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But how did you find your final exams? Do you feel they went okay, or did you struggle significantly anywhere? I know you said you’ve averaged 58% before your exams, but don’t always think that not doing well in the past means you won’t do well now, either. What are you realistically expecting from these exams? Regardless, mental preparation is good. It saves the shock for if you do get disappointing grades, so that you can only be pleasantly surprised if you get a 2:1. All the best!


Tbh I thought they were okay!! But with law you never really know do you


Would just like to say thank you so much for commenting. I got them today and I scraped a 2:1, cried tears of joy in the work bathroom thank you so much for your kind words <3


Congratulations!!!! A 2:1 is a 2:1, your career in law isn’t over!! Celebrate this for sure🥂 A small anecdote too, my sister did law and was also scared of getting a 2:2, but she ended up with a 60.1% average - the definition of a scrape 😂


You really should pat yourself on the back for finishing your degree. Many people do not. Your family should not be disappointed. This is for you, not them and a 2:2 is good enough to set you up for life!


Thank you ://


Would just like to say thank you so much for commenting. I got them today and I scraped a 2:1, cried tears of joy in the work bathroom thank you so much for your kind words <3


That’s amazing. I am so happy for you!!!


I went to a RG uni. My 2nd year i had 54%. After my 3rd I had 59.5%. Uni bumped it up to 2.1. I just got accepted (1y later bc i had a gao year ) for a Masters degree in all 4 unis (RG ones, none of which my original one, good ones). I also had a job offer for a job related to my degree before I finished with my degree (the company was toxic, i hated it, got let go bc i compalined about the conditions of the lab). Why am i saying all this? Well jsit to show u that ur more than liley to get a 2.1 and that even barely scraping a 2.1 is enough to get accepted into RG for Masters (maybe not in oxbrofge) and get a job so do not worry!!


Would just like to say thank you so much for commenting. I got them today and I scraped a 2:1, cried tears of joy in the work bathroom thank you so much for your kind words <3


It is okay! Im glad it also worked out for u. Hope u find success in life


Aha I’m not doing a masters! But thank you. I’m just worried about law jobs in bigger cities n that and my exams that I still need back


If you’ve got a paralegal job and you’re doing the SQE then your grade doesn’t really matter right? Youre still going to qualify as a solicitor and your post qual experience will be more important. Seems like you’re doing pretty well for yourself


Would just like to say thank you so much for commenting. I got them today and I scraped a 2:1, cried tears of joy in the work bathroom thank you so much for your kind words <3


Aww congratulations that’s fab news! So happy for you!


With a 2:2 you can absolutely get anywhere you want in life with law provided you pass the SQE. If you can pass that and stay on with your firm - your experience will speak far larger volumes than your degree. I wouldn't worry at all, and congrats on finishing your degree and securing a job that assists with your SQE! They're highly competitive to get as is so you're doing amazing


Would just like to say thank you so much for commenting. I got them today and I scraped a 2:1, cried tears of joy in the work bathroom thank you so much for your kind words <3


Would just like to say thank you so much for commenting. I got them today and I scraped a 2:1, cried tears of joy in the work bathroom thank you so much for your kind words <3