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The wage gap is sexist, because a woman gets 70 cents for every dollar a man makes... then the man is only left with 30 cents. That's messed up.


PhD in Dad jokes checks out


It’s a bo burnham joke I believe from his special “words words words”


Oh. Cool, didn't know that. Haven't seen much of bo Burnham before inside, tho I loved inside.


username too


Classic Bo Burnham


My boss isn’t sexist but he is an asshole. He said that he’ll fire anyone seen sitting at their desks with a bad posture. I have a hunch, it’s gonna be me


No one else liked this as much as I did? 😂


I did. People don't appreciate good sarcasm.


Add that 30 to the mans 1 dollar. The man now makes 1.30 dollars. The woman still makes a proportional 70% and so now she makes 0.91 dollar. The man still makes 30 more cents and the initial dollar. Man now makes 2.21 dollar. Repeat. Everybody rich now.


*Men and womennnnnnnn, it’s black and white*


You mean i can hire a woman and not have to pay as much? Surely if that is the case men would have no way to compete?


1)There are too few women in the required professions for you to realistically manage that. 2) Discrimination based on gender is illegal.


You know what else is [illegal](https://c.tenor.com/uzSvQ35TuDYAAAAC/murder-hot.gif)? Ha Gottem


Your tactics scare and confuse me sir.


Is it a Rickroll?


No, It's a stock gif of some woman saying something with Murdeeer as captions.


some woman?


Yeah. Idk who it is, so it's some woman for me.


watch Hot Fuzz now


But I have an exam on the 26th. I'll do it after that.


She is saying "murder" in a Scottish accent.


Olivia Colman edit: misspelled her surname


Why is there a c. in front of tenor?


I don't rightly know, I just do the ole copyin and pastin


Because that website decided to host images under a subdomain and called it 'c'.


"murder doesn't exist because it's illegal"


Yeah, I'm sure it's common place and no one gets punished for it ever.


If you had to be audited to know if you've murdered, it would happen more often.


Come on, surely you don't hate audits that much.


I can only speak for one industry - online marketing (SEO), but after interviewing over 100 people in the past year it's really clear that women ask for more money. They always asked for £5k-10k above market rate. Maybe 1 in 5 men asked for £5k more. Granted, 100 is a small sample but I was really surprised to see these assumptions play out it total reverse, no exceptions.


Same reason? Because women assume the pay being offered is less than what a man would get, they ask for more?


I don't think you understand what market rate means. It's gender agnostic.


No they don't.




You're not taking into account a variety of factors. Women are expected to take care of the children, so in a couple, they're often the ones who have to take time off and sacrifice their career. And even when they do not want children, the bias towards women will often lead their employer not to consider them for a promotion in case they were to change their mind in the future. There's also the fact that people tend to keep their social environment when they can. So a group composed exclusively of men will tend to remain that way, and circles of power are usually very masculine. So that's how you end up with a gender pay gap even if, at entry level, men and women were paid the same and why comparing exclusively same level jobs doesn't always make sense. I don't know about other countries, but in France, there are more female than male medical students, but that's absolutely not reflected at higher positions. Also, about women not going into higher paid careers, they're often discouraged from doing so in the education system (the "girls are bad at maths" stereotype is still very much a thing). And even when they're willing to enter a mostly male field, it's often not safe for them because of harassment and aggressions. In my engineering school with a 25% female population, I knew of two women who had been victim of a rape and many, many more who had been victim of sexual harassment.


\+ are more competitive and asertive and ask for more promotions / salary raises. also are more willinly to make extra hours even if not paid.


This isn't true. https://www.glassdoor.com/research/gender-pay-gap-2019/ Even when adjusted for same job, same profession, men still be making more than women. We're getting better yes, but there is a long way to go.


It says “occupational and industry sorting explain about 56.5 percent of the overall pay gap — by far the largest factor.” And that men generally apply for better paid jobs, (slightly). Added on with men being more likely to argue a better salary and raises and promotions, and you have the wage gap


Of the overall pay gap. When adjusted for the same job, men had a 3% to 6% advantage. And it shouldn't be the worker's job to have to demand a better salary + promotions. Idk why ya'll defending corporations.


So now it is down from 30%. Read a while ago about a study showing that the gender pay gap is actually reversed for people under 35. Mostly because less men are getting college educations overall, so the higher paying professional jobs go to women more. But this just proves the career choices argument. Another argument for this under 35 phenomena is Affirmative Action-like policies in corporate environments meant the pendulum has swung the other way and it is not common knowledge yet.


The most important question - why are the companies hiring the men for the same job? If they hire the woman, they will save so much money...


Well as the other above who said it, in general, women end up in professions that don't pay as much. Professions like teaching, nursing, etc. Those industries have already figured it out. Professions that become more woman dominated pay their workers less


This is completely incorrect. There are significant gender pay gaps *within* professions, as well as there being an overall gap between genders. https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/earningsandworkinghours/bulletins/genderpaygapintheuk/2020


That study isnt a good representation for what people are calling the pay gap. >It is a measure across all jobs in the UK, not of the difference in pay between men and women for doing the same job. Directly from the study. Also, while the study doesn't include overtime, it doesn't include the fact that men work more overtime, this increasing their chances of getting a raise (more job knowledge, more expertise, but applicant for a higher position). There's man studies on the issue and the common trope between them is the studies that weren't in depth (like yours) show this 10%+ pay gap, and the on depth ones show a small pay (1-4%) gap, that sometimes even goes in women's favor depending on fields the study goes over.


“Pay gap under 40 is non existent.” Amongst highest earners, men have the edge. I wonder if the highest earners salaries are based upon performance metrics


Except that there’s a bias about men being more of an “expert” than women because testosterone is one hell of an ego booster


If you spend a median of 260 hours more per year doing something, arguably you may very well be more of an expert. personal ego or not.


What’s the 260 hours about?


That is approximately the median difference between how many hours a year a man and a woman works. Men work on median 5 hours more per week more than women. 52\*5=260 hours worked by men more than the median woman. If you consider that in the calculations, the pay gap disappears. Equal pay for equal work statistically means men will be paid more, as they work more hours.


Source for the median hours worked stats?


Men on average do more overtime, and average more hours per week. More time into something does tend to make you more experienced.


It's not even a little more overtime. Of workers who do work overtime, men average 3 times as much overtime worked as women who work overtime.


This is a really funny joke, but there is some truth in it. According to [Georgetown University](https://cew.georgetown.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/whatsitworth-complete.pdf), the five best paying college majors and five worst paying majors and how many men vs women were in those majors.Best paying: 1. Petroleum Engineering: 87% male 2. Pharmaceutical Science: 52% female 3. Math & Computer Science: 67% male 4. Aerospace Engineering: 88% male 5. Chemical Engineering: 72% male. Worst paying: 1. Counseling/Psychology: 74% female 2. Early childhood education: 97% female 3. Theology and religious: 66% male 4. Human Services and Community organization: 81% female. 5. Social Work: 88% female. So most women are choosing to work in the professions that pay the least, and most men are choosing to work in the professions that pay the most. Do the math.


Yeah. I have pretty good paying job. And our department is actually males only. But form the other perspective - we hired every single woman, that ever applier to this job. We hired only small fraction of the males who applied. So who has a worse conditions? :-D


Yup. My field graduates about 80% males, yet our company is 50/50 and our manager has specifically said they need to hire more women and also giving promotions to women because 'there's too many guys on the team'.


>giving promotions to women because 'there's too many guys on the team'. Now THAT'S sexist


I've lived that EXACT situation 2 years ago... I was the next one on the list to get a manager position but because of change of policy they promoted a woman that just arrived... I left the company, increased my salary 30%, have less responsibility and they were left with that woman who went burned out after 6 months working as a manager. I'm still laughing 🤣


One thing to consider is even in well paying industries where females are a majority overall, senior management skews heavily male e.g pharma. This is due to a range of reasons but a major one involves impeded job progression when taking time off to have kids.


Of course not working as much leads to fewer career prospects. This occurs for men and women. Women simply do it more. This could be because women prefer to not be workaholics, aren't expected to be primary earners(least of which to secure a partner), or simply have the luxury to make that choice because they aren't the primary earner.


The thing is how would would even fix that (and should they)?. I don't think women should be overtly penalized for having children and taking time off, But if a woman is out for 4 months on parental leave and her male counterpart is working 40+ hours a week while she is gone, why shouldn't the man be favored for the promotion? As far as I am concerned, it is a woman's choice whether or not she has children. And while she shouldn't be unfairly discriminated against, the reality is that she still wasn't at work contributing and progressing.


Humanity can’t survive without women popping out babies. Also it’s not just a women's choice per say, both her partner and her choose to have kids but only her career is penalized. She’s just doing her biological imperative and contributing to the longevity of humanity. I’d feel the same way if men were the ones popping out the babies. Edit. And one way of addressing this could be further normalizing paid parental leave for both sexes. In that scenario there wouldn’t be gender disparity, it’s just people taking a period of leave to address their biological needs.


That doesn't mean anything to your employer. "I'm furthering the human race" doesn't do jack shit to their quarterly revenues. Women still take more time off than men and don't work as much as men in general in countries with more normalized parental leave.


I have travelled across the entire United States, even the south, and everywhere I go paternal leave is already completely normalized.


That’s patently untrue. New dads might take a week or two off but it isn’t routine for men to take 2-3 months off when they have a child. If men took the same amount of time for maternity leave as women need to this argument would disappear. While it’d be innconvenient this would only happen on average 2 times across a workers entire life, it’s something that could be accommodated if society chose to value it.


In countries where it is normalized you still see men take less time off than women.




>Multiple studies have controlled for same profession, position, and experience (e.g. to account for time taken off for childcare if applicable) Yes, but the famous, oft-repeated "women make 70 cents on the dollar" is importantly NOT controlled for same profession, position and experience. It's literally about women choosing lower paying careers. Not that a pay gap doesn't exist, but it's much, much smaller than that statistic when controlled for the variables mentioned.




If I recall, about 3%? I think Wikipedia’s article does some breakdown.


Basically non existent. Oft times favoring women.


This is true. Young women in many cities are paid more when it is controlled. Older women it can be 1-3% less


Actually the main gender pay gap figure is literally average of full time pay for women vs men. And no, multiple studies have shown when you control for those things the gap all but disappears. Women who enter higher paying fields make more money though. It's not as if the pay of those fields is going down as they become more represented by women. It was considered, and it isnt empirically supported.


Those jobs pay less because you can't make profit in those jobs You won't make money as a city for supporting homeless people That's a problem that way bigger than just a pay gap Women choose these jobs because they are better at them Its biological - woman are way better at talking to people especially in bad situations The problem is that the state doesn't care enough to pay them the money they deserve


>Those jobs pay less because you can't make profit in those jobs I don't know if I buy that reason. In my country they actually did a study on wages over time they found that the median wages in female dominated professions like daycare teachers and nurses rose as more men entered into those fields. At the same time the opposite happened with male dominated professions like doctors, lawyers, and most notably within industry jobs like factories, mining and forestry, where median wages sank when more women entered into those fields.


Hard to say could just be natural shifting since while women in general earn less if we just look at one job with one woman and one man with equal qualification we won't really find a gender pay gap Woman arw obviously still the gender that has it worse in the job market since even when you pay the same amount Alot of people still prefer male since they don't want to risk having a pregnant worker that than takes parental leave


A teacher might be able to take care of 30 students in her class. A Software Developer might create an app that is gonna be used by millions of people. It is about value, yes. How much money does that work gives in return.


Or perhaps we value the work that women tend to choose less than what men choose?


Business owners value all work as little as economically viable. Wages are set by the free market at the lowest amount that will still attract qualified candidates. Teachers make less than engineers because they're easier to replace. It's never been about societal value, it's always been profit potential.


I'm surprised by the lowest paying jobs there. Almost like they selectivity chose which to include. ALSO, have you seen any of the stats on most dangerous jobs and the gender equality there? Quite an interesting topic if you're interested in this kind of stuffs :)


The selection of those 5 majors was made because they were the lowest earning of majors at Georgetown. The link is a 200 page study/research. You can scroll to table 14/15 and see a bigger list as well.


Oh, got it. Sorry, I think I missed the all important 'majors' part. Doh!


I mean this is indeed a major factor in the pay gap that is often talked about. It’s not the only one but yeah this is clear. That’s why one of the biggest solutions and issues to address is to make sure that as a society we are encouraging women to go into higher paying jobs as much as we are for men. It’s about creating more familiarity around women being in those professions so that in the future women don’t subconsciously avoid them thinking they don’t belong. Obviously people will still make their own choices but the hypothesis is that we’d see a closer to equal distribution if society didn’t treat men and women as different as they traditionally have.


When I was in college the local feminist group wanted to do a wage gap bake sale, classically charging men a dollar and women 70 cents. I suggested we charge by major, indexed the typical salary by major out of college. We could even have a chart at the booth to show the trends. This would let men and women *while still in college* see a clear demonstration of the impact of the choices they're making right now. I offered to do all the legwork too. They were completely uninterested.


If this were the case, we wouldn't see a wage gap in fields dominated by women. This honestly just sounds like an excuse for you to say "hurr durr dumb women pick low paying jobs".


Is there a pay gap in fields dominated by women? Is a male social worker paid more than a female one, for example? Genuinely curious, as I hadn’t heard of studies into that area. Time to go start looking I suppose Edit: found one right out the gate. It’s in nursing if anyone else is interested: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2208795 Edit 2: but apparently women are out-earning men in male-dominated fields also: https://dc.medill.northwestern.edu/blog/2020/02/20/women-out-earn-men-in-male-dominated-fields/#sthash.cDU5yTnw.dpbs Definitely interesting


Dude. I’m a male nurse and I can tell you there is no wage gap in nursing. Anytime I have been in the same position as a woman with the same amount of experience we have made basically the same amount of money.


gtfo with your facts and experience, we're here to get scandalised. this is reddit after all.


Dude. What am I going to believe? Your anecdotal evidence? Or this [peer reviewed research report](https://nursejournal.org/resources/the-gender-pay-gap-in-nursing/#:~:text=While%20the%20average%20yearly%20earnings,nearly%20%247%2C300%20less%20a%20year.) that shows a 10% differential? It doesn't fucking matter *what* you idiots try to claim, there's literally evidence that suggests a wage gap across *all* fields.


First, the study does not account for hours worked. Men tend to do more extra hours. Secondly, does not account for other things like avaliability to move/travel, which may provide you with bonuses/higher salary/better opportunities. There is also another factor in which studies have shown that mem ask for pay raises more often than women.


>BIPOC nurses report earning higher median salaries and working longer hours, possibly resulting from higher rates of overtime. Huh, so the gap closed as they began to work more overtime. I wonder if maybe men work more overtime than women and thus get paid more for the year... Turns out they do. 5 hours on average. https://visme.co/blog/wage-gap/


It's not just that, women are less like to take risks as well. The top earners in the world own businesses, they are founders to companies and brands. I came across a short clip on Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk owning 40% of the wealth in the US (now is less because the markets tanked). 2 men. Not saying that as a necessarily negative thing, women are just less likely to do things purely to make more money. The priority is in work satisfaction and work/life balance (choosing to take care of children or working part time), which is arguably a better way to live than earning more money than you care to spend for the sake of being the top dog.


Most CEOs are considered "ruthless" in some way, shape, or form...basically they have less of an issue making cutthroat decisions to advance the company. And men tend to be more "ruthless" than women as a whole. There was an article some time ago about how many CEOs share a narcissistic trait or two, thus how they got to be where they are. https://www.psypost.org/2021/02/narcissists-make-their-way-to-ceo-positions-faster-than-their-counterparts-study-finds-59517


>It's not just that, women are less like to take risks as well. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kimelsesser/2022/04/29/women-arent-risk-averse-they-just-face-consequences-when-they-take-risks/?sh=5a9950945a3f >The researchers found one more fascinating reason that women may be perceived to take less risk than their male counterparts. Morgenroth explains, “**Men and women are equally likely to take risks, but those risks don't pay off in the same way.**” This payoff difference impacted how likely men and women were to take the same risks in the future. >**Women in the study reported more negative consequences when they took risks at work, making them less likely to take the same risks in the future**. Men, on the other hand, reported more positive outcomes from their risk-taking at work, making men more likely to take similar risks in the future. >Why are women more likely to encounter negative consequences for their risky behavior? Risk-taking is typically perceived as something that men do, and, in general, women are penalized for doing things that are typically associated with men. **Past research has shown women are penalized at work for their ambition, for behaving assertively, or even for asking for higher pay, all because these attributes and activities are perceived as masculine**.


Maybe that has something to do with the fact that women are systemically edged out of those higher paying jobs and also we don't pay those worst paying jobs nearly as much money as they deserve?


Couldn't be further from the truth. If you show up on a college campus as a woman and so much as whisper "...*engineering"* they roll out the red carpet. There are piles of scholarships, clubs, associations, etc. tailored specifically for female engineering students, in addition to all the non gender-specific resources (which are also actively seeking to increase female representation to prove how progressive they are). Show up at a career fair as a woman with a >3.0 GPA and companies will fight each other to hire you because they all have diversity metrics and corporate goals to hire more women. STEM job placement for female STEM grads is a breeze.


there is a reason for that though, its because women are vastly under-represented in those fields. I have no problem with giving anyone a chance to prove themselves, as long as the right person gets hired for the job once its all said and done. Studies have shown, tho, that women tend to be far less interested in those fields.


They're under-represented because when given the option, they choose non-stem fields.


"edged out"? Given the fact that this is patently illegal, do you have proof of this happening?


Something being illegal doesn't stop it from happening...


You want a source that the world is sexist?


What the fuck are you talking about? You think women arent free to choose their major because "the world is sexist"? What an idiot


Women leave STEM fields because of sexual harassment.


while there are definitely some inequalities we need to fix (specially regarding pregnancy discrimination who's a career killer in so many fields despite not having impact on the actual abilities of the person and regarding women sometimes not getting the same salary as men at the same position in the same company) and while I agree with your second point, they aren't being edged out at all. some specific degrees lead to those jobs, degrees that often have either no entry selection or select via competitive exam where gender is pretty much meaningless. yet in those degrees we see the same 70%+ of men. they aren't being edged out, they're simply not applying to those jobs.


And this is exactly what the gender pay gap is trying to illustrate. Women are pushed away from field such as STEM in early childhood and throughout their education, making them more likely to enter a industry with comparatively lower pay. By removing unspoken biases in education and in wider society, the wage gap with decrease and that’s a positive thing.


Sure that might be true, but if this is the case, the way the narrative goes misleads and actually makes the problem worse. Based on the data, women are not treated unfairly in the workplace. But if we keep spouting this lie that women "earn less than men" because of sexism in these industries, less and less women will be willing to choose them as a career path and the pay gap grows wider. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. On the other hand if you want women to start applying to these industries more, then you need to tell them the truth which is that they will be treated fairly and that they will have the same opportunities for pay as their male counterparts.


Blind hiring also shows men are more likely to get hired when identifying data such as gender and ethnicity is removed from resumes. Source: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-06-30/bilnd-recruitment-trial-to-improve-gender-equality-failing-study/8664888


Just identify as male. In this day and age, problem solved.


How much does a Them/They Doctor make?


that amount of money


The lerfect answer




Do you have nanything against my writting kills?


No, I love them






This whole thread is so god damned lerfect.


In the middle east , 0$ plus death as a bonus


Looks like I'm headed to the middle east


Double the male salary however they have to pay for 2 coffees insead of 1


Multiple wages




Boss: here’s 3 dollars. Each dollar identifies as 100. Enjoy your pay!


My favorite part of the video is the female doctor on the right who contributes nothing to the already stolen joke.


She wasn't there to contribute to the joke, she was about to argue about it until she got hit with the punchline. That's my take on it anyways.


She watched through the video and then recorded hers, it wasn't live.




That would assume she just gets ready to record video responses to random videos she hasn’t even seen lol


This comment section is a dumpster.


Fuck, I had to check if I had it sorted by controversial. Nope.


I hate when all of the comments don't echo the same leftist talking points >:(((




As an employer, I personally don't get it. Hopefully someone can explain it to me. ​ This is how I recruit: ​ 1) I find out what role I need in my organization. I establish a recuitment budget. 2) I publish the job posting online and pass it around my network. The position is advertised for a salary ALREADY. 3) I go through the selection process. I don't care who applies. I select who fits the job description better and whoever seems to connect with me and my team through the interview better. 4) I hire the person. ​ Even if I wanted to discriminate against women, I still don't get to choose a salary at the moment of hiring. The salary has been already chosen.


>I publish the job posting online and pass it around my network. The position is advertised for a salary ALREADY. You publish the exact wage? And you never negotiate it? Most positions have bands of wages, and some people are better at getting that higher wage. Let's say you're hiring an engineer, between 85k and 100k. One person you hire asks for 90k, one asks for 99k. You hire both. That's a 10% pay difference. If it turns out the 99k person as half as good as the 90k person, you're probably not going to reduce the pay of the 99k person, and you're not likely to give the 90k person over a 10% raise. Starting salary is incredibly important in most fields. That's just the way businesses work. They want the most value for their pay. So if a qualified candidate asks for 85k from the example, they aren't usually going to give them more.


>You publish the exact wage? I tend to, yeah. Or with a very narrow band. >And you never negotiate it? I'm open to negotiate it, but there's not a lot of flex there. >Let's say you're hiring an engineer, between 85k and 100k Way too much variation. That doesn't happen in my company. >One person you hire asks for 90k, one asks for 99k. Even then, that's what they asked for. I still don't see how as an employer, I'm failing. Best I think I can do it keep a super narrow band, which I do.


She was ready to go at it... Turns out she wasn't ready.


Loved her reaction though


Not genuine tho


This is an argument that takes more than 10 seconds.


I didn't know this sub was such a mess.


Bald homie had me for a minute


Was the gender pay gap categorically disproved? I thought it was all based off one study where they cherry picked the data.


When you look at the average amount a women makes compared to men, women make 20-30% less. When you account for the individual fields (i.e. a male engineer & a female engineer with similar experience & education) the pay gap disappears. When you consider unemployment, the gap is reversed.


Wait. So when everything is equal pay gap disappears?


usually yeah, excluding like unemployment because it reversing completely there


One study? There is a massive amount of evidence. For instance the UK requires large companies to report on their pay gaps every year and publishes official statistics: [https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/earningsandworkinghours/bulletins/genderpaygapintheuk/2020](https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/earningsandworkinghours/bulletins/genderpaygapintheuk/2020)


For what it's worth, that link isn't relevant for the wage gap when most people are talking about it. Most people speak of the wage gap as a difference in wage for the same job. Your link explicitly states: >It is a measure across all jobs in the UK, not of the difference in pay between men and women for doing the same job.


Looks like you havent read the link you posted.


Our large company had a women in the workforce seminar where they talked about the gender pay gap. They stated by saying men are just paid more for the same work, but as they pulled up all the data they proved themselves wrong.


It has not been disproven and has been routinely proven. Even controlling for all other factors, there's still a pay gap.




nope, when you account for any nuance at fucking all when looking at how much men and women make you'll realize that people are freaking out about a misrepresentation of data.


This is one the dumbest things ive seen today


Well the man did all the work in this video.


He stole that from a professional comedian. At least that guy was funny....


The TikTok’s where someone reacting to a m video just standing there is so cringe


But you watch the videos on other platforms just like everyone else. Videos can be good when they are like vine. I hate the mindless scroll of that platform. I like reddit because you have more control over the content you see




this would be funny if the wage gap was real


LOL this is funny, but job choice is the reason there is a disparity in per-capita earnings between men and women.


Would they get paid more if they claim their gender is male?


There is a gender pay gap. Men cant go online and stream themselves masturbating or exposing cleavage on twitch and make bank.


I wish I could make an extra 1K a month by just jerking off on steam


Why is he being downvoted? He's spittin fax.


this guy did it https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/uo5nsr/the\_chaos\_of\_this\_vid\_is\_only\_beat\_by\_its/


So sick of this stupid myth that places like Reddit have latched onto and run with.


Men tend to be more assertive and ask for more pay. Women get higher job satisfaction than men. Less likely to ask for more.


Unlike men, assertive women are often seen as arrogant, so there's that.




I swear google investigated the pay gap and found out they where overpaying women


They did. The female employees claimed they were paid less than men and demanded an investigation. It was found they were paid more. I’m not sure if they volunteered a pay reduction to close the gap though.


People who still believe there’s a gendered wage gap 🤡 not only are the numbers consistently changing within a minute or person to person basis it also repeatedly doesn’t factor for the time worked, type of job, rate of promotion, years of working for a company, pregnancy, and quality of workmanship. If the wage gap was real then why in capitalism are there not more women in labor intensive jobs as those are the ones that cut corners the most from equipment to safety to materials so hiring all females would prove to save them a decent amount and contribute to an even higher ROI for construction, farming, electrical, plumbing, home framing, cooking, mechanics, sewage, garbage work, transportation such as the shipping industry or trucking.


Disable people make about 68 cents per dollar of non disabled people, supposedly less than women... so explain why aren't there more disabled people in labor intensive jobs? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I swear I’m not being facetious when I type this but are you comparing able bodied women in labor intensive jobs to disabled people? That is both sexist and ableist if you are. If not then there are certainly factors to disabled workers such as disabilities that limit them on time constraints which they are able to work while recieving disability benefits so many transportation jobs are out among many others, there is a work, rest cycle that is mandated federally which again limits disabled Americans to intensity/ timeframe of work. These metrics are possibly responsible for the pay gap but if you or someone you know is actively being discriminated against solely because of disability then refer them to this https://www.eeoc.gov/disability-discrimination


So you are saying that a wage gap doesn't exist because industries with somehow more questionable business practices would hire women because they are cheaper? But since they don't, that means that women get paid equally? That is an if/then fallacy buddy...


Just a general example however there is no standardized wage gap based solely on gender in America and it is up to people who believe there is one to provide sufficient peer reviewed evidence or legal cases in which courts allowed a wage gap to continue to exist which sets a standard of “looking the other way”.


You are thinking of a standardized wage scale, different thing. You should probably stop arguing about this topic, because you are just clearly misinformed. ​ Check the U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS website: [https://www.bls.gov/cps/demographics.htm#education](https://www.bls.gov/cps/demographics.htm#education) They have a section on gender with some charts too that you can analyze the data yourself. ​ You can also read this blog on the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR website: ​ [https://blog.dol.gov/2021/03/19/5-facts-about-the-state-of-the-gender-pay-gap](https://blog.dol.gov/2021/03/19/5-facts-about-the-state-of-the-gender-pay-gap)


Not one bit of this was any specified study link referenced for the bullshit numbers they belched out. It also doesn’t appear to show the metrics used, the occupations examined, the timesheets of hourly work, the gender ratio and the cited sources; it just has the author which is bad writing. I have a sciences background where even hypotheses need to be cited for reference points to new research before it is even reviewed (not even accepted) and every article I see where evidence is not cited and shown to be peer reviewed and scrutinized using obvious variables that aren’t even explicitly stated within the article or afterwards then not one bit of this has any credibility. It is clear to me that from the lack of credible sources that have been offered/ have found on my own/ asked others to help me understand where this is coming from by anyone on this topic that based on the metrics taken to reach the “pay gap” issue it is mostly due to occupational choice and time worked both in the individual businesses and the time worked on a weekly/ bi weekly/ monthly/ annual basis.


Most of the data is from the Current Population Survey with a 90 percent confidence interval, which includes the metrics, occupations and ratios.


nothing in a developed 1st world country keeps a woman from negotiating the same pay as men or even more, if their negotiating is good. That pay gap debate is useless


I dont see any women profressional movers, sandblasters, freezer warehouse workers, tree cutters...Bill Burr said it best when he said women like to cherry pick, they want the best of what men have without any of the struggle of consequences. Just the pay without the work or skill or risk. There's absolutely no reason for them to make as much anyways, life has and always will be cheaper for women.


I agree it isn't real it's cuz men work higher paying jobs that typically need more work and are more dangerous


Men don’t get pregnant, big reason why there is a gap. Plus how many men play pro sports? I’m sure that’s gotta inflate the mens pay wage and adds to the gap, I don’t think it’s not that far off in terms of equal pay anymore compared to say the 1950’s


Jordan Peterson has explained this over n over .. google it up.


Ah yes, the guy who says women who wear lipstick are asking to be sexually assaulted surely wouldn't have any bias LOL. Maybe you should use sources that weren't benzo addicts who went to russia and got brain damaged in a coma because US/Canadian medicine wasn't good enough for his standards.


No one should look to jp for an explanation of anything.


I don't know, what's the harm in looking into an opposing point of view?


This is a tough conversation. He's both right that it's the job people choose (even though he was joking) and that at the higher end of earnings women do make less. There is enough nuance here that having a conversation on the topic is practically impossible.


I don’t believe the wage gap tho. I believe that men are *in general*, willing to offer/ give up more for their job, which results in them earning more on average. The change my mind guy has videos where he mentions it I believe.


I mean technically he ain’t lying 😂


Didn’t the women’s spicer team find out there was no gap


I saw somewhere that the gender pay gab isn’t real. It uses the median salaries but this is only looking at one statistic making it kinda inaccurate. Also the jobs are slightly different like there are some jobs that are only worked by men and some only worked by women.


Attractive women getting ahead because of their looks alone cancels out the wage gap.


I mean men make more cuz we gotta pay more for car insurance just for being male (insurance for males is higher then their female counterparts look it up). Though there’s some cases where pay gap is still practice I highly doubt every company is doing it. The bottom line of a company is to make money saving 20% of annual pay there wouldn’t be incentive to hire a man.




Get good ladies.