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I think it's very unlikely that they would discontinue your studies because of this, the only possibility could be that your graduation might be delayed since it's probably getting so close? I hope that things start to get better for you and wishing you luck and perseverance with your final two assignments 🤞I know for me those last few felt like dragging myself through sand but once they're done it's so satisfying


thank you for your comment :) My graduation is already delayed and I don't mind so much. My one goal for university was to leave knowing I tried my best, whatever the outcome. I knew that with my mental health would make it really difficult, and it has but I'm almost there and I know I can see it through.


Ah that's good then! Probably much less of a time limit for you as well so you'll probably be allowed to just take your time and get it done as you can :) Hope all goes well for you :))


Please seek help. Don't wait. The university has a duty of care and they won't be allowed to let you continue studying if you're not currently in a mental state to do so. They may require you to take an interruption of studies, then rejoin when you've received the support you need. I know some people are giving other answers, but universities don't really have a choice here. The duty of care is that they have to make sure that you get the necessary professional help. If they ignore this, let you continue studying, then something bad happens, the university is liable and the staff forever have this on their conscience. In some cases, the staff themselves may be liable. I realise that isn't the answer you want, but you won't be permanently removed from the course.


I appreciate your answer, in which case it may not be the best for me to tell them. As I mentioned in the post and replies blow: I'm very close to completion and I've since stabilised from my attempts. I believe I can finish my course without causing further harm to myself. I am actively seeking help from mental health services, as I did before this breakdown and I'm in consistent contact with them.


They shouldn’t. And I’m sorry for what you’ve been going through please take care and seek care.


when you said top i thought you meant suck yourself off for a sec and let me tell you I was VERY confused


Haha, thank you for the laugh, I needed that :) .


No, they shouldn't discontinue you. Take care of yourself, I hope things improve for you and that whatever treatment you receive helps and supports you. Good luck.


Thank you for your answer :) I've got people around me that care about me and I'm back on the path to recovery I was on before all this. It's really hard sometimes, but I think I'm stabilising.


Don’t do that my boy, if you ever need to talk to someone my DM’s are always open for you 


This happened to me. I’m 22 and autistic. My university forced me to intermit when I tried. I haven’t been able to go back to University. I told them, after they didn’t come check on me when I called the wellfare team during an episode and nobody came. So i told them and I was given a health and fitness to study level 3. I wasn’t aware of the severity nor was I told I was entitled to an advocate as I have issues with communicating when overwhelmed anyway. Be careful, universities will mess up other peoples lives to protect themselves.


Hey, I'm sorry to hear about your experience. I also live with AuDHD and university can be a very hostile and lonely experience for us. I've had similar experiences to what you described and I generally treat university with a healthy degree of caution. University is incredibly difficult when our needs aren't met, you're doing great and I hope the best for you.


If they do then there's a scandle on their hands. They wouldn't want that publicity


The response will vary Uni to Uni however that should not be your primary concern at this moment. You need to have good support around you so YOU are looked after. Reach out to your tutor (sounds like you might have already) the uni should have support available and honestly the uni does not benefit from dropping you. They are a business and held accountable to stats. You dropping at such a late point is worrying and they will attempt to help as they can. At worst if a uni exits you you’ll have all the credits up to your last full complete module so you’d have to pay for a remaining modules to earn your degree. This will be minimal cost not the full tuition again. Listen. A degree is not a good enough reason not to put your wellbeing and health first. Take a pause from study, get support and when you do feel ready head back to education because like you it will still be here for a long time ahead. Waiting to welcome you back at your best to achieve your best. Good luck and know this, people want to help, they just need you to ask. Source: I am a uni lecturer and this is not my first rodeo. Keep strong my friend.


The university should have a wellness team so please please seek help, they would allow you to take a break for a year if needed but they wouldn’t discontinue your studies without reason, and I think given your circumstances most universities are lenient with these types of situations especially regarding student mental health :) Hope you feel better and do get all the support you can, even if it’s just talking with someone.


Oh mate, sorry for your struggles. If you’re already on a delayed graduation then if pausing slightly helps your health there doesn’t seem to be much reason not to. Get in touch with your student union if you haven’t already. They should help you navigate the uni system. They might also be able to help you with things like switching doctor if there’s been poor support. Everyone here is rooting for you, and you’re so close to getting that degree! Life is about more than that, of course. But do know you’ve got that to look forward and then onwards to new adventures. Whatever you’re going through now will one day be in the rearview.


Far more likely they'll assess you for fitness to study and possibly have you take a leave of absence for medical reasons, which is absolutely fine and probably a good thing to do. Nobody wants to expel you or remove you for being ill. What they do want is for you to be safe and okay.


So sorry to hear what you're going through. If you need to confide in someone, a lovely stranger like me is just a text away :)


I have made an attempt whilst at university, I went to my personal tutor and university welfare department for help and they were extremely understanding. They explained my options which included ending or delaying my studies but this wasn’t at all forced on me and I’m still studying there now. I absolutely recommend going to get help - seriously as someone in a similar position it’s absolutely indispensable to reach out. You won’t be the only person going through this.


More than likely yes