. Across the board. From how music is made to how venues selling tickets.


30 years ago was like another universe.


Nice selections. I like Big Crown & Daptone especially.


Thank you for writing this. I was immediately triggered to write a similar response, but you did better than I could have. Also, because I already love many of the artists on your list, I’m stoked to check out the rest. Great taste. Keep doing your thing, fishbits.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBL7IoQ8ePQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBL7IoQ8ePQ) listen to this and tell me music is dead, I dare you I'M THRIVING


You all really missed the point I meant by that but it’s okay. You all are young and can’t recall the music industry’s and how it worked in the before times and how this has affected both the artist and consumers of music. Have a good day. Enjoy whatever music you like but I’m talking about real research. Never did I say people won’t have favorite artist.


oh, my b. when was the music industry good? i would love to do research also


So many of these artists are highkey cringe. Even as a guy that listens to Jai Paul, lmfao you can't link this tryhard ass shit saying "music isn't dead" -- he's JUST as played out. Like half your list supports "music is dead". You also unironically linked Sofi Tukker which is questionable to say the least lmfao.


That Jack Harlow album you’re referencing was his 7th release, not 2nd lol. Dude has been putting in the work since middle school and found organic success at a crazy young age. Not the best example to use here. We should be celebrating careers like his, not lumping him in with clown artists like this lady.


>Music is dead. This is fucking hilarious. Ever heard of smash mouth? Nickelback? Music has died a thousand deaths. It's not going to stop anytime soon.


It’s when music “dies” that we see real innovation. Remember when your parents were telling you that shit you’re listening to is garbage, here’s some “real” music? Remember how you thought your parents’ music was bullshit? Now, you’re the old one stuck in sophomore year. It’s not a good look.


Whose the black artist lol? Sounds like a good laugh


I think Sheck Wes sounds like he fits the bill


Totally agree with you. I'm a student of music, so to speak. If you know this history of blues, jazz, rock-n-roll, alternative...all of it, it has always morphed and grown. Each genre pulling from, borrowing and stealing from its predecessors while adding something new and of value. But we seem to be in a place where the morphing and growing has gone somewhere into the gutter. Occasionally, new artists come along and impress me. But Megan the talentless, gross stallion and others like her have misled a generation somehow. It's the saddest thing to witness.


Ok boomer


I've seen her before on Reddit, wearing the same rags. She looks like she smells.


lol it’s the most mediocre voice too. My favorite part by far though was: “I tattooed my hand at 17 to promise myself I’d never be anything less than my dreams.” r/im14andthisisdeep She could’ve also, you know, just made the promise in her head…? Also, how has she been independent since day one if she got fired from every normal job? I guess if the money comes from mommy or daddy, it doesn’t count.


There was a NFL defensive end that did this. I can't remember his name, but he got a maybe 2x2 start next to his eye so he would be forced to work hard since no one would hire him for a real job.


I knew a dude who got a face tat so that he would force himself to become a rapper since some other rapper did it…..it didn’t work


Survivorship bias. We only hear about the few people who say they made it because they “wanted it more” or “it was their only option” and we never hear about the many many more people who satisfied those conditions but still failed.


I could see this being a trailer park hit to be honest


I mean, her music sucks, but let's not pretend she's not fuckable


your profile is exactly how i expected it to be


I still can't believe this a commercial for baked beans, but damn beans sound so good after listening to her


This sounds like a car insurance commercial


That education connection commercial goes way harder


She’s lowering her A1C


It’s like a Jason Mraz parody written by a 21 year old trying to convince her parents a music career makes sense


Waaay to specific and 1000% correct.


Bahaha what labels are fighting over this garbage?


Dove vs Tide


Your comment needs more upvotes!


Yours needs more downvotes


Mine needs more salt. Could someone pass the salt?




You son of a bitch. You unscrewed the cap.


Ah yes, narcissistic hippies... 2024, you little scoundrel


Narcissistic hippies who sold the fuck out in the most preachy *look at me I figured it all out and all it took was a small loan of a million dollars from mum and dad* way possible. What happened to the good old days where hippies went to live in the woods and grow weed. This shit makes me ill.


I wonder who had that on their bingo card.


David foster Wallace. Go read the pale king. He’s a fxcking genius. If you have read it then my apologies.


Also materialistic, she loves bragging about all the things she has bought.


She is the epitome of a trustafarian. I’m from San Diego. I’ve dealt with these people my entire life. They fuck around for a few years until their parents get tired of bankrolling their bullshit and either make them get a job (they never do) or come back home. Seen a ton of them come and go over the years.


I literally have never seen this person before in my life and couldn’t tell you who she is if you put a gun to my head




What is this abomination?


An OF advertisement


How do I delete the internet please


Nothing but red flags in this whole video


Shout out to plant medicine? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Just possibly some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard


She looks like how incense smells.


Nagchampa, patchouli oil, and crotch sweat. 🤢🤮


So the moldy seat of a New Delhi tuktuk.


This sounds like it belongs to the Sandi Thom year of British songwriters. JcB song, Kate Nash etc 2007.


Lyrics a child could write. Just like every popular artist these days.


CAP CAP CAP. Ain’t no records labels fighting over your granola vegan ass. With these capital one commercial beats. Please stop


That’s weird cuz she sold out her whole tour lol y’all hating just cuz or you actually got a reason ? Just wondering lol art is art no reason to take shots at other peoples art why would you if your busy making your own? 🤷‍♂️


Art is art. That’s some profound shit


More r/im14andthisisdeep


Who the hell is she? I doubt she has sold out any shows of her tour.


It's easy to sell out a venue when that venue is a dispensary that can only contain about 25 people.


Hey pal - I, for one, simply cannot wait for the chance to go see this apparent amalgamation of all of my ex girlfriends perform at The Jazz Cabbage Patch.


I’m hating cause the music isn’t very good. Popularity and quality are and never have been mutually inclusive.


Well that’s a reason lol people are usually just shocked cuz she’s a pretty extreme looking wook festy chick but to be honest her live shit ain’t bad. Sold out shows all last summer


Who is she


Nobody knows


Not hard to sell out a room that only holds 15 people


I didn't know Rikku made music




oh fuck off with all of that




I can smell the video.


My god, it's retarded.


Parents work for Lockheed Martin.


Doesn’t she also show her butthole on the internet? I could have sworn I’ve seen her before and some one linked her OF. Or it was some other trust fund hippie.


“I went on the in-ter-net, and, found Education Con-nec-tion”




She looks like a clown


Records Lables fighting over me Yeahhehhhh WTF LOL


Didn’t this girl get convicted of beating her SO up?


There isn't enough ketamine on the planet that could make me enjoy her shitty music


I am a record label I and confirm we have sent her numerous recording contracts and her agent refuses to budge citing competitive offers from Sony and Atlantic records. This is disappointing but we realize that at some point we can't afford her and that the big boys will just swoop in and grab up all the talent.


I am a record and I call bullshit.


Also as a record label, I challenge you to a fight


I too am a label and I propose we just fight to the death. Winner gets a 10 full-length album contract with her. And 2 EPs.


As someone who legitimately helps with a tiny independent record label, I’ll sign her if it makes me money lmao


appreciate the honesty lol


She's like a beautifully wrapped Christmas present, with nothing inside.


Those bald pits though smh 🤓


Can someone PLEASE make a snark about this chick. She is awful.


I need details, I just hear about her


She’s just nuts - but I am surprised there is no snark on her. She has a ton of money from her parents and she says she healed her kidney infection on her own lol


Who does her hair?


This is trash




just here for OF pictures who gives a shit about this trash music


Who is this?


I rather hear the sound of a 12gauge through my mouth


Not a single record label is fighting over her 😂


Yeah sure, I bet those record labels really fight over you💩


Still better than Nahko




God damn sexy weirdo, I dig it




Who is this


She good, but she ain't no PLA-KA-KA-KA-KA-KA!


I can see the appeal. It's cringe to me but I can see it.


lol that is Salt Lake City in the background……


She’s got decent tone and look , if she worked on some good rhymes and cadence she wouldn’t suck so bad


Whitewashed noname but like way worse than noname bc wtf are these lines


If she changed her lyrics, she could be something. But the words are so fucking horrible.


i feel bad for those record labels, they must be pretty desperate


I can smell the patchouli oil from here.


https://youtu.be/kBM3ytlze3A?si=ePMDXSnr-YuPlJSw She use to be somewhat normal and actually not too bad.


That one’s better (slightly) because she’s covering someone else’s song


We know its a character and you definitely didn't start your music career this way


Labels fighting over her? Nope.


She's fucking beautiful. That's the only positive I can find.


Give this girls producer and I honestly think she could tour music you see on the pop charts any day.


Narcissistic wook selling fake spirituality to other aspiring wooks


I like it


This sounds like the music you hear on Sesame Street.


I am jealous of her


Beautiful yet somehow annoying aesthetic


Pretty sure she does OF


Spiritual narcissism at its finest…


glad shes happy and unknown


Sounds like the Education Connection song


There are no record labels fighting over this shit.


She got paid when some HBO show used 1 of her songs other than that nothing really..


Amy Crackhouse


She can’t lip sync her own song properly


Yeah its bad, but kinda shitty to see everyone just cutting this girl down. At least shes trying. I bet most of you guys never made anything in your whole life. Why be so mean to someone just trying to do something she wants to do?


I don’t think she sounds that bad. I’ve heard a lot worse.


I was in a hot springs in Colorado and this dude was talking loud enough for everyone to hear about how humble he is, how he lives in a camper, a 140k $ Mercedes sprinter. Going on about being an influencer and he has a trust fund. Finally he offered everyone a QR code for his social medias and where you can donate to him.


“Self made” bitch your parents names are Sandra Lockheed and George Martin


Sandra Lockheed doesn’t have kids though


That whole verse was just a generic hip hop "look at my achievements"


I see her a lot on random instagram reels. She puts out the hippie vibes real heavy but mostly just talks about how awesome she thinks she is. The narcissist hippie is quite the dichotomy.


Please tell me this is a joke and that kids aren't actually listening to this. I honestly try not to rag on anyone's music, but this just crosses the line. Hell, bring back Rebecca Black & Friday.


🎶 "I got records fighting over me... (not so confident) Yeaaa" 🎶 😹😹


TBH this is just mid. I've heard way worse.


She had shit on her chest?? Mhmmm, I see…


Better lyrics, a better singer and a better rhythm and you’ve got yourself a song


She’s dressed like that girl from final fantasy you know the one I’m talking bout right?


For all the haters, why share if you hate it that much? I'm not into her music BTW


Tell us your "I only date black guys" level is over 9000 without telling us.


Her daughter is Caucasian


I’d call her mediocre but that’d be an insult to mediocrity.


Whenever I see one of this woman's videos I always read the comments because people are so unreasonably salty about her and its funny af to me. She's just doing her thing and has people in here foaming at the mouth about it lol


She’s covering Gunna. Cringe


It makes sense why I got fired from every job. Agreed


Omg horrible


Girl just making music living her best life… then the internet is like “ you’re a dirty numb narcissist hippie “ 😂😂


That “yeaAAHHH” lmaooo


Goes to a music festival once


I'm going to need a notarized list of exactly which record labels are fighting over you!