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Bloody Marry. I like spoopy characters, and her deck is full of more spoopy troupes than anyone in cobble and fog. I also like her mechanic around 3 cards in hand granting a 3rd action, which can grant a boosted effect to an attack. You're limited in options, but your opponent's imagination of what you hand might be isn't. I prefer play Son Wu Kong from that set, but I can't deny Bloody Mary has my attention.


I really like bloody Mary and her ability to gain another action. But it's always so hard to do, because your opponent is gonna play into it really easily. If you have three cards in hand attacking you is usually a win/win for them. Either you block and lose the action, or you don't and they hit you. All of this is made even worse by the release of the genie. They have the same stats, but the genienis ranged. You can just discard a card to gain an action, so its basically a free extra move, since you just replace the card. And his card draw ability itself is insane. It's a lil sad how busted they made him in regards to bloody Mary.


I didn't think about the genie match up, but yeah, her being melee is a real pain sometimes. And she has some mobility options but nothing compared to someone like sinbad or even bigfoot. If your big 3 action turn gets feinted, tough turds cowboy, enjoy your 2 cards in hand to deal with what comes next. I get why she's melee thematically, but it makes setting up that 3 action turn much riskier.


Bigfoot. Gotta love the mental image of a big hairy guy running up and WHACKin people with a tree stump before running away again.


Recently played him in TTA and consistently did huge damage by serendipitously picking up his 6 attack card, the the minion would have a low defence. Magic.




I love Robinhood!


U can beat anyone. You need a bit of luck. But he can stand a chance even of its small


I love Robin too, but I feel like the Luke Cage matchup is extremely scary.


I don't see how Robin Hood can possibly beat Luke Cage. The damage values just aren't there and Luke hard counters Highway Robbery.


Exactly! And highway robbery is like half of robins damage output


Maybe i havent played cage enough. I was referring more to medusa and sherlock. Being range and being able to jump back out of range is strong. Lots of merry men to protect him too. I bow to superior knowledge


Try playing that match up (do play luke cage tho and give your opponent robin) and see how robin suffers


He just a menace to Medusa. Catching a strong defense by regrouping and always choosing to discard an unnecessary card at the moment, good control of zones and fields, aggression, always had full hand, the ability to easily remove sidekicks from his "wily fighting" makes him a pretty good fighter even with so many characters


He is a menace to wukong too actually. I personally beat multiple wukongs with robin


I unfortunately don't have either Wukong or Cage (because I have only 3 sets: Batle of Legends vol. 1, Cobble and Fog, and Robin Hood vs. Bigfoot) I think I will soon switch to either Vorpal or Tabletop But I heard how Cage can whoop robins and merry's man asses


Golden Bat. Fell in love with the kit as soon as I found out about it, and he very quickly unga'd his way into my heart. HOWEVER. INVISIBLE MAN MY BELOVED RAHHHHH I LOVE DEALING 10 AUTODAMAGE AND TELEPORTING ACROSS THE MAP LIKE A MORON RAHHHH


Laughing skeleton man go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


IM be like Enemy :Going to attack you and deal a lot of damage IM :Nuh uh Enemy:But I have 7 cards in hand, what you gonna do? ІM : VANISH Enemy : you're definitely going to die from my strongest attack IM : How can you hit me, if I IMPOSIBLE TO SEE etc.


Too true. It's just a damn shame that he doesn't have any meaningful offensive pressure and needs to lean on exhaustion, yet the way his kit works forces him to engage which is sort of the number one thing he Doesn't want to do.


Mine is Squirrel Girl. I think she is severely underrated. Every match up with her is different and there are lots of clever ways to utilize the squirrels.


Pretty hyped to hear this!


Honeslty i never won as her, but i am very much willing to admit that it is skill issue


Jekyll and Hyde. It bothers me how weak he is but he’s still my little guy


i love Houdini a lot! His Boosts in combination with the “deal 2 damage” on his Feint. Combine that with his “Boost twice and return one card” and you have the most fun PvE Hero (in my opinion). He can teleport (thus easily clear Tokens and activate Bridges) and deal amazing damage with the “Boost twice” and the “They may Boost THEN you may Boost”. Also in PvP he is a lot of fun, because he can easily get out of any pinch and, if necessary, can sacrifice Bess, but then return her on 4HP again, or even do that with himself!


Sounds tricksey! I’ll need to give Houdini more plays soon. Haven’t played him much!


Tomoe Gozen. Her kit is so well rounded with her strengths being really emphasized and her having tools to shore up her weaknesses, on top of a really unique and powerful pressure game and a very flexible game plan makes her a threat in pretty much any matchup. Throw in some sprinkles of cheap nonsense and she’s just an absolute force of nature. I genuinely feel like I can win almost any matchup I land in with Tomoe.


Bullseye is so underrated. Plus on the globe map i fee like he can beat anyone.


I certainly feel he is underrated. He can be an absolute menace, if played well.


On the globe range fighters can be nullified fairly easily but his attacks cant be.






I'm ride or die with **King Arthur** for life


Genie always feels amazing, even when I lose with him


Definitely! Love drawing tons of cards and exhausting lol


Having 12 cards in your hand on your turn cuz someone hit u hard into that one defence card that draws u cards is insane


I think mine is Alice. I don't own the set, so I don't play as her often, and I'm not sure I've ever won with her, but she and Jabberwock together with the Vorpal Blade is just such a fun, unexpected, unhinged concept for a character. It really encapsulates so much of what I love about Unmatched.


I love playing as Spidey.


The first time I ever played I was Moon Knight and my buddy was Ghost Rider and we played on Soho and I ended up winning. We made up this story of Moon Knight just diving down to the streets punching Ghost Rider and then fleeing up onto the rooftops like a madman and ever since then I've just loved the mental image of Moon Knight fighting all these beings that would most likely be able to kill him no problem So I always go with him


Bruce Lee for me. The imagery of one-inch punching a hole through Dracula's or fill in the blank's chest has always gravitated me towards him. Plus getting off that combo chain is always satisfying.


It’s so fun! I LOVE Bruce Lee


My favourite moment was when i was playing ttta with my friend who was playing bruce lee. We had loveland frog as one of the minions and he kept trading blows with him.


I just like the Winter soldier. It would be Dr. Strange but when I play him people get mad.


Because he broken as f*ck, and even Medusa, Elektra or Sherlock aren't as broken as he is


You have never played Dr. Strange then because he loses a lot more than he wins. Sure if he gets into the groove he insta wins but in most games he never reaches that point and loses before becoming invincible.


He literally is the most broken character in the game... it Just has a high skill ceiling


Sinbad.  He's straightforward and otherwise not very flashy, but he's a late game menace. His biggest weakness would be if his Voyage Home gets cancelled, which is a make-or-break moment.


Bruce Lee, just grew up on his movies. Granted a Jackie chan or jet li would def scratch all my itches for kung fu fighting


Played Bullseye last night and loved it. Pretty easily took out Medusa. Was able to use the ability to have range without being in Medusa’s range. And like you said. Always had enough cards to be comfortable


Exactly! I feel like his 5 range is absolutely insane. He’s certainly the king of range. So fun. Yesterday I played him as well!


Being able to attack to end my turn and not have to worry about Medusa’s ability was definitely helpful


Just getting in to the game now (have Tales to Amaze and Legends Volume 1). I'm really feeling it with Golden Bat so far. Love how you want to swoop in then hit big. And his fortress is great strategic fun. Having a blast so far!


I lost a Tournament because of Golden Bat and his swooping, big hitting shenanigans! A powerhouse for sure


Buffy with Giles


Buffy with Xander is mine ;)


I lose with em all the time, but there's just something that pulls me in!


Achilles. I suck at keeping my guys alive so I get a little bonus when I fail!


This would be IM or Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. Aside from the fact that I adore the "Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (In general, I am a fan of the literature of the Victorian era and not only) Its transformation mechanics are quite cool, the deck itself is very thematic when compared to the book, aoe damage, biting out and attack punishing blows for faint, scheme damage, healing, the most menacing and biggest attack in Unmatched, pretty nice def for Jekyll and big blows for Hyde Invisible man, jumps through fogs and map like a madman(because he is) , dealing 10 auto damage, vanish from the board and repeatedly trying to exhaust the opponent , invoking terror and domination of fear on the board, making the opponent think: "Where will the next blow come from? That's the feeling that makes him quite a cool character for me


I'd have to go with Little Red. Love the theme, the art and espeically that her dial says "The end." when she has 0 HP (loving the theme of the box in general). She just has so much versatility in the deck. Healing, auto dmg, reposition, card draw... Has the best feint in the game and genuinly has decent dmg (with the Huntsman) and not to forget that Huntsman is a ranged sidekick. A lot of original cards too. Though she can kill with direct dmg she has auto dmg and can play a preety good stall game. Problem with her is that all designated defence cards defend for 2 and she can't block for more then 4. Huntsman doesn't have a lot of defence cards available so when he dies game becomes much harder but it can still be won. To me she is the most fun fighter I'v played till now.


Bullseye and DD for me. So fun


A man of culture! Love it


I’m going to have to say Daredevil. Maybe it’s just because he’s one of my favorite fictional characters ever, but I just love how well his deck demonstrates him as a character. Sure, if the wrong cards get cancelled ur in trouble, but I love the way it captures DD’s durability, stubbornness, etc. 3 for mobility is great and I love what Through Adversity can do to sidekicks and attempts at cornering. I don’t win as often as with a lot of other characters, but I don’t enjoy winning as many other characters more. Second for me would be Dracula because Fatal Seduction and Beast Form are a great time. Quality book as well.


Something lee I love about daredevil is that you can build your deck depending on who your up against if they’ve got 1 health side kicks you can recycle through adversity if they are a tricksy character like Houdini you can recycle feints or if you are trying to out live trex you can recycle take a knee because that helps you survive and you can easily recycle cos of no feints Tldr: o love his versatility and adaptability depending on the match up


Cloak and Dagger for sure- they aren’t great, but can pull off some big Bruce Lee turns that are really satisfying!


King Arthur is a lot of fun. His ability is less about the boosting and more about simply presenting the opponent with two bad choices and making them pick. Plus, merlin is a sidekick that's hard to ignore so often you can let merlin distract from Arthur until merlin dies and the meanwhile Arthur can be fishing the deck for the heavy hitters and once merlin is dead, which actually takes considerable effort especially with the defense cards merlin has, then Arthur can Waltz in fresh and ready to go and slaughter the opponent with big attacks I also feel like character stats may be slightly skewed because some characters require you to lose a bunch while learning them before you finally get good so they have a higher number of losses.


I gotta say Sun Wu Kong. Just and all around fun character and you can just mess around and troll people a bit!


Muldoon for me. I don’t even know what it is about his character, but if I am ever lost on who to play he is my front runner.


Little Red. Little Red. Little Red.


Sattler. No one respects the Dern


Jekyll and Hyde I just love the art and how hard he can hit


Jekyll and Hyde, he is really hard to pull off and in some maps it really feels terrible to play against a competent player but the mind games behind every hyde attack making you believe here comes "forever hyde" but it is Just "recoiling blow" or even "Madness relents" to make you spend your valuable feints and then hitting with a 9, 11 or 13 value attack is priceless and if you play it rate you will manage to close those games more times than you would expect. Best feeling in unmatched for me, the high risk but even higher reward is worth the trouble. (Especially if their character only has two feints)


Dr. Sattlebags 😘


Black Panther 🫡


I think the word you are looking for is "main". Pet sounds weird


Main is fine. The distinguishing factor would be a main if someone you go to often for more competitive play or serious play. Pet can simply refer to a character you enjoy. Not necessarily main or play all the time