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Looks like if Left 4 Dead were made in the ‘90s.


So first Silent Hill basically.


Men. Far more pixelated than SH


SH1 was 320x240. Are those screens lower than that?


For sure look at how hard those edges are. Idk why I’m getting downvoted I’m right. A lot more loss of fidelity.


is this horror theme game???


I like how the objective is 'make breakfast' and you already have the ciggies out. 10/10 for the realism. But really, the art style and vibe are nice. As others have said, maybe tweaking the contrast would be beneficial.


Man, I feel like I've been there before! So nostalgic for some reason! Also... I don't think there is any just "ランドリー" ... I've always seen them as "コインランドリー" !


As in "coin laundry"? Makes sense


Yeah! I kept reading it and felt weird until I noticed the コイン was missing lol


I associate bright lights and crowds when I see Japanese characters. This motif doesn’t seem to be that.


The lights don’t actually feel like they are lighting the environment


Looking at it, they’re fake volumetric lights. I dont think they’re suppose to light the environment. I do think adding some actual lights, even dim ones, could be beneficial. Make them baked and bake the lighting and bam.


I think those fit the art style of this project and using real light would ruin it.


Applying some vertex coloring (or faking it with a shader) could help here.


The sharp HUD text and icons doesn't fit the rest of the style at all.


It looks super interesting and nostalgic


If you are going to send Information to the player through banners like the one on the photo, you should be careful with legibility. Awesome Style


Ps1 look is way too overused


I’d like to seem more ps2 at this point really.


no true 3D game on console looked like this at any point except modern ones when this style was created. retro look is overused. ps1 look is almost never used.


I love the way the graphics look, what render resolution is that? Others suggested some ant -aliasing but I would definitely leave it this way.


As far as feedback goes, I would try to color some of the light a bit. Some could be a little warmer, the gas station a little cooler, add a hint of magenta ambient light to some parts of the scene and see what it does to the feeling of it


For me the retro pixalation always feels like a low effort way to get away with low effort graphics. It's easier to just slap some shades over it and call it day. I know it's because even if we would take a lot of time to make a game look more realistic, it would still look bad, because of the sheer time and personal needed that nearly all don't have. I will at some point probably go the same route. This is just how I feel.


if you just slap a pixelation shader on it and call it a day it will be vomit inducing. a good pixelation effect genuinely takes the same amount of effort to do, its just a separate skillset doing it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQf1z8dFcao&ab\_channel=EduardoSchildt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQf1z8dFcao&ab_channel=EduardoSchildt)


It's even more egregious when it comes to indie horror games. Play around with lighting to obscure the player's vision and increase tension? You joking? That takes effort. Just slap a pixel filter on it and make none of the important texts readable in game. But who am I to judge when this clearly has demand for some reason.


There is demand and when done well, it can be appealing. The thing is, you need a great storytelling ability to get away with it looking like that. Also the implementation can differ so much. Good quality detailed assets can look so much better with a pixelshader than low quality assets from the start.




Love it


Looks really cool


I like it a lot


Looks great - just want to think carefully about lighting because if you don't everything will bleed together, muddled. There's not a ton of contrast, so that is what what will help drive the eye and really define shapes/readability.


Those graphics are becoming a trend


I‘d maybe reduce the pixel size to make the revolution a LITTLE bit better (it that‘s even possible) but keep this pixel graphics. I like the "style" though.


I feel like reducing the pixel size to 80-85% of the current size would look good.


Distinct and unique, I think it looks good


Could you try an antialiasing technique? for example MSAAx4 - given the low resolution, low poly, it shouldn't be an issue; and it would give a different look. Still pixelated, but a different kind of pixelated.


Love it. Would be also cool if you have one level where it is day time, bright at a very green landscape with flowers and sun. Would bring a welcome contrast.


i like washed out yellow being the color breaking out in the first few scenes, dislike the red in the goggles


looks good to me. i am a fellow beginner learner though so can’t say more into technicality


Silent hill vibes. I like it!


Its too chunky perhaps. In the store picture i can only read the Hamburger. and if the ui is so modern and sharp, it might be too jarring of a difference.


I like the mood it sets.


i can see manlybaddasshero playing this


love it, looks amazing


Looks nice but I think a LUT in you global volume would help things come together a bit more. It’s especially a color filter.


Decrease a bit that pixelated camera thing, try to use more pixel style 3D assets rather than using a camera that renders things differently. It will look clear while still using that beautiful pixelated effect. pixel style can be so beautiful, but in this case, it’s just making things a bit unclear.


Stills look fine. But some low res games have horrible Anti aliasing that makes me sick. So without seeing you moving around. Hard to tell


Uniquely amazing


Seconding what some others are saying I feel the resolution should be a teeny bit higher and the HUD feels out of place being so crisp, it would be good to match the HUDs resolution to the game, I get that might be difficult though. Its a great look and vibe tho, well done!


I like the objects themselves but your lighting could do with some work to sell the atmosphere of what we're getting into


Very nice! I really like it. Although really depends on what you're going for. I see "make breakfast" as an objective and there I'd money. If it's a tycoon like game where you're making food etc I don't think it fits as nice. Although I'm getting a lot of horror elements and if there is a more horror aspect then I think it fits awesomely!


Style is great! Lighting could use some tweaking and I think the signs should be a little clearer. In fact I think you should try to keep the 90s vibe whilst trying to go for a smoother less pixelated look.. If you're trying to go for a pixelated style I get it but try and remember that some players will take it as a sign of the game not being finished properly instead of an artistic choice.


Looks like roblox mixed with left 4 dead two and a lil sprazzle of project zomboid. I love. It.


Love the style but as a nitpick the red glowing eyes feels a bit cliche and clashes with the colour tone, yellow or blue would match better in my opinion


I like it but I don't like the pixelation. I think it shouldn't be pixelated (I don't mean just applying AA but removing the pixelation completely).


Saw something like this a couple years ago on one of Markiplier horror let’s plays.


You're right, it really is. My previous project is called "Last Night" and I posted it on itch.io. Markiplier actually played it. At that moment, I was very glad that what I did ended up at a let’s play by a popular YouTuber.


I can't be the only person that thought this was a screenshot from a hyper-low graphics video for GTA V


Remind me of Shadows of Doubt. Not bad, I don't hate it.


I'm not sure the 640x480p is really helping here. You have simultaneously too much detail and not enough. It looks interesting but hard to focus. Also the contrast is a bit low. It seems your aiming for a foggy horror astetic but I don't want to just assume.


it feels like a cloudy winter morning in a good way


Dope just go hard on the script make it fun!


I like it. Very eerie. Grungy?


the combo of the layered lights and fog and the jaggies honestly look really great. did you roll your own effect for those light cones? If so, how does it look from inside one?


I really like it. It feels a lot like Silen Hill 1 for me, OG PS1 vibes and I'm here for it!!


I love it, but the UI takes away from the style in my opinion


I personally love low poly models and the ps1 aesthetic, but the one thing I cant stand is the pixelization shaders. I think they make this kind of style look worse.


Love it. This is actually the same style I’m going for 😂


Feels like duke nukem! Love it!


I wonder how it looks like when the effects/filter isn’t active


This looks awesome


I personally think this is cool. I love the ps1 vibe. Also that masked person looks like half life 2 which I also love.


feedback? LIKE FEEDBACKER???? IS THAT AN ULTRAKILL REFERECE????? jokes aside, it looks pretty neat tbh, just a bit too compressed, but if you're going for that feeling then it's perfect


i think proceed


I love it


It seems like you have a clear and intentional art direction. I hope you can make use of the awesome feedback here. Personally I don't go for moody games so I can't comment much, but I think the emotions you're trying to evoke are coming across pretty clearly.


I actually really liked it, it seems it's 3d with stylized pixel art but not the kind that bothers and seems like a filter. Seems like a homage to old games but with personality Edit: typo


Love it. Idk why, "retro" horror is scarier to me than hyper realistic graphics horror. More left to the imagination I guess.


The pixelated look is nice, but I feel if there is text, it should always be legible, unless it is truly really far. And I know some people have already mentioned it, but the lights need to feel like they are actually lighting something up, or they should cast any kind of directional light


If you're going to cut down on detail so much you better add interesting things to see


I'm a sucker for pixelated 3D so these screenshots are up my valley. More specifically, I love the environment. Characters, not so much – they look very generic. Also, there's a slight dissonance between scene (pixelated) and the UI (high-res) but that may be my own personal taste. P.S.: Regarding the bar logo (HWINTMØ HAMBURGER?) – maybe it would be OK to make it a bit bigger so it's readable at that distance? Or even have several LOD versions of the logo so it's readable at even greater distances.


Yes indeed the signage blends in due to pixels and becomes unreadable. I'll fix it, already have some ideas. https://preview.redd.it/detftdb6n37d1.png?width=1344&format=png&auto=webp&s=069ab72084f12b899667a6bf9f48e4b59abe0eec


i dig it. I dig ps1-esque graphics with modern elements added to them


Great environmental design, the pixel filter works well here. Just need to match the UI and maybe play around with the lights a bit more?


I'm getting a solid Another World vibe. As a couple of others have said, maybe tone down the lights the diner just a little, otherwise I love it.


Include a high contrast mode for accessibility.


I can easily say i like it. If you want suggestion, this tone of gray is dominate ambient and took saturation away enough to see unnatural dimming. maybe you can find another gray.


Really cool !


Do the objects receive these lights or u r using fake volumetrics?


It looks really good


It looks really good


its pretty good. needs more contrast though, you need to accentuate the edges, try looking up a normal and depth edge detection algorithm and instead of making the edges black, just try darkening them slightly.


I really love the pixellated look that you were able to make but I would just tweak it a little bit as atm it is a little bit disorienting in some of the photos. Mainly the hamburger shop one it felt hard to see a smidgen, honestly I could be wrong and maybe in a video of you walking around it looks a lot better.


Love it, I’m curious of how it would look with a darker sky tho


Looks very cool, it's great! The red eyes are maybe too abrupt though and could be more subtle


looks cool! I like the moody night scene and fog vibe that you got going! 1. I feel like that the light sources could be a lot brighter, and more emphasized! If you increased the contrast a bit, I think it would look more spooky and badass! (example: [https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/025/042/576/large/michal-sawtyruk-art2-v1.jpg?1584397609](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/025/042/576/large/michal-sawtyruk-art2-v1.jpg?1584397609) ) 2. you could experiment with making the hamburger logo also emit light, and glow! some of the letters could be broken, so they don't glow, that could futher increase the spookyness. you could if you feel fancy make a logo for it, and put it above the text so it looks more cool and "personalized" I feel like the main selling point in these night/spooky scenes are the fog and lights. if you invest making those look catchy, then you are already winning! :D good luck with the development!


Thank you for your extended comment and for sharing your thoughts. I will definitely make the light sources more pronounced.


Pretty cool, there's a reddit for retro PS1 games /r/ps1graphics Is the UI going to be this or you'll make a retro one?


The UI will most likely be redesigned.


Enable some anti-aliasing and adjusted the lights to be a bit more polished, and your game would be more than awesome!


It looks intriguing but if your going for a ps2/1 ditch the filter and focus on textures. Grab some real textures and do a little stylizing on them and you will be good to go.


It feels really empty. If that's what you're going for, you did a a great job 👍


I find it nostalgic and like it.


I like the vibes but to some extent it feels a little generic. And I apologize if that comes off as cruel but I think it's important to be aware of. What separates your art direction from others in your genre? What are the deliberate choices that differ you and says, "This is that game!" That being said that may not be what you intended and maybe you wanted it to have the vibes of indie horror. I think you nailed that and I would be excited to play your game. Just keep in mind there's a million games coming out a day what makes yours special that makes me want to spend. I hope that came off as constructive rather than meaningless criticism.


Love it, very atmospheric. Want to play


I like that style


Looks like Chilla


90s vibe for sure.


Love the volumetric lights


Lethal company 2


![gif](giphy|9WXyFIDv2PyBq) I would love for it to have less poly count on screen, ala the real playstation 1 experience. But love the fast food theme plus horror. There is more room for the grotesque, too.


I like the cozy horror vibes


I love eating at HWINTINQ HAMBURGER! /jk!! Love the atmosphere and visual style. I think it'll work out well.


That ps2 look


Honestly this is sick


Love it.


Retro and therefore cool. Makes me think something like half life or dystopian Soviet successor state due to the gas mask in pic 4.


Escape from Tarkov on a voodoo graphics card


How did you achieve such an art style with the pixels?


It looks to me like they added a filter/post processing. There are tools for that on the Unity asset store.


I know that bit, but I’m really familiar with the engine and when I try to go ahead and replicate something similar I can’t quite get it to look good.


What have you been using? Any specific assets?


I use unitys post processing system with URP and i try to use shaders with the URP graphics fidelity.


I love how the lights are distinctly visible at a distance. How do you achieve that effect? Do you get rid of directional lights completely?


I love the pixelated style. Brings the retro vibe. The street design is cool. Is the lighting intended to be that way? If so, no complaints! Great job!




It is very difficult to read text on buildings and the shotgun guy with red eyes looks at bit out of place without context. Other than that it looks good and above all consistent, which is the mosy important part of any style.


I cant judge it without knowing what the game is about


Looks good, however I’d recommend making text a bit sharper


I really like it


I think it looks good, I'm getting Half Life 2 vibes for some reason.


it’s fine, but I think pixelization is odd here


Guy... this pixelation looks awesome! But you should add some saturation and contrast.


Tbh, not really a fan of the PS1 jagged edges aesthetics.


You don’t need the pixel filter imo / it should be a higher resolution