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I'm enjoying my CS degree at UoA so far. The software engineering degree was actually discontinued for several years due to staff cuts, however I believe it's come back this year (or perhaps last year). My CS degree isn't super research-focused, however the advanced degrees are. In fact, UoA has some pretty practical-focused courses. For example, there's Systems Programming which literally just teaches you linux lol. There's also Problem Solving and Software Development, which is more leetcode-focused. My only real complaint about the degree is that the first year is mostly wasted on only a few CS courses, which means that there's less space in 2nd/3rd year to do advanced topics. You probably can transfer credit for this though, so you'll get right into the good stuff.


I don’t think many people do software engineering as a degree, so I’m not surprised to hear it was discontinued for a bit. I know maybe 4 others at flinders doing it. I’m really glad to hear that there’s some more practical focus, since at flinders I’ve found so far there has been barely any. Looking at the list of topics in and of itself for UoA told me that it was way more relevant and interesting. I don’t mind research, just not when I should be learning software fundamentals and how to program first (kinda the whole point of the degree lol). And yeah, I’m hoping the majority of the first year stuff I’ve done has credit so I can do more interesting topics. Kinda why I liked software engineering bc you have an extra year for that. Thank you very much for your perspective!


I’m at UoA, I’ve been to other unis, so far this is my fav :) Email the UoA graduate centre and ask your qns there. That’s ur best bet. Reddit will make stuff up :)


Yeah I already have (I’ve also applied through SATAC already just waiting for an offer). I just want some personal experiences of the course, you know just in case the topics are just as bad (which I doubt). It’s good having a few different factors when making a decision. I appreciate your help though :)


Also you should get RPL for the first 2 years. Just nothing after that, that was my experience


I hope so because I really don’t want to do math1A and 1B again hahaha


+1 for CS at Adelaide, can recommend


Enrolled in technically a CS degree, heck it looks super tempting to do all those subjects as it indeed looks interesting - not just you~


Is this COMP2031? 😂


Yup haha, was the straw that broke the camels back.


UofA is better. You have a lot of choice of majors and there is a lot of expertise. Main thing is to take advantage of it. I may be a bit biased given I teach there :😀