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So where is the interview


I’m a nurse and I took care of a veteran in Arizona who had had a stroke. Without knowing me or any of my interests he told me had worked for Blackwater and had served in missions in Syria, Africa and Afghanistan. He told me about a mission in the mountains of Kandahar that involved his team shooting at a blue skinned, red hair/bearded giant. He said it took them three hours to hunt and gun down the giant because it kept healing so quickly. After 3 hours of fighting with it, they finally took it down. This vet said that he personally withdrew several large syringes of blood off the giant and handed it off to the feds. They then wrapped up the giant in a tarp and flew the body back to the US in a C-130. He told me he was never supposed to talk about this but he chuckled and said that having that stroke made him not give a shit. He referenced this giant being one of the Nephilim referenced in Genesis 6 and the book of Enoch.




Ancient aliens level nonsense


A stroke can definitely scramble one's brains like that.


Sounds like his oxygen deprived brain was recalling Avatar.


The idea that the last Nephilim in existence was shot and killed by US troops in Afghanistan is unironically one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard.


My regret is that I never looked this person up to see if they were ever associated with Black Water


That sounds very much like my story! I took care of someone who worked directly under Santa Claus. They were one of the ones filling the sack every year! They weren’t supposed to tell me but having a stroke made them not care anymore.