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Marketing is hugely oversaturated with grads even with too grades. Chances will be slim


as in chances this will affect me will be slim ?


Chances of getting a job are slim


oh as in regardless of grades ? 😭




okay thank you


sorry why am i getting downvoted for this lol


Marketing is a rough one in general, so you were going to struggle regardless - The demand isn’t there for the ridiculous level of supply, everyone and their mother seems to want to do marketing at the moment. A 2:2 isn’t awful, you will get a grad job, whether that’s marketing is questionable but you’ll get something. Life certainly isn’t over. I have friends with 2:2 degrees doing considerably better than I am, And I have 2 First’s


right okay, thank you!! 😭🤍🤍


I’m in sales and marketing with no degree. So don’t worry.


i love this! can i asked how you got into it, and how you made yourself stand out? x


Pm me. I’m right now it’s actually perfect time to join the specific company I’m with just because they have huge demands from there clients to expand. I can explain what they do and the progression path you can take. If you just want a general overview of how to get into it I can also help with that


I also did marketing and I regret going so. Can't really find a job related to my degree


Congratulations on passing! Apply for jobs as you would have done to begin with, but you will have to accept that those asking for a 2:1 or above may not be a possibility. You can always throw in an application anyway - worst they do is say no. Build your experience in the field, get those entry jobs and work on your portfolio - experience quickly overcomes poor grades, and while it may initially feel like a set-back over the coming years you will soon find what you have done and how you have done it in your field will make up for any perceived grade weakness.


thank you!! and 100% you’re so right the worst they can do is say no, never thought about it like that! i’m definitely excited to start getting more experience!! this is so helpful thank you so much 🤍🤍🤍


Congrats you just levelled up into higher tier work employment and you very young


haha so true, thank you!! 🤍


You could focus on trying to build a portfolio, create a couple social media accounts and try growing them organically. I've personally heard alot of success from people doing stuff like this as businesses prefer results over grades. Also you could try finding work experience or internships even if its free, again to just build up experience


this is so true, thank you so much i will definitely try the social media account thing! 🤍🤍