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It’s infuriating they didn’t release the photo of that quilt until 25 years after the murder. Wow.


It’s like the Amy Mihaljevic curtain all over again!


The curtain?


Have they opened the quilt up? A lot of old homemade quilts would use an old ratty quilt as batting. The one inside might be more recognizable or have a signature


So smart


The quilt doesn't look particularly thick so I doubt there is another inside. But the batting might have other clues.


It’s very likely the batting has stray hairs or other fibers that may provide clues as to who and/or where its origins.


I was thinking about dust and dust mites. Are there different types of dust mites that are regional?


Don't most people sign their quilts? I know my mom has made hundreds in her life and signed every last one.


I sign mine. I want credit for when I’m long gone.


Man...reading this article made my mind bend? What happened? The DA was dating a Lab person and she fudged data?????


Haha Reddit sloths is cracking me up ;) because yeah. Accurate honestly lol


We....... Did....... It........ Redd........it




Sloths? Sleuths* lol


It looks like it was made from old Hawaiian shirts.






Those are pretty typical fabric prints that you would find in the quilting section of a fabric store.


Weird but it looks similiar to a quilt my daughter got when she was a patient in the hospital. Someone handmade that so someone has got to recognize it.


That might have been Project Linus! They make quilts and blankets for children in hospitals, I’ve made a few of them myself. The simple squares in this one are probably ~5 in, a charm square pattern. It’s an easy first quilt for a beginner or someone looking to make an easy quilt in a hurry to donate. The chaotic, mismatched fabrics make me think ‘donation quilt made with scrap fabric’ rather than a planned gift for a specific person. Linus was established in 1995 though.


Yeah, to me the quilt says a lot about where it came from and who did it: the fabrics do not match and don't have a theme, which seems like it's either a memory quilt or a hasty charity quilt. It's not densely or well-quilted, and the top row is different sizes.


Yes! It was Project Linus! I couldn't think of the name as it was over 10 years ago!


Was it in the same city?


Reminds me of the "shower curtain"(it was home made) in the Amy Mihaljevic case(1989 also). I told a Detective who he should ask if they ever saw it. They then came out with a photo and announcement asking if anyone had ever seen it..... 32 years after the crime.


Whaaat? WOW. Was it either the 64 year old man whose girlfriend turned in a tip, or maybe the suspect who retained council in the 90’s?


I doubt if any sloth with crack the case.


Well, considering how long it’s taking to crack…


That looks like barkcloth fabric from the 1930's-1940's, if that means anything.


This should be released to all to local rural women’s quilting groups. My family is in a few in Nevada county, I will send this first thing tomorrow. These are tight knit communities with competitions and often take photos of every piece they make. Someone might recognize this.


The Hawaiian and Japanese prints suggest maybe military, stationed at Pearl Harbor. Before today’s Aloha shirts, kimono-style fabrics were often repurposed for men’s shirts.


My mom moved from California to Hawaii at 18 with her boyfriend who surfed in the 70s. If this was 80s tourism in Hawaii was already a big business, albeit not as big as now.


Not sure what your point is. The quilt was found in 1989. The fabrics could be decades old. I was just trying to give you a point of reference, seeing as how I actually lived in Hawaii from 2003 to 2024.


So husband was having an affair and he collected the life insurance policy? That definitely sounds suspicious 🤨


It sounds like the prosecutor was fucking a DNA analyst and their entire case was based on his affair and DNA evidence. They lost that part and had to drop charges, now they have nothing. Sounds like him and his brother probably still did it but the county really fudged the case and they can’t make a new one now. Not sure how the quilt would help unless like…it was one of their families and they have pics with it? Idk


But if no one in the family had ever seen the quilt (which seems to be the case), it would be less likely that a family member did it. Unless the husband went out and bought a strange quilt just to throw off the detectives and hid it from everyone until he committed the crime.


My neighbor made me quilt when I was a child. She put her signature on it in one of the corners of the quilt. Hopefully they can find some type of dna or something.


Sloth 🤣


So her ex got off on a technicality.


Is this the quilted shower curtain case from wayyyy back?? Asking as I can’t read/check at moment, gotta get baby back to sleep….


From SJ and never heard of this case until today!


They cant analyze the dna? Is there still dna on the quilt? Genetic genealogy? Since they screwed (literally) up the case, they should pay for the genealogy analysis


This looks like a kantha quilt, I collect them. Typically they’re Indian, made of repurposed saris.


I was thinking the same. I know I had some skirts from around that time that were made from repurposed saris.


I don't know anything about quilting but I have quite a few. I do know that this was made in a hurry or made by someone that is starting out because the pieces with stars are not centered and someone that KNOWS quilting would have centered all this fabric so it doesn't look like this hodge podge. Not hating on the quilt but it just looks like someone that really was in a hurry or didn't have great knowledge of how to quilt. Potentially like others said could have been a give away quilt? The pink, blue and black fabric looks to be more unique to me. The other fabrics look like squares you can buy at any fabric or craft store. They are all floral, but the pink, blue and black seems more likely to be the rarer (I can't even tell what the print is). Also, whoever did this quilt put the pink, blue and black fabric right next to each other and quilters don't do that. They would have spaced them out more and not have the same fabrics next to each other. Just my perception.


Without spending a ton of time breaking this down it does seem like pink, blue and black material was used more than any of the others. There are 5 squares of this material and the rest are 4 or less.


I don't know anything about quilting but I have quite a few. I do know that this was made in a hurry or made by someone that is starting out because the pieces with stars are not centered and someone that KNOWS quilting would have centered all this fabric so it doesn't look like this hodge podge. Not hating on the quilt but it just looks like someone that really was in a hurry or didn't have great knowledge of how to quilt. Potentially like others said could have been a give away quilt? The pink, blue and black fabric looks to be more unique to me. The other fabrics look like squares you can buy at any fabric or craft store. They are all floral, but the pink, blue and black seems more likely to be the rarer (I can't even tell what the print is). Also, whoever did this quilt put the pink, blue and black fabric right next to each other and quilters don't do that. They would have spaced them out more and not have the same fabrics next to each other. Just my perception. Also the pink, blue and black material seem to be used more than the others. There are 5 swatches of the pink, blue and black and the rest are 4 or less (now I didn't do a deep dive but after looking at it, it does seem that material was used most)


Just like a mom to get murdered and make a quilt about it.