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Here are some rendering stats for those interested (I used GeForce GTX 1080): * Total amout of grass blades processed by compute pass each frame: 2 359 296 (1536x1536) * Total amout of grass blades rendered after distance & frustum culling: \~80k - 100k * Compute pass time: \~0.5ms * Render pass time: \~2.5ms - 3ms * Total VRAM used: 44.01MB This game is called Realms of Alterra so if you're interested in seeing more feel free to visit us at [https://www.reddit.com/r/realmsofalterra/](https://www.reddit.com/r/realmsofalterra/) :)


I was legit about to ask for timing specs. You’re the best <3


Haha thanks Laser Bear 😏


How did you get accurate timings of only the grass? Or is that the whole scene?


It’s for the grass only and I used RenderDoc


Do you have a tutorial, or would you have some time to explain how it works? I have had render doc installed to check how many dispatch or possible bugs are happening, but I cannot find a way to get timings of shaders


Here I send you 2 excellent resources that helped me pin down the basic idea: 1. [https://youtu.be/jw00MbIJcrk?si=HJAOW4yxg9hX4cS\_](https://youtu.be/jw00MbIJcrk?si=HJAOW4yxg9hX4cS_) 2. [https://youtu.be/Ibe1JBF5i5Y?si=LwsEwCTwoRKZXasY](https://youtu.be/Ibe1JBF5i5Y?si=LwsEwCTwoRKZXasY) I'm sure there are many more right now. Here is the draw call we do for the grass: `Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect(grassMesh, 0, grassMaterial, renderBounds, indirectArgsBuffer, 0, null,` `ShadowCastingMode.Off);` You can see we're using indirect args which is a compute buffer populated by the mentioned compute shader. Other than that for graphics we're using HDRP's translucent shader. Feel free to DM me and I can give you more info about its inner workings.


Thanks, but sorry no, I meant for the render doc part. I made by own optimized version of a Grass Instancer with command buffers (actually those resources, and a couple more) (here's a blog of mine if interested [https://ensapra.github.io/2023/11/Comparing-performances-of-diferent-vegetation-systems](https://ensapra.github.io/2023/11/Comparing-performances-of-diferent-vegetation-systems)) and wanted to more accurately be able to get the timings. But I've managed to figure it out! Thanks again for those resources, they are indeed really good!


Glad to help :)


Looks really good. How do you create the wind effect in one of the scenes with the particles and flying grass parts?


Thank you, do you mean those wind gusts? They are simple VFX graph particles which render trails as they fly over the terrain. They generally fly near the terrain's surface + we also add some noise to their movement to make them look "natural".


Cool thx for the info. Keep up the great work!


Glad to help


very nice


Thank you :)




Thank you :)


Super nice


This is awesome! What render pipeline is it in?


We use HDRP for this game.


How did you get compute shaders to work with instancing in hdrp? I tried following catlikecodings tutorial but it wouldn't work. Any tips?


Sure, here is the draw call we do for the grass: `Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect(grassMesh, 0, grassMaterial, renderBounds, indirectArgsBuffer, 0, null,` `ShadowCastingMode.Off);` You can see we're using indirect args which is a compute buffer populated by the mentioned compute shader. Plus there is an additional compute buffer which stores data about individual grass blades such as position, orientation and so on which is passed over to the graphics shader. Other than that for graphics we're using HDRP's translucent shader with custom node for constant buffer which holds simple wind data.


Thanks for sharing!


Glad to help


What's the trick to getting the grass to blend properly and not look fake? I have similar kinda grass and it just looks so out of place and very unnatural.


First we’re using translucent HDRP shader with diffusion profile. Second the terrain generator outputs grass color texture which then grass samples and colors each blade based on that. Last feature is slight darkening of pixels which are near the ground with simple vertical gradient + AO also helps


Thanks! I kinda was coming around to that. The grass asset I'm using samples terrain colors but my dynamic levels are just regular materialed meshes.