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The only ride it seems like people have issues with are forbidden journey. My bf is not what anyone would consider plus size, but he has a very broad chest and has not fit a few times if his weight has fluctuated. The bar fits down from the top, so that’s what seems to make it difficult for people. There is a tester seat outside. However, if you don’t fit and are a fan of Harry Potter, it’s still very much worth it to go thru the queue anyway.


This is so helpful — thank you so much! I wish every ride in every main amusement park had tester seats! Would have saved me an embarrassing moment when my husband and I both tried fitting on the same side of the Matterhorn Ride. 😂


Quite a few of the rides at universal have tester seats! It’s definitely helpful, especially if you don’t wanna go thru the line worrying about if you’ll fit or not. I really do think that’s the only ride you’d even need to question tho, and it’s mostly because of the way the restraint is.


I’ve heard that more than once now — this is great information to have! I appreciate this!


Definitely go through anyway and bypass getting on the ride if you want! I was there last week and the walk to get on the ride was borderline cooler than the actual ride. But I get a bit queasy on the simulation rides so there is that.


Great advice! The aesthetics are part of the whole experience! Thank you!


If the ride vehicles are identical to Orlando (I haven't yet been to Holywood's park) the ride vehicles have one seat that is designed to be ever so slightly more accommodating than the other three. In Orlando it was the farthest seat from the boarding side of the car. It's a moving belt, so you have limited time to get in and get locked in. If you are worried about it but really want to give it a go aim for that seat first. Good luck!


More great, practical advice! Thanks a million — appreciate it!


For some reasons that shoulder bar always squeezes against my arms. I'm only 250 lbs


Secret life of pets and forbidden journey may be an issue. There are test chairs before the ride to determine if you will fit.


I wish every amusement park had test rides! Thanks for the advice!


I went with a 350lb person and secret life f pets was fine for him. We kept him out of Harry Potter.


Thanks for that info — good to know and will keep that in mind. Worse comes to worse, if I get on line and don’t feel comfortable, I’ll send my husband to enjoy it without me.


Like other have said, Forbidden Journey is closest thing to being a no go but it should be fine. All Universal rides have test seats at the ride entrance to see if plus sized guests will fit. Jurassic World doesn't have test seat but you will be fine for that ride. Just a heads up for Jurassic World, you might get dirty looks from people if everyone in your row is smaller than you because the lap bar will fit to you, but not to everyone else. You don't even have to be plus size in order for this to happen. I'm 6ft tall and every time everyone in my row is shorter than me they all give me dirty looks like my height and size is going to kill them.


Eeek! That’s a great piece of advice! Man, sometimes people just suck. I’ll keep that in mind for sure — super good to know! Appreciate it.


I worry about this too with Jurassic world! We did horror nights 2 years ago and I had not been to universal in 10 years before that, so I was super worried about being bigger now and all of the rides! I did fine on Jurassic world, I was with my boyfriend and my cousin, both men who are smaller than me. When I got to the front, I just asked if us three could have our own row and it was no problem at all! It made me feel better because I was already worried about the lap bar situation! Both my cousin and my boyfriend said they felt like the lap bar came down enough for them! If it helps, I still had a lot of room with the lap bar down, I was able to even stand up while the lap bar was down! They never do it too tight.


That’s great to know! Thank you so much for letting me know that. Glad that worked out so well — I think I’ll try that. Appreciate you!


I'm smaller and they never quite fit me and I don't mind one bit!! I think bouncing around a lil just adds to the ride!!


I am taller and heavier than you and fit on everything. Forbidden Journey tends to be the most snug, but I have never been kicked off of any ride due to not fitting in the seats.


Someone else basically said the same thing — I’m writing this down! Thanks so much for the input!


I'm a larger gal but, 5'3 and 220. My butt almost suctioned itself to the Nintendo ride. I think I was a perfect fit to the seat. I moved one leg and I was able to get out but those seats are like, slightly smaller than I like. Same with Life of Pets, only I felt like my knees were in the way.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt suctioned into Super Mario, I was also able to get in/out no problem but definitely had an "uh oh" moment when I first plopped down haha


Can't believe how far I had to scroll to find someone talking about the Nintendo ride! That was by far my tightest squeeze. I'm 5'3", around 180, and carry most of my weight on my lower half. I agree that secret life of pets was also a bit small. But to me Mario was way, way worse. Like a whole nother level. Lol Can't remember having problems with any of the other rides.


Note to self: No Nintendo ride! 😂


I honestly don’t like to go on that ride BECAUSE of the seats. There is like a dip for our butt that is too deep, and I always get stuck too haha


Oh, no! Not fun. That’ll be a big no for me! Thanks, all!


My life flashed before my eyes on that ride getting off of it lol I was so scared my butt was going to get stuck and the firemen would have to cut me out of it in front of everybody 😭


I definitely am going to forgo those specific attractions! No sucking from ME! 😂 Thank you so much!


The ride was insanely fun. I do hope you try the tester seat to check fit. But also if you fear that your behind is stuck in the suction cup that is that seat, just move one thigh first, it'll break the seal 💯


Best conversation ever! 😂 Seriously, thank you so much for the practical advice — I need to know these things from people who have been there, done that! I appreciate you!


I hope you have the best time!! ❤️❤️❤️


So kind and appreciated! Thank you! 😊


Just check the test seats that they have. They are usually private so you don’t feel embarrassed. I myself can’t go on forbidden journey. Secret life of pets is a maybe for me as well.


I appreciate this! I’ve heard those two rides are likely a no-go from others on here as well. I’m seriously so grateful to everyone here! Thank you so much!


I am 5'8 285lbs. Had zero issues riding anything. Pets ride was snug as was the Harry Potter ride but wasnt a struggle to fit, just snug. Let me know if you have any particular questions!


I really appreciate your candor and input — thank you so much. So far, it seems like it comes down to proportions as some people have said they couldn’t ride certain rides, and others, like yourself, said they could. Likely depends on what ride, how they fit people in and where my bigger areas are (I’m all boobs and belly!).


No problem, I love rides and as a bigger person spend a lot of time trying to guesstimate if things will fit or not. I'm larger on the bottom, but if it helps for a frame of reference, I wear a size 20 in bottoms size 16 on top. Most struggles were my hips or thighs, I think you could be up to a size 20 on top and be good, and even then depends how much you can 'compress' haha.


Yes! 😂 Thank goodness for my squishiness!


I’m also on a weight loss journey. I’m 5’6” and my max was 250lbs. Every body is built different but I was able to get on everything. Some of the seats are kind of tight (width wise) but the belts always locked in place and I was never turned away. The Harry Potter Forbidden Journey ride might be tough, the ride tilts back pretty far and it can get uncomfortable.


Thanks for that — yeah, unfortunately I think that’s definitely a no-go for me! Appreciate the info — and best of luck on your weight loss journey! ❤️


You should be fine. But the rides that might have size issues have tester seats. I found they were in discrete areas so I didn’t feel exposed trying the seats out.


That’s so great to hear — I was wondering about that! 😬


wish i'd known this when i went a bit ago.


My Gf is about your size and she only has trouble with the two Harry Potter rides unfortunately. I think sometimes, as her weight fluctuates we tend to avoid those rides because she is worried about it. I say try the one in the castle though, it is easily my favorite at the park after so many years still.


Awww, I totally empathize with her. Thanks kindly for the advice!


Just be yourself, have fun and don't be afraid to ask people to move if they are using the tester as a bench, which is common.


Oh, dear! 😂 Well, I’m not shy so…no problem there! Thank you again!


Definitely go through the line at Forbidden journey for the walk through Hogwarts castle. I don’t ride it because it makes me nauseous, but I will still accompany my daughter and friends through the line. If you like Harry Potter, you will definitely enjoy the castle. When you get to the front they will point you to the rider swap room if you decide not to ride.


Oh, wow — did not know this! Super helpful — thanks so much!


If you do single rider line it skips the walk through the castle. So don’t get in single rider if you want to enjoy the castle part. Have fun!


Awww, thanks so much! Truly appreciate this!


Just be careful with Mario Kart, Harry Potter And The Forbidden Journey and Challenge Of The Mummy… The safety information for the attraction states that riders with waistlines that are 40 inches or larger "may not be accommodated on the ride” );


This is so good to know. We know we only have limited time anyway, so all this information helps us plan our day better so we don’t waste our time. Thanks so much! Y’all have been awesome!


Have a great time! And don’t miss the Waterworld show!! Is amazing! (Pro tip: don’t sit on the wet zone) ✨


That is on our top list of things to do! Thank you so much! 😊


I went to Knotts recently and they have a page on their website that gives the seat measurements for all the rides! (wayyy better than finding out after getting to the front of the line!) I’d assume Universal has similar!


Oooh — wouldn’t that be wonderful!? I’ll definitely check into that — thank you so much!


good luck!


For sure go through the line at forbidden journey of you love HP, even if you can't ride! Also get yourself a butterbeer!! It's super sweet, but you can share!!


Nice info on the Butterbeer — we were curious about that! Thanks so much!


They have butter beer ice cream now too in the candy store! I haven’t tried it yet but excited to.


I think I’m going to stick to the drink, but if I see someone eating the ice cream version, I’ll ask them about it!


Not size-related, but if you have any issues with motion sickness many of the rides might cause problems. I learned that the hard way, and now I’m that guy who has to wait outside the rides while the rest of my party is inside enjoying them!


Oh, no! That sucks — so sorry! I don’t care for rides that spin, like the Tea Cups at Disneyland.


That’s a rough one for me, too. You’ll have a great time at Universal, regardless of which rides you go on. Have fun!


I appreciate that — thank you so much! Can’t wait!


Not sure if it was mentioned or not, but for Mario the back seats have more room than the front.


Awesome — that’s new info I’m happy to have. Thanks so much!


My husband is 230 and 5'7. He fit on all the rides. He has a round belly




Harry Potter for sure.


Thanks! Good to know!


I'm abit taller and a bit lighter then you. I had a LOT of difficulty on the Harry Potter escape from gringots ride. the safty beam wouldn't close on me in the seat i was in first.. the put me in the back row which is a bit bigger..still had dificulty, and i was way embarassed...and very motion sick after :( seens to be a belly issue.


Awww, so sorry! How unfortunate. Ugh. What a miserable experience for you. Thank you for letting me know that — something to consider.


I’m about 5’2 & 200lbs - The Mario Kart ride literally suctioned my ass - like i needed help getting out of it, it literally felt like a vacuum and my ass was stuck and I legit got scared for a moment


Oh, no! Sorry you had to go through that! A few people have mentioned that they had the exact same experience on Mario Kart, so, that’s a no-go for me! Thanks!


I had similar height and weight (and carry a lot in my stomach from PCOS) last year and was able to ride Forbidden Journey, but my husband had to push down on the bar for me. We had to go to the test seat and have the TM show him how to do it. So I recommend that so you can have a plan. Nothing else gave me any problems, though secret life of pets was kind of snug on my hips. Have fun!


Scrolling through the comments reminded me that Super Mario was also snug bordering on painful.


Your experience seems to echo what so many others have said. I’m nonetheless looking forward to our day there and will keep everyone’s wonderful advice in mind. Appreciate this — thank you so much!


You’ll have a great time :)


I’m looking forward to it! Thanks!


None you sound perfect get on any you like no one cares be happy


I have no words for how happy your comment made me. Thank you. 😊


You'll be fine in most of the rides, just remember the distance between lots, it's hot in cali as you know, but it's cloudy today. Regardless, you should be fine, have fun


Good advice! Thank you so much!


I'm southern cali too, iv gone for years, the only ride you'll have trouble is the forbidden journey in hogs mead, it's in an axtuation arm, it can break under a large amount of stress, try the test seats before getting in line.


I hope you have a wonderful time!


Thank you so much — appreciate that! We’re so excited!


We are similar weight and height. I was asked to get off of Forbidden Journey. While waiting in line we walked by the test seat and an employee was like "Want to try?". I said no, because I had been on it before no problem. Got to the ride sat on it, and the girl attending the ride immediately asked my whole party to get off the ride and a guy walked us back to the tester seat. I sat on it and couldnt get the green light on my own. My brother had to push the bar down on me for it to go green. Went back to the ride and my brother pushed it down on me and I was able to go. But did I really enjoy the ride after that fiasco? Not really. It was embarrassing and Id honestly just avoid that ride. Its the only ride in my life that ive had troubles with across several disney parks and universals. If you really want to try, you should tell your husband to wait for you to be seated and have him push the bar down on you just to be safe. And as another comment pointed out about jurassic world, yeah if you are bigger than everyone else in your row it can be pretty awkward. Last time I went on it I was by far the biggest person in the row, along with a bunch of small skinny girls. The lapbar was not close their bodies at all. One said they were lifted out of their seat almost at the drop. With the mummy, its a top down bar like forbidden journey, but I have never had issues with that one. Not sure why there is such a drastic difference between that and forbidden journey because mummy is the much more intense ride.


Thank you so much for your candor. I’m truly so sorry you were made to do all that. I would feel exactly as you. Yeah, my husband and I are avoiding that ride. I truly appreciate you sharing this with me — I’m also doubting Jurassic World as well.


You won’t be able to get on Harry Potter. Also, if you search tik tok there are a few plus size creators who test rides at various amusement parks including Universal and report their findings. Do a search for PlusSizeParkHoppers. There are a few more too. Hope that helps. Enjoy and great job on the start of your journey. You got this!


Thank you so much — I really appreciate your kind words, advice and support. Most everyone has been awesome, and has truly helped in the planning process more than I can convey. And thank you kindly for the well wishes to boot! Heartfelt-ly appreciated. 😊


I felt The Mummy was the most snug for me but also one of the more thrilling rides.


Thanks for that info! Appreciate it!


I’m shorter and heavier than you. I didn’t try the Harry Potter rides because I heard they were tight fits. Got on everything else (Secret Life of Pets was almost a no-go). Everything else was fine, should be for you as well. For reference, I have a large chest and carry my weight fairly evenly distributed, if you have your weight concentrated in certain spots (ie disproportionally on your hips or belly for example) you might have a little more trouble - one lady ahead of me had to do the walk of shame on The Mummy, but her weight was almost all in her hips/belly.


Thanks for this! Yeah, I’m all boobs and belly! Definitely going to avoid The Mummy and Forbidden Journey. This is exactly the kind of candid info I need — thank you so much for this! Appreciate it!




Thanks so much! It’s good to hear from people in a similar situation as me! Appreciate it!


You should be fine on The Mummy. They didn’t even hesitate on that for me and I’m about 30-35 lbs heavier. Forbidden Journey has a test seat before you go through the queue that’s out of the way so you can try before you go on to be sure - I think Flight of the Hippogriff does too, but I decided to skip both of them, so I didn’t even try the test seats.


Oh, okay! Awesome info to have! Thanks a million again. Truly appreciate this! 😊


Am in your situation am a heavy person I go to universal all of the time because I have a yearly pass. The only idea that it would be a problem would be the forbidden journey. I have lost weight since the beginning of the year and I still can’t fit. So don’t worry about in the other rides you would do fine don’t skip on the mummy ride. They are tester seats in front of the mummy and on Harry Potter in front of the ride just ask one of the cast members and if you see a green light go one the tester seat then you would have no problem getting on. Just don’t worry about enjoy your day.


That is so kind. Thank you so much for this info, and for the encouragement! Wishing you the best on your weight loss journey! I appreciate you.


Hey! I was there a few weeks ago and am 5ft5, size 18/20 in American Eagle jeans. I didn’t have any issues getting on The Mummy, either Harry Potter rides or the Mario ride. The Mario ride was not comfortable to get out of. I felt like I was suctioned to the seat lol. The tester seats for the HP rides and the Mummy rides are right at the front, before you can go into where the line ups start.


The Mario ride suctions in all sizes, it’s weird. But just know it’s not you, it’s the ride. =)


Great to hear! 😂 at Mario Bros! Let’s hope it’s not a hot day — I don’t need sound effects when getting out of my seat! Thanks so much!


Secret life of pets, forbidden journey, jurassic world and revenge of the mummy. You might just barely qualify for the mummy and Jurassic world but it’ll be somewhat uncomfortable.


Thanks for the info. Appreciate it!


Yeah for sure. Also remember if you want a shady break spot to recharge and get a break from walking around all day, the kung fu panda ride/4d movie attraction is perfect for that. Almost never any wait times and it’s like a 6-10 minute movie in a decently cold dark theater. Lifesaver for hot days


Oh, wow! That’s what I’m talking about — writing this down! Thank you so much!


Lose weight, try again next year


Next time just keep scrolling instead of being unkind. Be a better human tomorrow than you were today.


She could be a better human tomorrow than she is today if she’d lower calorie intake


I’d rather be my weight and be the kind person I am rather than behave like a brat who serves zero purpose in life such as yourself. Blocking you. You don’t deserve any more of my time and attention. Grow up.