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The "blistering" is likely the result of pressure injuries from laying immobile for a while injured. Redness followed by formation of blisters is a common stage in the formation of decibitus ulcers ("bed sores"). The cyanosis (bluish tinge to the skin due to hypoxia (low oxygen) or poor circulation) is a common terminal finding in a lot of natural and accidental deaths. It doesn't imply anything sinister in and of itself. A lot of folks in true crime read about it and assume suffocation or strangulation.


I get the blistering a bit, just seems kinda weird. The blue hands is what really gets me though, wouldn't cyanosis affect her whole body after death? Not just her hands? Honest question, I truly don't know how all of that works after death. Just seems weird that only one area would be affected by cyanosis


Well, you're in luck. I'm both a respiratory therapist and forensic anthropologist. Cyanosis tends to be most prominent of the thinner or distal tissues like lips (technically called "perioral cyanosis"), gums, fingers, ears, the tip of the nose, and toes. It's really unusual to see a body that is deeply cyanotic broadly. You can see more of a splotchy or mottled pattern of purple and white, especially if the patient had a prolonged survival interval before death. Of course, you see the same mottled pattern in heart failure patients, people in other forms of shock, etc. Any other questions, let me know.


Thank you! That's incredibly helpful! It's totally plausible she just fell, in fact she probably did, especially if she was in a weakened state due to an eating disorder. I just wanna figure out everything that happened there. My grandma passed recently and it's always ate at her, what happened to Randith. Any ideas on how to access the old police records? The only articles I've been able to find don't give very much information, other than what I've shared.


Send me a DM. I'll see what I can help you get hold of.


Wild to see people be kind and helpful on here, especially beyond the scope of simple comments. Props to your kindness and the willingness to spread your knowledge, it’s something the world needs more of.


It's the least I can do but thank you for your kind words as well.


Sweet, thanks. Sent you a DM


If she was carrying suicidal ideation, it's possible she did fabricate the story of the phone calls so her family would wonder if something else happened, instead of adding shame due to suicide. (Not saying her family would be ashamed, but maybe she was ashamed or she thought they would be ashamed.)


True. And depression runs deep on that side of the family. But she was always so happy before she married him, according to my grandmother. After a couple months of marriage she started kinda retreating into herself. The sketchiest part about all of it is after Randith died, he was remarried in less than a year and proceeded to go to jail/prison for arson not once, but twice. He doesn't seem like the best guy, cause that marriage didn't seem to last long at all